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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm IRST

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in the evening, dear compatriots, we have arrived at 17:00 and we present the news of this hour. the qassam brigades announced that in response to the killing of palestinian civilians in the gaza strip , they targeted the occupied city of tel aviv with a missile attack. according to reports, 15 explosions were heard in tel aviv after these attacks. brizban sources reported that several zionists were wounded in herzliya as a result of these attacks. looking forward to shipping. a rocket of the military wing
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of the hamas movement sounded the alarm in several towns in the north of the occupied territories. 6 weeks after iran's missile and drone attack on the occupied territories of rais the president of the united states hinted at the ineffectiveness of the zionist air defense and said: if it were not for the help of the united states and its allies, these devastating attacks would have had a different outcome. in the gathering of the military of this country at west point military college in new york, biden called iran's missile and drone attack unprecedented and huge and said that the united states brought together a range of countries to counter this attack. biden added that on the night of iran's attack , he monitored the situation momentarily from the white house war room. islamic revolutionary guards corps on april 25 in response to the zionist regime's attack on the consular section our country's embassy in damascus and the martyrdom of a number of han commanders and advisors. the military
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targeted certain positions of the zionist regime in the occupied territories with dozens of drones and missiles. continuation of the conflict between the zionist police and haredi jews. the clashes started after this radical zionist group showed up in mount miron in the north of occupied palestine last night, ignoring security orders . the security officials of the zionist regime could not. lebanon's hezbollah operations in the northern areas of occupied palestine declared this annual ceremony prohibited, but it was not four media reported that at least 600 haredi residents reached this area without paying attention to security warnings, which led to a conflict with the police of this regime. it is said that at least 4,000 city dwellers have announced their plan to attend this event, which may lead to more conflicts.
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the libertarian party is going to announce its candidate for the 2024 us presidential election this sunday. the libertarian and green parties are among the third-season parties in the american political system, which usually criticize the policies of both the dominant republican and democratic parties, but have the ability they do not compete with these parties, and in the presidential elections , they get about 1% of the people's votes. most of the supporters of these young parties are critical of the dominant parties' policies. the recent anger of the american students and young people against the policies of the two muslim parties towards the gaza war and the zionist regime has caused some media in america to predict an increase in the votes of third parties in the upcoming elections. the minister of labor and social cooperation
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announced the creation of a special working group to improve the condition of workers in the country. mr. mortazavi said at the 8th national labor conference: increasing health and safety with people's participation is one of the main goals of this working group in 1403. the purpose of holding all these meetings is to improve the condition of the worker, god willing, and he mentioned a few issues, one of which is that no workshop should be closed. one of the characteristics of ayatollah raisi was that he used to say that under no circumstances should the workshop be closed. if a workshop has a financial crisis, it should be resolved. if a workshop has bank debt, its problems must be solved. and if that debtor
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is not able to manage the factory under any circumstances, the management of the factory should be taken from him, but the workshop should not be closed under any circumstances. tobacco factor the occurrence of one third of cancers in the country. the general director of iran's anti-tobacco society said that out of 150,000 new cases of cancer in the country, 50,000 cancers are related to tobacco use. places that have a license can sell cigarettes and tobacco products. according to the statistics of the ministry of health, 85 % of supply centers and consumption centers are not licensed by the law. no, as a result of easy access, convenience and cheapness, these are among the factors that have made our youth easily accessible. the birth of leilani's quintuplets in east azarbaijan province.
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leilani's mother had quintuplets in her second pregnancy. mrs. fatemeh salimi has a 5-year-old daughter from her first pregnancy. baby. this is very great and very rare. my first child is a girl. my name is selena. how long has it been now? she was 5
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years old. at first, i was shocked, what a great favor god has shown us. after that, i became happy again. their physical condition is very good, they are very decent. the young mother went to the operating room at 9 o'clock . fatemeh's parents, husband and young child are impatient and worried. he will deliver to our newborns department and , god willing, will deliver to their families without any problems we will about an hour has passed since fatima went to the operating room and now there is good news from this room. promises were born one after another. both our mother is very good and our five sons
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are good. all five baby boys were transferred to the intensive care unit for further care. children appear healthy in the initial examination. two of the children have mild breathing problems, and we are taking them to the nicu to care for them. will do. d to young people need financial support to raise five babies, even emotional support, please help them. i will raise these five children . mohammadian, reporter of tabriz sed and sima news agency. thank you for your attention.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings and a good time . dear viewers of the khabar channel, with a wave of activity in the northern parts of our country , we are witnessing the coverage of black hair in these areas. we have that for the next few hours in the areas of the north-west of the slopes of alborz , parts of the center and the slopes of the central zagros. sometimes we can witness rain, lightning and wind due to the intensity of rain in the north
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of west azarbaijan province, north of zanjan, parts of gilan , areas of ghazlin province and the highlands of alborz and tehran provinces. we predict the flooding of seasonal rivers, the possibility of lightning strikes and the possibility of hail in these areas. along with the rain , momentary strong winds will also occur. to some extent in areas of the north central isfahan province, qom and central zagros slopes , we will sometimes have an increase in rainfall in these areas as well. from monday, we expect rains with less intensity to some extent in the north- west of the central alborzeh in these areas. secondly, for the northern parts of our country, in the next few days, we will have
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an increase in temperature, especially in the coastal provinces of the caspian sea, as well as in ardabil province, the increase in temperature is more noticeable, with strong winds blowing in areas from the east and southeast. in our country, especially in the north of sistan and baluchistan, there is sometimes a dust storm it leads to reduced visibility and reduced air quality . similarly, in the slopes of alborz in the central parts of the southern regions of our country, the speed of the wind increases in hours. strong winds bring the possibility of damage to temporary structures. the next 3 days will be rough and turbulent. the coasts of khuzestan provinces will be rough towards hormozkan province. sea warnings have been issued . we also have an orange marine warning.
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it is turbulent for tehran province during the hours in the future, in addition to the seasonal increase in rain , we will have lightning, strong winds will occur in parts of tehran province, in the northern and upper parts of the province, the meteorological warning is valid , there will be a possibility of water flowing , there will be a possibility of lightning strikes, and there is also a possibility of heavy rain. along with the rains , it is predicted in the northern regions of our country. in addition to this , we will have an increase in temperature until the end of the week for tehran province. thank you and god bless you.
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water waves sports complex, the owner of the most exciting water sports equipment, the largest rooftop solar power plant in the country with an area of ​​10,000 meters the square opens with a production capacity of one and two tenths of megawatts of electricity. a big step towards the goals of the sports complex. blue waves of mashhad sports complex blue waves of mashhad the wave of exciting news is endless. near imam rauf's shrine , you will be a guarantor for serving the pilgrims and fellow travelers. no , i don't know what's going on. go out, go out , go out, go out, go out. don't do it later. home appliances, do you want a guarantor, don't you want , don't you want?
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how long will a workshop as large as iran last? if. i said, "don't call it, your father doesn't like it. will we be cool if we don't say its name?" then, when you can easily buy one of this brand , what were we talking about? it's called shenyar, a low-power brand, they say, i bought it in installments and it's very economical . now you can buy this brand. where can i buy niara low-consumption, cost-effective installments? it is known that sarai
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irani sells special types of coolers with great conditions. exceptional in the large iranian palaces in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in afsariyah palace. the transparency of the fight against corruption is the key word that was repeated in all his conversations, even in the tenth and last one shabar's television talk about bank debtors who used to talk a lot in meetings and circles
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saying so and so, this is how we made it public , we said that everyone should know about the bank's super debtors. my bank can give him an education. from the very beginning and even from the time he was assigned to the head of the judiciary, he sought to implement them in the economy of the banking system. economic security and production security. one of the necessities is the condition of economic security and security for producers to deal with economic corruptors and those who disrupt production . here, the role of the judiciary is an important role.
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we should try with all our heart to fight oppression, fight corruption, fight discrimination in the society that is not liked by his highness. there should be no corruption in the society, corruption should not be allowed anywhere in the islamic system. transparency definitely helps. both to the monitoring devices to take good care, to the managers to manage well, and to the people to monitor well. clarity of the matter it is very blessed. enough of the corrupt heads must be corrected. corruptors must be dealt with. the sources of corruption that were corrected when banks were educated. our economic cases are from the same category of people who go to get a loan and have to spend it in their own place. they are going to spend it elsewhere . people should receive facilities for production and go to brokers. people who
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get education should take action from inside . we should not be bitten from the same hole twice. you see, i was the head of the entire country in 1974. we had a case related to that time. with these embezzlement cases, 124 billion was discussed at that time, and these or 123 billion were known. after a while, the number and figure of other cases increased, then 3 thousand billion, which means that the person is different , the amount has increased, but the nature of the case is the same , that is, of the same kind. a case that should not have happened years ago, how many of you have seen on tv these courts that have bank arrears, how much they have bank arrears, the bank and the banker should treat the nation's money as if it were his own money and above his own money . granting facilities is one of those structures that should it must be corrected, that is what i am saying the structures should be reformed, which means that we should not witness a case every day. at the end of his efforts
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to reform the bank's education process and fight against corruption, the establishment was established. i finished the special complex for economic crimes in bahman 2018. peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad , god willing, it will help in the direction of economic transparency and fight against economic crimes, and it will be a step in the direction of transparency, god willing, the result of which ended up bringing the bank super debtors to the court table. some of the super debtors we brought a bank to trial and before they could find a conviction in court, their money was taken from them. their property was taken by the honorable judges of our prosecutors.
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one, being popular, two, being anti-corruption, three, revolutionary spirit. tan means that our people can be . one of the problems that people say today is the issue of corruption . you see, we
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have dealt with the corrupt in the judicial system, but dealing with corruption in the government is an important issue of transformation in the banking system, and this must be solved with the power of bank arrears. it is not possible to pay for education because there is a problem with the account, either in the banks, the operating banks or even the supervision by the central bank. one of the serious problems of the country is the lack of transparency, now if we implement transparency many issues are solved and finally he reached the presidency and became the eighth president of iran mr. seyed ebrahim raisi with more than 17 million and 800 thousand voters. for our strength and unity, no matter how hard they try to beat us
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, we are ours to the bottom. forget your previous goals, fight corruption as the first. the order announced that on the day the government starts working, we will announce that all corrupt platforms, platforms that create rent in the country, should be terminated, and repeated follow-ups to deal with bad bank accounts by clarifying their names continued. we have a series of bad bank debtors. these crooks should be known to all banks, after all, they should know that they are crooks , the result of all this follow-up and insistence on dealing with crooked bankers, which
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was approved for the first time in the budget law of 1401, was published on the website of the central bank of the islamic republic of iran and in after that, half of the banking education per year in 1401, it became clear that people with bad accounts or super debtors. some of the things that have been done in this period, this transparency is happening in this period , it is not like before. there are some people who are super bank debtors. you can't pay , leaving the banks empty-handed just like that , well, you got the corrections, come, pay again , come and fulfill your obligations, this is, in my opinion, in the direction of clarification and discipline. the two or three steps taken in practice are important steps. also for 3 years in a row, this paragraph
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was satisfied with the transparency of its approval. the names of the first debtors and the other debtors are not in the phone. they let everyone see the sites first. the smile that was short-lived could not be seen on tv again. the transparency that was created not only in the field of macro education, but also with the follow-up of our martyred president in the fields of education information of related parties of banks, education paid by banks to their own companies, education paid to bank employees and the level of bank ownership. they will be sara fazli, sed and sima news agency.
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a workshop as wide as iran, the water sports complex with the most exciting water sports equipment, the country's largest rooftop solar power plant with
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an area of ​​10,000 square meters.
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four months and bank facilities for 36 months, the engine is big , the distinction is in motion, wind a little more to cool down, blow the wind, be ashamed , you will perish in this house, why don't you buy an air conditioner, the account balance is not enough , this is the reason, it is not the reason, it is not the reason, we are going to the city
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of buying accessories . allah, the merciful, the merciful. hello fellow countrymen , i am at your service at 17:30 with some news from the field of science and technology. specialists of a unit technologists managed to produce a new generation of hand rehabilitation. this product is suitable for patients with hand movement disorders and can improve the quality of life for patients by compiling instructions.


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