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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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shasta bismillah, rahman, raheem, hello , welcome to this news section at one in the morning. the end of the 16-year wait of the hamedanis for the ekbatan children's hospital, the minister of health said in the opening ceremony of this hospital that this hospital is equipped with orthopedic surgery, hematology and special care departments and is known as the center of treatment for children in western iran. before our government, our people's government 500 we had the pc bed. it has increased to 1000, which means it has doubled
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, and fortunately, there are 40 p.s.i.v. beds here , which means that children who are sick can take care of them. this hospital has 272 beds there is, and in fact , there are good facilities in this hospital, and the government has allocated about 350 billion tomans for him in provincial travel . alhamdulillah, we have seen very good doctors and specialists and very good staff here. the completion and equipping of the 272-bed tabi hospital in ekbatan hamedan was accelerated by the visit of martyr ayatollah raisi in august 1401 to this province, and it was supposed to be opened in june this year with the presence of the president, and on the eve of
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the summer season, niro held a meeting with the country's steel trade association from the electricity supply of this industry was announced as in the last two years and you said that the highest amount of energy consumption is in the industry sector, mr. mehrabian added that the share of industry is increasing every year, managing its consumption can increase production and benefit in the field of energy , almost half of the country's electricity consumption. it is related to the country's steel industries, our maximum effort is that the energy we deliver has a significant growth compared to the previous years, in the summer of 1402 compared to the summer of 14025, we had an increase in electricity consumption , most of our steel units are units that are actually operated at night. they are producing every day . the decision we made this year was that.
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in fact, they should manage the association itself in coordination with the members, and between the members, for example, one member may have repairs, overhaul, or some members have orders. inshallah, the energy will be used to the maximum . minister of roads and urban development , the operation of the 270 km euclid yazd railway has started. this route includes 270 km of main line and 49 km of station lines and 11 stations. five stations have now been completed. there are other problems alhamdulillah , the operation of moving the cargo train will take place on this line, by the grace of god, in the next two days , the passenger train will also run. one line a day. well
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, this time reduction of about four hours, which happens from shiraz to the holy city of mashhad , and vice versa from mashhad to fars province , which also passes through yazd province , is one of the constant requests of the people of this province. reducing time will have many different effects in terms of saving energy , time spent, safety of passenger traffic and the speed of moving goods and cargo, as well as the transportation of goods by road. in the two months of this year, iron has increased by 26 compared to the same period last year . according to the general manager of the southeast railway, more than 162,000 tons of cargo have been moved through the sistan-baluchestan railway to neighboring countries and within the country. the layers that we
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move in sistan baluchistan province are mostly oil products that are fueled by the country's oil flight distribution company. sistan-baluchistan province is transported by rail fleet, which also caused the removal of about 5 thousand trucks from the roads of the province . a factory whose workers are more impatient these days they have always been. hepco is one of the production units. it is a heavy machinery for road construction and mining, which was once completely shut down, but with the support of mr. raisi, it was revived and is currently being produced at full capacity. revival of closed and semi-closed production units
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was one of the priorities of president shahid in the past 3 years, and about 9 thousand closed and semi-closed units were revived during this period. we are talking about a man who if it wasn't for this factory would have turned into a pile of dirt. a device that can be produced in iran, why should it be included in your blessed journey, those days that are direct and unmediated?
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wahme thanked them next to their boss for visiting us, and he said that there is no need to thank me, my duty is to come here to visit, and those slogans are the reason why they visited.
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improving the use of artificial intelligence in the electricity industry will actually reduce our costs . correct decisions in the electricity industry. in fact , you know that the electricity industry is one of the most key components of the country's development, and the management and leadership of this industry is in the form of it plays a significant role in reducing the cost and management of the country's development, so we have a serious decision to use this technology in the water and electricity industry. let the country develop, thank you for your support.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god, whose memory is peaceful and hearts are calm . hello, dear and respected viewers. you are a special viewer of the martyr president's program . thirteenth was special attention and attention to the field of environment. for this purpose, we invited dr. samia rafiei, the respected head of the environmental faction of the islamic council of iran, to discuss this issue with her. sekke, mrs. dr. rafiq
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, i greet you, i am also your servant i greet all the noble and honorable people of iran and wish you health. of course, i offer my condolences. the hard days of the iranian nation and the uprising of gratitude of the iranian nation showed that each of the officials, if with if they pursue all their work with integrity and honesty , they will definitely be appreciated by our dear, honorable and noble people, as hazrat agha also pointed out that it is a matter of the magnificent funeral that was carried out for the martyrs of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom of the martyrdom, which means full support. and perfection of the people. it was the revolution and the ideals of the revolution , in which the discussion of martyrdom has a special place
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last year, during the government week, in order to thank the government for its honest services, i said that this government sees power as a religious duty to provide special services to the people, and this should become a culture that power does not mean power by itself, not only that doesn't make sense, but in all the political schools of the world, in fact , materialistic arguments are raised, but in the islamic republic of iran, in the system of the islamic republic of iran, power is a matter of sharia duty, and its value is precisely related to serving the people and working for god, god willing. god willing, this is the salary for god it was a testimony that these dear ones were blessed with this accident. mrs. dr. rafi sarkar, elected by the people
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of tehran, you are also in the new term of the islamic council . during these years , there was a close relationship between you and the 13th government in the environment faction. previously, let's talk about hazrat allah raisi's view on your environment . during these years, why have you been arrested because of his attention to the environment? well, the knowledge i had about mr. dr. raisi does not go back to the time he was in the presidency. dr. raisi's view and approach to the issue environment when he was in the judiciary, i knew that he had a very serious and special interest in pursuing environmental issues in the judiciary, that is, in the area of ​​supreme supervision.
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we had a large amount of liberation of national lands when he finally became the head of the judiciary. in the judicial reform document that was finally proposed, he put an article in the civil procedure and put a clause that anji's complaint and so-called semans in the field of environment should actually be placed on the procedure of proceedings and this attention of theirs to the field of both environment and in fact, it brings people's participation in the environmental issue , it is a special task that mr. dr. raisi has in the judiciary and judicial system to discuss the restoration of public rights in the field of the environment and to follow up on this , to restore the meaning of the right to breathe. living the right of people to eat from all natural resources and natural wealth is the right of each and every one of the people
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both in the present generation and in the generation to come, so they put the word of public rights of the environment and its restoration at the top of their agenda, which is really me. i say this as an environmental expert that this is really a the big achievement and the source of happiness are those who are in the field of environment. after all, they work in the executive branch, even when mr. dr. takes responsibility, by maintaining the same approaches in the field of environment, mr. dr. raisi takes good measures in the environmental issue , which is exactly up to him and his beliefs. he returned, now we have an example of something , please tell me a few things . i have seen the presidents for 3 terms, how
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they are responsible, whether now in the parliament or before the parliament i had a high environmental council. i have seen how the presidents behave in this important and excellent decision-making body for the environment, how do they know how much, or basically , it is not very important for them, mr. dr. raisi, i remember that in a meeting of the environment of the supreme council of environment, he said they said that you should go and revise an order, get it examined and send it back , let's go to the supreme environmental council to check it twice, friends, well, they brought up some complications that now , for example, might not be done quickly, and i remember these things , mr. doctor. toughness and strength to be serious, if you don't have time, fix this , i will take the time to hold the meetings myself . this is really one. i am announcing from here that at least the environmental community of the country
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should be very upset by this testimony because we lost the president. that is so strong. it was in the discussion related to the environment, despite the fact that the environment is not a top priority for the presidents , unfortunately, but they have this view of one of the things that i must talk about , so this supreme council for the environment, which is also very good. these were held in the presence of mr. president himself many of them were present from the beginning to the end of the meeting, and if there was a discussion , for example, between the order presented now and the opinions of the people who were invited as real experts and whose verdict was given by the president, then there will be a discussion later. the opinions of those real expert members are taken that the decision that is to be announced should be a correct and expert decision. again , i will say this again. i have at least been acquainted with 3 presidents myself. i know that this
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was a strange action, one of the events. that in his period there was a discussion related to the actual opening of the power plant it was related to the repair of the sewerage house in west tehran , which was also a great work . quite remarkable and how effective it can be in discussions about global warming. this was achieved with the efforts of mr. president.
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it was a commendable effort, but i would like to tell you one thing because my work and my expertise is actually in the field environment, i used to work in the same field , and i would like to say that during these 20 years of work experience , i have seen many different people and different thoughts up close. well , i have worked with many dignitaries. it is strictly qualitative rather than quantitative, that is, the numbers and figures involved in it do not show themselves very quickly. and the person who wants to work in this field must really believe in his heart, that is, he must believe that working in this field is a revolutionary activity and not the second priority, just as he said, mr. dr. raisi, this is this. having this concern
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, having this belief, means that their view of the environment was based on their belief, and this was really a treasure for us. ok, mrs. doctor, in any case, the field of environment and the function of this field may sometimes cause conflicts in the face of developmentist approaches, sometimes there may be differences of taste and differences of opinion. how did the president get involved in these inter-agency conflicts in the field of the environment, which side do they look at, and i have proven them many times. i had heard i had seen directly that the development of the branch is related to the preservation of the environment. this is a very long view, but when we have article 50 of the constitution in our constitutions, which is unparalleled in the world, it prohibits the preservation of the environment and the destruction of the environment. in the constitution, we have two prohibitions
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, one of which goes back to the destruction of the environment, and the deceased owes this to the long and deep vision of martyr behesht. we are in which the first revolutions are finally paying attention to the constitution of a country that has just undergone a revolution, the system has finally changed to the field of the environment, so this is a world view having a very tall mr. dr. raisi also follows the same point of view when they say that development depends on the environment as a president, it means that i have a position related to the preservation of the environment and the natural capital of a country that the country's sustainable development depends on this. the area is open , so i understood its position and i will move to this area and the land's purpose now. i have two examples for this . there was a project that was discussed a lot in the media and many people said that this was very necessary and very
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necessary for kesha. it was a completely developmental project. we got together as a group and sent a letter to the president. we said that this project must be done, but it has environmental considerations, and maybe if we calculate the cost benefit, it is actually a consideration. to write that within a month , do a value engineering and then the project if you see that the cost benefit is correct. continue, so that he is not afraid of the media, fear of the media means that he actually
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wants to ruin his image at some point, for example, and he only saw the benefit of the people, and he considered the benefit of the stability of the land and the benefit of the people. away from all space reportage and advertising and media and it was very valuable , it was really a great blessing that now there was another project that was supposed to finally open an industry in an ecologically valuable and ecologically valuable area. there was a lot of noise , there was a lot of discussion about the demands of the people, the demands of the group that wanted to establish this project , and so on.
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i even took the soil of the region to their service and the cases they have and i told them about this approach. their approach was really unique and it was rare that they sat down and studied all the cases and said, well, this is it. the project will have these benefits for us , in exchange for it, we will lose these values ​​at once, and that project will go ahead, even though i have to say that the media report about that project was terrible and that project
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stopping it in front of him, i think it was one of the most important events that can be cited as an example, it can be talked about for hours , analyzed and will definitely be saved for the hereafter, god willing , mrs. dr. rafiei, you as the president's representative in the supreme council . you are also the hardworking population of the red crescent of our dear country. we will go in these few years mr. president has a strong presence in the events and natural disasters. considering the position you had in this collection and this crowd, i want to look at this aspect of mr. raisi's personality, what was his approach to this category, mr. dr. raisi always and always appreciates the efforts of our rescuers and jesus. our workers being part of the red crescent community means that i have said this in many meetings in many conversations. i even remember
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that they told the head of their community that if there is a shortage in the warehouses, if in fact there are things that we need to help, bring it so that we will follow up. do and finally, the condition of the warehouses will improve, and i would like to thank you for your hard work and effort. that the dear community of our martyrs in the red crescent are doing now in the whole group and the respected president of the community, however, this special view of dr. raisi on this area was really commendable. you know that, for example , they are present in damavand, for example, and they talk to the people with all their might, along with the rescuers of the red crescent society in sistan baluchistan, and in many cases.
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in dashtiari and khuzestan. in all these cases, they are present and they are known by the people, and they have a wonderful spirit that even that sand storm could not stop them. there was a presence in the square , exactly how much they were present in the square, and this also caused it, and then when, for example, how early should they come, what should they come later when i am with the children? when i was speaking, plal ahmar saw me as a rescuer and a rescuer, a sense of strengthening the spirit, a sense of energy, a double sense to serve. well, these children are always ready to serve and die to serve their own kind, but the presence of mr. dr. raisi was also extremely beneficial in supporting this population and
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for them the issues raised in the red tulip community. it was possible to be involved in activism that the red crescent society is one of our international organizations that can be very effective and has wonderful international interactions. it has been that the devices or finally the groups have to go and say that for example please help us , i don't know if there was a certain topic in the structure of the discussion and so on. in the red crescent community, considering the type of work, this support is always more from their side. in my opinion, dear ones who have been serving in the community for many years, the measures were worthy and significant. very well, mrs. doctor, of course, they
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helped us as well. in fact, the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies is talking about climate change it is to reduce the damage and effects caused by climate change. with his effort, in fact, his international hub , the islamic republic of iran, also joined him, so that we can actually get help from that point of view. let's have this reduction of people's pains and injuries. i would like to say that , considering that you will be present in the next parliament and you will probably serve in the same faction of the environment , it is important to monitor legislation in this area from two aspects. hey president shahid and what he was among his demands, what and what kind of approach is in front of you and your colleagues in the parliament.
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what i have actually achieved and i believe in my heart is that this approach of mr. president in the matter of environmental protection and sustainable exploitation of the environment should continue to be strongly promoted . i can even say that the next presidential candidate.
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it actually mattered. pursuing in the government that the watershed bill reaches the parliament as soon as possible and their careful look at the issue of managing the water crisis in terms of watershed means that i am saying that some as an expert , it is really valuable for me to share with you. this is his view on the watershed problem of water crisis management. waterlogging was really a very important point that was repeated in their speeches and in the cases that they are bringing up now. in fact, we will definitely follow up on this point, which mr. dr. raisi himself was finally following, and god willing, this is a we will try to follow up on at least one case, of course, it is a good approach, but
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this is one case.


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