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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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i am extremely grateful to our co-writer of khabar network. at five in the morning, the specialists of a technological unit succeeded in producing a new generation of rehabilitation gloves. this product is suitable for patients with hand movement disorders and can improve the quality of life for patients by combining instructions. patients with cerebral palsy usually face movement disorders of body parts . disorders that sometimes cause problems in the movement of the legs, and sometimes this disorder is in the fingers. now the technologists of amirkabir university of technology have succeeded in designing and building a hand rehabilitation. a glove with special features. succeeded in designing and building one we have become a new glove that has a new movement mechanism that keeps all the positions of the previous gloves. do it while keeping the dimensions of the hand, the amount of
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energy consumed, and practically the ability to adapt to its social uses, and the person can use this glove at the community level without any worries. the new hand-made mechanism is for everyday use so that the patient can use gloves to do all their daily tasks. the built-in movement for this glove is in two ways, in the form of a steering wheel. manual means the patient or the user can wear this gloves and placing the box on the person's belt, by pressing any of the buttons of the corresponding keys, it has the function of the finger, or the finger in a single and complete way, i.e. perform the action of gresb . manufactured rehabilitation gloves usually involve equipment that makes the activity difficult for patients. practically , a person must
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have a very large battery or a series of very large electric motors or massive air sources, and this makes the person not willing to actually use the new structure proposed in this glove. it has caused us to use very small electric motors in the range of a few milliwatts , so that we can have all the advantages of the gloves of foreign samples, but the energy consumption may be in the order of 10%. it is a technological product after confirming the clinical tests. approximately the cost of foreign samples is 1000 dollars on average, and this glove has the ability to be produced for less than 100 dollars and enter the domestic and foreign markets. according to the technologists, it has been developed as a rehabilitator, in addition to being used for stroke patients, it can also be used for the elderly there are also nervous patients. mehbouba delangiz of sed and sima news agency. iran, among the seven countries with
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the technical knowledge to produce automatic ink, the specialists of a knowledge -based company succeeded in producing this product in the country by internalizing the composition of the materials used to make automatic ink . iranian automatic ink has antibacterial properties and can meet the needs of the industry. building a high level of responsibility in the stationery industry with the efforts of experts. the scientific collection of ink that we made, well, it is automatic ink, and automatic ink has never been produced in the country, and in fact, in iran and in the middle east, no country or company has produced it. this product has not been produced yet and it is completely imported. the feature of the localized product inside the product that we produced is cheaper than the imported samples and the quality is even better. but, in fact
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, the scientific group that produces automatic ink has the ability to meet the domestic needs, we can provide half of the country's needs even at the beginning stage, if there is investment and support for us, the composition of this ink produced in the scientific group is an antibacterial ink that for the first time you iran, we formulated it, we started with blue color and we are considering to develop another dyehouse in the future to formulate it. this jogra has a solvent base. i have a special condition that is different from the types of printers and flexi and other types of printing. for the import of 250 tons of this apparently simple product, two and a half million dollars a year is exported from the country, which can be achieved with the support of this group of scientists. inside provided by abbas rasouli of sed and sima news agency's "chakh" program tonight.
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it will be broadcast live on channel 4 at 19:00. traveling to the wonderful world of knowledge is the slogan of this program in the country we are the great and proud people whose teachings are today the light of many people in the world to express scientific issues in simple language, then the topic of specialized entrepreneurship, which is the creation of technology, is what it really is . there is a new thing
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. the eye of the achievements of the university and departments of scientists let's look at the country. another part is related to the scientific history of this land, especially the history that goes back to the era of prosperity. in each episode of this program , with the presence of guests, experts and officials, eslami deals with the latest news in the field of science and technology. broadcasting programs, including the chakh program , play a very important and essential role, and there is a lot that is effective for people to be aware of the progress of science and technology in the country and to be able to make good use of their achievements, god willing. there are a group of academic figures who had significant achievements on that subject, especially having book articles those who have many years of teaching and training students are well-known scientific figures, but
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there is a second group that is being used very seriously in this season and they kindly help us with the program. they are science reporters who meditate on this topic has a simple language to express the wonderful points of the topic. shahr program is broadcasted on channel 4 on sunday, monday, tuesday, and saturday every week at 19:00. mohammad sadegh zamani, sed and sima news agency. a factory whose workers are more impatient these days than ever. hebco is one of the heavy machinery production units. roadsazi is a mine that was once completely shut down, but with the support of mr. raisi, it was revived and is now being produced at full capacity. revival of closed production units and this shutdown
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was one of the priorities of president shahid in the past 3 years and about 9 thousand closed units were restored during this period. the face of these workers even then. that they didn't have bread on the table, i didn't see it like this , now it is working with, for example, a third of the capacity, so why is it like this? it was produced in iran, why should it be imported ? take your blessed trip. well, haj agha, those days when he spoke directly and fearlessly with the president of his country .
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he thanked them for visiting us and said that there is no need to thank them, it is my duty to come here and they chanted slogans from their hearts. when we were at the bottom of the street, no one reached out to us, and it reached the heart of the servant of the nation, with your efforts, with the grace of god almighty , inshallah, it is news. not really right. having a father will bring us back, but tomorrow they will reward those efforts with bananas and thoughts. god willing, we will be able to continue in his footsteps , let's keep him proud here .
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in tonight's special news talk , we will talk about the role of martyred ayatollah raisi, the late and dear president of our country, in relation to the field of elites and the ecosystem of technology and innovation in iran, and for this purpose , we have invited mr. technology and economy of presidential scientists until about this after. the management personality of ayatollah raisi with him have a chat and clap your hands. hello, i say hello. you are very welcome. have a good night and i offer my condolences. in the name of allah
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, the most merciful. i also offer my greetings to you and all the dear viewers of this part of the news. i offer my condolences on the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his companions . serving the supreme leader of the revolution, the good, loyal and loving people of iran, and i hope that the school of sincere service, which he is the basis of reporting in the country and becoming a symbol for , will remain in the country, god willing, and we will witness the progress of this country every day and shine in the world. god willing, i think if we want to talk about ayatollah raisi and the way they look at the field of the elites and the technology boom of iran, this can be found from the change that happened in the title of the transaction, because it also tells about their strategic look at the field of academics and economy, and it shows how strategic and deep this look is, the knowledge economy. the basis
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of adding these deals is to believe that the future of iran's economy must be a scientific economy . in these days, in the past week , there has been a lot of talk about the personality dimensions of our martyred president , considering the atmosphere of sadness and emotion that people have . attention these days towards character and behavior it was him. their consistent morals, their purity in doing things, and their tirelessness . but i helped them as a small assistant in the field of science and technology. i strongly believe that ayatollah raisi was a full-fledged strategic manager. the point you mentioned about the economy of academics, this
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was not just a modification of the title, this was a serious strategic change in the field of science and technology of the country, which i want to talk about for a few minutes, the country's strategy in the years, especially after the revolution. which has been a basic resource economy strategy since before the revolution in general, we developed our economy based on our oil resources, on the basis of our mines, that is , we used to sell oil, establish factories, establish hospitals, build schools and universities. and such progressive activities. well , in recent years, due to the increase in the country's consumption, due to the increase in the country's expenses, the heavy sanctions that the enemy has against us , the basic resource economy has shown its weakness as well as relying on oil. and selling raw materials is the bane of our economy , and if we are looking for progress and balanced growth
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, this cannot be done based on the basic resource economy. a strategy that the supreme leadership of the revolution started many years ago, maybe more than 20 years ago, under the title of software movement. during the era of hazrat ayatollah raeesi, he had reached a stage where the leadership of this ecosystem was changed from one ecosystem to another. purely scientific and technological and proud of an effective ecosystem in the economy, this attitude that they have and you can see the output of this attitude in the title of scientific vice president, the scientific and technological vice president was promoted to the scientific vice president of technology and the economy of scientists was the result of that strategic view that if we want to do something rushdi says that this path is happening in the country, and its only key is through the path of science and technology. the issue of
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productivity that they repeatedly point out and emphasize in their speeches. the use of elites, whether individually or by companies of scientists in all parts of the country and in all structures of the country, showed their strategic attention to the economic debate, which should be given a serious way. the first was that the scientific achievements and the country's technology in these years should penetrate in a serious and real and effective way in people's lives , in all areas of our agricultural economy, industry. our health, our mine, our oil and petrochemicals, and all our other areas. the second point is that this attention to the economy
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should not make you forget about the future. a strategic look at the development of future technologies. this was one of his special points of interest. it means a look at what we have in the past and its use in our economy and a look at the future and the achievements we should have. i want to point out here that there was a clause in the law of the 7th plan that was supported by them and they paid attention to it. the discussion was that the country should create 6 large sets of technologies during the 7th plan there are various issues such as bioengineering, microelectronics, neurocognitive sciences , and the issue of artificial intelligence and
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quantum sciences and technologies are among these topics. i believe that the national artificial intelligence center has paid serious attention and follow-up to an issue such as artificial intelligence and quantum. i believe that the national center for artificial intelligence , artificial intelligence technologies steering council, and also their special attention to the field of quantum technologies, which i want to be a member center of the quantum technologies steering council, form two of souvenirs our beloved shahid raisi is in the field. technology with a view to the future, therefore, i want to learn from their two views, the view of enough work, science and technology in the development of the economy, and the view of the future in order not to be oblivious to progress and development, and we tried during these two years that in we were at their service
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to carry out all the general planning of the scientific assistants on these two axes . what were they doing? i mean, they wanted to see where iran would go. fortunately, the country has achieved very good ranks in the field of science and technology in the past years. our people have been heard many times in the field of biological technologies, in the field of nano technologies, in the field of artificial intelligence technologies, even we have very good achievements and global rankings, but their attention was that in the strategic areas that i mentioned , i gave examples of them in the region. we must be able to be in the first to third positions during the seventh program. it was a look. the second view was to pay real attention to prepare the infrastructure needed for these technologies. well , once technology development in the form of small laboratories in the form of companies of small and young scientists
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it was conceivable. but in today's world, every day , from the point of view of technology. it is progressing, paying attention to the centralized structures of large national structures is a strategic point of view, which he reminded us again and again, this point of view that we have at least 6 large complexes of laboratories and centers for the creation of advanced technologies in the country was one of the special considerations that he had. and in the field of the elites , how did they look at the elites? one point that i want to emphasize is that mr. raisi's view of the elites was a look beyond one part of the society. i am literally in their policies i saw their strategies as elite governance. it means emphasizing that today's country's problems
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can only be solved with the help and cooperation of the country's elites. look. we are limited in terms of resources in the country, after all, we have limited oil sales , we have limited resources that the government must support and do its daily affairs, if there is to be progress in the country, this progress is not necessarily through monetary and financial investments. because the space is not suitable, this progress is from the reform of governance processes. the emphasis they have towards the intelligent processes of elites you have heard all the ministers in your government say many times that even if the elites in your field are not in agreement with the government, take their opinions and use them. i believe that the only path of progress that you
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are following, the growth that we expect to happen in the country, is the use of the elites. in the pillars of governance, the use of elites in solving the country's problems , the solutions of this country's problems are elite solutions , not financial, capital, resource solutions. therefore , you see this policy even in the government. i don't think that we have experienced a younger government than theirs during these years, or you in the ranks. middle management in the ministry of various houses, the ministry of industry and mines, the ministry of agricultural jihad, the ministry of health, the ministry of science, the young managers of the 60s and 70s , see that they have an elite look. they work and are active. this was his view among the elites. in the issues of the trade unions of the elites, in the issues of dealing with and paying attention to the elites, i don't
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think that i have heard more concern from them in any field, without exception, every meeting that i attended, their first question was the situation of the elites of the country. elites of the country, what are you doing, what can i do, i remember yes, i raised the issue of the conditions of doctors, nurses and medical staff with them. in less than two weeks , intensive meetings were held with all the most effective in this field, and one meeting that we served them, which led to 12 operational solutions, lasted for 3 hours. 3 hours focused on what the government can do to maintain elite human resources. i want in that meeting, haj agha said that these are general recommendations . what can you do on the ground
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, for example, to recommend honoring, for example, the elites in the field of medicine? well, everyone knows that we should to do exactly what operation, where, how many, and when , they put a lot of emphasis on this word, so this was another point of their attention, the last story of their official page, if you remember, was their order to me in the council of cyberspace, the supreme council of cyberspace, to forming a committee to maintain and strengthen the country's elite human resources in the field of virtual space and soft fields, this emphasis was also in all other fields , so he believed that the greatest support for the country's elite flow is to create a playground for influence. putting them in different parts of consulting take it to the management areas, as well as paying special attention to the discussion of the elites, it
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was this special attention that developed our communication with iranian children abroad. i am proud that according to the statistics of the recruitment and identification systems and the development of our international cooperation, we are in the year 402. by 2001, our cooperation with iranians abroad in the field of elites has tripled, the return of our elites from the top 200 universities to the country has doubled to 18 times, all because of the special attention he paid to this field and in practice what was happening to them is not bad that you from by the way, tell me what you did in your operation for the last year. i will give you an example.
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the opportunity to create scientific companies was created for them, and some others also got the opportunity to cooperate in the form of expert forces in the companies of the same level of knowledge. iranians who are abroad. but for whatever reason, they have conditions in which they cannot return to the country and are interested in serving the country. these are the children of our country. last year, more than 200 strategic projects were carried out. we talked with the iranian children who were abroad , what they did there and we used their services here , these are examples of this, after all, it was a broad cooperation that they are very good. i am at your service . the challenges of the latest achievements of iranian scientists in the production of anti-coronavirus vaccine, which
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reached the ears of the martyred president, 5 years ago. we came back from america . we have been working on this technology in iran for 5 years since august 2016. the first 3 years, wherever we went, no one supported us. we did it, then mr. sattari, help now , friends are really supporting us to be able to do it only in the ministry of health, yes, the food organization, mr. doctor, a vaccine that did not contain a live virus, and in new strains, a resistant vaccine could be reached in the shortest time. there is an intermediate level , there is an intermediary molecule for expression. these genes, which have a short life span and actually transmit the message from the gene , now the production of proteins to the production of all the compounds that are being made in our body is a new technology that the officials were unfamiliar with. it is very difficult for him the reason for this is that they don't know the support of the president. god willing, you will continue with the same spirit . we also did our duty to make the latest vaccine reach the clinical stage, and with localization in
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this product, it is one of the thousands of products that are the result of the approval of the knowledge-based production mutation law. it was a law that made knowledge-based companies grow by 17% and save millions of dollars . the thing that caused the law to be accelerated very seriously. bagire and barre were directly and seriously supported by the president personally, under the shadow of this law , the products grew and reached the export stage sometimes. the focus of the negotiations was to equip 12 important hospitals in indonesia with iranian-made medical equipment, all of which are the work of scientists and new innovations
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. we have million dollar contracts with knowledge-based companies. the market here is very demanding for products that are actually made in iran, and there are iranian products in all areas, vahid zakir of sada vasima news agency . it was also mentioned in this report that mr. president mentions a few places that may god have mercy on them. support we will support . see what was the most important support that ayatollah raisi had for the scientific company a point that haj agha emphasized to me many times. i think that mr. dehghani, the biggest thing you have to do, your duty is to put all the country's institutions in line with all the government in order to use the products and services of danish companies. see what i am saying, mr. raisi was a strategic thinker. when you say support the companies, help them, give them facilities, this
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is good help. once you put your strategy on the fact that the biggest service to these companies is that i create a playground and a market for them. mr. khosravi, i dare say, is the biggest supporter fakhri has been a discursive supporter and a political supporter of the country's intellectual movement during all the past years of hazrat agha and the biggest executive supporter of hazrat agha's decrees for development. daneshmanian's economy was the person of mr. raisi , that is, he was personally a proponent of the development of daneshmanian's market. it can
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be procured from abroad and a line for them. it was red. i remember one time i was doing the same thing sir, so-and-so company, so-and-so government group is doing such a thing, this product exists, its service is like this, so-and-so, they are quick to tell me that they are doing such a thing, this is your duty. be a scholarly claimant and if it is necessary to enter somewhere, i will enter . the government has repeatedly emphasized that the goods produced in your country are not accepted at all. let's take it from abroad. the result of this support is that he supported it intelligently and he really claimed to support this market personally. there were tremendous events that happened last year. i would like to give you a few examples, mr. khosravi . the fact that the companies cooperating with the oil sector are promoted from 100 to 600 is the result of that policy.


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