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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 9:30am-10:01am IRST

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i don't have it, this is enough for me, i want to say that you are my refuge, your mercy is more than my sin . i came to call you from the bottom of my heart. peace be upon mohammad and his holy family. while honoring
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the memory of the martyred president ayatollah raisi, in this part of the program , i invite the respected head of the presidency, mr. dr. mokhbar, to come to the stage to deliver a speech . peace be upon you and may god's mercy be in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful , we send greetings to the soul of imam imam, the martyrs of the islamic revolution, the imposed war, the oppressed martyrs, the defenders of sayyid al-shahda's shrine. god of the defenders of soleimani shrine
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dear, it is very difficult for me to appear in this parliament as a speaker on behalf of my dear martyr ayatollah raisi. i do not want. the meeting will take a lot of time, but i will briefly present some things in two chapters. first of all, while congratulating the success of each dear representative and the opening of the 12th term of the islamic council , we should express our gratitude to ahadit, who is a blessing.
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velayat al-faqih, which was rightly said by the imam, until now, no harm will come to the country , and we are enjoying this blessing today, in these few days since this happened, after all, it is the most important pillar of the administration. we lost the country, it was not even an ordinary person who now says some of his issues despite. that the whole country is in the excitement of the burial of these corpses , that our assembly of experts started working on time , our shura assembly started on time, and what the supreme leader said at the first moment that the work of the country's administration should not face any disruption and no
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capital program the main thing of the country is the people. in all the issues we have had during these years, the one that solved our problems was the presence of the people , and this happened with the planning and command of the leadership. we were faced with our martyrs . they have a series of personal characteristics that cannot be separate from this issue of the popularity that khaljan has gained among the people.
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i am telling you , this is what i felt during this process, there is no righteous act higher than serving the people and obeying the leadership. do this , say this, do this, he would say so-and-so , i think they should do this and this, the gentleman's heart will be upset. with this sentence, i found peace. where was this root? its root was god-centered. it was his sincerity. one of the very important issues that
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was very effective in his success, in my opinion, is to remove himself from these ceremonial constraints and his so-called living situation, which is complete. and the power took care of his simple life. another issue that was very effective in their situation, in my opinion, was the belief in the serious framework of the islamic system. he believed with all his heart. he believed in the values ​​of the revolution, he believed in the frameworks of the revolution, he believed in maintaining the red lines of the system. he took care, this was very effective in his success, in my opinion, another point that was evident in him hazrat agha also said that he had an indefatigable spirit . sometimes he would return from heavy foreign trips
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at 3 o'clock after midnight . he would arrive in tehran when we were leaving . that is, three of them come to visit the house. 6 in his office for work. when he comes to the so-called meeting, he says so-and-so that was not there . i had written to him that, for example , this had happened. he had read that he had come to the meeting. i don't know who you are, how you haven't slept at all, another issue that was very effective in running the country. it was the he believed in the capabilities of the country. he believed that the country's problems could be solved with the country's capacities, and that was the case. we were never oblivious to the international issues that i will mention now, but
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we did not make the administration of the country subject to external issues at all. whenever there was a problem, he sought to solve the problem inside the country. another issue that was very evident in him was the issue of philanthropy and love for the underprivileged. let me tell you that every time he goes on a trip , he must go to a very deprived place in that area quickly. that is, he would choose, he would go to mazandaran, he would go to khuzestan, he would go to sistan he went to balochistan, kerman, fars. the first question. this was where the most deprived part of this province is , they would say to ya mansouri, he would say make an appointment
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and we will go there, then he would go and sit comfortably with the people. his insistence was that mr.'s measures should not remain on the ground in any way. he was really bound that one of his orders, which was always possible to be implemented, may not have been carried out to the best of his ability, but he insisted that all the efforts of the government and himself operationalize this the subject of its application. see, friends, this profile may be in other people. it's not like it was only in him, especially the spiritual and spiritual issues he had that i don't know if i'm allowed to say, that is, he allows me to say how his worship status was
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, so that his prayers on a friday should not be a thing, so to speak , not to be lost. this trust and appeal, which was bound by prayer and submission , happened to be one of the special characteristics that, in my opinion, helped mr. raisi the most. see, friends, what i have said is his personal situation , but some may say now the implementation situation. how about i say a few words so i don't take up too much of the meeting's time?
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when the government started, we faced many extraordinary problems. our income is at a minimum. our oil sales were at their minimum. 700 people die from corona every day. you know 700 people died from corona. you all remember. the side was in ic u, taste it. his father and mother did not dare to go behind the glass to meet him. when he was dying, he used to stay 100 meters or 200 meters away from the corpse. the day of our situation was that the market was closed. a state of anxiety the situation of inflation and the situation of access to
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money outside our country was almost non -existent, and finally it was like this that we sold 300,400,000 barrels of oil outside of our country. we used to spend money here, but now the issue of inflation and such has its place . alhamdulillah , we passed this situation that was in 1400. when we reached 1401 , we thought that we would have a good situation because the situation was constantly organized, our oil sales were organized, and our reserves were extremely worrying. he had found a good situation. we thought that we would face a good situation . we have encountered both international and domestic incidents that i want to schedule a meeting now
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, and they really created a so-called difficult situation for us. it was one thing to not have access to our money, and let me tell you that sometimes the head of our central bank would go to a country , make an appointment with them, solve the problem, make minutes of the meeting , sign a contract, and 24 hours later, we would leave. they sit there and cancel everything. in some of these countries that we made an agreement with , changing the head of the central bank of that country within 24 hours means a situation like this. finally , they did their own heavy planning. i told them that a plan
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was drawn up by the planning organization and submitted to the central bank and the honorable minister of economy. it came to the government and was approved . however, mr. the growth of production and the control of inflation, so to speak, we have to make sure that this happens, and we came to the device we focused on three or four different devices, and on those three or four devices , we focused on four sensitive projects in the so-called open method. we considered
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that we put a so-called strong team to work, and finally we were able to increase this production growth of 3 million and 300 thousand barrels to 3 million and 600 thousand barrels at the end of 1402. one of the factors that changed the so-called growth in the country production growth has changed. one of them was the same. we did the same thing in the water we did the same thing in electricity , we did the same thing in healthcare, we did the same thing in jihad, you saw one of the focus. the good news that our martyr was concentrated was the issue of water. after all, you know that water is a problem in some places. if we did not do these hard work in the summer of 1401 and in the summer of 1402, we must have faced problems . we were concentrated
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in different provinces. we did not separate the water from it, one of the big things. they became egypt again, and alhamdulillah, they reached a good place. water was transferred from the sea. well, a country whose north is the sea is not my south. the middle of the sea is dry. one of the good things that was done was electricity, and you know we were facing many problems. again, it was close to 10,12,000 megawatts of electricity and the method of concentrating 7,800 of them came to a conclusion, and now it is close to 3,000 . dear colleagues , please stay in your seats so that the order of the meeting
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is better. i apologize. in the end, either we have given land, or work has started, or we have finished the dowry, depending on the divine power of this government , god willing, by the end of the so-called four years of mr. raisi's government, we will have started at least 4 million housing units, some of them. it will be delivered, some of them are half-finished, and some of them are so-called discussions on welfare. the general issues that finally happened in the world and the reforms that took place finally caused people's livelihood to be in trouble even now, but there is a housing situation, the so-called starting of this discussion of goods, which now has 60 million people with the so-called prices of 2 last year and adding their subsidies, they
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are using this system to donate free land. it was for the first 3 deciles , there was a plan to provide judicial security for children under 5 years of age, free insurance for children under 7 years of age, and health insurance for almost most of the people. that is, anyone without insurance is going to steal , and well, the development of hospitals is also another important work that was done, the discussion of revitalizing closed and semi-closed factories was very effective. what you see is that our unemployment situation has become a good situation so quickly. this is one thing. by the way, 6,000 years have passed. 6,000 people have been working today until 1403. i think this is a very important thing. the last thing i want to do is let me say that this discussion is about international issues. see, friends
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, one of the great successes of ayatollah raisi is the ability to communicate with the so-called different countries and emotional connection with the leaders in the few days that i have been in contact with the heads of the countries, the expressions that i said to me on the phone are really the expressions that someone who has been friends with someone for, say, 20 or 30 years should have. the great world leaders are one of the words that one of the so-called great leaders of the world said to me just a few days ago, mr. so-and-so, mr. raisi, with the work we did together , we changed the equations of power in the world, he is telling the truth. one day they will try to make decisions about the world from one point and everyone is obliged
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being and acting is not like a system at all. i will tell you islam, the islamic system is due to the leadership of the imam, its continuity in the presence of the imam , this happened to a gentleman, sardar bagheri , testify. when we made a sincere promise, he wanted to make it happen . he called me and said that this is going to happen. what will be the status of food , what will be the status of issues. not that he was asking questions , he knew that he wanted to review with me. in this country, one day, they would test a missile and the whole country's market would be disrupted. our whole so-called index was in trouble. the cry of all the governments what did you do to the country ? we have been attacked by 3 countries today. israel
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, we beat the occupying regime of al-quds. people are the same with the number of indicators that they sleep in the morning and get up in the morning. the price is not the same, but it is good. before hitting this is our inflation, this is our liquidity. our market is full of so-called human needs. this strength, this establishment and this power is not something normal. all this was due to the leadership of hazrat agha and the sincere efforts of ayatollah raeesi, who really caused us a heavy loss. god willing, with the guidance of mr it has been left behind. i will tell you , sir, on the first day, you told me that one of
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the country's works should not be disturbed. i will tell you one thing. my project was not closed for a day, despite all these issues that happened, this so-called management. by the government that had spent time in setting them up, spent time in training them , spent time in managing them, and unfortunately we have now lost this great personality . and thanks to al mohammad. thank you very much, mr. dr. mokhbar i hope that their valuable statements
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will start a new chapter of the cooperation of the executive branch in solving the basic problems of the country. in this section, which is the last section, i am among the distinguished guests of the country and army , especially ambassadors and businessmen. i thank the foreign countries that participated in this ceremony and all of you, dear guests. respected colleagues, please be present in the seats that
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we have to start the voting ceremony of the branches after i said to welcome the dear guests, i said yes, i said let it be. tonight, we should not allow someone to go to bed tonight, not tomorrow, at the table of the people , an issue that was his concern even before coming to pastor. addressing the issue of absolute poverty will be one of the most important priorities of the government. president shahid always tried to keep this table from shrinking so that at least
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the essential needs of our compatriots are not left empty. the bread of the people should be on the table of the people in the economy of life stay in the people for a couple of months as a living aid to the first to third decks of the four. a thousand tomans will be allocated in relation to the fourth decks to actually the tenth to the ninth
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actually. 300,000 tomans in connection with bread and medicine , everyone will benefit without exception, all the people will benefit from bread and medicine, which actually has the same subsidized price. we will have a price change per year compared to the situation. basic goods this should be a support for the people, a plan that started a year ago with 11 basic goods the low income bracket was operationalized so that the least privileged families would benefit first. they understand people's pain, they know that there should be at least these minimums on people's table. it has helped our family's economy . we are a family of four. it has helped us in our livelihood .
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after 8 months of implementation of this project , the government's support umbrella reached seven tenths of income. our first stage was about 90 receptions. in the second stage , there were 74 and a few pieces in the total reception, one to three, close to 90% of reception both in the first stage and in the second stage. the volume of reception has been so great that i can now say here that nearly 98 million food packages have been explained . the government has contributed 1940 billion tomans in the first and second stages. the provinces with the highest participation of ilan, chaharmahal bakhtiari, lorestan, ardabil, south khorasan, which have very high participation. targeting to provide at least 2,300 kilocalories per person per month, which was benefited by the follow-up of the martyred president, about 61 million iranians, that is, more than 80% of the society. one of the hundreds of services of the 13th government in the record of three
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is there a discount for my year? 30% it has a discount, it has a reward and taste. there is a 20% discount. yes, everything is discounted here. ofok korosh chain stores. how long are you going to have my favorite water cooler? didn't i say not to mention his name? your father doesn't like it. will we be cool if we don't say his name? next, when you can easily buy one of this brand of sand. the name
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shenyar is a low-consumption name. they say that i bought it in installments and it's very economical. now that you ca n't find this name here, you can buy it in installments. where is it? you know, iranian sarai, special sale of all kinds of coolers with exceptional conditions in a large iranian sarai. the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh of this story. the smile of new beginnings , the smile that shows that it didn't work, the smile of the times when our hearts are warm to each other, when life
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gives a new color, we are in the middle of this story and we make them the heroes of these stories every day. reached, but our effort was only to deliver one thing , the smile reaches home. blow a little more to cool down. blow the wind clap shame on you. you will perish in this house. why don't you buy an air conditioner? the account balance is insufficient. is this the reason? no reason. it didn't happen the reason. we are going to the city of home appliances. buy an installment plan. the offer is pleasant. great sale of all kinds.


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