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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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we left derakhshan behind and we cherish his memory. we hope that, god willing, this practice of his will be taken into consideration by future presidents. the 11th parliament in the past 4 years and in 146 public meetings, in addition to approving 46 research reports and investigating 36 laws four annual budget plans and a 5-year plan law have been established by the service. popular and jihadi is still the same hope and expectation that people have from the 12th parliament and the 14th government. a new opportunity and an open path. hamidreza goldozi, reporter of sed and sima news agency.
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in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light al-nur, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light. in the name of allah, the light of allah
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is the greatest. salah hai ali al falah
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hai ali al falah hai ali khair good work is good. god is great. god is great. there is no god but god. there is
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no god but god. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. hello, have a good day. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said that a large number of condolence messages were sent. different countries follow the testimony of the president. and the accompanying delegation has shown the success rate of the 13th government in expanding friendly and constructive relations with different countries of the world. we are the recipient of more than 30 messages from high officials of different countries of the world,
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from diverse and plural world geographies. we received messages from leaders and officials and general managers of international organizations and institutions, the presence of more than 60 high-ranking delegations at the level of heads of state, prime ministers , presidents of foreign affairs ministers and other ministers. in a very limited period of time, it shows the level of interest that the world community has towards the position the islamic republic of iran has a regional and world level.
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regarding how to continue the path of supporting palestine after the martyrdom of the president and the minister of foreign affairs, mr. kanani said that supporting the oppressed palestinian nation against the zionist regime is a principled policy arising from the foundations of the islamic revolution, and there will be no problems in this way. the recipe for online bread sales was announced. based on this recipe that iran has notified, it is possible to sell bread in person by observing the order. to know the details of this recipe, we have contacted our reporter. mr. azaribagha, hello to you. we tell us about the details of this recipe and how we can buy the bread online? hello, i would like to serve you and the viewers of the khabar network. well, the online sale of bread has been done for some time now, but in fact
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, with this recipe issued by the chamber of guilds of iran , a specific framework and criteria have been set for the online sale of bread. there was an issue from the past that bread is sold online without a queue, the price does not have specific rules, now with this recipe, these rules are actually specified in order to know more about these rules that now i am talking to mr. ali taveri, the secretary general of iran's snaf chamber , mr. taveri, what is the order of these rules that have been set now, what is the framework for the online sale of bread ? following the approval and decision of the market regulation working group that was made in the middle of march last year, we announced this order to organize the electronic sale of bread as a basic product and
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see what changes have occurred . 3 months we are doing this experimentally , considering the size of our country, the diversity of climates and demographics, if there are any problems , we can manage the problems, what are the things that will be implemented, now our main issue is customer satisfaction. organizing the so-called internet bread sale because many men and women are standing in line and they say that someone is coming by phone or online. sir, the motor comes, it takes the nano, it goes, it changed, now according to the fact that the card reader of the device in the bakery is connected to the smart system. the flour and bread are the same bread, in fact, those who are in the queue, those who
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buy by phone or online, their turn is determined to be fair, that is, the one who is coming online should buy it from that platform, yes, yes. in that order it has an intelligent monitor and it is displayed whether a person has come in person or not. yes, this appointment is made. after that, what are the other changes? it needs special features, naturally, additional the ones that come, the type of bread, the type of goods, the cost of transportation , the components that you have, for example, which should be used to transport bread, or these cloth tablecloths, these have a price that the chamber of guilds of each city should specify individually for each of these items. when felt it should be sent on the electronic invoice along with the bread to make it clear to the consumer
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. the price of bread is the same. the price of bread is the same. how is this competitive price determined? the price of bread , which is actually announced every year by the government and is about four years old, we did not change the price. these are quite clear, but those who the so-called events such as add-ons, issues that fall outside of this framework, these will be competitive, and the related unions of the raters commission should clearly announce and follow up on the speed of delivery of the electronic account to the consumer. yes, i would like to add that from today , in fact, this recipe must be implemented for all the names, and of course , it will be implemented for three months, after that it will continue now. while
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dealing with the opponents of the prime minister, he arrested 67 people who were opposing the streets and roads of different areas they closed armenia. from the first minutes of this morning , thousands of armenians demonstrated in this country and demanded the resignation of prime minister pashinyan. demonstrators also announced that they will start the impeachment process for the opposition parties in the parliament based on the government's decision. armenia has recently announced the handing over of some uninhabited villages to the government of baku and called it an important development in the path of achieving a peace agreement between the two neighbors. the number of victims of landslides in papa guinea. it reached 2000 people. the international organization for migration has announced that 150
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houses have been destroyed. the previous estimate of 60 buildings have been. the media reported that rescuers gave up hope of finding survivors at a depth of 6 to 8 meters. landslides have blocked road access and helicopters are the only way to reach the area. landslide has also caused widespread destruction of buildings, food and gardens and has had a significant impact on the economic situation of this country. the death toll of severe storms and tornadoes in the central regions of america reached 18 people. the storm left dozens of injured. according to officials, the risk of death continues to threaten residents of the central regions of the united states, as the risk of severe thunderstorms in several states, including arkansas, illinois and texas. there is missouri and tennessee. the search operation continues to identify possible casualties and missing people
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, and 12 passengers of the boeing plane were injured in qatar due to the shocks caused by the air holes. cnn reported that 8 of the injured were admitted to the hospital due to the severity of their injuries. this plane was from doh, dublin. 5 days ago, the turbulence caused by the air hole injured 70 passengers of another boeing plane and one person died. this plane fell into an air hole on the way from london to singapore over the indian ocean and dropped 1,800 meters in 3 minutes. it was caused by strong tremors passengers who were not wearing seat belts should be thrown from the seats. yesterday, a pilot of the british air force suffered a stroke. a fighter jet was killed. the fighter crashed near a base in lincolnshire. end of this news section.
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al-rahman al-rahim malik yumuddin ayin commemorating the position of the martyred president ayatollah raisi and his martyred companions was held in london at the invitation of the council of scholars and islamic centers of britain. my people responded well and appreciated the nation of iran . the public dignity of shatabah should be taken
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the differences and preferences they have, but from their country. in this ceremony, in addition to different groups of iranians , lovers of the islamic revolution of various nationalities were present and paid their respects to the high status of the martyrs, hossein wa hossein wa hosseini. we gathered in london because of the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his team. . when i entered the university
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, i got acquainted not only with islam but also with ahl al-bayt and made a decision. i have come to this parliament today as a shiite muslim because i consider mr. raisi to be a follower of ahl al-bayt, the people of iran. to show how strong and resilient they are in crises, and god willing, with the help of god and the leadership of mr. khamenei, some of imam mahdi's helpers will be prevented from attending the martyred president's ceremony by some physical ailments, not distance. we came from birmingham to london to honor our beloved president mr. raisi and to pay tribute to
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the hardships he has endured for us in this short period of time. now, even in the west, there are no shortage of young people.
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nour, qadr, taha, the light of remembrance of lovers, the glorification of hazrat zahra, may god be great all this glory of allah
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is standing in the way of ali fatimah. iranians and lovers of the islamic revolution of different nationalities, in addition to london, in some other british cities, held special ceremonies to honor the memory of the martyred president ayatollah raisi and his martyred companions, and expressed their sympathy and solidarity with the iranian people, sada news agency and i told cima london, sir, go to the stadium. in 1996, when we came, they
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said that we would come out on friday. i said, "oh my god , i will go to the football field myself. these security guards said we won't let them in, and i don't know if there is any security there." and i said sir, go to my studio, but boy. shah hay was sending a message. tabrizia, why don't you rise up? tabrizians , you usually do things together. well tabriz alhamdulillah nothing happened. hello.
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i complained, baba, there is no car, allah sazd olsun versin sehiriniz ışek olsun, allah sazd olsun, allah bulgühdən märdum bazari, they know their own business from us, that is , for example, a loved one is lost, but he comes here first. salam alaikum, salam
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alaikum. o allah, the reason for this problem is the reduction of sins, which we said earlier: this salam alikum about the issue that is obligatory due to the rule of mizoor. here is our notebook for answering sharia questions. the holy month of ramadan, which is much longer, means more than 1,500 phone calls. it takes, but on normal days, for example, after the holy month of ramadan, there are approximately 400 and 45 people in attendance. i
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come for the prayers of all the fathers, mothers, brothers, wives of the martyrs . he controlled our four brothers. yes
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, one sister. yes, the brothers are clerics. i have the deputy director of the provincial radio and television station, who was recently discussed with the general management here, but we were not satisfied. he also has a sister. one of my brothers, who i mentioned, is mentally retarded. two children died in childhood, one daughter and one son, who are buried here. actually, now i have a son, a daughter from my daughter, and i have 3 grandchildren. tehran, i also
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have a grandson from my son. he is also from tehran, which means i have four grandchildren and i also have children. there are many questions about the children of some gentlemen. now they are busy with some responsibilities , the atmosphere of the society is going in this direction . whether it's good or not, that's why i didn't let him come here at all. how was his relationship with your parents? it was very good. it was very good, especially from an emotional point of view. when my brother and i got married , we left. well, he has a brother. he is mentally retarded , especially my brother. ok. every
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family whose children have success is indebted to their father for their patience . the holy prayer of martyrs is for all the martyrs of this region . i will definitely go, we will participate. hello, hello
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now. allah help us, allah heal us , inshallah salam əleykum
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. mead, i just said, sir, why is there no consolidation of unity, why is there no islamic association? he was surprised. since next year
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, i am now among all of them, there is no problem, one of them cases in which mr.


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