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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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broumand young people who are ready to work here should be concerned about work, because creating employment is one of the important issues that is on the agenda of the government. in the eyes of the 13th president, the village economy was a big factory that should be activated as soon as possible. officials should pay attention to friends and know the village. it is a huge
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production complex for the country, there should not be little or no attention to the village, the people of the village are producers, not consumers. visiting the villages was one of the regular programs of his trips to the provinces. how is he doing? make me feel good, make me feel good , make me feel good.
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sitting did not have the problems that people have . we should never withdraw ourselves. even though i sit in the center behind the table , i avoid it. he knew the knot himself, and face-to-face meetings with the villagers were important to him. i preferred that my first meeting be with you. we are happy, god bless us, the deprived people of these khaftari areas, haji agha, god willing, haji agha, our village we are 300 meters away from this village.
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he came here for us , he is in the dirt, he is in the ground, he is here, he is rebellious, that is, the first of us, i still wish to see the president once again. in general, there were a lot of diseases. 30 ardi behesht 1403, the border travel point of east azerbaijan, kalaleh village, the last destination of the dynasty. mr. raisi's visits to the rural areas , i am asking you for the pain of the people of this land. it's ours, take care of it for us , we have come to the revolution, people of ali akbar abbasi, sed and sima news agency.
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god, the pen can be written one by one. different in the style of an old border man with a broken tongue but black eyes, no god, believe, believe, believe, the region here is a less fortunate region, in a far away place , the master of the underprivileged is well known by the people of this land like that. in this area, there are not a few people who are determined to work hard. i don't know what to do now that mr. raisiri is awake when you are dreaming.
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the hope of today's people of this land is from the days of their youth right in the blind of the revolutionary struggles and after the victory of the islamic republic was a reliable face of islam. in those days, the war imposed by the baathists against iran had just ended. reports of people's dissatisfaction regarding the functioning of the judicial system have reached the imam. some residents of the cities of semnan,
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kerman, lorestan and kermanshah complain about the social justice situation. imam rahel, who is upset about such an incident. to deal with the issue seriously by choosing a special and trusted representative. hon. his highness and hojjat-ul-islam mr. raisi will be given a judicial mandate to investigate the reports of the cities of semnan, sirjan, islamabad and durood, take care and regardless of the administrative difficulties, execute carefully and... what is the decree of god in the mentioned cases. but who is this 28-year-old who has won the imam's trust? seyyed ebrahim raisi
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was born in november 1339 in a spiritual family in mashhad and in noghan neighborhood. his father seyed haji is only 5 years old. after seyyed ibrahim was born, he closed his eyes. after completing the elementary lessons of nawab madrasa , ayatollah musanjad madrasa in mashhad, while living in qom, from the courses of experienced teachers such as ayatollah dozdani, ayatollah qazali, ayatollah motahari, and ayatollah motahari. allah
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is an active presence in gatherings against the pahlavi regime in qom and tehran, including a march from mr. boroujerdi's school and tahsin at tehran university, protests that culminated with the insulting of imam khomeini by the newspaper information on the 17th of december 1956. from the point of view of islam, man chooses religion freely and consciously. after the victory of the islamic revolution, seyyed ibrahim was given special attention to martyr beheshti. in the first mission, following the marxist riots in suleiman mosque , he goes to that area with a group of students in the form of cultural activities. the year 1359 coincided with the arrival of seyyed ibrahim
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he is a manager in the field of administration in the position of karaj city councilor. after some time , he was assigned to the position of the karaj prosecutor's office with the verdict of martyr qudousi. his success in organizing and setting. the city caused that after 2 years in the summer of 1361, at the same time as karaj, the responsibility of hamadan city prosecutor's office fell on the shoulders of seyyed ibrahim. forming a family is a sacred thing. revolutionary activities and heavy responsibilities of the judiciary should not be an obstacle in the family sphere. at the age of 23, hojjat al-islam raisi proposed to mrs. jamil sadat alam al-hada at the same time as the karaj and hamedan prosecutors. the result of that marriage is now two daughters and five grandchildren. year 1. it is 364 that mr. raisi is assigned as the deputy prosecutor of tehran revolution. following
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his success in solving complex judicial cases against imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, he was assigned to deal with social problems in some provinces, including lorestan, kermanshah and semnan. hojjat al-islam raisi returns to tehran in 1368 and until 1373. we must do what is right for us in our work, which is the revolution prosecutor's office , and have an active presence in all currents and scenes . heading the country's inspection organization is another responsibility, as if it is appreciated that for the next 10 years stay here. most of the cases that
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are raised in the complex of fighting economic corruption in the judiciary in tehran are related to the cases that the general inspection organization of the country has established . seyyed ebrahim raisi, who succeeded in obtaining the highest level degree in the seminary of qom, i.e. level 4 in 1380, in the doctoral exam of the school. finally , he defends his doctoral dissertation with the title of conflict of principle and appearance in jurisprudence and law with an excellent grade. ayatollah dr. raisi during these years in the master's and doctoral degrees of imam sadiq university. shahid motahari high school and islamic azad university to teach specialized courses in food jurisprudence, economic jurisprudence, principles. jurisprudence and civil law, his discussions on the rules of jurisprudence
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have been published in three volumes under the title of the rules of religious jurisprudence, the rules of judicial jurisprudence and the rules of economic jurisprudence. simultaneously with ayatollah raisi's education and teaching, he was the first deputy of the judiciary from 2013 to 2015. all the policies of the judicial system of the honorable head of the judiciary are aimed at reducing the criminal prison population . 1394 view of the legislator and the system. regarding the issue of east and west of the country, in addition to the issue of security , one must also think about the civil and population issues there
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, and of course , he also experienced the presidency of the judiciary from march 1397 to 1400, the ruling of the supreme leader of madazal al-adi, in addition to this, ayatollah raisi since 2005 , he was nominated to be a member of the fourth term of the assembly of leadership experts on the recommendation of the teachers of qom seminary, the clergy community and the recommendation of the elites of south khorasan province. he won more than 80 % of the votes and became the province's chosen one in the assembly of experts. a choice that represents the people of south khorasan experts are promoted in the parliament. it is at this point that dr. raisi is elected as the vice-chairman of the research commission of the assembly of experts. the expansion
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of the activities of the research commission of the assembly of experts in the mid -80s actually led to the revival of the commission. seyyed ebrahim raisi became a member of the board of directors 2 years after entering the assembly of experts. being a member of the board of directors all these years is a good opportunity to follow people's problems. the province is one of the officials of the time in different governments. march 2014 and transferred. the election of the fifth term of the council of leadership experts has arrived. this time, dr. raisi with kasab the overwhelming majority of votes is chosen as the representative of south khorasan. resistance economy is actually a healing version that can
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solve many problems of our country, and this should naturally be the attention of all statesmen. officials and the assembly of leadership experts, as representatives of the nation, can naturally have a demand for this issue. it has not been a week since the election of the fifth term of the assembly of leadership experts that the news of the death of the late ayatollah tabsi of astan quds razavi has been published in the media. a pious scholar who spent his life at the expense of god and imam rauf. supreme leader of the revolution in hakemi seyyed ibrahim he replaces the deceased tulit. this is the notification of the verdict. your excellency, who was born in that blessed country and has the wisdom and trustworthiness and
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experienced work in big managements. i attribute that holy light threshold. ayatollah raisi during his 3-year tenure in charge of astana quds razavi, apart from serving the pilgrims, considers all the neighbors in greater khorasan as the subject of his actions. especially here in south khorasan. the opening of qaim hospital and water supply projects in the kalang region will serve the people of the province in the future. i gave him a message from the then minister of health sir, i am ready to turn this part of the astan quds project from here, which is almost 40% completed , into a hospital by the end of 2017 , a new beginning for the ayatollah, who is the first deputy of the judicial branch of the attorney general of the country and
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the attorney general of the special clergy court in he has a track record. now, with the decision of the supreme leader of the revolution, he is going to rely on the chair of the head of the judicial system. the first step dr. raisi has attracted the attention of the media and judicial legal circles. dealing with corruption within the judiciary and dismissing 60 delinquent judges, establishing a special complex to fight economic corruption, holding court the public actions of fighting against economic corruption, and large-scale trials, as well as intrusive intrusion into judicial units and prisons are among the things that have been strengthened in the new term of the presidency of the judiciary. mr. raisi's move in the judiciary
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was an example of what we always repeat. jihadi movement was the most important effect of this movement. which revived people's hope in the judiciary. the anti- corruption face that people have come to know from dr. raisi in these years has made him a reliable character. scholars, retirees, all walks of life. in june 1400, he entered the field of presidential elections put a decision that happens to be welcomed by the people . 72 comments were made by mr. yasin, shahadai karbala, for your vote. may god
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make you famous with yasin, god willing, and grant us success. we appreciate all your love and kindness. his presence in the presidential election has only one purpose. if it wasn't for serving the people, if it wasn't for creating an opening, if it wasn't for the implementation of justice in one word, my presence in this arena would have no meaning for me. to achieve this goal, whatever is fair. he insists that they must visit remote deprived areas during their provincial trips. what is the difference between the
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old woman living in the mountains and the young man living on the border with the center? for him, the country is not only tehran. he says: solving the many problems of the people in the four corners of the country cannot be done from a distance. you have to be in the field to understand the pain of the people. if someone says, i wrote a letter , all the administrative letters should be done. our managers should buckle down. our officials work hard to get the job done. seeing this volume of half-finished projects and half-finished works is capital. and destroys people's motivation. he must move his hand. service time is limited. in the economic sector, good things
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were done in the government. setting up closed workshops oh, it's half-closed, and the number mentioned above is a few thousand. these thousands of factories are either closed or partially closed.
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according to the plan, ayatollah raisi and azam's companions are to be inaugurated in tabriz, so that two refinery projects will be put into service there. a flight that never reaches its destination. tonight on the calendars is the birthday of imam mehrabani ali bin musa al-reza. khadim al-reza: on the night of the birthday of his noble ancestor , he became heavenly, the people of iran
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will never forget the services of their martyred president . consecutive trips to the province, goodbye to the prayers of the workers reclamation factories. goodbye to the impressive receptions of the people, goodbye to the forehead kiss of haj qasim
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, god save aba and the earthen vaults between floods and earthquakes.
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lose me under this sky , i leave the best of you to the dream of tomorrow.
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how can i help you? we can have two hands of the same color and the same price . there is only one left of this hair style with the same color. that's why it came in at this price. it's great. it is a discount and all the accessories here have a special discount in addition to the discounts of sarai irani, then when will these purchases reach us? have it delivered to you at the moment, what an attractive , unbelievable discount at the sarai big iranian sarai big iranian sarai discount store in the cities of qom, isfahan, and
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the only branch in tehran. in sarah afsarieh , the water sports complex, the owner of the most exciting water sports equipment , opens the country's largest rooftop solar power plant with an area of ​​10,000 square meters with a capacity of one and two tenths of megawatts of electricity , a big step in the direction of the ideals of the water sports complex. abhi mashhad, the sports complex of mashhad's blue waves, the khabar wave, near the shrine of imam raouf, to serve pilgrims and fellow travelers, the quality of diversity. quality, variety, quality, variety, quality, friends, friends, in the city of household appliances, there is quality and variety , there is no dispute, the price floor in the city of home appliances, in the city of home appliances, any way you count, you are
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the winner.
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hello, welcome to the half-day news. i am in front of the holy quran, i am in front of the holy quran to almighty god. to god almighty. i swear. i swear. the beginning of the activities of the 12th parliament with the oath of the representatives of the nation.


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