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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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ministers of foreign affairs and other ministers in a very limited period of time show the level of confidence that the international community has towards the position of the islamic republic of iran at the regional and global level. mr. kanani also pointed to the presence of bahrain's foreign minister in tehran and the condolence message of the king of bahrain and emphasized: iran's successful diplomacy will continue to resolve the understandings with its neighbors and support the resistance. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs pointed out that supporting the palestinian nation against the zionist regime is a principled policy arising from the foundations of the islamic revolution , and there will be no problems in this way. my heart he could not bear not to appear among you. this was the expression and look of a man who, as the president
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, appeared among the people during floods, earthquakes and other incidents to supervise the management of the incidents and closely manage the affairs. 3 years ago , our president was personally present in most of the events. from the earthquake that occurred in gishan, the most remote village of hormozgan.
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i felt that the cold season is coming, and every night when i wanted to go to rest , i thought of indika, god, what are the people doing here now with these ruined houses and with this situation and the promise of houses and rural roads. as soon as they trust me, my promises to these people are truly fulfilled, like our road , like the health house, the school, the electricity of the village. when he didn't come, i called him at 3 o'clock and said, i will report on your latest situation .
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and then immediately in the government board, the order of investigation. go to naiman's buildings and check the export of all of you if there are any buildings that you know it is possible to repair it right now, so if it is not done, then we will not be able to see that people's lives are in danger , friends, take this seriously, especially the ministry of interior, the ministry of roads and the municipalities, especially the engineering system of the organizations that are responsible for following it. we
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should not witness the phenomenon of china. when the earthquake shook khoy city , our president went from house to house to comfort him. look, this is the condition of our houses. it means that we have so much destruction. of course , he did not stop only in khoy city. he also went to his villages. peace be upon you and may god bless you. hello very much i am happy to be among the people of badalan village. i thought that until i come and see the problems of the people, i will not calm down . the situation is cold, especially those living in tents. it is not an easy task, especially for our dear children. i think that in a short period of time, with the same effort you have and the local authorities have, we will also have the same tasks. it is our promise
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, god willing, we will follow it, a lot of work has been done here , mr. kolivand, report it himself, mr. raisi, we have this problem in your earthquake, when he when he came, it was as if he had given the whole world to the people , the burden of the people's sufferings was reduced , something happened to each of the cities or areas, within maybe less than 48 hours, they had a government approval to support both the infrastructure and to compensate for the damages that had been caused, and he did this with his heart , and he did this with conviction.
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the country has now left a memory of itself in the minds of the people. most of all, people point to the prosperity brought about by his travels . this actually solves 60 to 70 percent of the transportation situation. there was no history of the president to brag sue sits like this. he was sitting very simply as a slave of god. we didn't have any water supply at all, we need a pipe to be installed to transfer the water. he said how much pipe do you want? i said. the official of the country should come to nakhilat with the dignity that
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they have to listen and answer all the questions of the farmers with the humility that they have. hazrat ayatollah ra'is was a very popular president who was concerned about people's livelihood in the hearts of believers . he always paid attention to khuzestan province during his travels . during the past 3 years, the president made 8 trips to khuzestan province. there were many problems in khuzestan province. khuzestan province existed and with his presence , the problem of haft tepe company was solved. they worked very hard in the field of health, our insurance, fixing their population, their popularity, we really did not know them, the president is very down-to-earth, jihadi, and with sincerity, nothing can be said about him. we, sir
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, who sat behind us in the name of the islamic republic, you and i , have no honor but to serve the people. he was the servant of the iranian nation. anyone who does something for the sake of god is considered a martyr, especially according to the words of seyyed al-shohda , the service of mr. raisi, who really left no stone unturned in this field.
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mr. badr albusaidi, the minister of foreign affairs of oman, has come to tehran today, and now the minister's press conference. the ministry of foreign affairs of oman and the acting minister of foreign affairs of our country, mr. bagheri, is holding an event . i invite you to watch a few minutes of it . you will come back again. from the service of ayatollah raisi and from that meeting that was his service. they came out and the meeting ended. the positive approach of the head of the new government was very visible and tangible for them, and today we are consolidating. the ties of brotherhood
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and friendship are also promoting multilateral cooperation with our neighbors. the will of the islamic republic of iran is that there should be no gaps or breaks in the ties of its friends with its neighbors, and we are making serious efforts to make this the right path to a safe region with the cooperation of all countries in the region. let's follow it and the way to expel the foreigners from the region is only in strengthening the bonds of friendship and effective and serious and all-round cooperation between the neighbors
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. at we have authority and this is a very big achievement for the iranian nation as well as the countries and nations of the region. the success of scientists in the mass production of all kinds of computer memories, the specialists of a knowledge-based company, by internalizing the technical knowledge of producing all kinds of computer memories, succeeded in meeting the needs of industries in supplying this category of parts. the production of iranian computer memories prevents the annual departure of more than 2 million dollars from the country. different types
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of memories are used to store information and data in computers. this product is one of the parts imported to the country that the technical knowledge of production it is internalized in a daneshmounian company. the product we are currently producing is computer rams, rams for desktop computers and laptops. we produce the third generation, the fourth generation and the fifth generation . our newest product is permanent memories or hard drives, we were able to produce all generations of memories, for the production of these memories , specialists in software, hardware and mechanics have played a role. then, the assembly of the parts on the board enters this machine, which is called an oven, and its job is to create high heat so that the parts on the board can be assembled. production memories of this company passed all kinds of quality control tests. and it can compete with foreign samples . after the panel comes out of the oven, after
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it cools down, we break it, then we put it in this state. for the device to be programmed, 17 different algorithms are tested on the modules. we have temperature tests. we have the humidity test , we have the pressure test, we have the static test, and all the modules are tested so that the final buyer of the product who gets it is a high-quality product, it is necessary to internalize this product. various industries to fix samples made in iran to replace our imported samples in the discussion the sale of products can almost be said that the military bodies are all making purchases. banks , universities, etc. let me tell you that social security is one of our customers. we compete with the best taiwanese brands. we are not saying that we are better than them, but we are not inferior to them either . it is proven in tests of localization of these products. it has led to foreign exchange savings for the country of nearly 1 to 2 million dollars per year
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. now, depending on the range of products that we produce, we can have foreign exchange savings. this company produces hard products it has another software on its agenda, and this all-iranian motherboard is another product of this company that will be launched soon. mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency. with the continuation of the process of providing foreign currency needed by the country, the statistics of providing foreign currency from the beginning of the year to today reached about 11 billion dollars , of which about 8 billion dollars was related to the supply of the country's industries. in this context , we are talking to the spokesperson of iran's gold and currency exchange center. hello, mr. balestini, please tell me what currencies to sell today in the exchange center and in what headings. reached in the name of allah, most merciful, most merciful
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and i have the courtesy of your excellency and the various viewers of this news section to inform you that today in iran's currency and gold exchange center, the price of dollar remittance is 41,914 tomans and dollar bill is 44,890 tomans, euro remittance is 4,564 tomans and euro bill is 48,692 tomans. 11,413 tomans dirham money order and 123 tomans dirham notes are traded , just like you said, in the land supply group. which the central bank has done since the beginning of the year for various imported goods of the country is nearly 11 billion dollars, that is 10 billion and 979 million dollars, of which 28 basic goods and medicine billion dollars of commercial goods, 5 and 9 billion dollars, the headlines related to import versus export, 19 billion dollars, the service sector, 245 million
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dollars, a deal has been made and supply has been made for it. announcing the rates of the central bank affix market rate the weighted average rate of the currencies, the central bank also announces that this is a calculation ground rate and not the transactions that based on what was announced, the weighted average of the currency provision made for the us dollar is 3,694 tomans and euro with an average of about 40 thousand tomans. the value provision has been made and the dirham is close to 10 thousand tomans, which means what is the real import needs of the country and is officially imported into the country at the rates that i mentioned , the amount of land provision is related to the basic goods sector, which are the most goods. which people
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are suffering from, and mostly they are worried about the central bank providing them with their wishes. there are billions of dollars, of which basic and agricultural goods, which are livestock inputs, wheat and similar goods, are nearly 24 billion dollars, and drugs and medical equipment are 424 million dollars. the supply of industries means what the country's industry needs in order to be used as raw materials, in the production processes in the nima heading, 5 and 9 billion dollars, and in the dade heading, in contrast to exports, 19 billion dollars have been supplied for it, which this table shows if you notice, the transportation and automobile industries and the electrical and electronic equipment industries are the most goods , that is, they are the most sectors for which land has been secured.
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in order to fulfill the territorial obligation, the respected exporters are importing into the country with arrangements that are centrally thought out . fortunately, since the end of last year, the import of gold bars to the country has been very good, and very good deals have been made, nearly 4.5 tons of gold bars in the center during this period. the exchange has been transacted, the value of which is close to 20 thousand billion tomans. these 20 thousand billion tomans are basically resources that belong to the respected exporters , and fortunately, these squares have been quickly provided to the respected exporters. yes , thank you very much. you. mr. balestini, the spokesperson of the center exchange of iranian currency and gold, we say goodbye to you. the recipe for online bread sales was announced. based on this, the page of online and telephone buyers will be organized so that the rights of the buyers are not lost. also, the price and weight of bread offered in platforms can be according to the approved or competitive price list.
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the cost of offline sales services should be clearly and separately in the invoice. electronic sales should be included. when a person does not show up to buy bread , he wants bread with certain characteristics, naturally, the additives that come, the type of bread , the type of goods, the costs of transporting those components that are required for each now, for example, does it have to be for carrying bread, or do these cloth tablecloths have a price that the chamber of guilds of each city should specify each and every one of these cases, when it is felt that these items will be sent to the consumer on the electronic invoice along with the bread. agreed purchase of 140,000 tons of potatoes from farmers, the ceo of tuan rural organization says that from the second half of april until now , the surplus production of potatoes from farmers has been completely
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purchased and by preventing the losses of the producers, this amount has been fully marketed. most of the product was actually transferred to the additional conversion industry a part of it was actually exported, and a part of it was actually done in the starch production industry in a special way, and also a small part of it, about 10,000 tons , was actually used in animal feed, and in fact, as animal feed. in the cycle, i would like to inform you that permanent products have been placed, so continue the news from the fourth news section. narz mango harvest has started from the orchards of hormozgan province. officials of the ministry of agriculture say that more than 25,000 tons of mangoes will be harvested this year. when the weather warms up,
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it's time to harvest mangoes, the king of warm fruits satiety a variety of delicious minaba, of course, the first product of the year in hormozgan. these days, the gardens of minav have been blessed by god and hope in marizane. we are planting seven mango trees here . i have 20 hectares of zirkesh mango trees, then each mango plant that is here will produce 2,500 to 5,000 seeds. 60% of mangoes in hormozgan. it is harvested unripe, which is used in the processing and pickling industry. hormozgan has 2,800 hectares, from which we expect to harvest more than 25,000 tons of crops this year , and in minab city, about 100 kilograms per tree.
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mangoes are harvested. the area of ​​mango cultivation in minab city is 1700 hectares. we anticipate that by the end of the harvesting operation, more than 15,000 tons of product will be harvested and sent to the target markets . the mango product that is produced in minab city is from commercial and market varieties. speed ​​is transferred to the processing plants for the production of pickles. this is saffron mango pickle, which is the best-selling mango pickle in minav city. this is a traditional mango pickle with skin . mango pepper pickle. currently , we have an average daily production of 7-8 tons, approximately 12 types of pickles, salted cucumbers, and these are here.
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we have production in hormozkan, five pickle and salt conversion industry units are operating. it is expected that this year more than 4 thousand tons of green mangoes will enter the production line and mango pickles will be produced. let's produce mangoes and mango skins and a series of other products, as well as dry mangoes. in addition to mina city, mangoes are also produced in rodan bandarbas cities. rafi news agency, muharragha village, minab city. the rains started this morning in the heights of eastern alvarez, some parts of north khorasan, the mountainous areas of golestan and also some places. ardbin and north azarbaijan, west and east continued. also, the wind continues to blow in the eastern belt from today and in the coming days. hello , dear compatriots, i would like to inform you that today
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after the dish and tonight we will witness rains in the northwestern parts of our country for the provinces of west azarbaijan , east azarbaijan, ardabil province, as well as the eastern heights of alborz and in the northeastern parts of the country in golestan provinces. and we are in north khorasan, where the rains in these areas are in the form of scattered showers. in addition, in the northeastern parts of the eastern regions of the country, especially the parts of the eastern belt and the zabul region we expect that the wind speed will increase in some hours, strong winds in these areas will cause a decrease in air quality and visibility due to the wind conditions in the caspian sea and the persian gulf today . hello in the name of god. tarbi
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left porto with the championship goal. in the final match of the portuguese cup, the two teams of perto and sporting roo faced each other . mehdi tarmi, the iranian striker of perto, who came to the field at the beginning of the second half. he scored the second goal and the victory of his team from the penalty spot. to with this arrangement, tarmi left porto after 4 years after scoring the championship goal and will play in inter italy from next season. the end of the national volleyball team's work in the first week of the league of nations with only one point. in the continuation of these competitions in rio de janeiro , brazil, this morning, the iranian national team in the last. in the first week of his game, he went to argentina and lost 2/3 in a close match. the iranian team had lost in three previous matches against sarvostan, italy and cuba. thus
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in the end. may 27th is sunset in tehran at 19.12 minutes, maghrib call to prayer at 19.32 minutes and midnight sharia will be tonight at 23:10. today's special news interview with my colleague, mr. bozor nasib. in the name of god, thank you dear colleague mrs. hosseinzadeh. greetings and politeness and respect to all
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dear viewers. you know that today the 12th parliament officially started its work and for the next 4 years , the parliamentarians will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the law and we would like to review how the performance of the 11th parliament was and the priority how should the economic activities of the 12th parliament be, which is also the slogan of the year let's take a look at the message of the leader of the revolution, which was given on the occasion of the beginning of the 12th term of the islamic shura majlis . it had 12 points. and the first thing was that the forces should have a disciplined and regular interaction with each other and empathetically interact with other forces
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. to the development projects that, i hope you will be present, are beyond the government's capacity and more than the budget they should avoid construction. it is very simple that they should not do something that does not cost the government money and will put more pressure on it. this is a point that i would like to discuss with the presence of the honorable members of the parliament who follow up on the issues related to their constituencies within the framework of a macro and national perspective. do this work and follow up what they are doing . let's see the next picture together. what did he do in the past period in the economic commission, 127 projects and bills were completed, 120 supervisory actions were taken, and 110 meetings were held with ministers. during these 4 years that he has been in charge and the most important events that happened in the economic commission has fallen, let's review very quickly the value added tax law
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. he was told that the organization of equity shares of the banking plan of the islamic republic, which was one of the plans that had been pending for years , was completed in the 11th parliament, and you know that they also have an application of article 234, which means that one point should be referred to the judiciary. please let's see together that there were 43 drafts and bills for the civil commission, 140 supervisory measures and 72 meetings with the minister. i had 360 questions from the minister. research and investigation and 2 submissions to the food authority , applying article 234, one of the most important laws that helped the construction of housing in the country to take shape and prosper was the law of jump in housing production, which was reviewed in the 11th parliament and in the civil commission. the arrangement of rents for residential properties was also done in this commission, it is almost now also other commissions, because our time is limited, i am running out of it, they invite all the viewers who are interested in this discussion to stay with us on news viewer network. ok, please, thank you
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. yes, we reviewed 2 of the activities the commissions of the islamic council and other commissions must have several laws , such as the liberalization of car imports and other things, the issue of facilitating the issuance of business licenses. the time we discussed and talked about it a lot in the broadcasting organization and other laws that we will get to during the program, here in our studio mr. majid shakri, an economic expert, as well as mr. mohammad rezapour ebrahim, the former head of the economic commission of the islamic council in addition to saying hello to both of you, i would like to invite you before we start our discussion. viewers, let's watch a report together.


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