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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. in front of the holy qur'an, i swear in front of the holy qur'an to the almighty god, the almighty god, the oath of the beginning of the activities of the 12th parliament with the oath of the representatives of the nation , the leader of the revolution, the oath of representation , the true and responsible oath of follow-up. constituency issues should
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be dealt with in the context of the country's issues. the parliament should be comforting, hopeful and inspiring and inviting to empathy and brotherhood in the public environment of the country. opening of 647 units. in alborz province and the new city of pardis farda, with the opening of the caspian railway, the gulf rail connection fars is completed by the caspian sea. during the 35 kilometers that we traveled , there were about 18 intersections or large bridges, i.e. bridges with a height of, for example, 67 meters. the new massacre of the zionists in the bombing
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of the refugee camp in rifa, hamas held the us responsible for the crime of the zionist regime, the widespread and rapid global response against the new crime of the israeli regime and the localization of the anti-lock material by the efforts of iranian knowledge foundations. a strategic product with the ability to prevent corrosion and failure of parts in the oil, gas, petrochemical and steel industries. this sample was placed under the water of the persian gulf for a year. examples that antisize it is completely healthy to eat, that is, when we get the torque, it can be opened easily. but we can see that the samples that were control and no antis were used were severely corroded. in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate , we are at your service with the news section at 21:00. in the group, the disciplined and empathetic interaction with other forces and the correct and patient collective behavior within the force were considered important and they emphasized that the parliament should always be relaxing and hope-giving and provoking effort and invitation. to promote empathy and brotherhood in the public environment of the country . ayatollah khamenei also called the people's sincere gratitude through service to the people and righteous deeds as a divine reward and
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pointed out that the multi-million funeral of the late president and his dear companions is an example of this divine reward. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen golpayegani, the head of the supreme leader's office , recited in the opening ceremony of the islamic council , it is in the name of allah the most high.
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i thank the religion that is a great gift of god to the nation of iran. each new assembly can shine newly created in the horizon of rashman country and hope. increase the motivation of the nation. the combination of fresh representatives with experienced elected representatives conveys the message that the nation's house, by using its powers in the constitution and by adhering to its heavy responsibility among the country's pillars, will be able to combine modernity and innovation with maturity and seriousness. keeping supervision away from turbulence and chaos as well as stagnation. correct and patient collective behavior within the power of singing will help to realize all the characteristics of a balanced parliament and
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will make the good memory of the representatives last. may it be a blessing and inspire courage and invite empathy and brotherhood in the public environment of the country. in the parliament itself, useless media contests and harmful political controversies should not occupy the time and short life of the term of responsibility. otherwise, the valuable capacity of the presence of representatives in this position. now it will be lost and this is a big loss. ayatollah khamenei added in this message: another point is about the oath of representation. this
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is not a formal or ceremonial oath. it is a real and responsible oath that will be difficult in this world and the next. respected representatives, inevitably must at all times. the next point is related to moral obligations it is the islamic lifestyle, which is an important part of moral virtues , becomes more important in the field of political challenges and legitimate competitions. here is the alchemy of piety and forgiveness, fairness, honesty and responsibility. the bottomless work reveals its original price. martyrs of ardibehesht flight, who are now mourned all over the country, one of their characteristics was observing moral virtues. self-care in this field should be taken seriously. the
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last point: it is a reminder of the fact that each member of parliament represents the entire nation of iran. this means that the main work of the supply agent. the follow-up of the issues of the constituency should be done in the framework of a macro view of the country's issues, and the approval of development plans should be avoided in an extreme manner and beyond the limits of the construction budget. dear brothers and sisters. working with the intention of serving the people, doing righteous and good deeds will be rewarded by allah and the all-grateful, all-knowing god in this world and in the hereafter. attracting people's hearts to their unceasing gratitude is one of the divine rewards in the world, and the funeral of several millions of the late president and his dear companions is an example of this divine reward. loyal and vigilant people in different cities with flowers and tears
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the pure bodies of the martyrs of the 60s have revived for the new generation of the country, and in practice, thousands of lies and god's mercy and blessings be upon them. in the end , i feel it necessary to thank the honorable representatives of the 11th term, especially the hard-working president and its active board of directors . peace be upon you and the mercy of god seyyed ali khamenei, june 6, 1403, the beginning of the new term. legislation in the first session of the 12th parliament was more than anything else, the vacancy of the martyred president who was supposed to give a speech in this session was noticeable. today, the representatives have taken an oath in the four-year legislative period , the protector of islam, the guardian of the achievements
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the islamic revolution of the iranian nation is the foundation of the islamic republic. today, the sunni presiding board was in charge of the administration of the parliament, and tomorrow the members of the presiding board will be elected by the votes of the representatives. official opening of the twelfth course. parliament. today , another round of surveillance legislation in the country took place with the oath of 290 elected people. i swear. i swear the deposit that the nation. entrusted to us in this period, 126 elected members entered the parliament for the first time. 164 candidates also have representation experience and 14. most of the elected are women . in the opening ceremony of the 12th majlis of the authorities
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kishari and lashkari were present, and of course the place of the martyred president and the minister of foreign affairs was empty. after the establishment of the sunni presiding board in the position of the presiding board, which was the combination of the youngest and the best elected members of the 12th parliament, the meeting became official. in the path of excellence, growth and progress , the islamic council has and will pay more attention to improving the level of knowledge and technology in the country. the first vice president and acting president, who was the special guest of this event, referring to the actions of the 13th government and the services of martyr ayatollah raeesi, said that one of the good things that shahid mun rosh focused on was the water issue. it was the country, after all, you know that the water is problematic in some places. if we did not do these strikes , we would
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have faced problems in the summer of 1401 and the summer of 1402. the minister of interior also presented a report on holding the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council. in this period, the design and promotion of accurate systems for holding elections in addition to the realization of electronic government in the field of elections, a new form of coordination. systematic, efficient and effective among different levels of the country's administration . the elected members of the twelfth parliament, then, to renew the alignment with the ideals of the founder of the islamic republic iran's holy shrines were purified. based on the attitude and behavior of the imam, god willing, we will be able to serve dear people honestly in all god willing . discussion of livelihood of working people. may at least the simple life that the imam said come true
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. we have come here to pledge allegiance to the leadership. the people of the noble nation of iran have entrusted us with a heavy burden of trust. god willing, after the end of the rosfid period , we will work hard to solve the problems of economic problems. the livelihood of a member of parliament should put his personal interests aside and finally consider the interests of the public. he will definitely succeed. i hope that based on this during these 4 years of work, the ideals of the parliament will also lay its foundation stone. people's livelihood and people's economic issues, god willing, should be his priority. 15 branches are supposed to check the credentials of the selected candidates for 3 days. with the approval of the credentials of two/ thirds of the representatives of the islamic council, the members of the permanent presiding committee of the islamic council will also be elected. pishbehar, the founder of sed and sima news agency, motahar shrine. in the islamic republic of iran, more than
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6,000 mehr housing units were completed and handed over to applicants in the new cities of mehestan and pardis. minister of roads and urban development in the handing over of mehr housing units the new city of mehestan said: the completion of each mehr housing unit costs an average of 300 million tomans, which is paid through the national housing fund. finally, after years of waiting for another number of mehr housing units in the cities of pardis and mehestan , after the completion of the delivery of applicants 368 campus units and 3,080 mehestan units, totaling 6,500 units, were opened today. we are doing the rest of the mahromun residences in this city, which
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is under the government's commitment and in a tripartite way, 1800 units, which god willing will be opened this week by the government, and more than 13 thousand units, we have started operations in the city of ishtreh. thirteenth has so far spent more than 35 thousand billion tomans from the manufacturing site to complete mehr housing units, from the 240 thousand mehr housing units that this government had reached, with today's openings , it has reached more than 137 thousand, which means a little less, a little more than 100 a thousand more are left in the whole country. the 37-kilometer long caspian railway
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will be put into operation tomorrow, and the rail connection between the persian gulf and the caspian sea. caspian growth railway is expected to transport 5 million tons and 1.4 million passengers in the first year of operation. the construction of rash kasbin railway started 15 years ago. deputy minister of roads he says that the reason for the delay in the implementation of this plan is to give priority to other plans, including the qazvin rushd railway. as you know, our initial plan was to reach anzali port, but because we were forced to do so due to environmental issues and we could not reach anzali port, we changed the route from an area called pirbazar to the caspian port . the line started with 18 intersections and large bridges and 243 waterways built along the 35 kilometers that we traveled, about 18 intersections
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or large bridges were numbered, i.e. the upper bridges. anzali made since when did you work here? we almost since 1997, we have worked very quickly. with the operation of this 37-kilometer railway line , the caspian railway connection to the persian gulf has been established for the first time, and the basis for the expansion of economic relations between eurasia and the southern countries of the persian gulf and the indian ocean is provided. according to the announcement of the ministry of roads and urban development from leila saki of sed and sima news agency, the governor of the central bank said that the inflation rate reached 311% in behesht 1403 from 49% in bahman 1401. at
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the monetary policy conference, mr. farzin added that the central bank is trying to bring the inflation rate into the channel by the end of the year. explaining the control policies of the central bank in the market the width and control of the liquidity rate in order to curb inflation in the 31st annual conference on monetary and exchange policies , policies that are divided into macro-prudential policy and macroeconomic policy, exchange rate policy , macro-economic policy, interest rate, macro-economic policy , micro-precautionary policies, more indicators banking health, capital adequacy ratios, liquidity coverage, these are
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a set of precautionary policies that come in our policy making in the banking system, that is, our supervision . the banking system that we have to implement, the programs that the central bank follows will reduce inflationary expectations and control the land market, reducing rates. liquidity and after that the targets set by the central bank were realized. we announced the target of 25% and you can see that this target became the 24th of last year , which means we almost reached our target and this realization of the targets made us reach the targets. new central bank to be added. we said the liquidity growth was 23 plus minus 2 percent. we implicitly announced our inflation that we want it to come to the 20% channel point by point. another axis of increasing regulation and supervision of the central bank is related to the correction of imbalances in the banking system. for this reason
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, the central bank by presenting a reform program to several banks as well as liquidation. the credit institution has gone to solve these conflicts in the banking system. when we can't solve the disagreements and solve the bank's problems, we always go to the bank's decision. another control measure in the field of resolving banking disputes is related to the increase of the capital of state banks by 275 thousand billion tomans from the beginning of the 13th government until now. 47 in 1402 only. according to mr. farzin, what happened is the central bank's effort to implement monetary, horizontal, credit policies, and regulate supervision based on the new law of the central bank. sara fazli news agency sed and sima, with the presence of people of culture, art and media , a commemoration ceremony
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was held in vahdat hall to commemorate the martyred president and his companions. reviewing the characteristics and performance of martyr ayatollah raisi was one of the parts of this ceremony. in this notebook, they used to write their wishes. i don't believe seyyed khemet. someone else in the united nations will cause the reputation of islam, muslims and iran. he brought up the picture of the martyred lt. gen. qassem soleimani. in the united nations, he said that this man is the hero of the fight against terrorism in the whole world and in his beliefs, when he brought up the quran, he said that this is not a combustible truth. they meant idiots in sweden and here. they used to burn the koran where there was a story of reeds at the time of separation until ibrahimi
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and the fire in your arms, a time to remember the one whom they had seen and whose characteristics they loved, this dear. i lost a lot in the field of culture and art. i had serious and interested views . in the calligraphy art community, at least we saw that they are by our side in a brotherly manner, and their view was cultural and artistic, and they respected their colleagues very much. they are really people. empty seat poets and writers and people of visual arts, literature, people of cinema, theater and music like other people,
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they consider themselves indebted to him who traveled. most of the artists in front of him talked to everyone with an open face and happily, and he examined and answered their problems from the point of view of culture and art. good support especially foresight. i don't remember them , when someone is talking to them , they leave them in the middle of the conversation, go to the end of the conversation, they stop, they answer in the same iftar meeting, which is two hours of my time, i can boldly say that two thirds of the problems of our artist friends it was easily resolved in the same meeting. martyr president ayatollah raisi pai kar culture and art was the emphasis of the host of the event . you witnessed
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that there are less prominent cultural and artistic media delegates who are absent, presence , persistence in the communication of upper level documents, we are still receiving their new notifications in the field of culture and art. ebrahim raeesi also became a legend and will last forever , god willing, he will die for us as well. this is how sidi died, whose appearance was beautiful, my inner beauty was beautiful, and the outer and the inner were the same, and god had planned a good end for him. ayatollah khamenei, supreme leader of the revolution islamic in a message on the passing of hojjat
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al-islam and muslims expressed their condolences to seyyed hassan nasrallah. the text of the message of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution is as follows. in the name of god. the blessed presence of the great mujahid, mr. hojjat-ul-islam wal-muslimin, haj seyed hassan nasrallah, the leader. lebanon's resistance is blessed. hello. my sincere condolences on the death of your beloved mother. in the honor of the deceased, it is enough that sayyid nastuh of resistance arose from his pure lap. may god's mercy and blessings be upon him and god's peace and blessings upon you and your fellow fighters in the great front of resistance. seyed ali khamenei first vice president in the meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of oman and the accompanying delegation
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, he considered the presence of the omani delegations in the inauguration ceremony as consolation for the martyred president and his companions and emphasized on the development and expansion of all-round cooperation with oman. in this meeting, the minister of foreign affairs of oman described the relations between the two countries as an important strategy. developments in gaza and bilateral relations are the focus of the consultation of the acting ministry of foreign affairs with the minister of foreign affairs of oman. mr. bagheri in a joint press conference. he said with the foreign minister of oman: part of the talks with the omani side was devoted to how to send aid to gaza and also emphasized on strengthening relations with the countries of the region. today we are consolidating the bonds of brotherly friendship as well as promoting multilateral cooperation with our neighbors. the will of the islamic republic of iran
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is that nothing. there should be no gap in the ties between his friends and neighbors and we are making serious efforts to follow this right path of a safe region with the cooperation of all the countries of the region . badr al-busaidi said: "both sides agree on stopping the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and we must work harder to stop the crimes of the zionists." the central areas of the gaza strip came under the fire of zionist attacks many times today.
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at least in the bombing of brij and nusirat camps. in the north of the gaza strip, the bombing of a house resulted in the martyrdom of a baby girl, a pregnant mother, and a number of other members of this child's family. as a result of the artillery attacks on the jabalia camp, a number of people were martyred and wounded. the spokesman of the palestinian ministry of health, declaring that there is no means to treat the wounded, asked the international community, based on the fourth geneva convention, from the health and medical department of the gaza strip.
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to support the number of war martyrs is 360 and the number of wounded it has reached 8126 people. the zionist media reported that the egyptian army forces shot at the soldiers of this regime at the rafah crossing. al jazeera also said that israel's military monitoring organization had passed the news about the incident between egyptian and israeli army forces.
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but it was after maghrib that four rockets hit here. this place was set on fire along with the people who were here. this is the seventh place we have migrated to in the restricted area of ​​gaza. responsible for city defense.


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