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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 1:00am-1:18am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] get 60 of the resources of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number five to 308 55. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. specialists of a knowledge-based company localized the technical knowledge of updating the flowmeter device. flowmeters are used to calculate the volume and flow of oil and other liquids in refineries and power plants. in refineries and power plants to calculate the volume and flow of oil and other liquids from a device similar to
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a meter but more advanced called. a flow meter is used. it has been several years that the diesel meters of shahid rajaei power plant have been defective being self-made and buying this equipment from abroad required huge expenses . a need that was solved with the innovative product of a knowledge-based company. the product we produced is a module or extension that is used on old, faulty and worn out flowmeters or flowmeters. sits down and turns these flowmeters into flowmeters with today's features and technologies, parts of the old track that were turned into modern technology equipment with the intelligence of these young professionals, we realized that the mechanical part of these defective and old flowmeters that being in power plants, they are healthy and only part it is the measurement and calculations that are flawed, we
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designed this system on that part. it was difficult to prepare it because of the embargo. among the leading countries in the field of flowmeter production, we can mention england, germany and the united states, which were unable to import from these countries due to the embargo. with a year of research and development, our team was able to produce a product that created all the features of foreign products on defective and old flowmeters. the cost of updating these flowmeters is one-twentieth of the purchase price of foreign samples. according to our customers , the cost of importing such a flowmeter is about 20 thousand dollars it is true that we have upgraded these defective and old flowmeters for them with one-twentieth of the cost, which is about a thousand dollars, and the flowmeters that have been successfully installed and operated in the power plants of different cities such as ghazvin ray, ahvaz and some other cities, have cost about half a
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million dollars so far. saving currency for the country as well. it has been about a year that these meters have been delivered to the power plant and installed in our gas units and are being operated. the performance of these meters was satisfactory and excellent during this year . mohammad hossein haji, australian government broadcasting agency in try to run programs the new training will introduce children over 5 years of age and students with the principles of media literacy and the skills of safe presence in cyberspace. for this purpose, the australian government, in cooperation with an educational foundation , offers free classes to child and adolescent users so that they can gain the necessary insight to deal with the possible challenges of using virtual space and online environments. the success of knowledge bases in
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the mass production of all kinds of computer memories. specialists of a knowledge-based company, by internalizing the technical knowledge of producing all kinds of computer memories, succeeded in meeting the needs of industries in providing such parts. the production of iranian computer memories prevents the annual departure of more than 2 million dollars from the country. all kinds of memories are used to store information and data in computers. this product is one of the parts imported to the country. its production technology has been internalized in a daneshmounian company. the product we are producing now is computer rams, rams for desktop computers and laptops. we produce the third generation, fourth generation and fifth generation. our newest product is permanent memories or hard drives. we could discuss the memories of all generations produce
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software specialists to produce these memories. it passes the quality check and is competitive with the memories produced by this company. there are various tests with foreign samples. after the panel comes out of the om, after it cools down, we break it, then we put it in this mode for the device to be programmed here. different algorithms are tested on the modules, we have temperature tests , we have humidity tests, we have pressure tests, we also have static tests. various industries replaced our imported samples with iran-made samples. in the discussion of selling products
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, it is honorable to say that military organizations are all buying, banks, universities, and let me tell you that social security is one of our customers. we compete with the best taiwanese brands. i'm not saying let's do it. we are better than them, but we are not less than them either. this is what has been proven in experiments. the localization of these products has resulted in saving foreign currency for the country. it is close to 1 to 2 million dollars per year depending on the range of products that we produce we can have a currency page. this company has other hardware products in its agenda. and this all-iranian motherboard is another product of this company that will come soon. will be launched on the market. mehdi naqvi, sed and sima news agency. harvesting of all unripe fruits from the gardens of hormozgan province has started . officials of the ministry of agricultural jihad say that more than 25 thousand tons of mangoes will
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be harvested this year. when the weather warms up, it's time to harvest mangoes, the king of warm and satiating fruits. of course, the first harvest of the year in hormozgan, these days, the gardens of minav are fruitful with your hope, we plant seven mango trees a day here. i have 20 hectares of mango trees . then, every mango bush here gets 2,500 to 5,000 seeds. 60% of mangoes are in every supreme leader of the revolution, a demand that the people have in the pillars of the system. in any case, the parliament is considered one of the pillars of the country. we were looking to be able
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to complete the course of action that we took in the past years in the parliament in different sectors in the eleventh period. our biggest economic challenges now are what people are suffering from inflation is suffering. today, if you ask people what is the biggest challenge in your life in your current affairs, they will say that your biggest challenge is in the area of ​​inflation. well, if we want to find a solution to inflation in the country, we must go to its roots and causes. let's examine the root and causes of it . it shows that we had a series of approaches in the field of discontent that happened and what are the main roots of it, or the current measures are naturally like currency policies, which are also the cause of inflation in the economic system. the 11th was to be able to be a part of these discontents which is in the structural and basic field of the country's economic system, let's accomplish this. one of the important actions of the 11th parliament
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was the approval of the central bank law and its promulgation at the end of last year, which made its structure completely different from the law that we had almost before the victory of the revolution in the 50s. this new law, from our point of view, considering that this work has been done for about three and a half years only in our 11th term. in recent years, it has basically been approved in the parliament, the main focus of the parliament is on the bill, the result is that today we have given full authority to the central bank with the new structure, we will not allow it anymore. if the previous imbalances continue or if a new one-unit imbalance is created in the economic system , all economic experts know that it is one of the main causes of inflation in the economic system. weaknesses that we had in the central bank were our most basic issues, and this solution was carried out because before the recently announced year, our prediction is that maybe in the 12th parliament, one of our recommendations to colleagues and representatives of the 12th term is
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that god willing, carefully monitor the implementation of this important law and put it on the agenda so that we can avoid the effects and consequences of the problems caused by inflation. to minimize this area, one of our other imbalances is the budget imbalance. which also has an inflationary effect. well, we were faced with the duration of oil sales due to sanctions. basically, the country believed that it could follow its own path with its own revenues. the share of taxes in the economic sphere of the country in our current situation it is considered to be nearly 5% of the country's gdp share , while in our development plan, our target is 10%, other countries have an average of 15% to 20% of their taxes, so this path needs improvement, this is my tax, not this. the concept that we increase the tax on the people, on the classes, on the business, and on the market, on the employees, is not. just to prevent tax evasion.
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a topic that was raised recently in economic discussions. the transparency of economic information. the mahdiyan system below the store, which was our last deadline to the government almost last year, and we enshrined it in the law and promulgated it , is considered one of the most important laws of this parliamentary term, which was followed by the previous term and this term has been finalized, and in my opinion, it is a platform for creating transparency. information to prevent escape in iran's economy, i believe this is the title of an expert almost equivalent to maybe close to 50% of the amount of tax we are collecting is the amount of tax evasion in the country, if we calculate these based on the same indicators, our number will be more accurate. this tax evasion has nothing to do with business and the market, nothing to do with activists it has nothing to do with the economy , it has nothing to do with my employees that we impose tax pressure on the people, not those who should be taxed in the country's economy based on the performance of the body tax, so we came and did three or four things in the country's tax structure.
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i explained and implemented it. the second thing that happened a lot it was important to reduce the tax rate on the performance of the factories . not only that, we did not put pressure to increase it, for example, during the last two years , we reduced the tax rate on corporate performance from 25% to 18%, which practically provides the interests of shareholders in the capital market and other places, as well as the owners and it gives the entrepreneurs and the economically active community this position, and interestingly, with the reduction. its reforms have been carried out, since about two and a half years ago, it is officially included in the tax base of iran's economy, which now plays the main role, and the average growth rate is higher. the basis of the statistics provided by the tax organization is the annual average of 40 percent of its functional growth rate is the tax on speculation, which, of course, the purpose here in all these rules and decisions of the economic field in the world is based on profit or the same cg that you mentioned at the beginning of the conversation. you said that it is not that
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we want to generate income from that tax base . regulation in the economic system is the most basic goal of the tax on the dam. banking system through the approval of the central bank law god willing, we will soon see my works in the society and it has started through the reform of the structure. we put the tax system in the country, which is the main and most important source of support for the budget imbalance in the country, in the agenda. these were the most important areas of decision-making in the 11th majlis, which, alhamdulillah, came to fruition thanks to the grace of god . thank you, mr. shakri. if we want to categorize, in your opinion, as an economic expert of the 12th parliament , what should be its most important priorities in the field of economy? from local get out of the eyes of the representatives , get out of the local eyes, have a policeman's eye
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, how and what should be done in the field of economy , see what is facing us in the future is that the conditions of our foreign policy will continue as it has been in the past 3 years. he will not find that this issue has nothing to do with, for example, what is happening in the united states, but regardless of who is present or not, a new order is based on actually moving towards controlling the tension in ukraine, directly containing china. it will be created directly and impossibly isolation will include a new round of maximum pressure on the iranian side. this issue, do the americans have the tools to put pressure on the iranian side ? yes, the americans have limited but effective tools that can be devised, which means that there is enough time for this plan, and... let me tell you that it is possible, that is, decades of experience.
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in the past, because a prototype of these events that i mentioned happened last year, although it was not really unveiled, but nevertheless, in reality , we can say that the global handshake will be in this direction and the iranian side's tools for this matter. considering the importance of the work agenda that is in front of us, and if these events had not happened at all , our duty would have been to reduce as much as possible the effect of foreign policy on the domestic economy. in fact, going beyond this question and then the debate in the majlis stage , it is definitely not advisable to continue the situation that existed in the majlis elections in the majlis stage. to imagine that we can solve the supply side question in such a situation only with approaches based on supervision and creating laws
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is a very important point that we have to go through. look, when we talk about, for example , that the issue of the country is development, and even the answer to the foreign policy question that i mentioned is related to development , in the end, we can't simply say that we did something good, that is, increasing tax revenues. due to the fact that the increase in the ratio of tax revenues to jd, if it is not accompanied by the strengthening of the government's ability to produce and provide public goods, it has a recessionary effect, it does not matter what tax base creates this , or the nature of the increase or the nature of the increase in jd. that this issue is important. to go to that increase the share of taxes, etc., etc., when this is not part of a development program that is mentally shared between the forces , it will create some questions for us, or for example, when we talk about the law of the central bank, the law of the central bank, this is a
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special and extraordinary possibility. the central bank has provided a very good tool to the head of the central bank to monitor the bank and limit the liquidity rush in a structural way, and the concept of the central bank in general. it changes, but in the end, our goal is to reduce the long-term growth of liquidity, now with a macro-prudential tool called control. we have reduced the balance sheet of this growth and the growth and clarity of liquidity has decreased. well, now we have limited the demand side, but we cannot control the inflation that will eventually occur due to the shocks on the supply side. we need a supply side program. we definitely need a shared development program between the forces. in this sense, having the national approach that i emphasized. separating it from the controversies of defining the role of the parliament beyond the legislature as an intellectual aid to other powers
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is a very important issue . in fact, the next round of parliamentary and presidential elections will be held at the same time. this will actually push the political atmosphere of the country towards a partisan structure, because it is no longer possible to introduce a list for the parliament, a person should be introduced for the republic, a decree must be introduced. practicing


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