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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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tonight, which is dedicated to the british prime minister rishi sonak's decision to hold early elections, while in the polls he is generally 20% behind the labor party, this election is scheduled to be held on july 14. the british house of commons has been suspended since friday. british prime minister sanak on wednesday in a surprising action news about the election. the national government of this country announced that according to some experts, it is considered a political gamble. the importance of general elections in england is that whichever party wins the most seats in the house of commons becomes the next government will form i talked to the king to get permission to dissolve the parliament. he agreed and we will hold general elections in chahariyeh . starmer is the leader. the labor party, the main rival
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of the ruling conservative party, quipped that it was time for a change and an end to the disgrace caused by the conservative government. for decades, the government in england has been changing hands between these two parties. we have a long-term plan to rebuild britain. our plan is ready for implementation. the most important feature of our program is that instead of party interests, the interests of the country are the priority. the elections were expected to be held in the fall the conservative government has a better chance of closing its gap with the labor party, although a number of experts do not see much difference between the two parties. they say that the major political parties in
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britain are different from each other. the policies of these parties in various matters, especially foreign policy , are completely similar. rishi senak says: he will try for the fifth consecutive victory of the conservative party in the elections. this party has been in power in england since 2010. now, to further examine the holding of early elections in england, we will meet dr. masoud naderi. we are university professors and experts in english issues, mr naderi, first of all , let's talk about the reason for holding these elections early . the elections were supposed to be held at the end of 2024. sonak surprisingly announced that their decision to hold elections early is a strange thing that when they made this decision. getting 20% ​​in the polls, being behind, holding elections early, how could it help? al-rahman al-rahim
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, greetings and good times to you and dear viewers , and condolences for the death of the honorable president and the martyrs of his service, god willing, may the next president continue the path of these martyrs continue raisi, god willing. well, about the elections, you will see that rishi senak was forced to announce this under the pressure of the party and various issues in the british society. starmer himself had asked for it to be done by the end of 2024, but rishisonak came and announced it almost 6 months ahead of time. after that , senak's political gambling is also the headlines of the media, which
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we are seeing now. gambling is called sanak, let me tell you that this is sanak he came and announced that we are going to hold this event on july 4th, that is, july 14th, thursday, july 14th . well, it was an emirati koran, which indicates that this government is not lucky now, as you also announced, for example, the yoga institute came and announced that 47 workers are now supporters. and approx. 20% of the conservative party and sunak came anyway on 2 khordad , suddenly in front of the street in front of building no. 10, damin came and announced that yes, we are going to hold the elections in this way . well, look at the previous elections that the elections of municipalities , councils the city and those police commissioners 13
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england and it was assigned to the worker by mr. chris webb, whose behavior is with about 26 differences , who voted for them by about 11 thousand people , almost with about 26 differences, and this has a clear message, that is, starmer came and said that these feelings of the whole the nation reflects, we want to change the page, we want change, the nation wants this, of course. of course, this news became trending, but because of onur , he lost the municipal worker in the northeast, which by the way, the same aghasenak went to meet him, and the one who was there, and this and that, and that means that yes, we him.
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we lost the representative because he had a scandal, that representative of ours in black pool south resigned and his rival is like this. the vote came, well , you know that the conservative party has been in power for about 14 years now, they are almost attributing and simulating experts who work in the field of british issues, whether they are inside or outside, they say that it is similar to the 1997 election , which has been there for a long time. it was at the disposal of the conservative party that finally won bel came and those cases. it happened, now the process of the withdrawal of the british representatives from the parliament has been dissolved, and its last sessions are held and now about 78 representatives of the conservative party
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announced that we are leaving the process, that is, we are no longer in power and from the party, and this was the last time, for example , in 2017, when 12 people withdrew. labor 72 people means that now the conservative party feels that it needs a series of fundamental changes and fundamentally new candidates to enter the scene for the labor party . i would like to point out that almost the worker and as it was in your report, the worker and the protector do not have much difference, but yes they do. at the same time, for example , there are pro-israel lobbies in both parties, they make me proud, or, for example, jeremy corbyn, who was the previous leader of the labor party
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, stepped down under the pressure of these lobbies and handed over power to mr. starmer . good in the economy. whoever comes, regardless of whether he is a worker or a conservative , faces the same challenges, that is , he has identified three major problems in the british economy. 100% production of nakhaneh jedi do. but absolute poverty is still high according to surveys the ministry of labor and pensions announced that in 2023
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, the results of which will be announced in 2023, 11 million people out of the approximately 67 million people in britain are in absolute poverty, 23. this is the statistics of the ministry of labor and pensions . in 2023, this number has reached 12 million people, so this is a product of dissatisfaction. absolute poverty , very well, the conditions will change in favor of the kargerd party, although i myself may be in a similar difficult situation in the future. now, in this election , the most important differences and issues in the general field of the election will be raised between these two main parties. look at the labor party. manual worker the worker and the labor protector are the same old vigotori , but they have a new one anyway. over the years, these changes and changes have evolved in this theory, and they have brought it to this day. now, for example , there are other parties, for example, you see the british reform party. republicans, constitutionalists
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, those who are anti-kings, well, anyway , for example, in scotland, northern ireland, or even in plateau camry in wales, these are the results of these, anyway , they have divergent tendencies from london. again, the difference between the unitarians and now, obviously, the conservative party and the worker in the advertising media, you see, it is about business support, it is about people's living expenses, it is about wages, well, you know that workers are more civil than conservatives, the same differences that you see between democrats and republicans in america are similar here, except that there is a presidential system here, it is a parliamentary system and it is formed from the heart, the discussion of the difference in the industrial strategy of these two parties and i discussed the civil issues and the rights of the immigrants and their deportation, which was the root of the
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unrest . rishshina created the promise he said that if their power continues , they want to make military service mandatory for 18 years. yes, yes , for ladies and gentlemen, he has two daughters. he said that i have two daughters. i will send my two daughters to serve in the military, who is proud of a populist who has populist slogans, yes , this is an honor, but the main issue of the military is something else . farmaneh sadad, their commoner, said that we will in case of an incident war with russia means threatening russia.
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the things that have happened means that this is a part of the location of these things. but in any case, the main reason is that there is a need for troops, there is a shortage of troops. first of all, the times itself wrote that by 2026, the number of our military forces will reach 68,000. in 10 years , it will reach 52,000. the force means less and less volunteers, because the public trust in the police and the army has decreased. the cost of the invasion
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of afghanistan and iraq after two decades, and the rape, murder and crimes that are continuously happening in the british police, now how many we know how much stabbings are constantly increasing in london, and poverty has grown a little because there , it is now 12 million people. the receipt of these crimes has developed things and people's trust in the police has decreased a lot, despite the opposition of public opinion , they always know that they support the zionists. from what i know, they pledged 12 billion pounds to give ukraine seven and a half cents. the body means to help this money, despite the fact that there is poverty there, they are helping abroad. it is natural that mr. dr. thank you for being present in the world today
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ok, england, we will deal more with this issue. the european union foreign policy official said that israel's disregard for the international court of justice's ruling on discrediting europe weakens. stop the settlement in the south of the gaza strip. the secretary general of nato announced that the alliance has no plans to send troops to ukraine. jens stoltenberg said: nato does not intend to extend its air defense shield to ukraine and does not want to be part of the conflict with russia. during the encounter of the armenian police with 67 opponents of the prime minister were arrested. since this morning, thousands of armenians have demonstrated throughout the country. and they want the resignation of nikol pashinyan . demonstrators
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are protesting the government's decision to hand over several border villages to the republic of azerbaijan. thousands of people came to the streets in argentina to protest against the president's visit to this province. by blocking a road near the airport, the protesters announced their opposition to xavier milli's trip. since milli came to power last fall and simultaneously with the reduction of government subsidies. the value of the national currency of argentina has decreased by 50%. at least 14 people died as a result of storms and tornadoes in the states of texas and arkansas. and a number of injuries. the storm caused power poles to fall and power cuts in the homes of tens of thousands of local residents . the number of victims of the landslide in papua new guinea reached 2 thousand people. the international organization for migration has announced that 150 houses have been destroyed. the results
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of the examination of the case of importing contaminated blood from america to england. finally, the british government was declared guilty and responsible for the death of thousands of blood recipients. based on these results, the government of the ministry of health and even a number of british doctors with they didn't inform the patients about the knowledge that these bloods are contaminated. in the 1970s and 1980s, america procured these bloods from high-risk people such as prisoners and drug addicts. and exported to other countries including england. it is estimated that about 30,000 people in the uk will be infected with madam-arab diseases and about 3,000 people will die as a result of blood transfusions infected with aids, hepatitis and other diseases. the families of the victims received the contaminated blood from the ministry of health and medicine of this country and
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then subsequently complained to the ministry and asked for compensation. the media also honored the people and the government of indonesia the memory and name of the martyred president of our country expressed their sympathy and condolences to the leader of the iranian nation. the imam of the worshipers of esteghlal mosque, jakarta
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, held a memorial assembly for martyr raisi in memory of the last year's prayer of the late president of our country during his trip to indonesia. the independence mosque in jakarta, which hosted the prayers of the late president of our country during his visit last year, together with his indonesian muslim brothers, is now dressed in black for the martyred president of iran. the level of sadness and condolences of the people and the government of indonesia following the martyrdom of the president of iran and his companions to the supreme leader and noble nation of iran. communicate and remember the prayer. the magnificent one that we erected last year in memory of martyr raisi right here in esteghlal mosque , may their souls be happy and their status exalted. in this ceremony, people expressed their sympathy by sending messages of condolence to the ambassador of iran, and some people also gathered in front of our country's embassy and gave bouquets of flowers to honor the dignified status of these high-ranking martyrs. we are in front of the embassy of the
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islamic republic. iran in jakarta by giving flowers and lighting candles while paying tribute to the martyred president of this country , remembers the glorious reception of the indonesian people during his visit last year , a martyr who is known as amin the vice president. indonesia was always committed to creating world peace. the late iranian affairs were committed to maintaining world peace. indonesia, as a friend and brother of islamic iran , feels a great loss with the martyrdom of this prominent figure . the television channels of the most populous muslim country in the world are broadcasting the condolence statement of the head of state and special programs about the last year's trip of martyr seyed ebrahim raisi and
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his delegation to indonesia and meeting jok and his indonesian counterpart widodo or ismail south east asia regional office and now the third final file from. last week on the subject of the world program today we were able to have an overview of the foreign policy legacy of shahidan raisi and amir abdullahian .
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they were with the people of iran, under the presidency of the president of iran, he witnessed many developments and improvements in various fields, especially foreign policy. iran's progress in the field of foreign policy during the presidency of raisi was remarkable. india and iran have very long relations that go back to ancient years. the relations between the two countries during the presidency of mr. raisi were very forward and in the field. cultural, economic and strategic exchanges have also been strong in our relations. the coherence of the relations between the two countries is very important is. this consistency must remain stable. this cohesion
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should continue during the term of the new president who comes to office. the recent signing of the chabahar port agreement between iran and india is one of the important things that took place during the term of president raisi. the chabahar agreement between iran and india is binding. it connects tabhar to india and extends to central asia, russia, georgia, armenia and other countries . this agreement is very important. and it was signed recently and before the death of the president and the foreign minister. this shows how deep, coherent and strategic the relations between the two countries are. once again to the people iran nizam of this country due to the tragic death of the president. foreigners and other people express their condolences. now we are going to islamabad, pakistan to
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talk with mrs. iman jameel, an international relations expert. ms. jamil, what do you know about the legacy of the foreign policy achievements of mr. raisi and amir abdullahiyan? during the presidency of ebrahim raisi and the tenure of mr. amir abdullahian as the ministry of foreign affairs , they finally had goals for their foreign policy, one of which was independence from western countries and alliance with islamic movements . they sought to strengthen their relations with russia and china too. one of the great achievements of their foreign policy was, in fact, their reconciliation with saudi arabia, and also saudi arabia, which
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was known as the ideological rival of iran. and also, in doing good things for brics and doing good diplomatic activities in the field of the iran nuclear agreement, and with israel, in fact , there was a conflict that iran's answer to them finally made it clear that iran in terms of diplomatic and regionally, it is in a good position and all these were under the management and presidency of mr. raisi. mrs. jamil , what role do you think iran could play in the formation of the new world order in this period?
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change and they can actually stand up against western sanctions with the help of their friends and implement this at the global level. they also strengthened their relations with the resistance front and we saw that the party allah and hamas have good relations with iran and they stood well against israel after october 7th. we saw that brics is actually in the direction of the acceptance of iran as a permanent member goes forward, and on the other hand, to eliminate the domination of the states.
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the government of iran strengthened its relations with regional countries, and especially with pakistan , and strengthened its relations, and the important issue in the relations between iran and pakistan was the expansion of economic relations between the two sides and the increase of contacts. the people were together and
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one of their important points was that despite the instability of pakistan caused by the withdrawal of the americans from afghanistan, iran was able to strengthen its relations with pakistan and they were able to deal with border issues and border insecurities. and making agreements in this field is, of course, a difference. in april, the president of iran visited pakistan in the last weeks of april, and the main focus of this trip was to strengthen the economic relations between the two sides
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. in addition to economic relations, they also increased trade relations and the volume of trade relations between the two sides increased to more than 2 billion , and in the energy sector, they signed agreements on activities and in one agreement on border areas. and in fact, the borders signed agreements for the transfer of power lines. and the way of legal businesses, legal businesses smoothing between the two countries and we saw that both countries show their desire to strengthen and increase economic relations, ms. jameel, thank you for accepting this conversation on khabar network.
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we are coming to the end of the world today. also, i would like to thank mr. mohsen jalili khabar, our english translator, for translating both communications. good night, god bless you. this is gymna publications. we always tried to serve you with the latest methods. and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources for free. only by sending the number 5 to sms system 3008 55, 600
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your educational resources completely. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. in a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of oman and the accompanying delegation, the first vice president considered the presence of high-ranking omani delegations in the ceremony to honor the martyred president and his companions comforting and emphasized on the development and expansion of all-round cooperation with oman. the minister of foreign affairs of oman also described the relations between the two countries as an important step in this meeting.


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