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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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please, i have examples to state that in this exhibition that we held in the presence of our supreme leader in his house , after this exhibition every year, the president came to visit immediately after the leader, and he was mostly sensitive. they also asked me what points to pay attention to, what orders to follow up, those orders should be implemented quickly, and if there was a special point, they would go and see for themselves. the most booth was 20 meters away, 71 meters away the goods were the biggest booth in the exhibition . you were already prepared, that is, before they saw me, i said to my brother, they say that your employment in the industry has improved in nestajid . you have been employed in nestajid, and i said yes. i said what is your problem, they said they are mostly weavers, they said our problem is more taxes and more that the labor force is less than you
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, don't be critical, although, for example, their nobles are not in the industry , their nobles are in different cities, but only in the centers of the provinces, i have not explained yet. talking about household appliances production statistics ravizi seems to have gone up a lot. well, for example, he knew that we went from 14 million to 17 and a half million and this year, god willing, we will reach 20 million household appliances .
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reforming the systems that some of the elites had become monopolized in this country. well, we paid a lot of money to deal with you. well, if it wasn't for the support of the president, i would have been removed many times. i will say this here before.
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there is no washing machine. well, this is not from 10 years ago. about the qibla year, people still remember the history that we used in washing machine on the night of eid. criticizing rose's official or saying that, for example, people say that something is not affected by the embargo, there is no embargo, we had our own production , the next step is to open the next step, if you see that a trend will be created according to the lack of price increase, two producer inflations from the beginning of the year.
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the quarterly reports of the statistics center say that it was 80 in the spring of 1400. today, mr. fadzin of the central bank said that today or yesterday, the production rate has reached 23, which means that we have reached 23 from 80, although the rate of production in the previous government was also 3 digits. it also reached 100, but i say the beginning of your government until today when the report of the central bank was published on the 23rd. well, this is a trend, that is, it has been done by privatizing the sector, but with the creation of competition , i am now clearly reporting to the people that you remember that there was a shortage of diapers in the country, so today our birth rate has increased. if we had 950,000 babies per year, it reached 1,100,000, which means we should have 20% more production here, but you.
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have you seen a shortage of diapers in these years? that is, for 2 years , it reached a point where some scholars mentioned this first issue in their lectures, for example, government. the raw materials of these products have been exclusively provided to a specific manufacturer, why do they not allow competitors to import, why do they not allow competitors to invest, these are individual systems that cannot do this, it must be a network of people. well, if it wasn't for the support of the president from the people. corruption is criticized and the president's team is a team that really deserves praise from all the people who stood up. if it wasn't for the support of the people, if it wasn't for the support of the leadership, well, now, i am an employee, can i stop saying that the network that spent tens of billions in the field of media for in front of this matter, he mediated tens of billions in
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the legal field with the photo of a lawyer and so on , but he did not reach the result. in the end, he took physical action . the network said that it was the judge and what measures were taken, or you , the judicial initiator, reached a conclusion. alhamdulillah , good measures have been taken, but the final result has not yet been reached, but i believe that there are really healthy judges who are also able to deal with the creation of currents such as these. by the time this case was formed, they had gone to dozens of cases against colleagues. myself and i had created a position in the ministry that the pressure, but the judges are healthy and i hope that in your presence , they will leave the ban on prosecution and this would help us to gain more strength with the judicial system in this fight against corruption is not just a channel now
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, there are other areas as well. you remember, in the home appliances area of ​​the first government, one of the ministers of the previous government tweeted that , for example, it was said that the plan of the 13th government is that there is another area in the ministry of home affairs, but it is in our area. in practice, god willing, we will show you, now you can see the abundance of this means you on the night of eid this year until long-term purchases, people should come, for example , buy household appliances. with long-term purchases, you saw that most of our manufacturers were supplying, or
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our production statistics had reached such a level that today we are thinking about exporting instead of only looking for domestic markets, don't worry. we are not only worried about supplying the domestic market, but now we are in this expo. tehran, which was held in the month of dardi behesht , was one of the most serious things. the president came there two days in a row. the minister himself came at a strange speed. it means that he came on friday, which means that i am not going to come here to take my photo, take my souvenir photo and leave. let me say that i came, it was not a souvenir photo, that they are , that you are saying that the president came to the exhibition , and then again, in the intervals that if someone wanted to do this, he would come one day and spend 3 hours around him, and now there are films, photos, news and everything. it was going to come and go , the african summit was coming on friday with the presence of businessmen, sir, you know that we
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got a large amount of businessmen from different countries there, and it was also mentioned that the next day at the opening of the open exhibition, they had this speech. no one had seen the president. mr. president every year in these days, the export day is coming to the group of exporters. on industry day, our industrialists did not see the president . every time they come and mention the industrial owners as economic leaders. and this was not a discussion at all that god forbid he wanted to claim, for example. i told him that no news would make him happy at all. for example, we used to say that a new unit was revived and no news upset them, before we said that a product was restricted, or i don't know, it was said that a unit was closed, or any other issue in this field and they are really concerned about the production of the industry. you love one of the famous manufacturers of the country, now i
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have a problem to express, maybe they themselves will be interviewed later, they will say that on sunday when this incident happened, he was in my room. before this incident happened, he was giving me a report that i had a meeting with the boss. i reached the president, the president told me to speak, if i have 5 minutes , 5 minutes, i want it to be private, the rest will not be. it took us more than half an hour and we got to know each other a bit, and then i told them i said that i was saying one thing, when i saw that he was doing a favor, i said that i should tell you one thing. i had not voted for you for the presidency, and i did not think that you would have so much respect for the economy and so much for the industry. be noble, love people you don't know at all, for example, you only know that i am an industrial producer, and they themselves said that i even voted for your political rival, for example , at that time and today when i see you
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you have this amount of control this incident was reported, and one of the leaders of the industry, for example , our carpets, are in the country , and they will probably interview you, or many of the sabans of the industry will invite you, if they are invited by sedasima, or friends of the same unit that has been revived. what we need to do is to get out of the words of the officials and those involved, go to the workers, go to the producers and see what they say, like, for example , the workers who came from haft-tepeh for the dedication ceremony and brought themselves to tehran hepco and came. holding hands, taking the bus, sitting by themselves they came and said why did mr. raisi leave us because he had gone so many times that these people came. he had been to that factory many times , he had sat with them many times, he had talked about the fact that
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now people were playing a kind of game before his presidency. many times during this trip, the collections that are now being discussed were handing over and privatization and various issues that they had. they were gone and he entered anyway, and with what patience, what a pressure, this trip to karaj was mentioned by hazrat agha. they are from russia and they arrive late, for example, we are coming from tehran we wanted to come, we calculated, and we said, well, if they say , for example, the programs start at eight, then the rule of thumb is to work with this delay in the russian flight, for example , the arrival at 3:30 in the morning must be at 8:30. later, we arrived in karaj and asked haj agha to return to russia. how come they came back at 3 o'clock? well, prayer and rest. for example
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, after that, we noticed that they didn't return straight from where they arrived. they went straight to their office. starting again, because i was very sensitive to these issues, i said that haj must have started the program now . people , we are always in these areas , we are looking at a bit of criticism and criticism. i said thoughtfully, sir, he has started the program and then he will rest. i looked at the program because it is an hour and a half program , and i said, so you must rest in these half hours. some of our factories that are in that area said, "sir, we went to that distance and we talked." for example, there was a program, and then there was a break for half an hour. you spoke for half an hour of your program. he said yes, i know the examples, the people, i know that factory now. maybe it is not necessary to say it, for example, even i saw that during those breaks, someone came
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to me, sir, give me some time, haj, sir, they said to come at the same time to start, this means their love for the subject of employment, their love for their subject, i had an expression. i have time to express them, i have time , don't worry about your problem, you go and get things done, that is, now, for example, we say now you were in russia last night, you came to rest on that flight. you didn't, now at least have a more comfortable rest between these two meetings, not during this half an hour, for example, a quarter of an hour, which was between the two events, for example, the program, i saw our producers go there and then we were informed from there that we were called when mr. so-and-so producer came like this, i said what to say, exactly at the time of my break, this should be recorded, that is , it should be recorded, and even those people who are in this process , it was not just my claim or the narration of another person. and this is the minute-by-minute timing of their presence
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he had a message and they were following this same page in sari , how happy he was to say that this unit, for example , said that its production has increased 10 times to 11 times. well, this made him very happy that we had reported to him that the textbooks are made of domestic paper. it was used , it made them very happy with other different units, which are now the people themselves, but i wanted to say that this was really not an administrative work, this was love for the production field. i firmly say that no president in iran loves the industry so much. noorzide is sitting so much with the owners of the industries it has been for 3 years, but more than many different presidents have sat down with the owners of industries, the owners of industries who maybe even the deputy minister could not see that they could easily communicate with the president, the minister, and the vice presidents, apart from the provincial ambassadors, they had arranged follow-up meetings. well, the working rules of this work should be followed at the level of the deputy ministers
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. they would come one by one and say, "sir , there is an issue that you could not solve. the problem is in the central bank. there is a problem on the standard. if the executive deputy can solve it, solve it." you could not follow this at our level many of the units that were revived were by his order to solve his problem, that is , he did not just come for the opening . he had ordered the solution and followed it up personally, that is, because it was not like this that he only ordered the opening, sir, this means that if i tell you this statistic, yes, we have 877 economic units, now the uncle of the industrial sector in various fields has been revived, and his main effort was to collect them.
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418 of these are industrial units that are clothing more than 300 units in the field of cellulose have been restored. add to these 4,803 units that have been created only in the public industry department, where i serve, during these 3 years. add to these lines. the new development that we were able to rebuild our worn-out lines only, for example, in nestagi, for more than 500 million dollars , this means that the sum of these actions shows us a very good perspective, the perspective that shows us that we can produce with this capacity that we are working with. to create
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sustainable value chains and we can hope that the trend of exports is following it. i will give you just one number about exports. now, if you have time, we have 56 minutes and 67 minutes to think. it has reached 45 billion, which means that we have a 2-fold increase in exports between 1399 and 1400 dad, and the export of industrial exports . the spirit that was created in the country, the spirit that if
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hazrat agha used to say that the growth of production would be the focus of the discussion . this must be a leap and this provincialism of theirs that i mentioned , when hazrat agha was holding an exhibition, we were sure that the president would come and follow up that the orders given by him should not be delayed even one day . if you can have a cup of tea in our booth and they will tolerate it for a while, then i will explain, and they will say that the heater is fine.
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from nahj al-balagheh, they say , "i don't know." they say "respect" as an opinion , and they themselves say from the narrations that i was present , but this really had an objective manifestation in the endowment of their endowment in my work. that people are really worried , their concern is justified and we were always ashamed of the people, of course i said that we have reached 23% in the field of inflation point by point in the field of industry , although this is also if we go with the same speed to that promise below 10 we will reach the percentage in the fourth year of the government, but for now, we hope that the government will
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next, there will be a government that will last four years, that is, 4 years, the government will be 7 years old, that means it will be able to continue the same process, and the commitments that we thought we should make in the coming year will be implemented and we will achieve those results, god willing, but this is your statement. because i really think that he is here today. i remember that in those early days when we reached the service of the president, he had a personal favor, so he was very happy that we were able to serve in this field in the first months of april 1400. it was 1401, they had a trip to karaj, their first trip to karaj, that trip by subway they had gone and a lady had approached them there and said. i bought some clothes last year , for example, 300,000 tomans, this year it is 400,000 tomans. they immediately said that the man in charge of this work , isn't it the brothers who, for example, is one of his fields
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, nastazieh, to tell him to come, we have come. it's not serious, i saw, no, haj sir, they are really upset, even though they have given us a personal favor and thanked us for our presence in the government a few months ago, but now he said in the capacity of attab, address and rebuke. what's the story? my brothers said that when i was in charge, i always bought it myself i used to buy my own house, even when i became the head of the judiciary, on fridays, i used to get rid of guards and a security team to go to my house. but don't think that i am in contact with the people of my place. on a certain trip, a woman like this came in the subway. he said that some clothes have increased by 100,000 tomans. you have to explain to me what is the reason for this, and if it is in the position of praise
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and praise, well, i was not really ready to face this amount of praise and praise, no matter what we tried. for example, let's convince them to let me now , haj, sir, first way, first way, now what did that lady buy? clothes don't have an official price at all . someone might have made them expensive, or now they can make a thousand excuses. again, they wanted me to understand that in the position of education, in the position of guidance, in the position of a father, take people's pain seriously , take people's grief seriously, they told me that sometimes i said that i heard the same thing, it's not like that, i can pass by him so easily, i used to walk home until midnight. they were thinking about the pain and grief of the people and the pain of our family, so rest, you will come back tomorrow in the morning at work, they used to say that i said, "how
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can people be sad? i want them to sleep comfortably if i sit in this atmosphere. well, this was a discussion that became clear today, for example, when they, for example, i don't know, saw the price of the chicken, it was hard for his family to use it. " from, for example, chicken or nutrition, or at that time , if this was expressed, it would definitely remain on these different media, they would take it as a joke, but these are the facts that really happened. may everyone live a simple life , may they not have tasted it, and the taste is still in their mouths if not, he told me that you should spend more time on trips and such . he gave us a lot of advice like this. for example, someone said that you are tired of going to such and such a radio station. go report to the people . safarha said, haj, sir, i don't go on foreign trips at all . for example, if i went on 20 trips, i
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didn't go on more than one trip. i try to be domestic . he said, "well, you're doing a good job, but if i go on one trip , you have to go on two trips. that's really it." hadad means that whatever you said, he demanded something more, that is, to serve him he didn't say very well, he thanked me, we thank him, i don't know, gentlemen, many times during this trip to mazandaran , how many times did he thank the minister for the position of thanking the friends of the institution , thanking the humble favor to other friends , but immediately after that, in addition to thanking the sir, this was done in a short time. people are expecting more supplementary actions, more work, for example , still later, mr. some of the orders he gave , we still couldn't put them on our table, that is, if they gave it 10 days ago. for example , saying that you did a very good job in the same mazandaran paper, that a town, for example, is written in a kind of writing software. besides, you gave him permission to create this
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chain. it completes everything from paper to office and stationery, and this is a very good action , it is also for the benefit of the company, and the actions mean being noble , having concern, and being persistent . they have a serious advice. they always tell you to do three things. follow-up, follow-up, follow-up, saying that the work will not be completed without follow-up . to be happier, i will do a follow-up . how did you know about the product? yes, i can give you this good news. it must have been more than 10 years. which is a legal obligation , we have done commodity analysis in just this last year
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. so far, something good has happened, sorry , because we have a minute, i want to say that the product completion ring is a store system with all the features that you know. we are, you also know that the share of domestic goods has increased during this period, that's right, production it is booming, we have to stop the supply of any smuggled or counterfeit goods. i can tell you that with the coordination we had with the tax administration, today our systems are connected. it does exactly the characteristic of the tax, the characteristic of the identification of the goods , the characteristic of the originality of the goods. in some of
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our groups, we have completed the chain in an absolute manner. in some of the works, we are ready to follow this work. in general, we have more than we reached one billion and 300, 300,000 we have come to the conclusion that this is a kind of growth, of course, our estimate was that this year and in the final term of the government, which has now become very short, from a year and a half to a month, we will finish this project with the seriousness that our colleagues in the ministry have. we will have it in the economic affairs organization and we will definitely follow up on this until god willing.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, with the presence of people of culture, art, and media , a commemorative ceremony was held in the unity hall to commemorate the martyred president and his companions. was? he brought up the photo of martyr qassem soleimani's dam, and the united nations said that this man is a hero in the fight against terrorism in the whole world and in adhan.


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