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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, with the presence of people of culture, art and media , a commemorative ceremony was held in the unity hall to commemorate the martyred president and his companions. the nations will cause the honor of islam, muslims and iran . he brought up the picture of the martyred lt. gen. qassem soleimani. in the united nations, he said that this man is a hero in the fight against terrorism in the whole world and in his beliefs, and when
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he brought up the quran, he said that this is not a combustible truth. they used to burn koran in sweid and inver unur where the story it was straw at the time of separation until abraham or fire in your arms. a time to remember someone they saw and loved their features. i had serious and interested views in the field of culture and art. in the calligraphy art community , we have seen that they are brotherly by our side, at least whatever we want to do. their view was cultural and artistic and
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he respected his colleagues very much. the soil is really empty . poets, writers and people of visual arts , people of literature, people of cinema, theater and music owe their love to him who traveled like other people. they know that most of the artists in front of them talked to everyone with an open face and... happily , and examined their problems from the point of view of culture and art , and answered well. they do, inshallah, may god rest their souls in the company of divine saints. i don't remember them leaving them in the middle of the conversation when someone is talking to them, and they stand there until the end of the conversation. they answer in the same iftar meeting that
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takes two hours of my time, i dare to say that two thirds of the problems of our artist friends are easily solved in the same meeting. it was resolved that the martyred president ayatollah raisi was in charge of culture and art. this emphasis is the host of the ceremony . we are receiving his new announcements in the field of culture and art. behrouz afkhami seyyed ebrahim raisi also became a legend and will remain forever. and god had planned a good end for her. zahra chekhmoghi
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received the news of toman and she should gradually become single rate. dissection control policies of the central bank in the market width and liquidity rate control in order to curb inflation in the 31st annual conference on monetary and foreign exchange policies. according to the governor of the central bank, the policies are divided into three categories: precautionary policy, macro-precautionary policy and macroeconomic policy.
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exchange rate policy, macro economic policy, interest rate , macro economic policy , more precautionary policies, banking health indicators , capital adequacy ratios. liquidity is a set of precautionary policies that comes in our policy making in the banking system, that is, our supervision in the banking system that we have to carry out the programs that the central bank followed led to the reduction of inflationary expectations and the control of the market, the reduction of the liquidity rate, and then the realization of the central bank's goals. we announced the goal of 25%, and you can see that this goal was last year. it became the 24th, which means that we have almost reached our goal. this realization of the goals made bringing the inflation rate to the 20% channel to be added to the new goals of the central bank. we said the liquidity growth was 23 plus minus 2%.
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we implicitly announced our inflation that we want it to come to the 20% channel point by point. one another axis of increased regulation and supervision of the central bank is related to reform. the banking system becomes disorganized. for this reason, the central bank has gone to solve these conflicts in the banking system by presenting a reform program to several banks, as well as liquidating three credit institutions. when we cannot resolve the disagreements and solve the bank's issues, we will definitely go to the bank's decision. another control measure in the field of resolving banking disputes is related to increasing the capital of state banks by 27. 75 thousand billion tomans from the beginning of the 13th government until now. 47 it only happened in 1402. according to mr. farzin, the central bank's effort is to implement monetary, horizontal, credit policies, and regulate supervision based on the new law of the central bank
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. sara fazli, sed and sima news agency. specialists of a company of scientists succeeded in leading the product. it is cut or opened in such a way that it is no longer usable. to solve this problem, a company of scientists in ahvaz has produced a substance that can cut. keep healthy against any weather and physical conditions. as a company of scientists, we reached the product from knowledge and tried to develop this product for the third country in the world. for the first time to produce in iran, this product will
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not lock any bolts. it is designed based on the grease of different materials, i.e. a comprehensive lubricant, its function is to prevent corrosion, prevent boils, and according to the standard. to deal with incidents. this product, after the tests and tests that were done , we reached our final product, which is anti-size, and we can produce up to 5 fish. one of the main applications of anti-seize produced by iran is the five-year resistance under water. to the sea, durability against the temperature of 1200 degrees celsius. this sample was under the water of the bay for a year fars was placed. the samples that were treated with anti-seize are completely healthy, that is, the torque that we obtained can be easily opened, but the samples that were control and no anti-seize were used, we can see that the corrosion
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is severe. it was a banned product. it is a product that is now the basic need of our company and industry. in this knowledge-based company, the anti-seize product is brepng. five bases of nano-aluminium copper-nickel ceramics are produced in the food industry. by using one ton of anti -sys product for only one oil unit, up to 80% of the problems caused by corrosion and peeling of the industry can be prevented. mehran nikandish of sada news agency sima ahvaz the next part of the news is at 6 o'clock.
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we present tonight's news interview to your presence. as you can see, the opening ceremony of the twelfth parliament began today with the reading of the message of the supreme leader of the revolution to the twelfth parliament, which today's message contained very important points that we will explain some of the passages in the special news talk program tonight with the presence of guests. we will discuss this message and of course we will also discuss the most important priorities for the 12th parliament. 12th, and of course, we will continue to try to communicate with two other members of the parliament and ask their opinion about the program.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service to you and all the viewers of this special news talk. i say hello and good night . i hope it will be useful and instructive for the people. very accurate regarding the tasks of the parliament and foresight for the impact of those duties on people's lives, now some of them were new compared to the messages of the previous courses and must be discussed and reviewed and the representatives' opinions are accurate. you mentioned that some points in this message were new points in the form of a title. you are opening the new face, now the new one does not mean that it was not in the intellectual system of the supreme leader of the revolution and could not be predicted. yes , special emphasis was placed on some issues. among the issues that were very important in my opinion , the discussion was that the representatives
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should look nationally first in their approvals, that is, while the representative they are their own constituencies , they must prioritize the national view and national interests in the determination of new laws or regulatory discussions that are the duties of the people's representatives in the islamic council. it was the first time that the meaning was expressed in such a precise and detailed way. the second point is the discussion of construction approvals beyond the capacity of the country's annual budget. well, of course, in the 11th parliament at the end of the year, fortunately, a good thing happened in the area of ​​the country's current budgets, and that was the two-stage review of the budget. in the first stage , the rules and regulations that are reviewed are the closed budget ceiling can in the second stage, when the bill comes , it will be like this from now on, that is, one of the blessings
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of the 11th parliament for the future is that when we close the budget ceiling, no one can add a new project in the expenses that is not in the ceiling and can impose an imposition. to the country's budget, but in the same approvals of the first stage and then the distribution of the country's construction budgets , the representatives must carefully consider that, god forbid, they do not impose a large cost on a task that exceeds the capacity of the country's budget. half -finished projects become unfinished projects in the country, they create expectations among the people in any electoral district. however, i may be in an electoral district. i want a project to move forward sooner, but i have to see if this is within the budget of the entire country or not. these two examples seem to be i can emphasize the method from the example, now i will present other cases if i have time. now , it might be a bit easier for the representatives of tehran , but the representatives who
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enter the parliament from provinces and constituencies other than the capital, it might be a bit difficult for them to have a big picture because then they may have to answer to the people. they are constituencies, which means that many people may criticize them because you entered the parliament with these promises , you got votes from us to build such and such a road, such and such a hospital and such a school should be opened, and this must happen, and this is actually in conflict with that macro view and attention. especially for national interests, their work is much more difficult, yes, it is definitely difficult now, the conditions in which the representatives are elected and the promises they make , in general, because we have a managerial dispossession in local governance, it is definitely necessary that this order of the leadership and this is actually the policy that they railing that has become for the 12th parliament become a legal structure. this is where many of the country's local issues do not have a centralized guardian
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, that is, the local parliaments, which are called city and village councils in the constitution , do not have enough authority to support such issues and follow them so well that the parliamentarians do not follow up. they will be unnecessary , anyway, street asphalt is a local issue, i don't know about any project. regional road construction is open, for example , of this type, for example, water supply to a small area, for example, the pipelines of an area, for example, urban or rural, this is completely urban management. this work should be done and the dignity of urban administrations, rural administrations and actually local parliaments should be able to play this role . yes, in the local parliament, local administrations, on the other hand
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, the method of electing a member of parliament must be reformed , and fortunately, the 11th parliament amended the election law of the islamic council in a very good way. the selected model is there should be no way that he is forced to make promises that may exceed the work capacity of the representative . he is nothing but his duties. you read the duties of the symbol of the parliament in the constitution or in the relevant laws of the country, which is exactly what the leader says. the national issues of the country's laws are discussed , for example, the budget, the program of the mother country's laws in the field, for example, energy in the field of economy, industry, etc. of course, these definitely have local effects and that should be seen, but i mean the day-to-day executive tasks, which are definitely not the duty of the representative, this is definitely needed. it has both a legal and a legal setting the coordination between the institutions in the country that this happens is one of the reasons why the representatives
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vote for each other's credentials at the beginning of the parliament , and i am a representative from tehran constituency , another one is from kermanshah constituency, one is from isfahan constituency, when the representatives give each other their credentials. voting becomes national. i have a representation on behalf of those who voted for me in my constituency. there is a fight against corruption they are in their place, but the main issue is this, that is , today's nationalist representative said that you are the representative of the entire people of iran and you should definitely follow the whole people. i would like to tell you that some of the people have demands from you that are not executive demands. they have 10 demands, 8 of them are executive , two are not executive, and those 3 are not executive . explain to the people that we are people, it does not mean
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that i have to follow whatever people say. do it , 8 of them are necessarily feasible, i will follow two i have to go i should talk to people, convince them to say that this is not possible because of this reason, or it is not my duty. it is clear that there are regulations, yes, if someone protests that the right has been violated, a representative can follow up and take his right, but some duties in some places ask the representatives for loans, for example, they must follow up. these are not the duties of the representatives, but the duty of the representative. supervision legislation and pursuing the big affairs of the country is also an expression that they use in their message. in fact, avoiding the approval of development projects in an extreme manner means that this is extreme, in my opinion, it is far beyond what should happen. exactly, it means
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prioritizing in the country at all when the representatives sit together from different constituencies of different specializations with knowledge. different people with different experiences of this collective wisdom, which was again in his statement today, that correct and patient collective behavior is not within the power of singing , but yes, this collective behavior is a blessing. we need to prioritize these various projects. this year's budget of the country has such limited resources, so let's go to this priority project or this priority project, which happened to be held today, the opening of the 12th parliament, a report is ready. let's meet together and come back, the continuation of the official opening of the 12th session of the islamic council. today, another period of supervision legislation in the country took place with the oath of 290 people's elected officials
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. in this period, 126 elected members entered the parliament for the first time. 164 selected as well they have a history of representation and 14 of the elected representatives are women. national and military officials were present at the opening ceremony of the 12th parliament, and of course, the seats of the martyred president and the minister of foreign affairs were empty. after the establishment of the sunni board of directors in the position of the board of directors, which was the combination of the most optimistic and the youngest members of the 12th parliament. the official meeting of the islamic council in the path of excellence, growth and progress has and will pay more attention to the improvement of the level of knowledge and technology in the country. the first vice president and acting president, who was the special guest of this ceremony, referring to the actions of the 13th government and the services of martyr ayatollah
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raisi said: one of the good things that martyr mun rosh focused on was the water issue. after all, you know that the country has water problems. in some places, if we did not do these strikes, in the summer of 1401. in the summer of 1402, we must have faced a problem. the minister of interior also presented a report on holding the elections of the 12th term of the islamic council. in this period, designing and improving accurate systems for holding elections, in addition to realizing electronic government in the field of elections, a new form of systematic , efficient and effective coordination between different levels. the elected representatives of the 12th parliament
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were then purified in azam murgad to renew the covenant with the ideals of the founder of the islamic republic of iran. according to the policy and behavior of the imam , god willing, we will be able to serve the dear people honestly in all situations. let's work so that at least the simple life that hazrat imam said can be realized in order to pledge allegiance to the leader. after the end of the rosfid period , let's get serious about solving the economic problems of a parliamentarian's livelihood. if he puts his personal interests aside and finally considers the public interests, he will definitely be successful. i hope that based on these ideals, during these 4 years of work, the parliament will also make the livelihood of the people its cornerstone. and the economic issues of the people , god willing, will be his priority. 15 branches are going to check the credentials of the elected officials for 3 days . with the approval of the credentials of two/thirds of the representatives
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of the islamic council, the members of the permanent presiding committee of the islamic council will also be elected. pesh bahar of sed and sima news agency, the holy shrine of the founder of the islamic republic of iran. mr. dr. reza verzahpour , a member of parliament, is on our communication line. hello. good evening, mr. taghipour, the leader in his message to the twelfth parliament defines some of the indicators of a balanced parliament, and among them, they point to the discussion of the disciplined interaction of the parliament with other forces , as well as correct and patient collective behavior . what is it and how can the nominees achieve this index. yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings and courtesy to dear viewers. yes, today, as we have seen
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, the position of the supreme leader related to the indicators and points that are necessary, god willing, in the 12th parliament, the head of the work of the dear representatives. be elected, dear people iran said that the most important thing is to say that this parliament should be calming, hope-inspiring, and encouraging to all people, and also pointing out that within itself, the parliament should avoid media competitions and harmful actions that can lead to harmful controversies. this is clear. in
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this situation, which in any case has coincided with the beginning of the work of the parliament with this great calamity that happened and the martyrdom of the dear president and his companions, it is definitely needed today. the country is united in the strength of the forces and the movement to solve the problems facing our dear people , among them livelihood issues and problems. it is economic and these recommendations of his highness will definitely be the main work of all elected representatives of the twelfth term. mr. doctor , what do you think is the most important agenda that should be taken into consideration in the 12th parliament? please be very brief . yes, naturally, as mentioned, livelihood issues and
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economic issues are what is characteristic of the slogan of the year today. we have nothing but production jump and inflation control, and again , rahmodi said this year that the production jump is with the participation of the people, that is, the goal is that more of the private sector, which always plays the main role in the economy. somehow the path should be opened and facilitated in the discussion of the issuance of licenses, in the discussion of the competition that can exist, in the discussion of financing, which in recent years, due to inflation, has always been one of the serious problems of production in the private sector. it has been circulation and these things can definitely
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pave the way for the jump in production and high economic growth that the country needs today. the message is meant to be relaxing and encouraging the effort and invitation to empathy in the oven. basically, the islamic council is an institution that is the center of political activity in the country, that is, different groups, different currents , different views, with different political, economic , cultural, and social tastes. okay, in order to advance the political sphere of the country and practically put the parliament at the head, now the worst thing about this is actually the conflict of votes
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, which, god forbid, turns into harmful political competitions or turns into media controversies. well, the parliament itself has a mechanism within itself first of all, the parliament has the process of factions usually, the political groups that are present in the parliament group themselves in the form of factions and take their discussions inside the factions, so that this does not appear in the media anymore. this. they say that correct and patient collective behavior is a gift , which means that you need collective behavior. the parliament cannot do individual work. a representative has one vote. if he can bring half of the extra votes with him, this will be approved. so how can he do this? naturally, this does not happen in the court first of all, he wants expertise in the commission, and then to bring it together, there is a need for a collective behavior , there is organizational work, collective work should happen in the parliament, it is not possible without such mechanisms. finally
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, warning about the behavior of the media exactly means that if the political factions of the parliament , which are now the majority and the minority of the various factions that are forming right now, my news is in the media now, it will no longer be in the media, which means that we have important discussions. we discuss those discussions with each other, we talk , we reach a conclusion, we bring our conclusion to the court. publicly, because the people can hear it in the public arena, according to the constitution, it is broadcast to the people, we shouldn't. we should bring minor discussions and even controversies that sometimes need to be done in the parliament. where will it come in the media? if we leave this capacity aside, then people will say that we have no place to talk. for example , they will talk in the media . the public scene of disagreements is bound to be disagreements because people don't agree with each other and have different views. let's assume these different views are economic.
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if this turns into a controversy, i will discuss it in the factions, make a conclusion, and come to a conclusion in a calm discussion in the normal state of the parliament, which happens now. there are different issues that the representatives have with each other, or the different currents of the parliament have with each other, but this does not turn into a dispute, it does not turn into a neck-and-neck, and god forbid, for example, each other's table. this will be discussed in the form of expert debates , the representatives will vote, and this will become a law or become a supervisory matter in the parliament. we need to strengthen the mechanisms , both our collective behavior and our discussions of empathy . by the way, a good mention was made of martyr ayatollah raisi, one of their characteristics was that they try to ensure that if there is a difference of opinion between the forces, there is a discussion that naturally happens. mifete bakher and


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