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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 10:00am-10:30am IRST

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dear social security from the city of household appliances. city of household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances. in the name of god. hello, news section at 10 o'clock. the members of the presiding committee of the 12th parliament were elected in the election of the members of the presiding committee which was held an hour ago. mr. ghalibaf zunuri mottaki was nominated for the presidency of the parliament, and mr. mohammad bagher ghalibaf became the chairman of the 12th parliament for one year by getting 198 votes. the total number of attendees was 28,87
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. bagher qaf was elected as the president for the next year with 1998 votes, mr. mojtaba zonouri with 60 votes, mr. manouchehr mottaki with 5 the vote of twenty-four votes was invalid, and with the vote of the people's representatives in the 12th term of the islamic council, mr. hamid reza haji babaei with 175 votes and ali nikzad with 169 votes became the first and second vice presidents of the parliament for one year , respectively. the complaints were announced based on this level. which
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has been approved by the market regulation working group, it is possible to sell bread in person by following queues, providing bread without queuing. we are now in a page. but we are seeing that they have been sold without turn and these different prices have cost 34 thousand tomans the cost of shipping is 8 thousand tomans, packaging is 3 thousand tomans , the amount to be paid is traditionally 45 thousand tomans , but the instructions for the online sale of bread were communicated to the bakeries, based on which the ordering and the price of the bread are organized online regarding
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the ordering of bread. are allowed to sell bread online to be equipped with the queuing system connected to ardonan's subsidy smart plan. when he goes to the online bread supply platform and finalizes his purchase , he is actually placed in the queue of recipients, and the people who visit in person are placed in the same queue, that is no one has the right to be decorated in this matter. the prices must also be approved by the working group of governors of each province , they must announce their readiness in order and after this action, when the bread is offered at a competitive price, at the end of each period, the amount of flour that has happened in the form of internet supply at a competitive price. in the system , it is calculated at the cost price, and bakers do not receive subsidies and allowances for the purpose of online supply of flour at a competitive rate. every customer in online shopping receives an electronic bill in which the price details of the bread and the services provided come through the platform supply of bread they understand that the bakeries who
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want to sell bread online have a month to prepare the related mechanism, farzad azaribaga of the lebanese hezbollah radio and television agency in a statement about the drone attack on the 41st artillery battalion deployment centers. in this statement, the zionist regime's army announced in the north of occupied palestine that hezbollah emphasized that in this drone attack, the positions of the zionist military officers were targeted, which resulted in the killing and wounding of a number of occupying soldiers. the media of the zionist regime also announced that lebanon's hezbollah more than 80 rockets were fired at the northern settlements of occupied palestine. according to these media , hezbollah also fired several anti-nuclear missiles towards the occupied territories, which led to the destruction of a number of buildings in the zionist military settlements.
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in a statement, the islamic resistance of iraq announced a drone attack on targets in the south of occupied palestine. in this statement, mujahidan vs. islamic resistance of iraq targeted military targets in the occupied port of omaresh with a tripod. the iraqi islamic resistance emphasized the completion of the second phase of operations against the occupiers and supporting the people of gaza the enemy will continue. the airstrikes of the occupying quds regime in different areas of the gaza strip left dozens of martyrs and wounded. in attack the zionist regime attacked a residential building in the north of rafah in the south of the gaza strip, killing seven palestinians and wounding several others.
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the warplanes of the occupying regime also bombarded a house in el brij camp in the center of the gaza strip , killing two palestinians and injuring several others. the palestinian media announced that the vicinity of the emirati hospital in the west of rafah was targeted by the heavy bombardment of the zionist regime. indonesia hospital and tel sultan clinic also came. artillery attacks and intense shelling by the zionists. following the occupation airstrike on a house in eastern gaza, a number of palestinians were trapped under the rubble. a symbolic graduation ceremony for
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expelled harvard students. following harvard university's refusal to grant degrees to 13 pro-palestinian students, other students of this university held a prayer ceremony for them. they held a study of religion. the university authorities had announced that the names of these 13 students were not included in the list of graduates due to the sit-in in the university compound to support the people of gaza, and the degree education will not be awarded to them. the american police have so far arrested 3,000 students for participating in demonstrations in support of palestine. some of these students have been suspended from studies. arward they didn't get it, but they got something better than a degree. they are looking for real justice , that's enough. a zionist settlement in the north of the occupied territories declared autonomy. the municipality of the zionist town of mergliot in the north of the
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occupied territories announced the termination of communication with netanyahu's cabinet and the expulsion of the zionist soldiers from this town. at the same time, some officials of the regime. show the ambassador of the occupiers by tearing the united nations charter in the same organization that they forged legitimacy for 76 years ago and justified the occupation of a land with a legendary claim , the holocaust is a pure lie, the purpose of creating the idea of ​​the holocaust was to occupy palestine, they tried to show themselves as victims. . when the steps of the uninvited people became stiff, they fell on the life of the owner of the house. i was short everyone so much. how
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do you think you killed people like that? despite these crimes , the legitimacy of the palestinians is upside down. it was narrated that the reason for the oppression of the palestinians in the past 70 years was the control of the jews over the media and the american government, the 7th storm october, but the media giants have taken the rudder of thought control from the hands of the qassam forces , they record and record their operations through their cameras . how much can this issue affect the morale of the occupying forces? on public opinion. israel has an army that has power inside israel, but now it is not able to achieve the declared goals. the revelation of the truth has angered the nations and angered the governments. in addition to the previous 21 countries, several other governments
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have recently cut ties with tel aviv. some are anti-genocide this regime in gaza pulled the heart of a child, the senators also drew the line of diwan lahab. it was created to ensure that anyone who commits war crimes is held accountable before the international legal system. to jewish people, but certain people, especially in your audience, to nazis. now, that is extremely offensive when certain people are german. i don't respect that anymore, i really don't. i don't like and i don't respect the crocodile tears, that i will not be silent when israel commits. crimes against the palestinians and i consider nothing more despicable than to use
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their suffering and their martyrdom to try to justify the torture, the brutalization, the demolition of homes that israel daily commits against the palestinians. and against the wishes of the lobbyists, the international defense of palestine remained in this tableau. which the guardian interpreted as a diplomatic tsunami. hamid turkeshfand, sed and sima news agency. a palestine support conference was held in america on the topic of the connection between zionism and imperialism in the world. founder of the international jewish network anti-zionism said in this ceremony: palestine is the main front of confrontation with colonialism and racism. doing it is important for the future of the world. the attendees of this conference
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criticized the silence of the american media against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. as a jewish person , i consider myself part of the anti-zionist movement. israel has no way back from the fall. the new generation will know that the fight against racism and imperialism is not possible except through the fight against zionism. as long as shir tells his story, it is necessary for us to tell our story. we should not follow the enemy's narrative of what happened in ghaz happens, trust me. the mainstream media in america are agents of imperialism. they are representatives of the ruling class, they have a mission to tell a story that misleads the audience so that the audience does not understand the reality. the end of this news section of khodnaghadar.
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in the name of god, i offer my greetings to your presence , dear viewers of khabar network. good morning. in the last 24 hours, the hottest place in our country was rodan in hormozgan province with a maximum temperature of 48 degrees, and the coolest place in om beldaji was in chaharmahal bakhtiari with a minimum temperature of 2 degrees. among the centers of the provinces, ahvaz has the highest temperature. 43 degrees is the hottest and kurd city
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is the coldest center of the province with a minimum temperature of two degrees, the weather maps show that until thursday alternately in parts of the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, ardabil , parts of the dry khazer coasts, especially the eastern dry khazer coasts, and the heights of alborz in some hours , we expect showers and sometimes a temporary martyr's wind , while in others. for the next 3-4 days, the regions of the country will witness calm and stable weather and clear and sunny skies are predicted. but an important point that should be mentioned about the temperature situation it is true that we have the trend of temperature increase until the end of the week in the country's regions. this temperature increase will be more noticeable in many regions of the country, including in the southern regions of the country. the temperature will increase in most regions. we also predict that the wind will be strong in parts of the north and east of the country, especially
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in the zabul region of mazar. the speed of the wind is predicted to be that strong winds can lead to upwelling and reduce air quality and reduce visibility. be horizontal, also for the next two or three days, the persian gulf, hormuz, the eastern parts of the oman sea and the caspian sea. the weather will be turbulent for tehran . we expect that the sky will be clear to slightly cloudy in the next 24 hours. sometimes we expect a slight increase in clouds and wind. of course, in the heights of the northern and eastern parts of the province, there are conditions for spring showers. the temperature will increase in tehran. we predict that the temperature will reach a maximum of 33 degrees in the hottest hour and a minimum of 16 degrees in the coolest hour. thank you for your companion.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, this week mr. karimi a dispatch from hadesh and the official of one of the commanders of gorhan dagha erdan yash tv announced that 70 unknown martyrs, 10 of them.
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we are always with the system of the islamic republic of iran . all these men and women, old and young, young and old, are also brothers of the iranian ansar, especially the immigrants of pakdasht city and
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from all parts of the outskirts of pakdasht, who gathered to express their sorrow and sympathy with the people of iran and with the honorable families of the martyrs and let's have ayatollah khamenei with the supreme leader of the revolution. mr. raisi , our martyred president, was not the only president of iran . he was popular all over the world. i loved him , especially the afghan immigrants. i was born here, i knew it was my duty to come here because i know him to be my president , but now i have not seen him closely, but he is the one who cares about islam, the immigrant nation, the employees of the world, and we loved him very much. and it left many sorrows in the hearts of the people of iran. the sadness of the people of iran is our sadness. their happiness is our happiness. whenever we have two countries , afghanistan, iran, since the previous years, these
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are the economic, political, social and religious relations. our religion is one. our god is the same. the nation is sad, the pride of the nation is our nation, if an accident happens, if it doesn't matter what kind of calamity our calamity is, martyr president. the servant of the nation and the servant of imam reza, peace be upon him , is a model of unity and a manifestation of diplomacy of our afghan brothers in the issue of the city of pak dast, coming together in memory of the martyrs of our service, especially the martyr of our president , ayatollah raisi and his companions. coming together with the message that we nations are together and this togetherness causes empathy and affection between nations
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, they said that one of his good moral qualities was the arrest of the oppressed in front of mr. raisi, really because of the important places he knew other countries. there are really other places like gaza, afghanistan they are oppressed by the voice. afghans said that the president was not only for one nation. the islamic revolution does not belong only to the iranian nation, khomeini's revolution was issued to all. it is true that leaders worthy of revolution are respected by all the people of the world, and especially the afghan immigrants for whom he did many valuable things
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. and that is the convergence of humanity. for a sacred purpose, he sought to form a single nation and wanted to realize the universal ideal of the emergence of thought martyr raisi was beyond the thought of nationality and just as he was serving the people in the position of president for the past few years , he was thinking as much about the people of the islamic republic of iran as he was thinking about the afghan immigrants and other immigrants living in iran . she is sayeh hosseini of the lovely
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and servant news agency. the people of iran and the true followers of the imam and the leadership of hazrat ayatollah mr. seyed ebrahim raisi and his noble companions and the bigger and sadder incident of the gaza and palestine issue, which is hot
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not only on the soul, body and soul of the muslim nations, but also on the hearts of the people of iran. all the people of the world and freedom seekers it has cast a shadow, and today the nations of the world are witnessing one of the most heinous and painful scenes of merciless killing, captivity
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, suffering, hunger and thirst of an oppressed nation for more than 70 years, another human being from korea other than korea. may the earth step into this world of ours with a mind free from the events of our history and to the organization and research of the code and human rights assemblies and advocates of peace
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and freedom. at first glance, he thinks that in our contemporary world there is no cruelty and no bit of aggression, but if he goes back and goes back to the realities of society, he will see that the human being is faced with two phenomena. the opposite is a phenomenon of sympathy, crying out for peace and asking for help to the oppressed nations, and the second
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is the phenomenon of indifference. observing the great powers that each of them, if they really want and have a strong will , can solve the great problem of palestine in one day, even with the pressure of tools. diplomacy and politics, either with binding resolutions in the security council or with economic and military tactics. in the name of the beautiful lord.
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we will start with news of positive technical staff programs 12 golden circle tv series barf and ashes technical staff program from today every hour 17 will be broadcasted on the sports channel of sima. frame of expertise iranian sports


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