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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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stay with us until the bottom , please be a viewer of the news network, thank you. well, you are with this program here in our studio mr. yazdizadeh the expert. the economist and mr. al-husseini, the other economic expert of the program , are present here. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like permission to start with mr. al-husseini. i would like to wish you all, dear viewers, as well as mr. yazdizadeh, good health, so that you can see the results of the work that we have done in the field of land in the past five decades.
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on us, in the last two decades, we have sold a thousand billion dollars, a trillion dollars, a thousand billion dollars, in two decades, in 20 years, in 22 years, we have sold currency below the market price in the economy of this country, in the last 10 years, we have sold almost 200 billion dollars. preference to different denominations from 120 to 420 tomans to let me tell you 28 and 500 in this economy . let me tell you that in the last 20 years we have 281 billion dollars in the form of direct intervention of the central bank to maintain the rate.
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we intervened in the free market as an intervention in the economy. the characteristic result is the result of the free market land rate, which anchors the nominal anchor in iran's economy has become because of these mistakes, by the way, now i will explain why the exchange rate in iran is called an anchor, wrongly, wrongly, but it is a reality, the land rate that is the anchor of the economy, the land rate that mr. dr. farzin and the government of mr. rouhani and the government of mr. ahmadinejad, etc. and they say that there was never any, the same men themselves are not willing to sell the width that their wife has, her brother has, now he has 100 dollars, 100000 dollars, whatever at the rate of even 40 tomans, even if it reaches 28 to 500, what is the point? when you 281 billion dollars. you only intervened in the market when
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that you gave thousands of billions of dollars below the market price, china, the government of china, now i had the charts , i forgot to bring them , how much did the government of china spend during this time for the biggest project in the history of mankind, the biggest project in the history of mankind, which is now the new silk road project. do you think that a total of 241 billion dollars from the beginning of the launch of this plan after the arrival of mr. xi until today, until 2020, until today , not until 2022, means that the central bank of iran has spent 40 billion dollars from the number you mentioned for intervention. i will work the free hard disk rate at a rate that he thinks is right i don't know if he thinks right or not. at a rate that
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he thinks is right, he can stabilize china for the biggest project in the history of mankind, which has given loans to 80 countries of the world or implemented projects in them. america's game has done something that now jeon has come and said, sir, we also give loans, and they have come to put a package and confront china in this direction. our evaluation policy is clear. the result is that today, mr. azad, may god have mercy on mr. raisi, not our former president, not our first vice president. no, mr. yazlizadeh is not satisfied with the free width. he says, sir, this width is not real at all, this width is a telegram, this width is unreal, and we spent it, while according to the words of the owner of tabrizi, it will not settle. you
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can't prove the earthquake. if you want the land price to be stable, if you want the exchange rate to be at a reasonable rate that you think is right. fiscal policy must be corrected, budget policy must be corrected, and monetary policy must be corrected so that this is not correct. the financial policy and monetary policy that follows it is meaningless, it is stepping on the ground that is being destroyed because of the earthquake, in short, your house will shake and i will destroy you, mr. yazidzadeh , what is your opinion , are you close to mr. look, i would like to invite you to come . first of all, the head of the budget planning organization should come and give an opinion. the head of the central bank should say something. this shows that there are twenty responsibilities for one person in the government, as the person in charge of the economy
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. it gives signs to the market. in fact, i need a person, for example, a speaker we have the minister of economy, for example, his spokesperson is sitting quietly and doing the rest. in relation to the disaster that we have done in these years, which mr. al-husseini mentioned about your presence, its dimensions are much wider than these words, that is, now, for example , the width of your presence is 281 billion. the latter is not in it, that is, if it is added to it, it is much more than this. now, let's assume that this is 281 billion. instead of even comparing it with, for example, abrish road, let's compare it with our own economic situation. if 5 refineries i had persian gulf star, which
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cost 25 billion dollars, i had no more crude oil to export, and maybe i wouldn't have been sanctioned at all . i used to define a pyramid for industrial development from the upstream industry to the downstream one, and i would identify the missing links to prevent raw sales, and the width of it is the preferential width, even the score of whatever we want to call it, all the rents we give to our cousins. and we were giving to these missing links and in fact we were investing with our 50-60 billion dollars today padideh with the name padideh, we didn't have a raw material store, it would have been very difficult for us to sanction what we did. and we will continue this disaster, see what mr. farzin is saying and what mr. manzoor is saying, these are repeating the experience, according to mr. al-husseini, the past 50 years have been a failed experience. i have said many times that we
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are masters of repeating failed experiences. one day, the dollar in the country was 7 tomans , the market was freed for 40 tomans, then we came to your presence and said, sir, we will do the market for 60 tomans , we made a rate of 60. they say that earthquakes are caused by a lack of understanding. it is not that we don't want to understand, but we don't understand we can do it. i don't think we understand . we want to see the issue of controlling the currency market and weakening the 281
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billion dollar supply in this market in order to reduce the price of the free currency market and to give preferential satisfaction and create rent for some people who will actually use this. the costs are the cost of this policy is wrong and why did it start from here , i don't recognize that the market of land notes in my market is a financial market, the demand is not for imports in that market, which should determine the price of my trading width, i am a financial market i made it and said, sir, you want it. put your money in the stock market if you want to buy a property , buy it. if you want to buy a banknote, i will give it to everyone. don't worry. i have so many gold coins. i will put them in bars in the market . i put these at the disposal of people for saving, investment and installments. therefore, it is a tax market. the rate that comes from
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this financial market to it is not a rate that should determine my trade, but the rate should be determined by the actual rate of my width. the actual rate of my width in a market should be determined. it is possible that the demand is the demand for the import, the supply of the currency is due to the export, so i would like to meet you to see what is happening, sir. there is a market that you are referring to, for example , its name is nima market, for example, like nima, now nima has a problem, why is nima iran doing the same thing? he added that it will be done step by step because this is the same, because it has been repeated for 50 years, first we will say 28 to 500, then we will put something in the middle, 40 thousand tomans, then we will say, sir, the price has been released, so many people are not willing to sell at this price. so let's take this and deliver it to him, so you say 28,500 should be paid now in general, my opinion is that our entire width should be single-rate, not this system, first of all, before
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any discussion about the price of land, i should come to my senses and understand that the width that is demanded is for the financial market, it is not the width that determines my exports and imports. that i managed it , how did i manage it, as mr. elrosoni said, based on my financial monetary policies, allow me to have a financial monetary policy when i am talking, it means that i can control and manage financial assets and monetary assets in an economy that i i came to two unnamed financial assets i put it in economics and accepted that i have no intention of controlling the management of financial and monetary policy . in this place, you have created a demand potential as much as
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liquidity, for example, 8 thousand thousand billion tomans, which in today's dollars is 145 billion dollars. from now on , you have a limited amount of scan currency supply. the result of this market is known, what will happen, this market cannot be decisive. ok, for me, this market is the financial market. if you want to see, sir , how much the price of this financial market is determined. in the morning , call it like other assets, why financial assets? where in the world does any economist in an advanced economy allow the existence of financial assets without a name ? thank you, mr. al-husseini . what is your solution, because we have come this far. with this out of hand, we have to move you because we are in a state of embargo and there are special conditions in the transverse conditions. it is very good that we
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agree with mr. azizzadeh that the width should be single-rate . this is the basis. yes, it is meaningless. this is what we have now. it is a shame in the economy. everything is not economic. look, everything is not economic because we are quoting mr. farzi. but the point is that if you accept it theoretically, you should see some signs in the world of practice that, well, there is nothing wrong with it, if mr. farzin accepts it, then mr. farzin says sanctions for 6 months and a year. they say that this is not possible under the conditions of sanctions. yes, russia too. sanctions , mr. farzin, let me say this, i will use russia as an example for them, and you can see that land management in russia was a very successful management in the conditions of sanctions. because there is no other place under sanctions. let's take an example, are you sure that any sane country will do the same thing that russia did, in terms of territory, now
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i don't want to get into it, now i want to, if it becomes necessary, we can talk about russia's experience , but i want to go to the solution and that what can we do under the conditions of the embargo and where is our disagreement with mr. yezizadeh probably because we share many points, probably there are differences in a number of places. azzadeh says to do the market a market that has a door and body, then i will accept the price, whatever happens, yes, well, we say, sir , there is no water. in a situation like mr. yazdizadeh's speech, it is like this, when my side was talking about his child, he was saying that you are covering his child, he was saying
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that i will sell a thousand billion tomans. if it is true, this is an impossibility for reform policy the political economy that iran has, postponing the reform policy is impossible, as a result , it will never happen. the point that i agree with is that the financial market in iran should be regulated , the assets should be controlled. this is a true statement. who does not want to seek reform, disagree with these words that no one
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has connected you to such and such a national code . what should we do now ? what should we do now? or the free market rate of the free market that we know according to mr. azizzadeh it has these problems. i accept that these problems are true. now, how big does he see his effect, how big do i see it, that is another matter. well, that is another matter. you may say, sir, that this 30% caused the price of the product. i will say that 5% caused the price of the product. both of us are saying our part. according to the scientific study, we have estimated how much this issue is exactly. no one can have it because the market is very unidentifiable . your solution for today is the solution for today. the solution for today is that you should
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raise the land price. what is the monetary model based on the existing models in the economy? what model p. we don't have two more models to determine the rate, so you can calculate the real rate based on these in the market. in this world , for example, in the late 1970s, for example, then , based on that, you have to find the price based on the monetary model, the pp model, take the middle of these two, say , sir, this is the price that yazdizadeh's and i's opinions are the same, and mr. fazzi's opinion is not the same. the rate that came out of the minimum model is the free market rate when we say that it has a bias after all, because the property is like this, it is a correct statement. i say that the bias is very
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little, but there is no problem, so that we can reach a common point with mr. yazidzadeh, i say, mr. yazidzadeh, what model should we use to get the rate, mr. rate? how much did we earn both of these? how much can we say? look at the current rate with the money model and the pp model. the rate is between 57 tomans and 63 four tomans for the first three months of this year. even though what mr. zain said is true, i think it is okay. for reasons the other thing that can be discussed is your expertise . i will say that this expert's opinion is the free rate in the north of the bracket compared to the rate that comes from the model because it is low , mr. azizzadeh. it is probably the effect of the fact that there is anonymity in the market and anonymity is eating up the price, but the effect of this is not so great, but no, we
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have to arrive at a model. this model is different existing models that have been experienced in economics. according to him , the tax book model. according to our friends, the tax book model shows this. show me the free market . bring it down to 70 tomans for example, this property is for three months, and the next month , according to your theory, 2805 will be completely sold , for example, what is in the exchange center, and we will base everything on fifty-one . if you do this, you will get 28,500. this will reduce your government's budget deficit, this one means it will fix your fiscal, it will fix your finances
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, it will fix your fiscal policy, it will reduce your budget deficit because it will fix your fiscal. we have implemented this idea, which has actually been implemented in the last 40 years, that is, we have always come, see, we have always come, just as i said, the supply first.
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i will answer the first part of your conversation first , then i will also tell you what happened in iran in these 14-5 decades. contrary to what mr. azizzadeh said, by the way, the opposite of what we said happened, what does that mean? it means that in this economy, you are constantly getting a structural budget, not a normal budget deficit, with a structural budget of 30 to 70. in the past four decades , you have been faced with the central bank continuously buying government bonds every year, you have continuously created liquidity in this economy
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, your liquidity growth has been extremely high , your political policies have been continuously expansionary, and your interest rate it has been negative except for 5 or 6 years in this economy where the policy of expansionary policy is expansionary fiscal policy, how is your expansion when
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you raised the rate similar to the market rate because you can't work, it's not a 40 earthquake, yes, an earthquake that won't be resolved by stepping on the ground, but it's a theory but the theory of dr. yazdizadeh pippi model basically says what you say, sir , i will say it very briefly, if you want, i can talk about it in detail. the terms of the countries, like where is the exchange rate obtained from , where is the flour rate obtained from, do you know the difference in the amount of liquidity in a country in country a compared to country a?
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this difference in the rate of liquidity growth of your exchange rate takes the form of the balance between the two countries, because the exchange rate is not something that is the ratio of one currency to the other . sir , you calculate the difference in inflation between these two countries in the long term and with the difference in inflation, the real rate or the real rate of land extraction. mr. doctor, let me talk about your money , let me, it is based on the difference in the inflation rate.
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why is the theory of the relationship of two or more variables in laboratory conditions under the condition of stability of other conditions. theory is not a tool for presenting and analyzing reality. because
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the basis is different from reality. this is what i called theoretical illusion and many of our economists suffer. including this issue. mr. turm says that if you compare inflation in america with iran, there should be a difference in the exchange rate. what is the assumption? it is assumed that inflation in iran has nothing to do with land prices. sir, the inflation in iran that you are using as the basis for calculating the land price itself is caused by the exchange rate, it is not like this. the width went from 24 tomans to 50 tomans. it does not cause inflation . this removal means that it is so pointless. look at these models. allow them to fix 45 every 10 years in this country . forgive the prescription of the nonsense of the
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last 40 years. in this situation, i have the ability to determine, sir, despite the anti-trafficking law, i still can't determine who should have how much and who has how much. i don't want to do it. i don't want to do it. because i want there to be a width of freedom that this width can always go to when it gets there
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, why is the demand for freedom to replace money, not to import, a financial asset that you gave it the privilege of being nameless and turned it into a potential demand for smuggling, for corruption, for bribery , for drugs, for the underground economy, then why? this price is going up, partly due to this , mr. al-husseini, if you were to exchange gold and silver in this country tomorrow morning , would it be a suitable means of exchange for smuggling? let's do it in their own way
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they calculate and say let's do this kind of work. what is your alternative solution? what do you think, who believed that the width should be single rate? it's not anymore because i've experienced it for 40 years, i'm seeing that you agree with this , we don't have anything called multiple rates of land in the economy with this system, mr. beknarkhi, that we have a thousand rates in the world, and we also use food as a tool. giving us that is a tariff, a tariff means applying a thousand rates on the width, both in export and import, sir i want this product to be imported with a width of 20 thousand tomans. i will put my offer price at 20 thousand tomans. this product is a basic product for 20 tomans. it means that it is completely true . azzade is completely right . why are you saying the opposite of that? because they do not work anywhere in the world at this price. great price. honor, sir, the value of the national currency , the rate of the honor of the economy, not the rate, the rate, the value of the national currency
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, the honor of the economy, not the honor of the economy. i control my national currency, it does not control this means of exchange. please tell me your solution. i offer you the solution. the solution is that these two goods, if you want the country to be fixed, the most important step that must be taken is the first transfer point. the nameless transfer of these two assets, i.e. moscow cut and gold bullion, and i will take the width from him, so i will take this next.


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