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tv   [untitled]    May 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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good night and god bless you, thank you very much. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world. today, the zionist regime attacked the palestinian refugees' tents in rifa, just like yesterday. hasbi allah and naam al-wakil.
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hasbi allah and the favor of the attorney
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. it provoked various issues in the world arena.
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there is no dignity, there is no respect if you are not allowed to hold a political duty, we will not stop, we will not rest this close.
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united will never be defeated, the people united will never be defeated, the people united, we'll never feed it.
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i am also happy to be at your service. i am interested in this conversation. let's review some of the latest developments in palestine. perhaps the most important issue in recent days is israel's attack on the tents of the refugees in rafah. with the attack, israel burned several hundred refugees and we had bitter images of rafah that the relatives of the people who were inside the tents. outside, they witnessed the screams and burning of their loved ones inside this fire about this real holocaust what do you think. well, you see, israel is not actually against the holocaust and is willing to do it on a larger scale. they actually
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want a complete holocaust against the palestinians and against all the residents of gaza, and this is part of their intention. they are looking to take over gaza completely, but in a situation where there are no palestinians in gaza, and what about the results of this event and their recent move and the death and killing there. i believe that something should be done about the actions of hamas and in fact the reaction of hamas and the attacks that and the ambushes that
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are carried out against the israeli soldiers may not be enough . maybe an attack by israel. in fact, it is a reaction to that attack. maybe israel is looking to check the situation and actually test it to see what the reactions will be. and if he does more actions like this , what reactions will follow. but in general we saw that this move. it caused reactions even among the people of the west even the western authorities are talking and showing reactions, but in this situation
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, practical measures and effective measures must be taken from the western side. if there are any obstacles in front of them, you are saying that there is a possibility that the zionist regime used this attack to test and test global reactions in order to realize its own full-scale attack against rifa in the future. i think that's a part of it , but i also think it's a bigger part israel's strategy is not to destroy the palestinians with bombs and bullets. or, for example , he wants to do this with weapons. i think the real intention of the israelis is to
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destroy a large part of the palestinian and gazans population through disease, starvation, and depriving them of water and such tools. take them and remove them , now it is possible that in the meantime, they will be bombarded and they will be deprived of food and basic necessities. thank you. prosecutor of the criminal court to issue a sentence. netanyahu, the head of mossad , has threatened the court prosecutor that you don't want to get involved in things that
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endanger your safety and your family. at the same time, the american authorities repeatedly threatened, sanctioned and punished the international judges during this period . while these institutions were supposed to solve the world's important conflicts and prevent genocide and war crimes, now we see that america and israel have no value for such institutions. and they don't respect international laws and even seek to threaten judges does the international community have a chance against the violence of the perpetrators of genocide? israel and america both express as much in fact. it is clear that they don't pay any attention to international laws, but
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they only think about international laws, in fact, the laws they make themselves, and what they mean is that we make the laws ourselves , we determine their standards, and no one has the right to them. cancel it, in fact, they want to apply their own law, the only thing that changes in the meantime is that the laws related to the international court do not have the enforcement guarantee and the implementation if that implementation is carried out and those laws are found to be enforceable, that is when the situation can change, and unfortunately, we see that this is not the case, and even the security council is under the control of the united states, sir. larudi, i want to talk about the recognition of the palestinian state by the three european countries, but before that
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, we will see a report prepared by my colleagues, and we will continue our conversation. the successive bombings of the palestinian genocide by the zionist regime forces, especially after the 7th of october, caused the process of recognizing the independent state of palestine. it will accelerate rapidly. he divided palestine and handed it over to the zionists. therefore, we irish people
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fully understand the conditions of the palestinians and the majority of the irish people , wherever they are in the world, fully support the palestinian people. the acceptance of the formation of an independent palestinian state among the people and some politicians in european countries has reached the highest level. in the middle of a war with tens of thousands dead and wounded, we have to be the only place. according to spanish experts, we should keep alive the option that offers a political solution for israelis and palestinians to encourage countries to recognize it.
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they died at the hands of the zionists since the occupation of palestine by donating many martyrs in resistance operations, palestine was able to increase the number of supporting countries in such a way that now 143 of the 193 countries of the world have recognized the independent state of palestine and this list is being completed. mojtabi ghasemzadeh of the london radio and television news agency continues the conversation with mr. paul larudi, a former advisor to the us government. mr. larudi seems that the destruction of israel has had consequences for them and has led to the recognition of the palestinian state by spain, norway and iran. iran's foreign minister today
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discussed the possibility of imposing sanctions against israel in the european union in case of objection to the execution of orders. the international court of justice has also spoken on behalf of israel. in some other countries, including france , we have whispers about the need to recognize the palestinian state. will the path taken by israel not reduce the number of their companions and friends ? well, israel right now. it is also isolated and basically there are a few other countries that remain as a small group, actually as a small group of supporters of israel in
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the rest of the world, in them we in the rest. we have seen a big change because israel has tried very hard to improve its relations he established good relations with other countries throughout the war, but he did not succeed and now we can say that israel is actually a negative and hated country from the point of view of most countries in the world. from the point of view of many countries, israel is not doing the right thing, and everyone realizes it, and in the meantime, palestine's credibility is increasing day by day, but israel apparently does not care, they are only looking for the war
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they are having with hamas and with the palestinians. they see a war for their existence and it is very important to them found done. if it wasn't like this, they wouldn't have committed these crimes. because they themselves know that the actions they take actually lead to a negative reaction from the rest of the world and isolate them. america is the same way. and they think that and israel thinks that they should make maximum use of every facility america has and every capacity it has so that they can win this war. and if they can eliminate the palestinians from existence, but their relations with the rest of the world will be destroyed. in the meantime, mr. larudi, i want to talk about another issue. the slogan of palestine's freedom has become widespread in recent months . recently, yolanda diaz, the deputy prime minister
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of spain, in her speech spoke about the need for the complete liberation of palestine and the famous slogan of. ta bahr pointed out that the reaction of the zionist authorities followed. the minister of foreign affairs of the zionist regime compared the deputy prime minister of spain with the leader of iran and yahya sanwar, the leader of hamas in gaza, and said that this deputy prime minister of spain is exactly saying the words of the leaders of iran and hamas. this slogan of the freedom of palestine from the river to the river is something that has spread all over the world for several months, the main slogan. protesters in western cities and universities, what do you think is the root of its widespread use to this extent?
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expel them from all those lands, maybe even before 1948, they were looking for these programs and had this intention, but now the palestinians are using that slogan in a different way and they are using it with the goal of freedom. in fact, they want to have a free country. but israelis and jews and even those
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who have zionist thinking, many of them do not want to take the entire land of palestine from them , many jews want only one land. they should be with the palestinians and now there is a solution for them. in order to deal with israel , the solution is the same that was done against the apartheid regime in south africa . what happened in south africa was that a country was established, a country for all the people who were there and it was peaceful, and now palestine must also be be that as it may , most of them want to have a country where everyone can be there. thank you mr. larudi, consultant. the american government that you were with us in this conversation. i was happy to be with you,
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thank you. allahu akbar! allahu akbar! recognition of the palestinian state in spain numerous gatherings and reactions have been part of it. we will see you together.
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because we don't want only the declaration of a palestinian state bus that's something more symbolic than anything, we ask for the government to cut relations with the state of israel, not just that, we want them to stop selling and buying arms from the state of israel cuz that makes splice of the genocide that is going on in palestine. pater libertad.
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en este como su capital y unificadas bajo el gobierno legitimate de la autoridad national palestina. the attack of the zionist regime and r
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from the river to the sea, how can you do this shit, how can you do this shit? fuck down one.
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and now the second case. tonight's program is dedicated to the false information and lies that the new york times newspaper published about the al-akhsa storm operation on october 7 and attributed accusations of assaulting women or burning children to palestinian fighters. recently, 60 journalism professors in america wrote a letter to the management of new york times and criticized them for not quoting definitive evidence about their report. from october 7 to today and only in this period of time, the zionist regime has repeatedly made claims that have been proven against it over time. one of these claims was security in rafah for the people of gaza. but these days, even the last refuge of the people is not safe. israel.
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he had reported many times about the safety of civilians in this war. but now the number of martyrs in gaza has reached over 36 thousand people, and the number of children and women is more noticeable. in another claim , shafa hospital was introduced as the headquarters of hamas forces , but no soldiers were found, so aramestan hospital was innocent of many wounded. one of the claims the first days of the zionist regime's war in gaza was the attack of hamas forces on israeli women, which was published in the form of an article in the new york times , a topic that recently prompted 59 professors of journalism and media from top american universities to write a letter to verify the validity of this claim. in a part of this letter, the professors wrote: it seems that the editorial management of the times largely rejected these reports and
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remained silent about the important and worrying questions raised about its reporting and editorial processes. we believe that this passivity is not only to the times itself it harms, but actively harms, journalists, especially american reporters working in conflict zones, as well as palestinian journalists, of whom the committee to protect journalists estimates that around 100 have been killed by israel. end also endangers. one of these shaha signatories. mufti is in charge of the journalism department and a professor at the university of richmond , usa. he was also a former reporter for the christian science monitor and magazines such as atlantic harper and the new york times. now we got this opportunity to meet with one of these writers, mr shahan mufti, professor, director of the group.


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