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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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and now the second case of tonight's program, which is dedicated to false information. and the lies that the new york times newspaper published about the al-akhsa operation on october 7, and attributed accusations of assaulting women or burning children to palestinian militants. recently, 60 journalism professors in america wrote a letter to the management of the new york times and criticized them for not quoting definitive evidence about their report. it has been stated that over time
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it has been proven that one of these claims was security in rafah for the people of gaza. but these days, even the last refuge of the people is not safe. israel he had reported many times about the safety of civilians in this war. but now the number of martyrs. gaza has reached over 36,000 people, and the number of children and women in it is more noticeable. in another claim , shafa hospital was identified as the headquarters of hamas forces , but no soldiers were found, so aramistan hospital is innocent of many injured. one of the claims of the first days of the zionist war in gaza was the attack by hamas forces on israeli women, which was published in the form of an article in the new york times , a topic that 59 journalism and
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media professors from the top american universities recently wrote. he sent a letter to verify the authenticity of this claim. in a part of this letter, the professors wrote: it seems that the editorial management of the times largely rejected these reports and remained silent about the important and worrying questions raised about its reporting and editorial processes. we believe that this inaction not only harmed the times itself.
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now we got this opportunity to talk with one of these writers, mr. shahan mufti, the professor and director of the journalism department of the university of richmond. we are going to virginia, america. let's start this letter with about 60 professors of journalism. you wrote to the new york times at a prominent american university and questioned the report and claim of this newspaper about the occurrence of sexual violence on october 7. what made you decide to participate in writing this letter and challenge the new york times narrative? see, i have to point out. this is very strange for a journalist, in fact, journalism professors , as far as i know, such
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a letter has never been written to the new york times , i don't think such a letter has ever been received. and most of us have written this letter like this. we had not written before, so this incident was actually a strange incident. we were careful and cautious before sending this letter, and i must say that we did not say in the letter that this report was wrong because we ourselves did not know , but we said that at all when that something has not been identified, it has not been determined, the contents of the report should be reviewed , if it is proven, it should be written.
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no, it is up to the journalists themselves to create a mechanism among themselves and to observe those standards themselves.
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he did not do this and in no way did he give that information to anyone at all and did not say at all that it was wrong and despite the many evidences that were found and revealed one by one that parts of this report were true, they did nothing at all. not giving to correct it, that's why we wrote this letter, because they didn't publish any correction at all, you and many of the authors of their letter. tun before becoming a professor of journalism i saw in your letter that you asked the new york times editorial board to form a commission to investigate the story and announce the results in the hope that
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it would restore its damaged reputation. from your letter? yes that's right. we asked them in our letter to the new york times. we requested this newspaper to come and form an independent committee and an external committee of journalists and allow them because they themselves had not made any corrections and we believed that now is the time for journalists and experts outside the newspaper to take action and do this, but the new york times said in response to our letter that they reviewed this report internally within the organization , but we we have never heard anything like this, that they formed an internal committee to review this report, and they later
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told us that after the internal review, we came to the conclusion that this report was based on the criteria and standards of our internal standards and no something wrong it was to none of the demands we didn't answer specifically and the answer he gave was very general and he didn't give us any specific answer . in fact, we had a lot of questions in that letter and instead of doing this, they just claimed that they themselves checked the letter and the report. reviewing i must say that there are many people. whose names appeared in that article, two of them were freelance reporters who did not work full-time for the new york times, one of them was an israeli reporter, and there was a woman whom the new york times fired and
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no longer works with, and one of them is actually from the forces internal it was the new york times, which has been around for a few months now , so we haven't seen any reports about it. i am confident that that article is related to the separation and the fact that these two people are not active in this newspaper. now maybe it was a mistake and because of that mistake , punishing them internally is one of the things that i saw in the letter. and there were consequences that such a report could create, the scope and effect of what the new york times and similar media had with their false narratives since october 7, how much the rest of the media and public opinion, even the decision-making authorities in the west. he affected himself.
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false report. the new york times actually not only prepared the american society for
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the war, it prepared the public opinion for the war, but also caused a disaster for the people of iraq, the people of the region and even the people of the united states. this happened 20 years ago and the new york times the report about political issues , maybe in a few months, the new york times will find out and
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either delete this report about the sexual assault on october 7 or correct it. now we hope that this will happen and that they will realize their mistake and report it . i have more from you, but between now questions, we have some pictures from the shelters of refugees in rafah. let's see , i will raise those questions later.
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there is no god but allah, the will of god, and the deeds of god, the great, the great, the great, the lord , the lord, the lord, the best of god, the best of god, what is the news, or muhammad, oh, or brothers, yes, yes, we belong to god, and we are with him forever. hasbi allah and neam al-wakili, yes, yes, wait for god, patience
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, or murad, patience, or murad , we are still with you in the world today . free. today was the 235th day of the genocidal war in gaza . in the latest developments , we witnessed the pile-ups of refugees in rafah and the burning of palestinians . was it not the creation of undocumented narratives about the violation of women by hamas forces or the beheading of children that somehow justified and normalized israel's genocide in order to gazan,
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didn't this irresponsible journalism lead to genocide? it has been used against the non-white population to put pressure on them, so for example, we have seen these cases in america a long time ago , for example, black people were accused of assaulting white women, especially during there was slavery in america and after that the reconstruction of america, and this
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was part of that organized racism in america and its purpose was to justify violence against black americans , now we had similar accusations against native americans or the red skin what actually happened was that the immigrants who came from south america accused them of attacking children and violating women and girls , and these accusations were to prepare the white people for their thoughts. prepare for violence against foreigners and other races including themselves, so we see today that the story of the attack on israeli women actually created a social atmosphere that allows the political will
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to be justified for brutal and brazen attacks against palestinians, that is, those attacks are carried out. therefore, it is for this reason that we believe that this kind of reporting is in fact a violation of the rights of women and children, and these are not just ordinary writings, but its effects are visible in this way. and the works of action. journalists during this war, well, we killed reporters in gaza, we also had bloggers and social media activists who were able to bring the truth to the ears of the world, to the point where we witnessed a global wave even in american universities protesting the genocide and supporting the palestinians. on this side of the story
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, how much could responsible journalism help humanity? send photos, images, news, and even audio files to the rest of the world. recently, we saw that israel even has al-jazeera's office in the
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occupied territories, where al-jazeera is one of the few news media under the control of the mainstream media. there is a state-run media and very few newspapers are journalists , there are small websites that continue to fulfill their main mission, the right mission. they themselves publish the crimes that happen in gaza and provide analysis, and on the other hand , there are social media in america that share these images from gaza. sending to people's mobile phones and to people's laptops and actually informing them about this, they try to
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reflect the situation, but in the end, people hear different stories from some of those social media. that i publish the right news and some of the social networks are actually mainstream. for example, we have the mainstream media, tik tok, which tries to publish the right pictures and news , because of that, the americans try to limit it and shut it down because the american government feels that it is acting on behalf of tik tok and its activities. he is being threatened and american government officials are very upset about the fact that young people in america and elsewhere are expressing sympathy. to palestinians and to support them , they perform demonstrations and in fact the actions of the network doing social activities like tik tok will strengthen
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the sympathy of the people, especially the young generation, with the palestinians , and this is not what the american government wants . thank you, professor mufti. i want to ask you one last question. master i would like to ask you this question, in general , if we look back on these seven or eight months , what lessons have been learned from the point of view of being a journalist and journalist, for example, you want to share this with your students at the university in class? i think that this this is the report published by new york times and we criticized it in that letter. it becomes a very specific and original example and becomes a case study . it becomes a study that becomes an issue that can
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be studied by the concerned newspaper as an example of bad journalism , but i think the best lesson we learned. this is what many of the basic lessons of journalism that we learn in our classes and practice in the newsroom and in the country's newsroom are about. these are the lessons. in fact, one of the most important ones is that the media must be independent to maintain his independence, he should verify the information he receives from various sources and should not be influenced by influential institutions . and i think one of the great lessons of this study is this. that even big journalism institutions and especially big newspapers may deviate from the correct principles of journalism and
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what we as journalists should follow is that we should not make such mistakes, we have seen many mistakes in this from the point of view of journalists and... a journalist can do it, when a mistake happens, the right thing is to come immediately and correct that mistake before bigger problems
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arise. university of richmond, mr. mufti, thank you for being with us in this conversation. the belgian government is sending 30 f-16 fighters to ukraine. this action is part of the new security agreement between kyiv and brussels, which was signed during zelenskiy's visit to belgium. in the framework of this agreement, belgium at least 977 million euros of aid military is provided to ukraine this year and is committed to support kiev for 10 years of this agreement. the european union has agreed to allocate 5 billion euros to the military aid fund of ukraine this year. china travel the representatives of the us congress condemned taiwan. the spokesperson of the chinese foreign ministry, in response to the us congress delegation's emphasis on supporting taiwan against china
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, warned the us against any interference in this country's affairs. the chairman of the foreign relations committee of the us house of representatives said in a meeting with the president of taiwan that he and others its trains are staunch supporters of taiwan. researchers warned about the negative effects of global warming on women's childbirth and the birth of babies. the results of a 25-year study by scientists with 53 million births during this period are the adverse effects of heat waves on newborns. and the effect on their health shows that more heat waves and longer hot weather lead to more premature births . access to housing with reliable air conditioning equipment, the possibility of avoiding hard physical work in hot conditions and sanitary conditions may reduce the risks of heat to the health of pregnant women. the number of ships due to the storm rimal in bangladesh
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, india reached 16 people. the speed of the storm. one million people in these two countries were transferred to safe areas. we have reached the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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3:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the registration of candidates for the 14th presidential election period will begin tomorrow, thursday, june 10. there are only 30 days left until the presidential election, and the media and social networks are full of speculations about the registration of political figures. some people answer yes to the question that you are registering for the election.


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