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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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we would like to offer you that by sending the number 5 to the sms system 3008 55, you can receive 60% of your educational resources completely free of charge . get 60% of the resources of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number 5 to 30085. in the name of god. hello. after the emergency meeting of the security council behind closed doors, the representative of algeria announced that algeria is preparing a draft resolution of the un security council to stop the killing in rifa. he said that today algeria has submitted a draft resolution to the chinese ambassador to the
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united nations. he said: "we hope to get a resolution as soon as possible to stop israel's attack on rafah." let's approve because many lives are at stake. on monday, a day after the night attack of the zionist regime on rafah, in which palestinian tents in the refugee camp were set on fire, algeria submitted a request for an emergency meeting of the un security council. in this attack 45. palestinians , including several women and children, were martyred and 249 people were injured. 21 palestinians were martyred and 64 were injured in a new crime against refugees in rafah on tuesday. most of the martyrs were women and children. heads of power in a meeting on creating a fair media opportunity for a healthy competition of candidates presidential election. the meeting of the heads of powers
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hosted by the acting president and with the presence of the head of the judiciary, the speaker of the islamic council, the deputy of the guardian council, the legal deputy of the president, the minister of the interior and the head of the broadcasting organization with the aim of making the necessary decisions to hold the presidential election within 50 days from martyrdom of president martyr ayatollah raisi was held. at the beginning of the meeting, the legal deputy of the president, the guardian council and the minister of interior presented a report on the follow-up. the head of the broadcasting organization also presented the programs of this organization to create a platform it is appropriate and fair to explain the plans of the candidates for the presidential elections, especially the election debates. also , the proposal of the minister of interior to register candidates for the election from the 10th to the 14th of june.
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the discussion took place. mr. mokhbar, acting president , while emphasizing the necessity of equal treatment for all candidates during registration, demanded to facilitate registration for candidates who, according to the announcement of the guardian council, have the necessary conditions for registration. according to the law, only people can register to participate in the presidential election to be at least 40 and at most 75 years old. have a master's degree or higher and have 4 years of experience in holding senior positions in the country and have no criminal record. the minister of culture and islamic guidance announced the registration and naming of the martyrdom day of the president in the country's official calendar. we approved this day, but we put the titles of 3 proposals that were in the meeting to the people's opinion
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. in fact, we left an option open for anyone who has a new proposal to submit to us. i hope with the cooperation and participation of the people, god willing, a suitable name to commemorate the serving statesmen. our martyr, god willing, it will happen what are these three names that you suggested, mr. minister, the day of honest service, service with dignity and service of mujahideen. conducting the largest relief exercise of the armed forces in the irgc ground force, the purpose of this exercise is to improve the combat medicine of the irgc ground force and to achieve the highest rank in the west asia region. the first competition in the field of combat medicine is nothing to worry about. we are the first team. how is the competition excellent at the level?
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it has been held at a high level, the preparation of our army is very high , what we are doing today in this scene in east azarbaijan province in the imam zaman brigade of the ground forces of our army. there are competitions for promotion the level of ability of our warriors. this competition is being held for the first time in the armed forces under the initiative of the revolutionary guard ground force's combat health initiative, with the presence of six armored and mechanized units for three days . when you are motivated to reach goals, set goals and achieve them. it is not difficult to prepare more. combat medicine is a field of medicine that deals with medical activities for combatants on the battlefield. in the horizon of 1404, we defined a strategy that the ground forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps
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should be among the top five armies in the world in military medicine and medicine. ok. sardar pakpour, commander of the irgc ground forces , addressed the commanders present in the combat medicine competitions, who must present new innovations in each exercise , saying: irgc ground forces will be equipped with drones that deliver medical equipment in the operation scenes. the champion of this competition will participate in the world military olympics. mohammadsaz , sed and broadcasting agency, imam zaman mechanized brigade, shabestar city. the head of the iranian cardboard paper producers' union says, bavel. giving priority to the reconstruction and modernization of the entire country's need for printing and writing paper for the next two years from production it is provided inside. the 13th government was able to print textbooks with iranian paper by removing production obstacles, especially in the wood and paper industries of mazandaran
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. paving the path to self-sufficiency in the production of printing and publishing paper. with our production this year, we alone have a third of the need for printing and writing paper in the country. we are supplying two or three other sets , the capacities are such that if they enter the field, we will reach self-sufficiency in the printing and writing paper sector, which is required by the country for 150 thousand tons, god willing. while the paper industry is approaching full self-sufficiency, this is its largest collection a few years ago , it had gone to the point of complete bankruptcy and surrender. the production line was also inactive. at that time, the pricing was unrealistic. and it was being handed over to people who were sometimes not qualified. in 2018 , our collection was valued at 500 billion tomans. march 24, 1399, the page will be turned. with the visit of the head of the food department to the wood and paper factory in mazandaran, the transfer of this unit
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was stopped and its revival was prioritized. the factory is so great that we can provide the required paper and textbooks with the best quality . in the media, prepare for us to go against him let's import iranian paper production has always been one of the president's priorities . now it has 13 values, in addition to the fact that the writing production line has been closed, which was a problem for the country, and from the production of 4,500 tons in 2019, fortunately, now that i am at your service, it has reached
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approximately 46,500 tons. special in renovation renovation the machines of the paper industry will produce 150,000 tons of printing and writing paper and supply the entire country's needs in the next 2 years. bahrami of sed and sima news agency , stay with us.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello and good night , dear viewers of khabar al-azmat, we are proud to be at your service with another program from the first page series, considering that we have reached the tax season, in tonight's program, it is about making smart and making it fair. we will talk about the tax system and the events that have happened in the tax affairs organization in this area, and our guest tonight is mr. dr. sobhanian, the honorable head of the tax affairs organization. my country, i say hello, you are very welcome, thank you for accepting our invitation tonight, thank you very much , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i also say hello to your excellency and all the dear and respected viewers . i also offer my condolences on the martyrdom of our beloved president. i pray that, god willing, all of us will be able to
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follow the path that this honorable man followed, god willing. following up the discussion years ago reducing the dependence of the country's income and the country's budget on oil, now since it is supposed to replace this major part. for many years, perhaps decades, in our documents, in our development plans, in our policies, the supreme leader has repeatedly emphasized that the dependence of the government's budget on oil resources should be reduced. well, this is one. there is one issue that , mr. khosravi, between different intellectual spectrums in the field
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of economics and in the field of politics, this is not a single word, i.e., a difference of opinion regarding the fact that we should finance the current expenses of our country from the country's revenues. it is very clear that we our own family, if we want to take care of the current affairs of our own family, then as a rule , we should not finance the current expenses of our own life from the sale of capital and sell it if we want barikle to travel, for example, or have money to spend on food and clothing. currently, they are trying to compensate their own expenses and naturally they spend a part of their own capital for more investments and more wealth production. oil is a capital and an asset for all countries, including our country. the generation should create future income for future generations
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invest like all other countries. well , unfortunately, for many years, because the oil tap was open, it was easily accessible in the country, and we could easily convert them into rials and spend money . the country was very high and basically our dear people should pay attention. one of the main reasons and main roots of our inflation today is our dependence on oil. why did this happen? because after all, the price of oil goes up and down, it is not in our hands. due to the sanctions, sometimes the oil tap is tight for us they open it. while government expenses are always growing at a rate. current government expenses. well, what happens when the price of oil goes down , the costs don't decrease, which means we can't say that this cost already. this service could be done now, for example, to the people of a growing slope. what
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happened in the past years was that the governments relied on banking resources to compensate for the decrease in oil revenues, to create liquidity, to create a monetary base from the decrease in oil revenues. it used to happen and this is the inflation that we are witnessing unfortunately, an inflation guaranteed stable and high that makes people's table smaller. therefore, if economic experts believe that we should replace tax revenues with oil revenues, it is in order to reduce inflation, it is because the people's table is taken from the general public, especially the deprived classes, while the provincial tax is that. regular provincial tax, which we think is good today, we are moving in that direction, although finally there are some points that i will present
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, fair and smart provincial tax. this punctuation was the serious insistence of our honorable president and takes the tax from the rich and redistributes it among the members of the nation and especially the deprived classes, but do you agree that this culture is still as it should be, or at least in industrialized and advanced countries, where you can pay taxes for any income? unfortunately, it is the same in our country, that is , there is really this ambiguity and this question exists, and of course, in my opinion, the question is misplaced and we must answer this question, people. they wonder why they should pay taxes when the country can be run with oil revenues. it is that the serious need of the administration of our country for the benefit of the people is that we can be able to tax in a fair and intelligent manner so that the tax system is a system that helps businesses
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and not a tax system that, god forbid, hinders the business of the country. that's where they meet. with the answer that, after all, taxes are collected and spent like everywhere in the world, in the country and in european countries, for example, the example they give or the doubt they introduce is that they say, well, in a european country, everyone sees that if you have, you pay taxes. you have a crush on jin and jon because, for example, your education is free , you have free quality healthcare services, and i get many services from them, but here, for example, for my education, i have to pay for the services. we in the government and our friends who are responsible for the expenses in the government should give a valid answer to this question and i am here to serve you, although we as a tax organization are responsible for tax collection, but our dear people should be informed that finally
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a service which is being presented in the society today, whether it is in the field of salam, in the field of education, or in the field of providing various infrastructures, this significant part of it is a tax place that is mainly being excluded from the rich classes of the society. now, in the future , god willing, i will provide you with statistics that today our focus in provincial taxation is on the noble and wealthy classes, like everywhere in the world, a fair system requires such a type of tax. it is a province, but i want you to see that many of the projects that mr. khosravi is opening today in villages, cities, and provinces are from the tax base that our people pay a thousand billion tomans of taxes under those taxes to the municipality and rural districts. we paid for the country, which means the people are part of it from the owner of the added value that they are paying , from the 9 percentage points that was last year, 4
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percentage points are actually paid to the municipalities under the title of taxes, and the municipalities are the projects that are carried out in the middle of the city and the urban development projects that are carried out in the cities. and the village is happening, bostani is a way to show you that other urban services that are happening are a significant part of the taxes and fees that are paid. government in public schools, these are things that must be done let's manage and improve the quality of these, but as a rule, our dear people should be aware that this tax they pay is for the administration of the society, and basically, rulers and statesmen all over the world are trying to better administer affairs, from this place the society govern and we must be accountable to the people for this issue to pay their taxes at their proper place, i will also
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tell you this is one of the things that our respected president followed and the demand for the right to have the content. . there were also people who wanted us to announce to the people what is wrong with many of them our projects, which are financed from people's taxes, let us inform them, put up placards , put up billboards, that this hospital, this power plant, this road, this park, and this park are financed from people's taxes, and we are following this closely. even i, mr. khosrani, believe that people should be able to choose their own tax and where to spend it. they say that i may believe or be interested in spending my taxes on the environment. if someone believes or is interested in spending money in the field of education in the field of health authority. we can make it available to the people within the framework of the law, and this will definitely increase the people's compliance, and we are consulting, of course , the respected organization of the program is the main responsible for this work, and
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i believe that we will discuss this matter with the honorable president. we have shared it and many of them have a positive attitude towards this issue , and it is definitely the same, mr. khosra, people really feel positive and feel that the tax they pay is an expense for managing their affairs and providing better services to them. and we hope that, god willing, with the interaction with dear organization, we will have a plan, the government will also be able to inform the people, because today i am saying that people's taxes will be spent on construction and development and providing them with public services. it is noteworthy that the people pay from the tax source , so we have to present this to the people , you have to inform the people, and if we don't get the information, in our opinion, it is our weakness. this is one part , another part, which is a step ahead, is that we give people the right to pay the tax
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they pay and choose themselves . i want it to be spent in this field. of course , there are rules. it is possible that the country's budget is limited. it is possible that the cost that should be spent in the field of health, education, and the environment , these are limitations. yes, but of course you can set rules that are also those rules. and the restrictions should be observed and people can spend a significant part of their wealth in those places that they are interested in. currently, you can see what percentage of our budget is in the form of tax revenues. our budget was provided by taxes and the rest , which was about 64%, was mainly provided by oil revenues
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. i explained what the reason was in simple language, thanks to the events that took place in our 13th government, you see mr. khosravi, mr. president, one of the key axes that they followed was the transformation of the tax system for the benefit of the people. and for the benefit of economic activists, one of the most important axes in the government transformation document it was placed 13th, and mr. president personally followed him very much. in fact, it was the area of ​​taxation that could transform towards helping our production. today, we look at the tax authorities as a strategic partner. we should not stand aside and say that no, we have to collect an income . in any way possible, today we stood by our own mare, a very constructive interaction with us, we have religions, whether real persons or legal persons, we must be accountable to them, and
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we know this as our duty. do that maadi should be trusted. today, we are proud to tell you that more than 88 of the things expressed by our maadi have been accepted by the tax system, and this is the trust that exists between the tax system and the respected maadi. mr. khosravi, last year, we provided more than 50%, about 52% of the government's budget resources from taxes , and less than 50% of the share of oil and other government revenue sources, such as bonds and property sales, etc. it was one of the long-standing wishes of the country's hikrani regime that, thanks to god, with the measures taken by the government it was the 13th. this happened, our focus is seriously on fighting against tax evasion, which means that the question may be asked from which direction this
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is happening. in the past, there was a traditional tax system that we were faced with . the traditional tax system is a tax system that has a lot of human intervention. now i have the impression that you, yes, this diagram is actually on the right side , dear ones, if you look at it, the blue part is the tax share. from public budget sources in the 90s you can see that it is about 36, and in the graph on the left, the blue part that is the tax area and the coverage of the tax area from public resources , you can see that it has gone above 50%, so i say this is one of the wishes. my point was how we
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were able to achieve this success. dear mr. khosravi, our important discussion is to focus on the big data, as well as the serious fight against tax evasion and the identification of new tax evasion agents. we identified and were able to leave the place a new mining id to provide a significant part of the tax revenues in the field. tax evasion has become a serious focus. today, we are making serious efforts to secure these revenues by fighting tax evasion with the help of new tools, knowledge-based companies and artificial intelligence. i approved it, but it might not be a bad idea to check some examples today, so i will give you an assignment .
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let's make it a media, people should know that today the determination of the system a tax to fight against formalities is very serious . we had the identification of 300 billion tomans in the field of construction in khuzestan province . no, this is for the last few months. 140 mods that actually interact and trade through. we identified syrian companies that had issued syrian invoices worth more than 100,000 billion tomans , which we identified through data mining and topics such as artificial intelligence in kurdistan province from a gold field activist of more than 600 we identified a billion tomans and a company with 150 billion tomans tax evasion in west azarbaijan province, more than 700 billion tomans from 6
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companies in the brokerage field of ahan karazah chain and about 400 billion tomans from a person who is active in the field of buying and selling cryptocurrency. in the kurdistan region, we identified and collected two companies operating in east azarbaijan and a company in zanjan that issued recognition papers worth more than 750 billion tomans. we identified toman feriati. in fars province, people who people who used the qarz al-hasna fund to evade taxes , we issued more than 20,240 billion tomans identification papers in different provinces , such as central alborz, identifying transactions worth 260 billion tomans, two sales invoice cases and one in hamadan province. the amount of about 12 thousand billion tomans, one in yazeb province, amounting to
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about 3 thousand billion tomans , was identified with the help of the security apparatus. we can put these increases it is for the benefit of the people and to provide better services to the people , we should get the information about the tax revenue from the location of the tax evasion . let me tell you, mr. khosravi, we are trying our best to focus on coarse grains, see the numbers that i presented to you were in the order of several hundred billion tomans, at the same time, our focus for the provincial tax is on coarse grains. it's not that god forbid we want to bring against the law or excessive illegal pressure, the reform of our process will help us to better identify
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we should earn the revenues that are a public right from the field of companies and legal entities. i will give a few more examples to show that with today's numbers and figures , the tax system is focused on large grains. we have more than 35% of the total tax that we collect. we receive from 700 of our big companies , do you care? the tax that is being collected from tradesmen and businesses today is about 6% of the total tax that we are receiving, which means that last year we collected about the total tax that we receive from 700 companies. sna himself.


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