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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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the new government is the 14th government, many people consider this a big test for the representatives in the house of the nation and of course a very big opportunity . you should finally do this test in front of the great nation of iran, this big test is actually for the people. from the very beginning of the twelfth parliament, the government must be elected, and when this government is elected, it must expect both the government and the state parliament to increase the speed of electing and approving the work, and increase the power of the work. and concretely show people that there are some places, in fact, people feel that some problems are being solved and some work is being followed . the government should
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do infrastructure work, the government should not do two things, the government should do one thing, this is urgent, that is, at the same time, in the first month, the second month, the third month , the people will feel that there is something to be done and that some problems are being solved , there is something to be done. yes, but the basic tasks of the country, the infrastructure of the country, time does not mean that a government will come and solve all the problems at once, for example, in the first month, but the people should adapt. do this it is very important that once a government comes from you, you say , sir, solve all the problems in the first month, our people are wise, the people do not have such expectations from the government , but for the people to feel that we are moving forward , this is the right of the people and this must exist. it means that people should feel that this path is going, this path is promising, this path can solve people's problems, we are inevitable, which means that the future government should have this choice. okay, to solve the problems
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of the people, the people should move strongly in this field with this hope among the ballot boxes of the parliament . if he sees somewhere, there really is a problem and a weakness. it is possible for the parliament to come in powerfully and remove that weakness. this is the work of the parliament and it should take on its weakness. now this minister has a weakness, that minister has a weakness. there is a problem in a part of the country. together with the president, a parliament that has both expert youth and now it refers to very experienced people and experts who have experienced several terms of parliament. people are waiting for the effect of their powerful parliament. how much this combination will be the source of transformation and change, mr. dr. haji babaei, see when there are experienced people, the rate of mistakes decreases. when
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intelligent young people, dear intelligent representatives, there is vitality and vitality, and in fact, the power of movement increases. together, these two can create a group called a powerful majlis , that is, create a powerful majlis that people expect from the majlis. like the government, the parliament is no different when they look at the parliament or see the actions of the parliament. this feeling should be created in the people that the members of the parliament have the duties related to the people in the islamic council and the eyes of the people in the islamic council, they actually apply them . solve the problems, but they say that we would like a parliament to understand and understand that this parliament is performing and that this parliament is doing work, this parliament is doing its duties well, people from the parliament. they read islam, and i personally
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believe in this very much. i don't know how to say anything negative at all. let me discuss this with you, mrs. imam . i believe in positive energy. i believe in positive energy. the sleeping man lifted up the sick man, who was suddenly and despairingly , the man who is exercising during he should lie down for a while and get sick. this power exists, it can really be done. i don't want to say that this word means that we shouldn't check well, we should be optimistic, no, i don't mean that. staying away from necessary planning tasks is not appropriate. yes, see, a positive view means that we should look at people like this, a good person. and not to reach him for a thousand reasons that this person. i like it and i don't agree
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and i don't consider this view islamic at all. we don't find anything like this anywhere in the quran about people, but people should have a positive view of others and see that this person is efficient. but enough for this collector that there are two problems with these two problems. in fact, the positive view should be more of us, a member of parliament or a person who has a podium, people who speak for the people . they should talk to people realistically, but this realistic can have both positive energy and criticism along with it, don't hurt people's hearts , don't let people down, i don't want to tell people to be lied to, they know that despair and hope are actually two sides of
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the scale, which are fear and please, the two scales of the speaker and the one who wants to say something or the one who does the things should have fear and fear, which means both 50 percent. he should create hope and say 50% of the criticism so that people don't think that he has all these things , but this criticism should not be blackened and should not disappoint the people . after opening the parliament , hear the calculated words from the members of the parliament, hear the real words, hear the fair criticisms. and next to that, let them hear the hope for the future. this will be a lively assembly that lives with the people and moves with the people, and we actually keep the people with hope and, god willing, with praise. i would like to have 3-4 minutes until the end of
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the conversation on thursday, the registration process for the 14th term presidential election is about to begin . a strong parliament alongside a strong government. please tell me how much the parliament can provide the election space to elect a strong government alongside the people . what characteristics and coordinates should a suitable and former president for the country have? see that the parliament is a powerful place to pump issues. various in the country, that is, the parliament can actually be part of it. to the most powerful centers that invite people to the elections, he monitors the candidates, helps the people in the election,
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promotes the candidates in presenting the program, encourages, monitors, he can really be the parliament. during one month , there should be a powerful forum where all the candidates can be counted. finally, whoever wants to become the president of the country must have something to say , must have a plan, not with slogans, and if a strong government is elected, how much work for the parliament will be easier and if a strong government is elected, how much easier it will be for the parliament to be accountable to the parliament and the parliament will monitor him. and the words he says in the society and the program
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he is presenting, the parliament records these and later asks the president and a vote must be given to answer them, and of course with the help of voice. sima, with the help of sed and vasima, the islamic council , god willing , can help to elect a powerful president with a plan, god willing , thank you very much, dr. haji babaei, for your presence in the studio of the special news interview, god bless you , as always, thank you good night and god bless you. thank you very much, mr. doctor. home business is the lowest priority issue it is the cost and the greatest benefit . we have to solve its problems. one of the emphasis of president shahid since
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the beginning of the 13th government was to organize and remove obstacles from home jobs, an area where the majority of the target population were women. they don't have a market in their own city. it means that they are producing the best products, but they don't have a permanent place to sell their products in their own city, for example, small exhibitions where at least people like me can display our paintings. we can present our work there. the concern of the president many times in the supreme council of employment he followed it. although according to the law , the supreme employment council must be held every 6 months, but in the last thirty months, this council has held a meeting every four months. in the supreme employment council, president shahid obliged the banks to speed up the granting of reforms. credits will be allocated on time and devices that are active. you know that they want to work, don't wait for credit. this is one of those credits that should
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be done quickly. since the beginning of the year, the budget law has also provided for the allocation of credit for this matter , which means financing, in short, the financing of the matter. it is important for a person who has obtained the license independently and wants to start a business at home, and now he needs education to develop his work , according to the latest approval of the money and credit council, up to a maximum of 15. we give millions of tomans of education for the supporter, who is a person who, as an entrepreneur , takes a series of people under his cover, that is , he creates employment for them, and in fact provides all the steps of the value chain for them, that is, from training, empowerment, supply of raw materials to the end. it reaches the final product and then it is released to the sales market of this support person with the permission he actually starts this business up to the limit of 4 billion tomans per 40 people covered , he can use education, the amount of the loan
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is such that he can afford the expenses and continue a business and a strong workshop. martyred president bermiad ordered the issuance of business licenses in the continuation of his efforts in home businesses . in my opinion, business licenses are one of the most important issues. which should be encouraged, the field for business in the country in various fields for entrepreneurs, for those who work hard. the supportive approach of the martyred president in the 13th administration of home businesses increased the share of this area in the business space. in 1401, we were able to reach a 10% share of the country's employment by creating 13,000 jobs, and this year for 2014, our target was 15% share with 150,000, and this is how i managed to get a loan, anyway,
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for the workshop. developing , giving us a loan of 150 million with which we can buy equipment, the children can work by trial and error. i started at home . it was profitable for me. i entered the jewelry industry . it can earn between 100 and 150 million per year. it was supposed to be in 1402 to be 15% of the share of the business space, according to the statistics of the system of this area, with the registration of 220 thousand licenses , it exceeded the predicted number. there are two children. i have a sick child named sina
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, she has mps disease, which costs a lot, back-breaking costs , for example, a medicine pen costs millions of tomans, she is 9 years old , i want to go to the harem, i go to school, it costs a lot , almost 3 billion, but thank god , there is health insurance, which costs, for example, you pay, we pay nothing we don't pay , we only pay about ten thousand tomans , it's all health insurance that pays . we are moving towards a direction where there will be no iranian who does not have insurance , everyone will be covered by insurance, even today, if someone sleeps in a hospital bed without insurance , they will insure him right away. million people in the lower third of society. and free hospitalization services in cities below 20,000 people
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were among other government services in the health sector, and then more people below the umbrella won its support. last year, we provided free health insurance to the first decile of the society. this year, with the proposal of the ministry of health and the approval of the government board, two more deciles were added to the insured. the community is insured completely free of charge and they can visit any of our centers with their national code. now, in addition to sina, many patients have to come out of the burden of back-breaking treatment costs. thank god , i have health insurance, which is a village, and i am healthy. we come here, it's good to be accepted wherever you go, yes , we even went to isfahan, we were accepted here for
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testing, hospitalization, age, and all the services are done for us by the doctor, what is the kidney doctor? i am very satisfied with the health insurance. how much did you pay for one night at the hospital? 760 services, which according to these patients were provided without any in-person visits and past paperwork in this government. i was automatically insured , which means you didn't go in person. instead of taking action , i saw that i came. i registered, i have health insurance. i am very interesting. i am a patient with rheumatism in the spine. health insurance in the past one year, with the president's follow-up, at least 2 million patients like sina gareh have been relieved of their medical expenses. 2 million prayers for the martyred president from those
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who help me.
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that even children in school can solve it. chemists know that you cannot kill people with hydrocyanic acid gas. the feet of the uninvited became stiff. to kill the owner of the house . עמעת חידועת של זה מעידיים לעבים, so that day i would see her, i would cut all of them to that extent. how do you think you killed people like that? with the existence of these crimes turned the reality of the palestinians upside down. the reason for the oppression of the palestinians in the last 70 years is the control of the jews over the media and the american government. for example, right now the us secretary of state, anthony blinken, is a jew, and it is natural that
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he does not allow the story of the palestinians to be told. he does not control the jews who are oppressing the palestinians. the storm of october 7, however, has taken the control of thoughts out of the hands of the media. qassam forces record their operations through their cameras. to what extent can this affect the morale of the occupying soldiers? ok? this issue has a great impact on israeli public opinion. an army that claims to be invincible. and he has power inside israel, but now he is unable to fulfill his main mission and he cannot achieve the declared goals . this army cannot break the will of resistance. therefore, this documentation of the resistance is to counter the lies of the prime minister of the zionist regime, who says that he is close to his goal of destroying hamas. the revelation of the truth has provoked the anger of the nations. and
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it has angered the governments. in addition to the previous 21 countries, several other governments have recently cut ties with tel aviv a number of people filed a lawsuit against the genocide of this regime in gaza from the hague court. the senators also drew a line for the work of the judiciary that attracted their children. 12 members of the us senate threatened the prosecutor of the international criminal court with severe punishments if he issues an arrest warrant for netanyahu. world war ii was created to ensure that anyone who commits war crimes is held accountable by the legal system.
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people are german and they're also extremely offensive to people who've actually suffered under nazi rule. i don't respect that anymore. i really don't. i don't like and i don't respect the crocodile tears to con to the crocodile tears and allow me to tear allow me to spin it. listen sir, allow me to spin it because of the lessons my parents taught me and my two siblings. that i will not be silent when israel commits its crimes against the palestinians and i consider nothing more despicable than to use their
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suffering and their morderdom to try to justify the torture, the brutalization, the demolition of homes and israel daily commits against the palestinians, so i refuse any law. and against the wishes of the lobbyists for the international defense of palestine , the scene was preserved in this tableau in agreement with the independent state of palestine these days with the passing of the anniversary of the nakba , hatred of the zionists to the community of politicians. it has spread along with them. you sent european fighter jets to protect israeli bases, but in 6 months no
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palestinian child was worthy of your protection. is an israeli military base more valuable to you than 15,000 palestinian children? or should international laws be implemented in the same way for everyone? or we will sink into a world ruled by the powerful and chaos it will rule. your policy of one roof and two airs is destroying at an unprecedented rate what little credibility the european union still has left on the international stage. the threat that the guardian turned into a diplomatic tsunami and now the recognition of the independent palestinian state by three european countries has turned the dream of forming a land along the nile tafrat into a nightmare for the occupiers. smutich and banguire want to. then they should continue the war and fight until the euphrates of the nile and force the palestinians to migrate. they are ready to sacrifice soldiers for this purpose. the government has lost its legitimacy
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and it cannot get us out of this quagmire. the criminal court of the hague, radovan karadovic, the former head of besni's sarbs, in 2016. more than 8,000 civilians were imprisoned in the city of serbarenisa on the charge of genocide. condemned, now this court has been exposed to a bigger test for dealing with the genocide of about 40,000 civilians in gaza. it should be seen if this international institution fulfills its duties in terms of punishing the leaders of the zionist regime. or , as in the past 8 months, under the pressure of the american statesmen , he will turn a blind eye to the genocide of the people of gaza. hamid turkeshfand. broadcasting is one of them
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the teachers of the air force's elite and experienced pilots say that the owner of this photo is a 44-year-old pilot from one of the villages of chaharmahal bakhtiari who flew to najaf abad, isfahan. he moves to bring medical fields together, but he is interested in piloting and flying, even during one or two interview stages, he is very interested in going to tehran . he graduated with a very good rank and started serving in different air force bases, in shiraz and finally in mehrabad. because of skill in the field. open in public the pilots were placed in the hangar and recorded more than 1,400 flights during their service, but
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an accident happened on their last flight. the most skilled, literate, most moral and high-quality forces are used for this great mission, and alhamdulillah, they will be safe and well. the intention of doing it fully and in any case these events are a part of our life, khalvana says this. the second martyr of the helicopter crash in siim ardibehesht, pilot mohsen daryanosh , along with his colleagues , were martyred like mustafafoy and gadiya, who was carrying the presidential delegation.
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home appliances.
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beliefs and beliefs of our faith, the guardianship of the imam of independence, freedom, the role of our lives, the martyrs wrapped in the ears of time, fleeing my body and feet to mani. eternal
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islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. emphasis on facilitating the registration of qualified candidates for the presidential elections in the meeting of the heads of the three powers. this monday evening meeting was hosted by the acting president and attended by the head of the judiciary, the speaker of the islamic council, the deputy of the guardian council, and the legal deputy of the president .


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