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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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[000:00:15;00] what happened in iran in these fourteen and five decades? contrary to what mr. azizzadeh said , by the way, the opposite of what we said happened, what does that mean? it means that in this appointment you are constantly with. a surplus of construction budget, not a surplus of normal budget , you faced a surplus of construction budget of 30 to 70 in the last 4 decades, the central bank continuously bought the government bonds every year, you continuously created liquidity in this economy, the growth of your liquidity was extremely high, and your political policies were continuously expansionary. your interest rate has been negative except for 5 or 6
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years. in this economy, which is an expansionary policy what is expansionary fiscal policy? what is your expansion that you allow? expansion means that . mr. hazrat's financial policy has nothing to do with the financial market. you said no. expansion , which means fiscal policy means fiscal policy. budget policy means budgetary policy. it has nothing to do with the financial market. you are politics. i have a question for mr. azizzadeh, let me ask, then i will finish this, because he asked questions, i have to tell my theory now, just in summary, if you just tell me to see what happened, this is the opposite of what we have been saying continuously in iran's economy. these five decades, sir, let go of these five decades. what does this theory say, how does it calculate this? you continuously gave you a preferential currency or
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suppressed it with oil revenues and whenever you couldn't suppress it anymore, whenever you didn't have money anymore, you had a bad preferential rate, so you forced yourself to take the rate similar to the free market rate because you can't work. an earthquake is similar to 4.200, which yes, an earthquake that doesn't dissolve when you step on the ground, but the theory , but the theory of dr. yazdizadeh's pipi model,
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basically. what does he say, sir, i am one width to the other, this width is two widths in both of their countries, liquidity is growing at different rates. the basic model is this, and he says, "sir , you will calculate the difference in inflation between these two countries in the long term, and with the difference in inflation, the real rate or the rate that is extracted from real land, that's his monetary model." what does the paid model say, doctor? let me talk, let me talk, let me talk, he has inflation rate based on the difference in the exchange rate, he finally comes to discuss , yes, every pair is in one, yes, he wants the money to reach the river tour, sir, give me a moment , give me a moment, brother, because i don't have time, i don't want to i know, i asked this, i want to tell you now , you said, i want you to let me know, when you didn't understand this
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, you didn't understand, sir, now i don't have a claim, you have a claim . it doesn't exist, why is the theory of the relationship between two or more variables in laboratory conditions, provided that other conditions are stable , the theory is not a tool to present the way and analyze reality , because its basis is different from reality, this is what i called theoretical illusion, and many of
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our economists suffer from it issue. this the subject comes up and says, mr. torm, if you compare inflation in america with iran, there should be a difference , adjust your exchange rate, what is the assumption. it is assumed that inflation in iran has nothing to do with land prices. sir , the inflation in iran that you use as the basis for calculating the exchange rate is itself a consequence of the inflation rate. it is not like this. well, they say that if the currency goes from 24 tomans to 50 tomans, it will not cause inflation. this deletion is so pointless. these models are allowed to run for 10 years in this country, and the experimental inflation rate
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is 45. with that technology and with that situation in a monetary base economy, gold destroyed its assets after all this, in this situation, i have the ability to determine, sir, despite the anti-trafficking law , i still cannot determine who should have how much and who has how much width. do it because i want freedom. it is possible that this width will always go there, why is the width of freedom, which is requested to replace money, not to import, it is a financial asset that you gave it the privilege of being nameless and turned it into a potential demand
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for smuggling, for financial corruption, for rashba. for narcotics, for the underground economy, then he says , why is this doomsday going up, partly because of this, mr. al-husseini, if you do tomorrow morning. call gold and currency in this country under my name . is it a suitable means of exchange for smuggling? can it be used for bribery ? can it be used for i don't know ? because we want to move forward step by step, mr. because we want to move forward step by step and see the solution together, let's take a look at what mr. al-hasnini is suggesting in any way. proposal. it was to use this model and go through the exchange center and 2850 to calculate the width rate and they say to do this kind of work .
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how is this single-rate system going to serve you? first of all, if i create a multi-rate system, it is not for anything else , because i have 40 years of experience. we are allowed to have a thousand rates in the world also, giving us the tool for food is a tariff , a tariff means applying a thousand rates on the width, whether in export or import. sir, i want this product to be imported with a width of 20,000 tomans. i will put my width price at 20,000 tomans . it's absolutely true, azzadeh is saying the opposite of that, because
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they don't have jobs anywhere in the world. i brought a financial asset called scan , i gave it the privilege of being anonymous in the market, and i created extraordinary demands for it . i control the transaction tax of my national currency . you do not control this means of exchange. tell me the way, the solution is that these two goods, if we want the country to be built , the most important step that must be taken is firstly the privilege of transfer without the name of these two assets. i will take the scraps and bullion of gold and currency from him. well , i will take this after i have done this. now , i will tell you that as soon as you do this , all the transactions of the underground economy will be done with these two. you will be able to use
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this it doesn't have two, that is, the demand for land scanning will fall sharply, a price will be created in the market , whatever price it wants, the price will be lower or it's higher, much lower, much lower , i'm going out, what's up, why do you want to go out , for whatever i want, no, whatever i want, that's not what i mean, in the world , they don't allow you in countries with named property , you want to take nameless property. another country, when will iran take you? who in the world will take you? in america, where are you in america? in europe? you went
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, bro, you went to some country to buy a house. i'm going to travel, i'm going to travel, this is in the exchange center yes, there is an exchange center, but you have to determine its name first . as soon as you see the offer in the open market , there is no open market. the financial asset market has no name. it's okay, everything went up, it was fixed, whatever rate you want, you come, you have a single market , it's a financial asset
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, it works as a financial asset, as i don't know, it's even a traceable medium of exchange, i want a house from you at all i want to buy it, i want to give you the width, no problem, sir, go ahead with the width account this characteristic is correct. i am coming to your presence . now i have a discussion about a market. the price should be due to the collision of the export price of the import demanders and suppliers . it will happen in this market. if there is a deficit in the trade balance, what will the government do? it will increase the tariffs, reduce the demand for imports , manage the price, another rate, if your government thinks that the price you should pay for basic goods is this floor, tell me sir. the definition of this zero is for these goods. if you feel that it is going to be 100 for a certain product, you are not playing with the rate . you are playing with the tariff, so you can be political. put in my country
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, i have a strictly defined office. my law allows the government to apply different rates. very well, mr. al-husseini, from your previous question, one of your previous discussions is that you calculated a model of the exchange rate that was calculated in that model. it was yours, it was almost close to the price of what is now in the market , we have an informal market, we see the point that is raised here and the spectrum that is on the opposite side of your current of thought is that they say that you are in this change in the price of land. you ignored the people because the basic goods are medicine and many other things for example, it is imported for 28,500 tomans, the difference is 28,500 tomans, which is the preferred rate up to the number you say, it will cause people to have a shock, an expensive incident, how will this be compensated? i would like to say something about mr. yazidzadeh's petitions, see the solution they give is a solution. the beginning is right, the end is right, the middle
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is broken, in what sense, in the sense that they say, well, we will come and do everything with a name, i agree, well, everything is clear , the rate is also determined according to their mental model, for example a quarter of the current price is something that can be said before, a quarter of a fifth of the current price. now, i want to take my money. because the rate is not real, the rate is not real, you can't close your capital account , i took my money from iran, that one will take thousands and one way, people will start taking their money from iran, sorry, sorry, sorry, they will start taking their money out of iran and different. it doesn't matter if it's a banknote or a money order, what are you talking about, doctor , you
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need 10,000 dollars more than your scan, look, i'm talking about the banknote market , the point is that i want my money in the market at all i want to send a money order to america, i want to take it to canada, i want to go abroad , i want to spend money, i want to travel, i want to spend my money in any city in china. whoever you are, my rate has come down with these pressures of bringing so much capital into your account, you
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will find demand for capital withdrawal that the rate will go back to the same real rates today . he should create very little what is the rate, because this model that i mentioned has been tested in 156 countries , it has been tested in 20 oil countries, sir, if this happens, according to the rate model, it should be last year, last year, 3 years ago, 5 years ago, 6 years ago , the old rates, who knows how much it should have been tested in iran itself and it shows the price not only in the iranian market , but also in other countries. according to mr. yazidzadeh, these are book accounts
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, so now we cannot close the capital market he is only talking about the business account. he says that export is not import, we have a current account, we have a capital account, your capital account completely balances the capital outflow and capital inflow , even if you can control the price, and this makes the price never happen in something that mr. azizadeh wants. it doesn't happen, and by the way, with this policy, you will get thousands of rates. you will experience iran's economy in different dimensions. we lose foreign exchange resources altogether. i have a question for mr. yazzadeh. if such a policy works, why is a country like russia sanctioned?
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you know what the currency policy is like in russia , almost yes. give these main points. russia is having another discussion, the critics of this policy are saying that it is a pressure for the people . this is the difference you have. we are talking about it . see, the people are under pressure now. the pressure is too much, because doing the wrong thing gives wrong results. what is happening in iran's economy is that you have the numbers that i told you, you have brought one thousand billion dollars in the last 20 years , you paid below the market rate, this market difference, the rate that you paid , what is the preference, what is the width of the half of the half, the half of the half
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, whatever it is called, one thousand billion it was dollars, you do this you threw away and made some people very rich , those who this difference between free width and width. when you think that the budget deficit, when the budget deficit causes inflation and causes inflation in the iranian economy, and by doing this , you are fueling the implicit budget deficit in the iranian economy, you have the existence of inflation in the iranian economy. life has inflation. in
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your opinion, the effect of inflation is greater than the effect of rate changes. inflation is generally a fiscal phenomenon. you are destroying people's lives, but on the other side , people are saying, what do you see, the same round is being eaten , the business there has fixed the budget, and people come here and say , sir, we want to give 2850, when will the people's lives be fixed , mr. x, y, and z, they get 28 and 500 now the beans of this support for the people, because 28 in the name of the people, it is eaten by the people, now it has rights, 28 is imported, the average dollar price of beans in the tehran market is 73 thousand tomans, now it has audio and video equipment, 40 thousand tomans, what kind of oil is imported, for example
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, when the oil is 420 then i came and gave a reform policy for example, he goes to the supermarket and buys 20,000 tomans of oil, but now he buys 600. the difference between the corona virus is in my hand and i can see it with my naked eye. that's it. you see the oil has increased , but you don't see that, sir, your inflation is constantly increasing . you have high inflation because of the large amount of budget it has created, and this is the mafia. what does the mafia say , sir, the deficit? we created a budget, there is no problem, come , give a preferential offer to whom, give it to me, let me go , i will import 28 and 500, i will sell peas for 73 thousand tomans . direct and cash no support from the people other than a cash subsidy really has no meaning, either
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a specific product subsidy in america or a specific efficiency subsidy or because we don't have it in iran, a specific cash subsidy should be given to the people and you don't have to see it in return. we need to work properly, all the amount of subsidies in the economy. what we have is going to the car thieves, it's going to the mafia, i have a few cars, you 're going to have a 200-meter house, it's going to go to them, we have to pay all of them in cash, as much as 70-80% , and the rest, 70-80% of the government tax should be paid in cash. to every family, to every iranian person, right now , we are giving 70% of the energy-only subsidies that we have, if it is cashed, each iranian person
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will receive 5 million tomans , that is, 20 million tomans per family. new money because money is not what happened to 420. new money will not be created because of the high volume. no, it will not be created. because of the high volume , i will explain to you. we shouldn't do this in the conditions of sanctions, we don't accept it, so i agree mr. dr. farzin, he is also a very good economist , mr. farzin, but now, finally , i don't know what the obstacles are in front of him, but anyway , this is what i would like to say to him. the fiscal and monetary monetary policy package used by russia under sanctions. ok, mr. azizzadeh, if they don't study , they should study russia's experience, or if they study now, tell us
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what was russia's experience after the sanctions, what did russia do then, iran will know what to do , what it did, that's what i'm saying. now i have the details, i can help you very much mr. yazizadeh, see how much time i have in your time . in your presence
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, you are denying the inflation caused by cost pressure. i will definitely deny it, ahsan. for example, if he is saying that if the government doubles the import of every commodity tomorrow, the price will not increase. it will definitely not increase the inflation , but the price will increase. that product increases the price of other products it will go down if the amount of money is constant, the price of oil from
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1977 to this year will go down. now they say that we should come to your presence , remove the subsidies, raise the interest rate, so that the government can solve its budget deficit. the government's budget deficit must be solved through taxes. why? it can't be solved because bina's financial assets have caused the size of your underground economy to be several times the size of the transparent economy. the government cannot control tax evasion because it has admitted that it does not want to control the assets in bina's financial account, so it is not because of that, he says. come on, i will raise the exchange rate i don't have the budget of my government, which is definitely because my own government has costs, it will not increase , it is high, no, why should we do it again from 20850, for example, 60 tomans and then again, yes, every game that the market says, who will determine the market, the market will be determined by 10 million dollars in the herat market. it can be determined that he says to close the country's apparatus, sir
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, the lives of the people are in the hands of four people, whatever he wants to be, it will be the caliphate . repeat the experience of the past 40 years that you failed . on the contrary, i say the experience of the past 40 years that you prescribed, if you are looking for the experience of repeating the experience. you didn't say, sir, that the financial assets can be done within 20 days, if there is a will, which is not , because they all have interests, the gentlemen who are making a decision, i take the points you say because they raise points that might have an answer, sir. i reply to yes, i will take my servant to the court. i answer, if i don't have interests, why should i accept financial assets other than without particulars , why should we judge where in the world we can't blame the rate of creating inflation for any reason
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, undermining people's rights, exactly, and the policy of excessive budget. i will install a contract for you i want to work, you tell me , i will give you 20 thousand tomans, i will count until the end of the month, this will be 20 thousand tomans, 5 kilos of meat, 2 kilos of so-and-so, 3 kilos of so-and-so, at the end of the month, i will see that i have 5 kilos of meat, 2 kilos of meat , exactly the same, what is the reason for this? what is this, this is a tax on rights? yes, the division of rights is caused by what they say is a deficit, but i say other factors. if we want to fix the country, we should really go first and accept the financial assets in his name. then
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we will see. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most


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