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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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we invite you to attend. i hope you plan and stay with us until the end of this conversation. thank you very much for being with us on the news network. as you heard in the news , the registration of candidates for the presidential election to elect the ninth president of iran will begin tomorrow. after the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi and his companions in the helicopter crash, based on article 131 of the constitution , the council composed of the first vice president, speaker of the parliament , and also the head of the judiciary to hold.
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the presidential elections will take place within 50 days . in today's program, with the presence of mr. dr. tahan nazif, a member of the legal scholars and the spokesman of the guardian council , we will examine the supervisory role of the guardian council on the upcoming presidential election process . i hope that you will plan and by the end of this follow our conversation, but allow us to give a brief overview of the election process and various agendas according to the first pictures. we would like to invite your presence and then we will continue the conversation with mr. dr. tahan nazif. as we mentioned , the conditions of the candidates for the presidential election according to the article 35, it is defined in such a way that they are religious and political dignitaries, they are of iranian origin, they have the citizenship of the islamic republic of iran, they are administrators and managers, and each of these has its own coordinates based on the definition of the law, which must be explained.
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we will present these positions and these topics in today's conversation, including the conditions for nomination for the presidential elections : they must have a good record of trust and piety, they must be believers in the foundations of the islamic republic and also the official religion of the country, as i mentioned, and definitely in we will discuss about it during this conversation a political man of religion. the resourcefulness of presidential candidates has a definition based on article 1 , the details of which we will present to you in this conversation, but let's move on to the next picture, which is the cycle of the presidential election process ahead of the interior minister's order to the governors to start the election on sunday. it was issued on june 6, 1403.
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the first stage and the first step after that, on the 7th of khordad until the 9th of khordad, that is, from monday to wednesday, we witnessed the formation of central and county executive boards throughout the country, and of course, in the third step , starting tomorrow, as announced in the news, we we are witnessing the registration of candidates for the 14th presidential election from thursday to monday , which means june 10th. this process will start and will continue until june 14th. regarding each of these axes , we will ask for more details from the egyptian community, mr. dr. tahan nazif, the respected spokesman of the guardian council. also, the supervisory process of the guardian council regarding this election cycle. after the registration of the candidates, one of the most important steps is to examine the qualifications of the candidates for the upcoming presidential election, which is held by the council.
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behban will be done from tuesday to monday ie from the 15th to the 21st of june, and finally we will see the publication of the names of the candidates for the presidential election by the ministry of interior on tuesday, the 22nd of june, and then the beginning of the advertising process for the presidential election candidates and the end of the advertising period. here, if the election ends and becomes a single stage, the president of the 14th term will be determined, and if we don't get an absolute majority of votes , it will be two. the second is that
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it will be friday after the eighth, that is, on july 15, 1403, when we will witness the second phase of the presidential election if we do not get an absolute majority of votes. please let me know the details of this program that we will witness in today's special news interview with the presence of mr. dr. tahan nazif. let's take a break and then come back to the studio. allow us to do this with you and reach the side service of dr. tahan nazif. i greet you, mr. dr. tahan. we have a brief overview of the presidential election cycle. we explained ahead to the audience, and let's talk about what duties the guardian council has in the first steps of the supervisory process in this cycle .
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greetings to the honorable nation of iran, i would like to start by allowing the testimony of the honorable president of the country once again. to have a good election in the upcoming elections . i am at your service as the noble nation of iran, mr. dr. nahan. i mentioned that from the point of view of the constitution, we have a three-member council, which is the first vice president , who is now acting as the president. is in charge of electing a new president. and then two other members, please tell me what duties each of them has in the upcoming elections, and some people suggest that it is not possible now, for example, in some countries, the first vice president the president could have managed the 13th government in the last year based on the law, what is the answer
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? yes, look, our constitution is a comprehensive constitution and it foresees various issues. it was written exactly for such days , for situations like this, when the president finally cannot continue his activities in situations like death, impeachment, or situations like this , he had a prediction that finally the first vice president will be responsible for the duties of the president and a 3-member council. consisting of the head of the judiciary, the head majlis and first deputy. take the necessary measures to hold presidential elections less than 50 days later, this is not explicitly stated in our constitution , other countries may have other conditions , but our constitution
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stipulates this issue in this way, so we are uncertain from this point of view. we don't have it, and from the first day when we finally faced this issue, our constitution paved the way and defined the conditions. regarding the initial question that you asked, what is the role of the three-member council, i have to tell you , it seems that coordination is based on the constitution. you have to do the big things in this regard. you should see that the country has its own structures. actually, regarding the elections, you are facing the ministry of the interior, which is the executive of the elections, that is, the ministry of the interior basically organizes the elections with the help of the people. the executive officers who have, just a few months ago , we finally had the first stage of the parliamentary elections , recently we had the second stage of the elections, the ministry of interior, the current structure of the country based on the general policies of the elections, the executive of the elections is naturally the ministry of the interior and its work is being done by the guardian council
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alongside the ministry. the country is monitoring the upcoming elections therefore, my suggestion is that the relationship of this three-member council with the election category is like the relationship of the president with the election of the president. in fact , yes, the president is ultimately in charge of the government, but he will not be directly involved in the executive field of the election. it is also a sign that the first term president registers himself for the second term, so i would like to say that the three-member council, after all, the country's conditions will make the necessary coordination and general arrangements , but the elections will be conducted by the ministry of interior , and the guardian council will also monitor it. maybe this is significant for our beloved people ok and interestingly, on the day when it was officially announced that these loved ones were finally martyred, i think it was early in the morning, it was 7:00 a.m. the news was officially announced by 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.
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yes, it was announced at 11:00 a.m. with the ministry. in the country , we had a meeting to prepare the proposals , when and what the conditions would be. in the afternoon of the same day, we had a meeting of the guardian council to review the proposal of the ministry of interior and what the proposed dates would be , because the guardian council must agree according to the law , so i would like to say that the current structures of the country regarding the elections, they are doing their work on the same day at 11:00 in the morning, we had a meeting, after we received the proposal, in the afternoon, the council agreed, now at night, finally, the three-member council had a meeting, and the report was given to them . it was as if they made a decision in favor of the ministry of interior. the guard gave the suggestion and agreed. it was mentioned there that such a decision
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was taken by the legal authorities, so i would like to say that this ratio is such a ratio. in fact , it is the ministry of interior and the guard council who are ultimately responsible for the implementation of supervision, and we had the necessary preparations. just yesterday afternoon, we had a meeting again with the dear ones of the ministry of interior. we made the final arrangements so that, god willing, the registration will start tomorrow. god willing, everything will go smoothly and there will be no problems. our dear ones, don't face it . registration starts tomorrow, mr. dr. tanazir. tomorrow, those who want to run for the presidential election can come to the election headquarters of the ministry of interior in person or by introducing a lawyer to complete the registration process, so please explain to us first. what are the conditions of these dauf seekers and what kind of people can do it according to what they are doing now we mentioned it very briefly in the picture. participate in the process of this election. yes, yes, well, you said first that we
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are finally facing article 115 of the constitution, which defines the conditions, unlike other elections, where the conditions are explained in the normal laws regarding the presidency in terms of the importance of the constitution itself. it specified the conditions, that is, in principle 115, conditions are mentioned one by one , naturally, in the presidential election law , in article 35, which you also mentioned, in the past years, we had announced the general policies of the elections, which the supreme leader of the revolution ok in the last few years, these policies were announced in paragraph ten and five of the general election policies of the supreme leader of the revolution, saying that the definitions and criteria of some of these words, which may be subject to interpretation. ok, let the guardian council state in 1996 , the supreme leader of the 1995 revolution said that in 1996, the guardian council
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, in response to the point that he said , passed a text on a resolution as a definition and announcement of the criteria and conditions necessary to recognize the four the case that is perhaps the most challenging, i.e. a religious man, a politician, a resourceful manager of others, which is clear in the law, for example, that he is an iranian, or subject to iran cases. there is no time for controversy anymore , but regarding these cases, the supreme leader of the revolution had said that the definitions of these should be given to the guardian council and their indicators and conditions should be stated, so how can they be recognized in practice ? clause 9 of article 110 , which has given this task to the guardian council , the general policies of the elections itself, i.e. article 105 of the guardian council , wrote this in the form of a resolution one year after the notification of the general policies of the elections, i.e. 2016, and announced it in the year 1400, which is the last
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election. presidency with some reforms make these a bit more objective and inform them again. this resolution is now the basis of work both for the registration of volunteers who, god willing , will refer to the ministry of interior from tomorrow and for the guardian council itself to finally check the qualifications. i am here to help you. you have shown these things now . i will explain some of them a little. if you want, friends, if it is necessary, you can show the picture now. the conditions are the twelve conditions that were approved by the shura members in this resolution that i presented we are faced with it, and our dear ones , you should finally study this situation . those who are finally planning to enter such a field, there are a few of these cases. yes
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, i will bring them to your service one by one. out of these four twelve cases, four of them require positive documents, that is, our loved ones who refer to the ministry of interior must submit the cases to the ministry of interior and if they are not submitted , they will not be registered. one of them is age. i will tell you about the more objective and clear cases. well, i will tell you about mesubeh. it is in the paragraph. fourth, article 2, minimum age. the age of 40 full solar years and the maximum age of 75 full solar years at the time of registration is very clear in my opinion, so there is an issue of age , a minimum and a maximum in this resolution . having at least
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a master's degree or its equivalent approved by the ministry of science or ministry. did the seminaries management center have these two items? well, maybe it will be very convenient and finally available to me, and dear ones, please provide the third point that i think dear ones should pay attention to. finally, we witnessed referrals that may not be in the dignity of the iranian nation, that is, people see that some people are referred, they do not have legal minimums, and a single cultured nation of iran, which is expecting an arrangement, will finally find this situation. which i am presenting to you , and god willing, the ministry of interior will also check them and receive the documents, god willing , we will not witness these cases or
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we will see these issues less. 4 years now in total. in this the jobs that i would like to serve you , i will tell you this one by one. for example , political officials are the subjects of clauses a to b and c of article 71 of the civil service management law. clause a is about the heads of the three powers, that is, someone who has 4 years of experience. he has the headship of a branch or he is a servant to the first deputy, he is the deputy speaker of the parliament. there are members of the guardian council, there are jam band, ministers , members of parliament, vice presidents , after all, if someone has 4 years of these things, except for these, the deputy heads of the armed forces, the members of the supreme national security council, the members of the expediency council the director of the management center of seminaries of the country, the heads
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of organizations, government institutions and institutions, and public institutions and institutions. armed forces with the position of major general and above, the president of the islamic azad university at the national level , governors, mayors of cities with a population of over 2 million people, these are the cases that the loved ones who apply must have at least 4 years of experience in one of these, a total of several of these have them, i emphasize. if the loved ones do not provide these things, they will not be registered. the decision of the guardian council, i would like to explain this here , we also have such an issue in the parliamentary elections, but where is the reference , not the authority of the employment agency, but in the case of the presidency
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, it is clearly mentioned that this decision is with the guardian council itself. therefore, i would like to say that these things, i.e. age, history and degree, must be provided during registration, god willing. another point that i can say in three paragraphs is the lack of deprivation of social rights at the time of registration or the lack of a record of effective criminal conviction or the lack of definite criminal conviction for the economic crime mentioned in this resolution, such as fraud, extortion, bribery, embezzlement, collusion in government transactions. money laundering, disrupting the country's economic system and not being convicted of taking action against the islamic republic of iran. these are the three things i can say in the form of a certificate of no bad background that the dear ones will submit, god willing. well, this is a positive proof that these three paragraphs eight, nine and 10 of article two finally, it has been submitted to the ministry of interior. my emphasis
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is that the loved ones who refer to the ministry of interior should submit these four items so that the registration can be done, god willing. in this match , other cases are also mentioned, for example, sufficient records and it can be assessed in the religious and political activities that have been mentioned, or for example, the health and ability necessary to fulfill the duties of the presidency. yes, but those previous cases, which are the cases of fig. and they are objective , they must be presented during registration. therefore, our loved ones, keep this point in mind. i want to emphasize this to the dear ones who are planning to finally enter this field and who want to be a candidate for the presidential election, they should finally show up. the resolution, which is available to the general public, is available on
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the information base of the guardian council, and finally , the ministry of interior has also announced it in other places . they should definitely read it and have a look at these loved ones . he may have a point about these cases, that is, let's assume he has an objection, that is, he applied , but was not registered according to the coordination we had with the ministry of interior, and of course, in this case, it is also foreseen that he can submit his objection to the ministry. the country should submit it to the guardian council, we will check it as soon as possible, we will finally give him an answer, for example , about hamtarzan or other discussions that may be raised, so i say, definitely. we also have the issue of protest for those who have a claim and it will be investigated, they will not be registered, but their
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protest will be received. i have a general rule . the general rule is that anyone who wants to enter this field, i don't know the minimum age, the maximum age, must have a record. if anyone has an objection in the middle, then protest. he will naturally be checked. allow me to emphasize that this condition that i am explaining to you is the condition of registration. this does not mean that everyone who meets these conditions will be approved, no, these are basic conditions, there are minimum conditions, there are those that are necessary for registration, but it is not a sufficient condition, the sufficient condition is that after all, the council guard. he checks these . someone may be a good manager somewhere in a specialized field, but he cannot manage the country naturally, it is already recognized that the members of the
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guardian council, with the investigations they will have , are the responsibility of the guardian council, and they will check to see if this manager is finally capable of running the country or not, because after all, these titles are titles. the manager can be stretched from, for example, the head of a small department to, for example, a head of a department. it also includes a minister , but whether he can run the country is naturally the result of the investigation. god willing, when the qualifications are examined, they will have loved ones in the guardian council, so i would like to say that this is our emphasis on the existence of these initial formal conditions does not mean that everyone who is registered will necessarily be qualified. these are basic formal conditions . naturally, the guardian council will also perform its duty at the stage of checking the qualifications and verifying the qualifications. or its level, which
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is determined by the guardian council, the person refers to this diagnosis, and at the same time, this diagnosis will be made by the guardian council during the registration process, and it will be received. see some of these that are stated in the resolution and are clear. there is, but i would like to say that there may be ambiguities in some places. done they register the protest in the ministry of interior and we register it as soon as possible, because the registration must be done within the same period of 5 days. we will answer that in the registration guide , there is actually a questionnaire that candidates must state both the names of their advisors and their programs at the time of registration. i would like to ask how much this issue affects the stage of checking the qualifications and verifying the qualifications. see
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, this is the same point that you mentioned about the stage. next is the stage of checking the qualifications . after all, the people of their programs and their advisors may need to call and check. of course , we know the conditions of the country in general. i want to emphasize that, if these things are mentioned in this resolution, what are they for? to make us look at those qualities, that is, to identify a resourceful manager , a religious, political man, we basically check these things , not whether this program is successful, for example, the program is the right program. necessity is wrong is there or not? naturally, it is a specialized discussion and it is not within our jurisdiction, but whether this person who entered this field has the qualities of a manager.
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does a resourceful political man have a religious man or not? we recognize this based on some clues . can you be a consultant, if it is finally said, not all readings will lead us to the point where we can recognize that the description of being a manager is not the description of planning about that person. that entered the review let's go. now this program is right , it can be wrong, it can't be. this was not intended, mr. dr. tahanziv. people who are actually holding political positions and have responsibilities for the presidential elections should resign. you see , we only have article 37 in the presidential election law. if the dear ones refer to article 37 , it says that those who
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are directly responsible for the implementation of election supervision, naturally , yes, but in other cases, no, we officials who do not have direct responsibility in the field of elections naturally do not need to resign. well, there may be a discrimination here, after all, those who , during their advertising opportunities, in announcing their opinions, even in the plans they announce, tell the people , according to article 37 of the law, only those who are directly responsible for holding and monitoring the elections, i should say that they are subject to this. there is a point that you are saying, but in relation to the others, in order to finally preserve that equality, naturally , there are measures in the law of regulations to ensure that they finally have an equal opportunity, those restrictions that include, for example, one or two weeks of advertising , these are also included. for example, their pictures are their words
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their titles are finally. in the first stage, in the first four years, he is present in the first round, and in the second round , he is a candidate again. he is a candidate for the presidential election. what do we do there? therefore, we have no worries in this regard. from a practical point of view as well as a legal point of view, article 37 of fatigue emphasizes that those who are directly responsible for implementation have supervision. let's go to the phase of checking the qualifications after the end of the registration, when does it start and when, and the duty of the guardian council in between, as well as the steps how is it defined according to the law ? according to the law, we have up to 5 days to discuss qualifications. one
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five days, and if necessary , we should use the second five days and in principle extend it, our basis is that considering that the conditions of the country are such that these elections should be held within 50 days, naturally, five days will definitely be used. and in the second five days, we believe that a part of it will be used in the end, so that the opportunity for advertising will be a little more, because you can see that advertising is in the presidential election law. it is not specified. after the examination of the qualifications and the announcement of the results, the advertisement period will begin . there is no specific time, when they say, for example, 3 days , for example, 10 days, five days, exactly after the completion of the examination of the qualifications and the announcement of the results, we will enter the advertisement. yes, god willing, let's see now, of course, janbandi will be done in the first 5 days, the first days, for example, in the second period.
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naturally, a part of it depends on the number of registrations and how much time we need to check, but we want to shorten the time, god willing. and according to the famous saying , we should not use the entire time of the law, i.e. 10 days. for example, at the moment , we should finally use a part of the second deadline, but the first deadline, which will naturally be used in the examination of qualifications, if there is any objection, or in the presidential election law. this deadline has not been predicted and the opinion of shura guard is a definitive opinion


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