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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm IRST

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no, i said that we lost only one honorable human being . god, we will take away all our enemies. la , la, la, ya ahle mahda, ahle, welcome, andna, andna, naftna , naftre, la, shahid, la, shahid, la, jadidna, and wala , andna, in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 7 p.m. presidential election begins and registration. from dav talabban , it continues for 5 days until monday, the 14th of khordad . for 5 days, dear dav talabban will come , so according to the conditions that have been predicted, you must have if the circumstances are the same, after the discussion of registrations, then the qualification review period will take place by the guardian council
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. according to the statement of the second step of the islamic revolution, the political, social , educational and cultural effects of the martyrdom of president ayatollah raisi and his companions should be investigated. this is the testimony of the founder and in fact the reconstruction. it was the creator of a macro management method in the society that should be people-oriented, justice-oriented, honest and sincere, and able to ensure our independence, our dignity and our presence. there was another angle in this religious revival meeting, that is however, that pure islam, the students of pure islam, when they are in the field of action they can enter the society's view of governance.
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deadly, according to a cnn investigative report , the remains of an american bomb can be seen in the observation of the remnants of american weapons in the attacks. this attack resulted in the martyrdom of at least 45 people, more thanks to cnn. they were women and children. the weapons expert of this american media explained that although the ammunition used in this attack is highly accurate, its use in civilian areas is not common due to high casualties. cnn also reports the united states has long been the largest supplier of weapons to tel aviv, and this support continues despite the growing political pressure after the zionist attack on gaza.
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the european union foreign policy official said: the veto right of the united nations has been paralyzed. joseph berel criticized the inaction of the united nations in the aggression of the zionist regime in the gaza strip and said: one of the main reasons for this inaction is the use of the right of veto. borrell mentioned the failure of the un security council to act in the gaza crisis and said that there is no agreement due to the use of the veto. responsible for foreign policy the european union made it. the use of the veto in the gaza crisis has led to the continuation of the conflict and the increase in the number of victims. burrell called the war in gaza the biggest moral issue in the world and emphasized the need to implement the judgments of the hague tribunal to stop the war. since the beginning of the aggression of the zionist regime to the american gaza strip.
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ka has blocked the establishment of a ceasefire in the gaza strip three times by using the right of veto . the best of the 12th special movement festival of the achievements of the scientific associations of the students of the university of science and technology were announced. in this festival , 300 students who worked in the past year they had participated in scientific research. this is iran university of science and technology with more than 10 thousand students. this festival honors the winners who have creative and unique designs in the past year. we could have several national competitions. let's organize the first physical language school. we held the first national nlp competition and we were able to
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hold ten and more than 50 training courses. last year , we came to the eight-month camp, we are a team of 9 people with about 70-80 honorary members. finally, to government agencies. university of science and iran's industry has 17 different faculties, some of which, like the railway engineering faculty , are unique in west asia. you will send selected works in these 18 areas to the international movement festival and
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to other festivals organized by the ministry of science or throughout the country, such as the titar festival and similar events. the exhibition, which is actually held in the form of 3 days, showcased the works of the students, especially for the display of the achievements of the scientific associations during one. the period means that this exhibition is held approximately one year after the activity of each association. creative students who have a strong slogan of iran they have done their job. and finally, the computer engineering association
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was selected as the best association of alamed university in the 12th festival. hossein kashanian of radio and television news agency. while saying goodbye , we invite you to be a viewer of today's news. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace and blessings of god be upon the prophet and his holy recitation, and greetings to you , dear viewers, have a good time. welcome to the news of the women's registration area. he continues to study seminary sciences in the seminaries of the sisters until the 20th of july. sisters seminary of ardabil province was established in 2005 and now more than 1500 students are studying in it at different levels. they are studying.
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today, ardabil province's sisters' scientific field has approximately 1,600 students in 6 schools, parsabad, garmi, khalkal, meshkin shahrhar, nemin, etc., ardabil is active in three schools at the second level of education, which is the same as the bachelor's degree. today, four ph.d. seniors are active in the province's scientific faculty and are active in various missionary and scientific fields in education and training in the university and in different capacities of the sister students. entering my new year , i am really proud of myself for entering the field and studying in the field because it was my first success in entering i visited the seminary for myself, i was a soldier of imam zaman, and on the other hand, i was a student of the school of imam sadiq, peace be upon
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him. i am a student of the second level of the scientific seminary of the sisters, entering the year of several years 400. so, how is the level of the seminary ? i can say that the level of the seminary is very excellent, and the environment is especially great for a woman. well, why did i choose the field of study ? by referring to the website of wwh and also visiting in person to the scientific schools of sahiram and the cities, register for the entrance exam of sahiraan seminary on july 31.
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lotfi of ordville broadcasting news agency will hold the closing ceremony of the international conference on resilient family, ethical challenges in the changing world, tomorrow in qom. the scientific secretary of this conference said in a press conference: the closing speaker of the international conference on the resilient family is ayatollah arafi, the director of the country's seminaries. and in this ceremony, 15 works related to the theme of the conference will be unveiled. hojjat -ul-islam wal-muslimeen sabeinejad added: family capacities, moral education, psychological developments, injuries and challenges are among the axes of this conference. the current of individualism and moral relativism, moral liberalism and hyper-individualism has a family it destroys moral values. our question this is the question that we have from the experts, what should we do, the missionaries
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of the formal and informal education system , what should the policy makers, legislators, activist organizations do, so that the bottom line is the family's ability to maintain moral values ​​and transmitting ethics to the next generation, university of islamic education accepts male and female doctoral students. this university has courses in quranic and hadith education, theoretical foundations of islam, islamic ethics, islamic revolution, and history. and accepts islamic culture and civilization. candidates have the opportunity to register and get more information on the website of this university at until the end of khordad. the university of islamic studies, affiliated to the representative body of the supreme leader in universities
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, is responsible for the education and training of professors of islamic studies courses in higher education centers. thank you for your support , dear viewers. have a nice day and god bless you. greetings and good time to you, dear viewers , thank you for being with khabar network , we are at your service with another special program. we are at the service of dr. niksad, deputy speaker of the 12th parliament, mr. dr. barash . hello and have a good time. and my condolences and thanks for accepting the trouble in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, the most merciful, mr. sanam, at the service of his highness, the honorable people of islamic iran, as well as all viewers , i offer greetings, courtesy and respect. we are at your service. greetings, mr. doctor, if you agree with the 12th majlis let's start with the message of the supreme leader of the revolution, which contains the axes of your ability. but before we want to talk about the axes , i think there is a less talked about point the twelfth parliament at the appointed time, despite the problems we had with the testimony of the president and his accompanying team, many thought that the country might now face a crisis and the whole order would collapse. existing conditions. how do you evaluate this great loss happened and no one thought
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that ayatollah raisi and his companions would be martyred in this situation and that the country would become the head of the executive branch. but i want to tell our dear people about this blessing of the religious authority . they were very impressed, but they said that there will be no problem in the current affairs of the country, and it is clear that the experts. the leadership of the majlis of leadership experts was formed on time, despite the fact that it had lost two members, yes, the second vice president and hazrat ayatollah hashem, who had attended this series from east azerbaijan province, and following the same line, the disorder in the country despite the calamity that we saw that the
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islamic council did not come into existence on the appointed date of haft khordad. it was held and the message of hazrat agha was read, the oath of execution of the assembly was held under the chairmanship of suni, elected by the great people of islamic iran, and a report by the minister of interior it was heard that on the same day, 15 branches were established to verify the credentials of the representatives, and we were successful. let's make a pact with the great leader of the islamic revolution . we were again present at the shrine of the great founder of the islamic revolution.
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we used to talk with the members of the government delegation, who finally spoke directly with the martyred president. let's talk a little about the interaction of the 13th government with the parliament and how effective was this interaction in moving things forward, and now what should we do with the correct interactions we have in the 12th parliament, if we go back to the history of the 12th parliament with the 11th parliament , considering the characteristics it had as a revolutionary parliament on the part of hazrat agha it was called 20 20 representatives of inviting hazrat ayatollah raisi to participate in the elections, but with two conditions and with two views and two expectations of a governance based on islamic ethics.
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do accept our estimate in parliament with colleagues dear, some of them are present in the 12th mosque now, some of them are not able to attend, the fact is that the first part of governance is based on islamic ethics, which god believes is people-centered, governorship is acceptable , there is struggle, there is care, there is effort, there is service to the people , there is economic purity, there is hostility towards the enemy. to stand is not to limit foreign policy to one issue, to interact with neighbors, to do this. he accepted , but in the matter of livelihood, housing, marriage, education, gathering the bureaucracy, it cannot be said that the government has been very successful, but the islamic council is in line with the orders of the supreme leader of the revolution and solving the problems of the problems. and regarding the issue of production, he approved very good laws, as well as
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a very close interaction with the government, which the executive branch can solve the economic problems and the livelihood of the people , issues of production and opening social gaps that cause a huge reduction in social capital, such as the teacher rating law. like the law on organizing pensioners' rights with workers, like the law on organizing government employees, like the law on alcohol production , what you are saying is all the national interests of the country.
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you said, sir, he said that the newly elected representatives are experienced and unmarried. what will happen to his departure? friends, many newcomers are new , they have many ideas, they are looking for change , they are looking for solving people's problems. on the other hand , there is a maturity of seriousness, so we must make laws, but in making laws, we must stay away from turbulence and chaos. on the other hand, i must not let stagnation dominate the islamic council. therefore, i would like to say that in addition to legislation, we must
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get out of the stagnation and stagnation. people are fine, but you hazrat agha also said that after all, these new friends who came are our experts. we should not be hasty in passing laws and even in the use of supervision, which is the indisputable right of every representative . dad, considering the power of the executive branch, but he is responsible for the parliamentary branch. the twelfth parliament will also be at the service of the government, god willing, mr. doctor, as you mentioned, we had good laws in the last parliament, now there are many experts believe that we in the 12th qatari parliament
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should strengthen the supervisory dimension of the parliament so that the good laws that have been approved in the field of implementation , god willing, can be implemented and its impact can be seen on the table of the people. what should be done to strengthen the supervisory dimension of the parliament ? one person out of 200 people , i agree with his excellency's opinion that we are very interested in passing all these laws in the 12th majlis . 12 to 13 thousand laws and sometimes inconsistent, we can this law let's criticize the same country as france, which is 250 years old. parliament does not have more than 2000 laws, therefore, we must come and do it for the sake of your dear ones , but in what areas in the various
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political, cultural, economic, social areas where a vacuum is created, it is felt that the law that was put in the parliament to issue electronic license is a social capital, a convenience, an elimination. corruption resulted in the removal of golden signatures, we must monitor , may god have mercy on him, ayatollah raisi stood firm on this matter, the government also stood firm if this the stand should be continuous and we will present our work electronically for our dear people on behalf of the power system. my question is whether this is a social capital, a convenience, a removal of golden signatures , so i agree. in the 12th parliament, for example, we should focus more on the implementation of the laws that
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we passed in various fields. but there is one issue, we have to think about the whole economy of the country and see the budget it is written that we accuse the government
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, because of the past, i am speaking as one person, but these representatives, who are now present in the 12th parliament, definitely want to do something for the benefit of the people , god willing, god willing, this must be done . the efforts of the government of the 13th parliament of the past parliament in approving good laws, god willing, the message of the parliament was not bad, and in any case, the content was like this, mr. agha. do it and that this opportunity to represent the parliament is one a very important and valuable opportunity. don't miss the content of the message of this part of the message. well, you, as an experienced representative, tell me what should be done to make the representation period worthy and decent.
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he used it. look, mr. s. we have a population of at least 85 million. these great people of iran have come to have the authority to legislate, supervise and entrust their affairs to 2090 representatives. it is true that we have several groups in the parliament. after all, they are independent, they are reformists, they are fundamentalists, and within the group, the fundamentalists are our group. we have some people who disagree with each other. i request that we come according to the law and regulations if the majlis implements the law, finally, the issue that is voted on and goes against the constitution and does not conflict with the holy sharia of islam, will be approved , so we, the 11th majlis, one of its characteristics
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was that we did not allow trai. we had a meeting in which when the representative spoke in the morning, at night radio israel and i and you and the radio stations of maand tv were on, so we should not allow this, but this does not mean that a group should speak, a grave should not speak, i am one of 20 people. i say that everyone, even the one who has 5 votes and entered the parliament as an organization, has his say must hit
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it has been discussed, but now the differences of opinion should not be taken to the media and in any case social networks and so on, so that the image and identity of the representative of the majlis, god forbid, or the islamic shura majlis , is not questioned. that family probably has a dispute , should this dispute be resolved in the street , should it be resolved in the street, should the honor of the family be resolved, are we a family, with different opinions, with the right to respect each other, by accepting the existence of each individual member of the family, so i am from this forum, my dear colleagues. i beg you to speak frankly without stuttering let's talk and talk honestly, but as i ran the parliament, when you knock, you say the beginning of voting and when you knock, it's the end of voting. that voting can't be repeated anymore.
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please give us a few minutes, mr. doctor. in these few minutes , i would like to combine my question with the slogan of the year and the message of hazrat agha for the beginning of the work of the 12th parliament . on the other hand, in the message of hazrat agha, it says that mr. the main job of the representative is to secure the national interests of the people right now in the parliament 12th, if we want to have representatives who will realize the national interests of the people , according to the slogan, which emphasizes participation in the growth of production, what measures should be prioritized in the agenda of the representatives of the 12th parliament , see the order of the lord and the slogan of the year is this. that
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the birth of birth with the participation of the people means that we did not have orders before, sir, we must use the financial power, the technical power, the executive power, the participatory power of our people in the real sense , there is no time for me to tell you, when i wanted to go to the vote for the minister of housing i will tell you 4 you should build a million houses, if before me this number was less than 100,000, although the ministers i worked with before me were much more religious and strong than me, but when we came, we paved the way for the obstacles. we took it, we gave education, we mobilized everyone , we put the projector of the president on a project , and put the projector of the governors on a topic , which means that
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they prioritize their work.


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