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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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mr. shahcheraghi, head of the country's election headquarters , i say goodbye to you for your presence in the vijeh news interview studio and thank you very much for your company . good night and god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today, on the 236th day of the genocidal war, where we all look at rafha, the latest developments and pictures from palestine.
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the release of martyrs and a large number of casualties among them, including children and women, the faqih family in jablia al-nazla, after the targeting of their homes by the israeli warplanes.
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following the piles of tents of refugees in rafah by the zionist regime, the global campaign all eyes on rafah the instagram platform has been able to bring more than 44 million people with it in the world. these walls in palestine before they were turned into dust by bulldozers or in these bombings had stories like this wall on which ghazal and luna's wishes were written . on the day of seeing her teacher and eating the famous food of her city. now this picture is circulating in the virtual space, and some people write that luna has not returned home, nor has she seen her teacher's poem. both of them attack fighters
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zionists were martyred. after the bombing of palestinian tents in rifa where unicef says children were burned alive. social media users wrote about the zionist crime and published this image by launching the campaign "all eyes are on rafah" . by this evening, more than 40 million people participated in this campaign. like ousmane dembele, the french national football player, david beckham, the former english football star, and mesoud ozil, the former german national football player, who narrated the crime in rafah by publishing this picture . social network users write: if children in gaza do not become martyrs, maybe a similar fate have this palestinian son. he says that after the bombardment, his father was caught in the middle of the fire. such pictures that were published by rafe
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brought people to the streets. here in london, and over there in new york. here in chile. a football team entered the field symbolically. the players of deportivo and palestino of chile took the hands of the spirits of the children of gaza. football fans in scotland took to the stands with palestinian flags. celtic fans are united with the palestinian people chanting that you are never alone. mohammad javad rahnama, radio and television news agency. now for review and discussion more about the zionist crime in rafah , i will go to indra to talk to american writer and analyst john stepling. hello, mr. spelling . these days, the destruction of rafah tents by the zionist regime and the burning of displaced palestinians inside
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the tents caused many reactions, apart from demonstrations and gatherings. a protest is one of the interesting reactions of becoming viral or popular. there was an image with the slogan "all eyes on rafah" or "all eyes on rafah" which in less than two days, according to the latest statistics that i saw , was able to attract more than 44 million and 800 thousand users in the world. the world is staring at rafah and they are so quick to create such an inclusive alliance against israel, what do you think?
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these years have a colonial nature and always intend to occupy most of the american people, unfortunately , they do not know what the conditions of palestine are in the past , they do not know what occupation means , what israel is doing, especially in gaza, especially in the last 12 years, but out of seven october, when these conflicts began, a huge awakening. it was created among the population of western countries and not only america but also in south america in europe, asia and all over the world and you see that tens of millions of people are really scared. they were shocked by these crimes that were being committed in
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israel and at the same time these crimes and their pictures were being published and broadcasted all over the world. this really shocked them. declaring that we see palestinians as anthropomorphic animals and actually showing a value that they do not attach to palestinians in their speech, and we have seen that this type of speech
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and these comments really provoked very strong reactions. it appeared in a situation where the mainstream media in the west tried to hide the facts and publish the narrative desired by the zionists. publication of images and publication of documents and the signs of the crimes of the israelis made that plan of the western media laugh. mr. stepling , another aspect of this crime of burning people inside the tents, people who were displaced for almost 8 months and had no place but these tents, and then they were burned inside, is that it has been decades leading to the holocaust and the claim of the existence of crematoriums in the west. .
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at the time of nazi germany, it was known, but now what we see in practice is that palestinians are being killed and burned in the fire in front of the eyes of the whole world , and exactly the same governments that are still turning a blind eye to the alleged holocaust. what do you think the silence and indifference of the western governments mean to the holocaust that is happening right in front of their eyes ? it was very interesting. it was a very interesting point
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that you said. i think that the israeli and pro-israel lobby in the west and in fact the influence it has had was very strong. before, of course, they had politicians and celebrities in their service who tried to stop israel's actions. in europe, we see that there are students in university campuses and they are fully aware of the facts and they understand. that of the same the beginning of the zionist work and their project was
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to slaughter the people, and it actually happened to the palestinians, and this happened even before 1948. all the prime ministers of israel, they were terrorists and had terrorist thoughts . that bombing of the tents, many of the events that happened were not published and the strong propaganda that israel had did not allow the facts about that event to be published, and i now think that this is the first time that we see that genocide, crime and war crime. it is being broadcast directly to the people of the world
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everyone is seeing it and this is an unprecedented event in history. never before did it happen that crimes spread so quickly and were exposed to the eyes of the world. the truth is that israel can no longer deny that it has rained down on mosques, hospitals, and the tents of displaced people. everyone can see this and rafah is now a place where all the civilians gather, and the israelis actually have no excuse to tell me , why did we attack the solution? they attacked the civilians and there is no justification for this. i think that we can actually we should also point out the fact that 99% of the world's people are supporting palestine
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, considering the facts that we have seen and unfortunately , there are some regimes in the countries of the persian gulf. the people who now see themselves so close to the palestinians , in fact, their nation supports this, but their leaders , who are of the same race as the palestinians, speak the same language, and are also arabs, did not do this, and now the world is seeing this.
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that israel as an ideological regime is superior to palestine. about america, i have a final question to ask you . when we get to america, we feel that the story is past indifference. today, a tweet was published by nikki haley, who was the representative of the united states in the united nations, as well as one of the main candidates for the presidential elections in the united states. he has published that he
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is writing a memorial sentence on israeli bombs before they are dropped on the palestinians. that sentence is to become trump's vice president if trump becomes president, and he is doing this with a real brazenness . it is like this. he supports the zionists in order to be able to become the vice president in the next administration of america, and this is really a terrible show that we are seeing
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. these cannot be hidden at all, not that they themselves are trying to hide it. we actually saw the statement and conversations that clearly showed their intentions . thank you, mr. s, for being with us in this conversation. i thank you too.
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libertat, llibertat, llibertat, llibertat. the bombardment of the refugees' tent caused people in england to move near the prime minister's office in response to this crime.
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want sanction free babies, the western world ate it up, it's spread like w: american, british, french and german supplied bombs that took the lives of so many of those people. i'm a mother, i have three small children and the thought of being in those tents with them, i don't understand. somehow everyone is in here right now in the streets demanding that this ends. blood on your
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hands, blood on your hands, blood on yours hands, blood on your hands, blood on your hands. but in mexico, the protests led to a conflict in front of the israeli embassy.
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in our next conversation, we want to go to london to talk with mr. adinka makinde, a law lecturer at the 20th university of england. mr. makinde , the guardian newspaper. the british guardian revealed today that the head of the mossad openly threatened the international prosecutor and his family. in the midst of the israeli genocide, he not only does not implement the laws and orders of the international court of justice, but also threatens the prosecutor and his family. england teaches law to students in your opinion, what is the conceptual meaning of international law left by the approach taken by israel towards international regulations?
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the second is that it shows us that these deceptions are actually the order that the americans are imposing on us and they are pretending that there is order. now they try to implement it themselves, but when it comes to their allies, especially israel, they easily violate that order and
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act like gangsters. this is actually a crime and it is a crime that should be punished and should be punished, but this is actually a situation that we see and we are in it. we are actually going to the international community should come and do something, and the first thing they should do is to accept the proposals of that prosecutor and netanyahu and
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the minister. his war should be prosecuted and this should be pursued seriously , otherwise the international laws will lose its face and reputation. so far , he has vetoed the draft resolution on the cessation of hostilities four times, to the extent that today even the head of the european union's foreign policy said that he would give it to the united nations with the veto power. it has become ineffective. when international institutions cannot stop the genocide, when are they going to be useful? yes, i think that
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finally mr. you stated your own opinion, which is the main one that the rest of the world also believes in, and this is really strange, the way america comes, it gives permission to israel and allows it to continue its crimes and so on. it is renewing and repeating one after the other, it is really strange, and this is actually showing israel and giving it the message that there are no obstacles and no limits for it, and this makes the credibility the united nations as a major international institution is endangered when it deals with an important issue like genocide. we are dealing with it. indeed
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, another country cannot veto it more than once . it is really very sad that they keep vetoing one after another among the moves that are supposed to be made to prevent the conflict , and this is actually in a way and even directly , it can be said as confirmation of israel's actions. america itself, with the things it is doing , is asking us and the people to reconsider their opinions about this country and also it makes the united nations look very weak and people get a new idea of ​​the united nations
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, on the other hand, so other institutions must be involved, even other international institutions that exist, for example, the institutions that russia is now a member of , putin might be able to do something. turkey has already done some things, some moves, in my opinion, turkey should also do more, and maybe another way is to stop the oil that goes from the republic of azerbaijan to israel, and in this way together


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