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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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in the meeting of the government delegation, mr. mokhbar asked the ministers of energy and the mayor of tehran to seriously follow the implementation of the plans of the ministry of industry to expand the production and use of personal public electric cars and electric motorcycles. the director of the executive branch also ordered the acting minister of foreign affairs by condemning the zionist regime's attack on the refugee settlement in rafah.
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may this ministry pursue the rights of the oppressed palestinian nation with the same effort and effort as martyred amir abdullahian. also, in this meeting , the oil minister announced the opening of 23 upstream and downstream projects worth 46 billion dollars in three weeks the future announced. we have 23 projects in the upstream and downstream areas worth 4 and 6. we have ten billion dollars ready to open, god willing. the most important thing is to collect 4.
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he also announced the increase in the issuance of activity licenses in the field of official tax consultants. yesterday, the results of the official tax advisors exam were announced. 530 people were actually accepted yesterday. it is interesting to know that during the 10 years before the 13th government, a total of 548 people were only able to enter the official counselors during the 10 years. ayatollah raisi 130 people, 530 people were announced yesterday, and we tried to completely eliminate these monopolies. be broken the agreements that were made last year to provide services to arbaeen pilgrims between iran and iraq will be implemented this year as well. in a meeting with the iraqi interior minister and the accompanying delegation who traveled to iran at the invitation of the country's police command, the commander in chief of the country's law enforcement said: "in order for
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zaheran to cross the country's borders faster, the system that was used last year in several borders will be used in all of them this year." the borders of iran and iraq are used. the issue of the pilgrimage pass and the so-called pilgrimage passport has also been agreed upon based on the same agreement we had before, god willing, in the field of education in the field of struggle. with drugs and all that action. we reached an agreement with mr. shamri that the two countries can do together to develop security. according to the director general of the iranian medicine office and the ministry of health , effective measures have been taken to integrate traditional medicine with modern medicine in the health system. ms. hosseini yekta said: iranian medicine specialists are currently working in 50 clinics in the country. and
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they give advice in a limited number of hospitals along with doctors. 100% of the university of medical sciences now teaches iranian medicine based on lifestyle . everyone should refer to a community center health or a health home, a lifestyle birth certificate will be prepared for him, he will receive the necessary training, and then the rest of the story is about the referral system. specialists succeeded in producing and internalizing the strategic catalysts needed by the petrochemical industry. according to the scientific vice president, by iranianization of these complex catalysts, 8 million dollars will be prevented from leaving the country every year. in addition to meeting domestic needs, these catalysts are also exported to countries in the region. sweden announced one billion and 300 million dollars.
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provides military assistance to ukraine. this military aid includes defense ammunition artillery and armored air. sweden's new aid package is the 16th since stockholm started. ukrainian war in february 202 assigned to kiev. belgium recently announced that it will provide the first f16 fighter jet to ukraine before the end of this year. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskiy announced the number of f16 fighter jets that ukraine can receive from belgium as 30. zelensky has traveled to spain, belgium and portugal to get help from european countries. thank you for your attention , the next part of the news at 4 o'clock:
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in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, in the name of god. enough in the name of god, light on light . in the name of god, light on light . in the name of god, light on light. in the name of god, light on light. in the name
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of god. with the vant point of al-nur, allah is great, god is great , god is great, god is great . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. allah is the witness of the highest hajj allah , may god bless him, may god bless him. hai ali al-falah
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hai ali al-falah hai ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-alam god is great, god is great, there is no god but god , no
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servant, sir, with whomever i took a picture, he was martyred. inshallah , your son's fate will be good and he will be martyred. hello , it was not long after this that his fate became the same as the person with whom he took a souvenir photo after the operation in syria. with his commander, of course, himself. he was a commander , he was a student, he was a member of the irgc quds force, why am i throwing dirt on your face ? he was also a martial arts instructor in their place. he taught them sports, i said, at least one he didn't agree to charge money from the children , he said no, i am doing this for the sake of god , i just want the children to be raised properly and healthy. bayan, when isis opened its doors to syria
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, you became the frontline defender of the holy shrine, and he is going forward . one time, the guy's head is packed with a 23-gauge pellet, which he uses to attack a plane. if you have an obstacle, you will go. your obstacle should be travel . how can you travel? imam hossein was hassan abdullahzadeh in most of the operations. for example, for the tragic freedom around hama, where if it had not been taken back, aleppo and hamz, two important cities of syria were falling. hassan, along with some of the remaining forces , had lined up the fighters on the main street of this city , and with the help of other fighters , they took back the tragic from the hands of the terrorist groups. hassan abdullahzadeh , or hamzeh, the children of the resistance
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, spent the last few years of his life in the war with the takfiris, and last year his car was targeted by an anti-particle missile of the takfiris in deir zor, syria, near the iraqi border, and he was martyred. the third anniversary of his martyrdom was held now. even though the battle drum has been raised, the shrine of mrs. naaman is not named, so we will move aside. here, iran university of science and technology with more than 10 a thousand students and this festival
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is a celebration of the chosen ones who have creative and unique designs in the past year. among the 25 candidates, fortunately, doing foreign languages ​​at the university of science and technology, which is an industrial university , despite the efforts we could make, we were able to be first, although in the end, there were actually many problems. we could have several national competitions . let's organize the first physical language school. we held the first national competition and we were able to hold ten and more than 50 training courses. in the field of training associations we got the top rank in postgraduate education and one of the most important courses we held was the reverse engineering society course, which was attended by 100 people in the country. last year, around the end of april, we came to perform as a team of 9 people , with about 70-80 honorary members. in
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the past year, we organized about 100 events, and because of this, we are naturally considered among the best and the best performers. we are blessed by god. which can be the scientific support of industrial and production devices of the country, we are 25 active scientific associations in the university of science and technology. work for the festival secretariat sent. these works in 18 competitive fields with the competition of the scientific associations that are chosen as selected in this festival are finally introduced to the government bodies of private companies , whose support is the iran university of science and technology. iran university of science and technology with 17 different faculties , some of them like the faculty of railway engineering in west asia. he is also a nazir.
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you will send selected works in these 18 areas to the international movement festival and to other festivals organized by the ministry of science or throughout the country, such as the titar festival and similar events. international where will it be held? the host international festival has not yet been determined, but it will be held in december 2014. on the sidelines of the closing of the 12th movement festival, 20 specialized works of students were exhibited. the exhibition, which is actually held for 3 days , is special. the exhibition of the achievements of scientific associations during a period, i.e. approximately one year has passed since the activity of each association, this exhibition is held by creative students whose work has become a strong slogan of iran, and at the end, the computer engineering association is the best association of wasand university of science in the 12th festival was chosen hossein
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kashanian of sed and cima news agency. the people want us to fulfill our promise to implement a government of greater justice, anti-corruption and discrimination , to establish a government of greater justice and anti-corruption, the promises that were sworn to be implemented here in front of millions of people, and all the numbers and i will use my competence in the way of fulfilling the responsibilities that i have assumed. the promises that a short journey in history shows do not start with this affidavit, but more than 20 years ago and with mr. raisi's entry into the
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inspection organization. the whole country of these axes as goals the main of this organization is in the economic field. he mentioned that the issue of combating economic corruption and identifying damages has been placed on the agenda of the organization and the most central and main mission of the organization now across the country is to increase the sensitivity of inspection groups and delegations in relation to economic discipline and emphasize this a point that should be mentioned during their inspections. report the economic and we will also follow up, that is, if we do not eliminate the foundations of corruption in the economic system of our country , we will definitely have to witness another case , another crime, and another problem in the sector. let's be economic. in my opinion, if corruption
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is fought in the country, it will create economic security, which depends on its implementation. a fundamental reform in one sector knew that there should be serious reforms in the banking system. banki should be reformed, we will have to witness a new case and a new issue every day until these foundations and areas of corruption are not corrected. the initial months of his administration not only hindered his efforts in order to fulfill this promise, we don't have such budget plans and the inflation situation, but with the resolution of the imbalance of the banks, we have moved towards the reform of the banking system
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. the difficulties that arise due to the lack of income and expenditure in a bank cause banks to move towards borrowing from the central bank. let me be clear about what independence from the central bank means, what does money creation mean , the effects of inflation that people feel. today , the effects of inflation that people see are from the decisions made by the past is taken away, today its effects are on people's tables in people's lives. borrowing from the central bank and increasing the monetary base is a red line, a red line that was not observed by some banks. some private or non -private institutions are going to have overdrafts from the central bank. it will cause the monetary base to increase liquidity and cause our economic systems to collapse. this should end in a limited time. the issue of overdrafts from the central bank
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should be made clear to the people. the center is to control these institutions institutions that can correct their behavior , don't have overdrafts or have financial discipline , naturally, they cannot do anything for those institutions , and the continuation of this process made the president choose another way to deal with it. healthy and good two. d. banks with problems, but it is possible to reform and revive them. 3. banks with problems, which cannot be reformed . we have compared to. third , we will act quickly , we will remove them from the monetary and banking system, so that the situation of the banking system will be corrected.
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it is definitely a government building, banks that do not comply with the regulations will definitely be liquidated. the liquidation that did not remain only at the limit of seven and was covered by the liquidation of three community credit institutions . in the last year , there are several other institutions , we dissolved them, and we also announced that they will announce their withdrawal in the first year. but his path will continue in the field of reforming the banking system and expanding a broader justice government, sara fazli of sed and sima news agency. during his 8 visits to khuzestan province, president shahid
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emphasized on the productiveness of the villages and had a special view on the development of the villages, when you have livestock farming, when you have agriculture, it means that many areas are benefiting from your development and this is very good. which is a village or a region like your region. khuzestan province has more than 420 villages , we all have a duty, my duty is more than others, and i came to check their problems , construction projects in the villages in recent years, speed and now the villages have significant facilities . previously, our village was not like this, our streets were not paved, they were all dirt and when it rained. i remember most of the children in meziqa , in terms of going to class and cleaning our houses , we used to want to go to the city because we didn't
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have asphalt, we didn't have electricity, we didn't have gas. thanks be to god for this sector in the last two years with the attention of the 13th government over 150 thousand square meters. asphalt in the village has been installed and the camera has been installed image of installation of light towers, many works have been done in the villages, the issue of lighting is almost complete in the villages of deyardar, the development of the villages has been opened in different parts, so that the people can reverse migration from the city to the village. they are returning to the village from ahvaz , where it is good for them to relax. khuzestan province has village councils, the existence of these village councils helps the development of these areas. in 1402
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, construction works were done in more than 70 villages of khuzestan province. zeinab ahwazi of sed and sima news agency, ismailia section of ahvaz. please tell me that in your meeting today with the imam of the group standing here in front of the brick walls of jamaran neighborhood, the members of the cabinet of the government of mr. mahdavi kenny were fired and purged . we told them that the previous programs of our late brother's government will continue. rajaee , the president of iran , were both martyred in the explosion of the prime minister
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's office. but omar dolat rajaei and bahonar dolat are guests hosseinieh jamaran mourned him like this , it was less than 40 days. on the last day of the spring of 1360, the hypocrisy of abul hassan bani sadr fell from the roof. the president of iran was dismissed. the elections were held on the second of august, with mohammad ali rajaei as the president. the president was elected. salutations to the pure soul of all the martyrs of islam, especially the martyrs of the islamic revolution of iran, and especially their leader, the oppressed martyr, in the heart of iran that day, the same
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day when watching the image of tanfiz, the martyrdom of those 73 people was not even a month old . the explosion of the republican party only took 25 days. our nation is calm, its heart is sure that when this happens don't be martyrs, volunteers to testify instead. among all these events, he was going through the third season of an imposed war. but there was no disruption in the work of the country. the group that stood here in the middle of september 1360, more or less took over the command of the government for 40 days and
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carried out the work of the president. during those 40 days , a presidential election was held in iran for the second time in a year. we must choose the one who can carry out the people's will. in every way, the two people he chose, one of them is in yellow and one of them is not close to the revolution. but without the words that the imam said about this , it applies to everyone until the time when all people, even if they are martyred, this movement is this revolution. the name of the third president of the islamic revolution of iran came out of this row and those boxes. by god, it was noon on 17 mehr 1360. in the name of god. iran calmed down. the supply of bread without observing zero
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, we are now here on a page, but we are seeing that nona is being offered without turn and these different prices, we want to order from all those people on sangak bread street. the traditional simple stone is 1000 tomans, the final payable amount is 19 thousand tomans what was added to that 10,000 tomans, the packing fee is 3,000 tomans, the shipping fee is 6,000 tomans, that is exactly from that side of the street to this side of the street , 6,000 tomans, the cost of sending simple bread in the approved
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machine is 3,000 tomans, if you did you see that snapfoot was 100? the toman he takes from you for the rent , he takes from me again for the rent, it is 5500 tomans, he takes 12% of this amount as a commission from me, the thing that is left is about 420 tomans . who determined, for example, this amount of interest? you can have it
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. regarding the queuing of bread, they are allowed to sell bread on the internet, which must be equipped with the queuing system connected to ardonan's subsidy smart plan. in this resolution, it was foreseen that the bakeries that are allowed to operate in the form of online bread supply should be equipped. a queuing system connected to ardona's subsidy smart plan means that the person who buys online takes the queue via the internet. yes, when he goes to the online bread supply platform finalizes its purchase , it is actually placed in the queue to receive the bread, and the people who visit in person are placed in the same queue, which means that no one has any rights in this matter, and the prices must be approved by the ardonan working group. each province has two routes for
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