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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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they don't have the money to pay those initial amounts , god willing, well, many of our viewers may have a question now, mr. doctor, do they know which bank they should go to in order to receive a loan of 550 million, for example, and where they should go to receive this loan of 300 or 400 million. what group should they refer to after the implementation of the operation of handing over the land to the contractor ? decimals so therefore person independently there is no need to refer to them, then they are covered , the information of these is characteristic, these are introduced to the relevant provincial general office, the general office calls these people, and if they are interested, they will receive this education, request them, give the commitment of the fees and we have nothing to do with these dear ones anymore
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. we are doing our work with my bank, maskan and the contractor in parallel . the installment book of these dear ones is being implemented in maskan bank. for now , god willing, in the next periods, there is a preparation for us to involve other banks in this operation. let's add that you know that this operation is for the bank it also has some attractions, that is, when the money enters the bank , there is a delay in paying it to the fund, the banks benefit from an operation that the banks are interested in cooperating with us. we can use other banks as well, if there is a real estate bank now, because you didn't say that this bank is in advance in paying your bills, or i forgot , you mentioned the amount of its resources, how much is it for our 143 programs , our program is about 2 thousand billion tomans for the second year the effort is for 2043, but we need much more i said it is because it is from the place of sale.
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there are internal resources of the ministry, it is a very difficult task, because in any case , not everyone can buy land worth 100 billion tomans from us, which means that this is also a problem , but god willing, the next part, which i have to open right here, is the thread of solving this issue. he also does the investment funds, god willing , which we will launch this year according to article 5 of the production jump law. investment funds are the capacity of that people who are going to invest in the housing sector of bayan, god willing, instead of buying coins , should buy the shares of these funds, in parallel with the fact that these people will benefit from the profit from their own purchases, the resources will be provided to the loan of qarz al-hasna and the sales cycle.
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i said that due to the limitation that we have today that we have to make large sales , the demand for land is limited, it will become like a 100 billion land will be bought by a thousand people who have small numbers, god willing, the project method will be defined. it is possible and god willing parallel to the fact that we are giving a good loan on this side , the land itself will become another project in the production process, in which some people will sit and others will benefit from its investment, and god willing, they will benefit from this program . first of all, we honored the memory of the martyred president and there was a lot of mention of his actions, yes, may his soul be happy, the martyrs of the tragedy , you should mention that we turned mr. president of the country into a large and vast construction workshop when such a workshop is formed. that is , efforts in all the geography of the islamic republic of iran it is being carried out in pieces and activities in order to
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achieve a goal, what is that goal, to provide housing for the low-income classes? well, the government comes and invests, or the people bring themselves, this process and operation begins, and housing is built within a certain period of time. in addition to this, it is not just housing , mr. doctor, we have a series of measures to build the vital infrastructure of that complex. i want to see that the national housing fund in the field of such services, i.e. infrastructure services and superstructure services, is everywhere what measures has the country taken so far in all the provinces, and does it have statistics in this field, because this is different from the housing itself. yes, i will give you a number. maybe the people have not heard these numbers before. we are almost twice as much as the construction cost. it is possible that people
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observe and know that their housing is underground , and in the process of actually building this housing , we spend money in the form of what you said, transfer. under construction, preparations and expenses of this kind, and in parallel, the expenses that we are required to provide public services such as mosques, schools, and clinics. let's make sure that somewhere doesn't turn into a dormitory, which means we don't build a city . there are 10,000 houses, only dormitories, no workplaces, no health facilities, no education facilities, no health facilities , nothing. a thousand billion actually from the source. the national housing fund has financed the cost of the transfer of the infrastructure. this will reach 70 thousand billion rials in the next year, god willing. in the year we are in, god willing, this is a very large number . we are helping the ministry of energy in the transfer of water and electricity.
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be happy that if you have a building, water and electricity will be provided in parallel. this number is related to the transfer of infrastructure of 70 thousand billion rials, god willing, up to 400 70 thousand billion tomans or 7 thousand billion rials. in the field of superstructure and public services , we have spent up to 2300 billion tomans to complete the projects that remained unfinished or perhaps the projects that were forgotten. a town was built without a school. we built a school for it . we built a clinic for it. we built a police station. alhamdulillah was done during these years. 2300 billion tomans in this in terms of spending, i think we will pass 5 thousand billion tomans or 5 billion by the end of this year, god willing. you know that we are not complete in this operation, that is, we cannot build a school at our own will, it is possible for education and renovation. if schools don't make it technical, it means
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to say that the class should be like this and have specifications like this, so we will act according to the needs of the organizations. after all, they have duties and orders. in terms of financial resources, i assure you that in the field of our superstructure services in the country, there is a problem of limitation we don't have money in the ministry of roads and construction in our own field, god willing, we have to cooperate with those construction processes, as you know, in general, the construction field is difficult to attract resources. in the cost area, we write a recipe, we put 20% on the salary and 20% of the cost is done, but if we want to do 20% additional construction cost, a lot of sweat must be shed, a lot of workers must work in the sun , how many hours will it take to build this. if the construction process is done, it is a difficult process, only financing
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will not solve the problem. if i am not mistaken, in the future, if i am not mistaken , we will have about 57 new cities, an additional 27 , of course, the national fund. housing in the field of new cities also has very good measures, the construction of new cities itself requires a study of research and a series of very basic measures before the start of executive operations.
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when the executive operation starts, the national fund also enters it will be good. we have a completely different path here. god willing, we will travel in new cities, in such cities that are going to be built with the new model of this city. what is our process? we are investors and suppliers of economic resources in the private sector that can grow if they participate with us, we will form consortia in those consortia in those economic organizations of the area. we sum up the finances of a city, if , for example, this city is supposed to have a specific number of buildings, a specific service department , and that operation is economic in a way that it is beneficial for the people and the big investor
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can complete this project at once . we have now conducted this negotiation with three different areas, i cannot mention the titles. of course, until it comes to an end, but in 3 different sectors with 3 heads of different investment groups, fortunately all three of them are iranians, one bank and two private economic groups, good things have happened , that is, god willing, if this comes to fruition, we can be sure. except for the process that existed in new cities since the beginning of the process of building new cities, a company the construction company could go to a new city and manage the lands , define a use on them from the point of sale of commercial uses. it provided for the preparation and construction of residential uses , and little by little, the city was formed. after
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the city was established, it was given a municipality. this process is a new city. this time, instead of doing this, we will do it with one investor, with a group of investors , for example. the city of the persian gulf, the city of emetadieh, the city of shahrran , for example, makran, yes, or the city of tis, for example, these are cities that have economic attractions, in addition to their buildings and residential areas, this is a possibility for investors. it exists to score 0 to 100 cities. god willing, this is actually one of our new operations in the ministry of urban development, and the fund is a partner in this operation in different models. in some of these situations, we negotiated, for example , we told the partner bank that you should invest. the fund will invest as much as you invest . it creates a mutual peace . this means that the people know that the operation is not only in the hands of the bank. the government institution is present here and is regulating, and the bank knows that in fact, if it is to be, the return on capital is profit
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if this operation is limited to a certain extent , it is not only him who loses the game, the fund is with him as a guarantor of the profitability of this investment and controls its positive scope so that national resources are not lost. if it is not profitable, from the side of the lower range , it controls it so that the project does not become less profitable at a certain point, so that entering it is no longer economical. this is one model , the other models are based on the lands that the fund owns . the lands of this area will be provided to the fund it happened and by our construction company specializing in new cities, the land is at the disposal of the fund assigned for this operation of this land. it will be available to the investor, it will be a partnership, god willing , after the investment, people
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will also take the residential parts , god willing, the investor will take the commercial parts and settle them. it was suggested by mr. agha in previous years that you should use big investors to shape a city based on a principled economic model so that, god willing, at the same time the country will benefit from the city based on a principled model. and make an economy. if we set this sentence as an example for ourselves. i want to ask in this way that the national housing fund itself is a young and newly established institution. we know that there are many young people in our country who have established companies in the form of knowledge-based companies and are providing services in various fields, both in the field of product production and in the field of services. some of these knowledge-based companies
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are working as producers of new technologies in the field of construction industry. what kind of support is the national housing fund going to give to these companies, companies that might even be able to design a plan for you based on these new urban models, a new model based on what we call islamic iranian architecture or islamic economy in our country. and for you, the models of these are very important to us. knowledge -based technologies reduce the cost of construction , increase the quality of construction , and increase the welfare of the family living in that building. helping the current banking process is actually a complication it is the current process of the bank that this does not happen . that is the problem. knowledge-based technology means that a building and a house are built in the company, almost
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within 24 hours. we can see it here. when we accept this happening, it means that we can't finance from the current models, which we say we will pay you 20%, come in two months, come and give us a second 20%. dr. mion, we are talking about this. we saw a project built in tehran within 75 days zero to 100 and the same project was inaugurated by the martyred president in march of last year . this is the problem of financing, which means that if the fund does not come here, this project will never come to fruition, because the scientific company wants to finance 70 in a short period of time. next, i can't say 20. now i see your nonsense. if you hit it, i'll give it another 20. this is the housing technology research fund, which
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was formed in the ministry of roads, and the private sector has entered it, god willing. in this way, it is supposed that, god willing, this manab. through the technology research fund of the ministry of home affairs , the location of the fund's resources should be entered, and the payment to the contractor who is doing the work should be done at his own convenient time. the bank and the contractor agree. the bank says that i cannot pay 20% more. the fund says that i will put 50% on this . i will pay the contractor. national housing fund i still had a few more questions , but unfortunately our time has run out
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thank you, dear viewers, for following the first page until this moment, god bless you. god is great, god, we do not know about them except for good . oh god, we do not know about them except for good
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. let the men in it, because hell, they will shake their hand. because they want to dance from their own defects. my god, i wish mr. raisi's grades are excellent. whatever we think, for myself, for the country, and especially for the family, i feel that there is no compensation. there is no compensation. during
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his lifetime, he served sincerely and did great services, and after his passing, he did such a great service the national nature of this gathering of people is that the people, upon hearing the incident in different cities , gathered in the mosques and in the squares. this means a lot to the people all over the country for the health of ayatollah raisi and his companions.
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it is basic people, these people are showing these feelings for this man, what does this mean? it means that people love this revolution and these slogans. you mean people.
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you send messages all over the world. you are sending the message of this strength of the islamic republic to the whole world. this liquid was a dishonor for the country, for the nation and for the islamic republic . it showed that the nation of iran literally is alive it showed that the iranian nation is literally alive. they understand that this thought, this logic, this school. it has so many roots in these people , dear haj qasim, to qasim bin al-hassan, i swear the weapon you brought will never stay on the ground, it
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will never stay on the ground, everything is my people, the main strength of the system is from the interest of the people, the interest of the people of this community, this cry, this public sadness, not only in tehran in the whole country, not only in tehran, in the whole country. those who were with him in this incident , they also soared with the blessing of this man, they are flying
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, they are flying, they are soaring in the eyes of people, becoming dear, becoming sweet , flying, hot, big, heavy, but that aspect of the matter is on it. the other issue should also be seen , what a blessing the almighty god has placed in this incident, what a blessing the almighty has placed in this incident of fighting, in this threat, what an opportunity the almighty god has placed for the country, for the system and for islam, this liquid has become a disgrace for the country it showed the nation and the islamic republic that the iranian nation is literally alive.
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i was so shocked that my whole body froze. i was in a very bad mood , i was just praying that what we think is not the case, it was really hard. i voted for him. i gave it, alhamdulillah, but i had a series of criticisms , the problems in the country caused me to not be able to defend them the way i should, and now i am very sad , and when i see the honor god has given them, i really respect them, even though i was not there, but i was definitely a witness. foreign media say that iran will face a political crisis after this incident
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. is it really true? no, when we have a mountain like seyed ali, when we have these people , this will never happen. i will definitely participate and, god willing, i will be able to choose to be honest, no, this is not how fatigue is.
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there is no end to the wave of amazing excitement . we are opening mashhad's blue waves sports complex. the largest spa and jacuzzi complex in the country with an area of ​​more than 1500 square meters on an amazing and magnificent global scale, a jacuzzi with different temperatures, two huge dry sauna halls, two large sauna steam halls, a cold water tunnel, public and private massage halls, this week's event is the moj sports complex. blue hai mashhad is next to
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the eighth. this bright akhtar, the province is looking forward to visiting all the great iranian shrines, where many pilgrims visit imam rauf, here is the sports equipment store, where you can easily buy your favorite sports equipment. choose from all these impressive varieties at an incredible price for long-term benefits and free shipping to. as simple as that, sports equipment store in sarai big iranian big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in saray afsarieh. washland prize raffle festival. congratulations on your new home. the prize for the first place is a two- bedroom apartment, a car, one billion. a land full of
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prizes, ah ah, it's a shame, it was last year , i would have bought a refrigerator, if we would have gone back , i would have changed the tv last year, the washing machine, the dishwasher , i would have completely renovated the house, it's not too late, we can go now. where?
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news. the beginning of the process of the 14th term of the presidential election will begin with the registration of candidates for 5 days, verification of qualifications for 7 days and nearly 15 days of advertising, and then we will enter the voting process. the letter of the leader of the revolution addressed to the students.


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