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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings to you, dear viewers , you are watching the news at 16:00. today, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution met mr. syrian president bashar al-assad and the delegation accompanying the resistance considered syria's privileged identity and said that syria's special position in the region is due to this privileged identity and this important feature must be preserved . the leader of the islamic revolution thanked mr. bashar assad for his presence in tehran in order to express his condolences to the iranian people , and pointed out the prominent role of mr. raisi in strengthening iran-syria relations and added: mr. amir abdullahian also played a role in this regard.
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had special attention. ayatollah khamenei assessed the strengthening of relations between iran and syria as important in terms of the fact that the two countries are the pillars of the resistance axis and said: syria's privileged identity, which is the resistance , was formed from the time of the late hafez assad and with the establishment of the resistance and resistance front. this identity has always helped the national unity of syria . emphasizing the need to preserve this identity, he pointed out that the westerners and their successors in the region intended to overthrow the political system of this country and remove syria from the regional equations by waging a war against syria, but they succeeded. they didn't and now they are planning to remove syria from regional equations with other methods, including promises that they will never fulfill
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. the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized the firm stand of mr. bashar assad. everyone should see the special privilege of the syrian government, the resistance, in front of their eyes. ayatollah khamenei pointed to the political and economic pressures of america and europe on iran and syria and said: we must overcome these conditions by increasing cooperation and regularizing it. he is referring to the readiness of the late and dear mr. raisi to increase they noted the cooperation between iran and syria in various fields and now mr. mokhbar continues the same approach with the authority of the president and we hope that all matters will go on in the best way. the leader of the islamic revolution also criticized the positions and inaction of some countries in the region regarding the issue of gaza.
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they pointed to the recent meeting of arab leaders in manama and added: in this meeting , many mistakes were made towards palestine and gaza, but some countries also acted well. ayatollah khamenei emphasized that the islamic republic's view of the future is positive and bright and said: we all hope we can do our duty and reach this bright future. in this meeting , president bashar assad. syria, expressing its condolences to the leader of the revolution and the government of the iranian nation, addressed to ayatollah khamenei and said: iran-syria relations are a strategic relationship that is progressing under the guidance of his highness, and mr. raisi and mr. amir are at the head of the implementation of these guidance. they were abdullahi. referring to mr. raisi's wise and ethical personality, the president of syria called him a clear example of the positions and slogans of the islamic revolution and added: mr. raisi
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had an important impact on the role of the islamic republic in the last 3 years. in the issues of the region and the issue of palestine, as well as the deepening of iran-syria relations. mr. bashar assad also pointed to the issue of resistance in the region and said: after more than fifty years, the line of resistance in the region has progressed and now it has become a religious and political approach. the president of syria emphasized that the positions. we have always believed that any retreat in front of the west will cause them to advance, he emphasized: i announced a few years ago that the cost of resistance is lower than the cost of compromise, and this issue is now very clear for the syrian people, and the recent cases of gaza and the victories of the resistance also proved this issue for the people of the region and showed that resistance is a principle. mr. bashar from assad
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thanked and appreciated the leader of the revolution for his significant role in supporting the resistance in the region and also for supporting syria in all fields. after the speech of mr. bashar assad, the leader of the islamic revolution, they said that your speech had important points, but one point was more important for me, and that is the issue that you stressed and said that the more we sit back, the other side will come forward , there is no hesitation in this matter and this it has been our slogan and belief for more than 40 years. in attacks 12 more palestinians were martyred by the zionist regime in the rafah area of ​​the gaza strip. more than 10 people were injured in the attacks on gaza city. two soldiers of the palestinian red crescent were also martyred in the attack on the south of the gaza strip. the palestinian ministry of health announced that
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the number of martyrs and wounded from the attacks of the zionist regime has reached 3610. simultaneous. the occupying forces attacked several areas of the west bank, including nablus, toul karam, hebron and ramallah, and clashed with the palestinians. the occupiers in ramallah set fire to one of the markets in this city. the soldiers of the palestinian resistance also reacted to the crime the occupiers targeted the gathering place of zionist soldiers in gaza, as a result of which a number of them were killed or injured. the attack of the qassam battalions on the occupying forces in the east of rifa also resulted in the killing and wounding of four occupying forces. haggard
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, the spokesman of the israeli regime's army , acknowledged the death of three soldiers of this regime. in the west bank, two zionist soldiers in a surveillance operation. they were killed by a car. resistance fighters in the city of ramallah also targeted the vehicles of the zionist military with stones and koktolotov. electricity consumption on the 9th of june this year from 60,000 megawatts passed. while reporting these statistics, tavanir company announced that in the southern provinces, due to earlier experience of summer heat, the amount of electricity consumption has increased, so that in khuzestan province, the consumption
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has increased by 8% compared to the same period last year. maybe this summer you will be one of these subscribers. those who consume if their electricity is more than the set pattern in any climate , there is an increase in increments, especially those that are more than two and a half times the pattern. according to the model, it means the consumption of 650 kilowatt hours of electricity , the cost of which is one million and 755 thousand tomans per month. although the earth is getting warmer day by day, meteorologists have announced that the temperature will be up to 3 degrees warmer this summer. according to the ceo tawanir, electricity consumption will increase by 6%. the consumption of air conditioners in the country is about 32 thousand megawatts, which
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allocates 40% of the power generation of the country's power plants to itself. it is produced and sent to the market, the body is no longer metal. polymer body that makes the weight of the cooler should be lighter, it should not absorb sunlight , and it should not rust and rot in front of water, which makes the temperature inside the cooler always cooler and the cooler does not have to cool itself first, and then give its coolness to our environment. electricity consumption is your generation of coolers draw a current of 6 amps on the high revs of ordinary blue engines, but we draw 2 amps on our engines at full load. we draw the current. for old coolers, you can change their motor with half the cost of buying a new cooler. all of these metal propeller shaft connecting rod foley belts and this heavy-duty engine from the body the cooler was removed and a polymer impeller and a low-consumption dc motor were installed instead
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. the manufacturers say that the new generation coolers reduce electricity bills by 60-70%. mehboob sharifi gol news agency. seda and sima report of safflower fields in golestan: saffron is a plant native to iran and similar to saffron, with up to 40 seeds. this year , safflower has been cultivated in 30 hectares of agricultural land in golestan province . it is similar to saffron. how do you use saffron ? we also use it. yes, i can drink it. whatever you use, how do you use it? this is the same use and the healing version of cultivation in the northern areas of golestan province, where last year i planted two hectares of this plant as an experiment . yes, then i will try to implement the rotation, and it is a good option for the rotation of cultivation, especially in the
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northern lands of golestan. i started with two hectares last year, i expanded this year, i planted 9 hectares, god willing , next year, i will plant about 20 hectares . mr. tusli is one of the leading farmers in the cultivation of safflower seeds. this flower has flowers . the price of rapeseed is 20 seeds this year's oil price is 35 tomans. this farm that you see is a new hectare, it is completely tilled , that is, for 3 years, this land has not been manipulated in any way, neither a plow, nor a disk, no tools have been used in this land, and only one tiller tills it. this farm is planted directly in the remains of the stubble of the previous year's crop. when these flowers
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are in an optimal field, it produces 200 kilos of flowers, 200 kilos of flowers per hectare, and it has a very good price. the color of the seed is 15 to 20 seeds, which is a lot of oil it also has quality and this oil is estimated to be about 35-40% of its oil. it is a very good oil in terms of quality and is almost equal to olive oil. saffron is the only native safflower seed in the country. when we say that it is native to the country, it means that because our country is located in the arid and semi-arid belt of the world, it means that it is compatible with this climate. autumn cultivation of this product is a new idea for the farmers of golestan province. one of the privileges of saffron cultivation in golestan province. soilless cultivation is something that greatly reduces the farmer's expenses, reza
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ghasemi nesab of golestan radio and television news agency, thank you for your cooperation, god bless you.
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there is no end to the wave of amazing excitement . the mashhad blue waves sports complex opens the largest fitness and jacuzzi complex in the country with an area of ​​more than 1500 square meters on a global scale. amazing and magnificent jacuzzi with different temperature two huge halls of dry sauna two big saunas of steam sauna cold water tunnel public and private halls of masaresh this week the sports complex of blue waves of mashhad is next to the 8th radiant star of the province looking forward to meeting all the pilgrims of imam raouf i can help you, we can the same time, the same color, the same price , let's have two hands of this hair style with the same color
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, that's why it came to the taqfi store with this price. it is a discount and all the accessories here have a special discount in addition to the discounts of sarai irani . when will these purchases arrive? kardani in the discount sarai big iranian sarai big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh.
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how did you feel when you heard the news? i was very shocked and my whole body froze. i was just praying and praying that what
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we thought was not happening, it was really hard , i was really hard for them. the problems in the country caused me to not be able to defend them the way i should, and now i am very sad and when i see the honor god has given them, i really feel sorry for them. dear foreign media, they say that iran is facing a political crisis after this incident. is it's really not like this. when we have a mountain like seyed ali, when we have these people, this never happens. when plans are made so quickly to elect the next president, which i will definitely participate in, and god willing, i will be able to make the right choice. no, it's not like this. i was not sitting for a moment, i was working, i am really
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happy for their happiness. in my opinion, negar said that they slept on the plane, that they slept on the plane , we had more air for them during their trips, so we could support them more , he told us hotly. it is very hot it's for them.
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the increase of greenhouse gases is one of the main problems of today's world. the world is moving towards the elimination of fossil fuels and there is a need to be aware of the greenhouse effects. there should be another way to deal with the problems of atmospheric pollution that affects human health and the way people live . it has been decided at the global level to put fossil energy aside . various methods have been used before to solve this problem. and now the young technologists of our country have taken the help of laser technology to produce clean fuel with a new solution. in this method. we used laser and spark discharge , and with the help of plasma production and laser method , we greatly improved production and output results
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. the method in which the amount of carbon dioxide gas production reaches zero is not combustion, but laser ignition along with the method. high discharge is doing this operation in an environment where there is no oxygen , based on the molecular breakdown of methane and clean energy or fuel of pakistan. the production of clean hydrogen from methane gas with this method has advantages over traditional methods. a series of problems that exist in the industry and have been solved, for example, the method
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spark discharge has always been associated with the problem of the catalytic converter that is in the structure or the production of a lot of coke that is in the structure. we solved it , the production of hydrogen has increased almost 8 times , and on the other hand, the conversion of methane itself into various gases, the most important of which is hydrogen, has increased almost five and four tenths times. as experts say, for the production of clean fuel required by the refinery and energy consumption industries in comparison with other methods, it is reduced to a quarter. samia nasser, sed and broadcasting news agency.
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thank you very much for being a viewer of the khabar channel , we present you with the news that the letter of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, ayatollah khamenei, addressed to pro-palestinian students in american universities , has been published. the news of the world's media has been placed and of course there will be more news reflections, especially in the program of the judicial system , we will discuss the different dimensions of this letter, which has different dimensions and angles, in the
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sarkar studio of mrs. marzieh hashemi, a media expert and the expert on american issues is with us in the studio along with maryam azarchashan, media activist ms. hashemi. i greet you. you are very welcome. hello , don't be tired. thank you very much, ms. azarche. welcome to the studio today. students of american universities, we see that the letter is from emotional angles , from strategic angles and contains various points and keywords, but according to your personal experience , we will start from this point of view and from this step that the supreme leader of the islamic revolution in a part of this letter addressing the students, he points out that i recommend you with the qur'an. get to know and this is the point that to the opinions of many experts and analysts can be the headline of the interest and tendency of many american students to the subject of islam. yes.
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yes, i really enjoyed when i read his name and how timely we look at our time and the current situation in america and the whole world, especially the issue of palestine, many young people have really woken up and this has become a political awakening. main article main article it's the koran myself, because i have that experience during the revolution and assimilation, and finally i started islam and read the koran, and now it's the time of the youth, their world has completely changed. is it possible that they think in a different way , that there is another real world, now they understand, it is not completely the opposite, this is really how some people think
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they live in a democracy and really think that having freedom of expression and seeing is not like that at all, and how are the politicians and the police of the country they are not dealing with the evils of the sai regime. well , it is great for them to come here and wake up . if they start reading the koran, and we know that, in these 8 months, this genocide will start in palestine, many people around the world will start. and reading the quran and getting fat and yes , really, this is the timing of this letter it has been broadcasted now. i think it can be very effective, ms. hashbi. do you think that the publication of this letter in the current environment, while the crimes of the zionist regime have escalated and continues, the oppression of the zionist regime against the palestinian people continues
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and of course is strengthened. how effective do you think the al-aqsa storm operation resistance axis will be in strengthening the spirit of the palestinian people and of course awakening the public opinion of the world ? and see this letter too really, because after solving this situation of the cheddar fire last night, people all over the world really feel a sense of despair from humanity, that is , to get there
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. the world is covering it in the news despite the fact that we have seen censorship many times and not an hour has passed since the publication of this letter that we have seen news boycotts about these issues , but it has become an issue and it has become a new world that everyone can't really do anymore. we are now seeing the issues that they want to hide for the first time cnn and some media are just starting to cover the case because they see that they are losing their news authority and because they are losing people, they are following the journalists all over the world who are telling them the truth about the case. they are showing and now they have to cover a series of news. well, this message has been received and
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you can see its reflection especially in some american politicians, for example, talking about the fact that you lost america, for example, won the ayatollah's opinion. and you lost america and they are trying to create a dichotomy because of now, if we really go to the heart of the issue of religion and politics, now if there is an opportunity, ms. hashemi, now the point that the speaker of the us house of representatives, mack johnson, pointed out, is that you won the ayatollah's opinion, you lost america to students. according to analysts and from the eyes of experts , they are following the issue beyond palestine in america and in this uprising .


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