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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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they want to act, but at the same time they say this clearly. president esfaq of america said this clearly. if we leave anywhere in the world, we will be the master of the world, but if we leave the middle east , we will no longer be the master of the world. so here, because of this importance, this flow is actually, in a way, we have to say that the conflict. there is a war of challenge and confrontation , but in general, i believe that the axis of resistance is gradually moving towards victory. thank you, mr. dr. mansouri . it was a special news talk tonight and have a good night.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i invite you to this program until the end. accompany for about an hour. the leader of the revolution's open letter addressed to the students of american universities has brought different reactions, from the professors of western universities , the american authorities to the zionist publication times of israel, which in a report written by ayatollah khamenei welcomed the entry of protesting american students into the resistance front coalition. palestinian flags on
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the campus of the university of california and on the opposite side of a row of american police forces have surrounded the students. the students set up tents to sit in and gather the police. they put handwritten notes supporting gaza on the door and wall of the university and the police collect them. the images of the beating of the scientific community. it reached a point where the university staff and post-doctoral researchers sided with the students. the police resorted to direct fire. the uprising with more than 1000 arrests from 25 american universities is unique . hundreds of harvard students also skipped the graduation party. tehran time, a letter
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from the leader of the islamic republic of iran to it is published students david miller was one of the first western professors who read ayatollah's letter and reacted . seyyed ali khamenei, the leader of the islamic republic of iran , wrote a letter addressed to the student movement in america. it is a readable letter written by ayatollah khamenei: you have started an honorable struggle, you are standing on the right side of history, and now you are part of the resistance forces. , and the reaction of the speaker of the house of representatives to this letter. if you have satisfied ayatollah, you have lost america. university officials banned shouting for palestine. but this one is the last the voices that recently wrapped in harvard university. over 1,500 students had petitioned,
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nearly 500 student staff and faculty had spoken up. as an american and as a harvard graduate, for me, what is happening on campus is about freedom, this is about civil rights and upholding democratic principles. broadcasting about the same issue of the leader of the revolution's letter to american students, i am talking with mr. dariush sajjadi, an expert on international issues, who is with us in a video, mr. sajjadi, hello and welcome to you, do you think the publication of the leader's letter the revolution of american students in the days when american students are angry with their government and for the palestinian people. they are filing a lawsuit, what
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effect can it have? first of all , i would like to say hello and politely to my dear friends and viewers of your program. . given that, traditionally, we basically did not see street demonstrations in america by student groups regarding a foreign policy issue, even in the anti-war movement. vietnam, that movement was not a humanitarian aspect of anti-war, but due to the fact that military service
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was mandatory in america at that time, the anti-war movement actually had no problem with the army. these are the zionist hives , i.e. harvard university is one of the most basic or columbia university is basically a producer of men for statesmanship in america and it is mainly under the influence of judaism and when we see students in these zionist hives in that way in defense of the oppression of the palestinian nation between the outside and the ayatollah. khamenei manages this movement in a way that raises the credibility of the current student movement in the united states. but in that sense, it has no management, no leader, and this time ayatollah khamenei took the initiative and in this, in fact , managed the movement without the head of the role of management in an efficient manner, which can have significant results and effects. in
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the coming days and the developments related to gaza, the oppression of the palestinians will certainly be there . in your opinion , how much feedback did the leader of the revolution's letter to those living in these hives of the zionist regime have? we mentioned some of the feedback in a report at the beginning of this program. let me tell you something. i have been living in america for over 25 years, and regardless of 25 years , during the last 45 years, all the media in america, ahmed, written media, visual or audio media , or even hollywood , have exposed iran to a news barrage as a terrorist country. a country with incomplete human rights, while iran
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was oppressively the first line of struggle against the nation for the palestinian nation, and despite this, in this space, i will give you a clear example. it was much more serious than military operations at the global level. one is that i have already said elsewhere that the iranian missiles in the simple operation, before targeting the military targets in israel , actually hit the wavering palaces of the rulers of the arab governments and the pretense and mask of the western governments in human rights. targeted, and this letter also in a way , i want to say that it became the booster of that atmosphere that caused i will give you an interesting example at asu university in arizona, where a student after the operation of vahad sadiq, when i and several iranian friends went with the flag of the islamic republic, the same young american student who had been under terrorist propaganda for years. when iran
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saw the flag of the islamic republic after the wahad sadiq operation, it was supposed to applaud us and distort us as the front line to defend the oppression of the palestinian people, and this actually shows that both the wahad sadiq operation and the recent letter of ayat may allah khamenei understand that atmosphere of wavering and lying the hypocrisy that has been woven over iran for years will be torn apart and the axis of resistance will find a layer and new strains in the heart of the united states in the student area. in 1999, when i entered harvard university, you see, basically , there are no more double-educated people in harvard university, mostly there are none, or there are many rich jewish classes like harvard university. the prices or the heads of the arabs are two students who belong to the family of arab governments who can afford it, to the point where the student of saudi arabia hates his own nationality. and when they asked him where i was , they introduced themselves as iranians, it
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was humiliating, in fact , they were appointed to a government that was so shamelessly and harmlessly behind israel, and now we are witnessing that this has happened, that now the american youth is next to arabs are participating in this movement along with young american muslims, even jews, and as i said, this letter of ayatollah khamenei can actually provide a think tank to this student movement, which has given them a platform . have to manage better and optimism of this movement, which is currently occupying the floor of american universities, mr. sajjadi , considering that he does not expect this letter to be republished in the american mainstream media, which are now under the ownership and management of the american mainstream political currents. apart from social networks, what other way is there for the letter to reach the ears of students and in other words reach the hands of students? no, by the way, unlike you
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, you made a correct point. cartel monopoly and media trusts in america in the sphere of influence of the zionist lobby. despite this, you are in the same story, ali despite the fact that all the official american media have put themselves behind israel in some way, but this virtual space of social media was actually able to do that. ayatollah khamenei's message has actually been transmitted through these existing mechanisms and will continue to have its effect. fortunately, this virtual space is somehow like a knife in the hands of a surgeon or a murderer, and fortunately, in this case, they were able to effectively use these media from this corner. and we saw that unlike the heavy hegemony of the media in the west, all the networks and in an unspoken unity
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somehow support their own media advertisements. they were placed by the zionist government, but the same virtual space became the organizer of the student mobilization in the west and east of america. as i said, the zionist hives in the universities are the main focus of this incident, from ucla, columbia, berkeley, harvard to other places. i am optimistic that this has happened and i am not too worried about the dominance of the mainstream media because the game is out of their hands. and considering that almost american universities are either on the verge of summer vacation or some of them have entered vacation. what is the direction of the student protests now? what a change done? are they still in the field? are they continuing the protests in another way? see the problem of america now to shut down. there are no universities, yes, the universities are going to be closed, but the problem is that basically in the united states, we
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are faced with a political atmosphere due to the presidential elections that will be held in a few months. what motivates trump is that the closure of the university will not have much effect, and especially that american students should be very disappointed with the government, because biden with one from the slogans of his own advertising to enter . the presidency was to forgive student loans, but he did not do this, that is, i want to say that american university students also have problems with the ruling government from internal aspects, and the american political environment has become extremely polarized due to the elections and the heavy inflationary pressure that the economy america has reduced the waist of the middle class without increasing their salaries , a series of these has created a concentration of protests that will not diminish with the closure of universities, maybe it will move forward, but the coming months will be inflammatory months. we have it in america it will intensify the closer it gets to my election. thank you very much, mr. sajjadi, for
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being with jahan today program. mr. sajjadi emphasized that the letter of the revolutionary leader that reached the american students actually reached those who study in the zionist hives and attend this was the interpretation of mr. sajjadi, an expert on international issues , but let's go to london from the united states. the increase in the crimes of the gaza regime, the new wave of anger and disgust with the zionist regime and its supporters in the world, demanded justice and freedom fighters and supporters of palestinian rights also demonstrated in london. increasing protests to the escalation of massacres of palestinians, especially in the simultaneous escalation of police violence against palestinian supporters in london.
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the british government has provoked more public anger in england about this crime. there are no words to describe this disaster of a plan. among the reasons for the increase in protests against the british government, the participants in this demonstration are the continuation of political and
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weapons support from the zionist regime despite the massacre of more than 36 thousand. you are still a viewer of today's world , 14 more palestinians were martyred in the attacks of the zionist regime on the rafah area in the gaza strip. john kirby , coordinator of the united nations security council, said israel has not yet crossed biden's red line. i have clearly said that if israel enters rafah , we will no longer give them the weapons that we have given them throughout history to be used in rafah. about a month after this position and the warning of the us president about the zionist regime's attack on rafah, 4 days ago, another crime took place in rafah, with the zionist regime's attack on the tent
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of palestinian refugees in rafah, injuring and martyring more than 190 palestinian refugees in less than a month.
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divide 24 by one. i want the american government to do the right thing and stand up he is with friends. america's direct support for the crimes of the zionist regime, which an american tv channel says is continuing. america sends a new military package of one billion dollars to israel. now, despite the continued support of the us to the zionist regime, as the leaders of the zionist regime say, it has been an achievement for them so far. hamas is not just an armed organization, but an ideology that has infiltrated people's lives, and i predict that if free elections are held in the gaza strip, hamas will win with a very large vote. israel's victory is nothing more than a slogan. mojtaba shahzouni radio news agency. as
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you saw in the report of my colleague mr. shah soni, a few days after the regime's deadly attack. this tragedy has become the headlines of the world media, however, the foreign and mainly anti-iranian persian media tried to whitewash and justify this action of the zionist regime. it can no longer be justified. this is the cnbc headline describing the attack that night. i have to warn you about seeing the pictures. we pulled out the children who were torn to pieces , we pulled out the young people and the elderly . they called it a disaster
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and chanted to condemn this crime all over the world. the zionist attack on rafah also caused a reaction among the cyberspace users. israel was founded on the massacre and rape of palestinian civilians. if you support israel in any way, then you support terrorism. such a massacre had never taken place in front of the eyes of the world. the israeli government must be arrested and dismantled today. this is the situation of the streets of the world. this is the mood of the street.
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after two days of this tragedy, they are now saying: palestinians are not in a safe place they were. this refugee camp was built in the north of the un warehouses. inside residential block 23 72. this camp is not located inside the safe humanitarian zone declared by the israeli army. ashfa hospital, al-aqsa martyrs hospital, gaza children's hospital, displaced persons school. these were a long list of schools, religious places and refugee camps. which were introduced by international organizations as a safe place, when they were all attacked. the last one was the bombing of the palestinian refugee camp in rafah
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, which left 20 dead. atefeh godini news agency radio the people of south korea also demonstrated in seoul in support of the palestinian people. the protestors believe in the press tv report. war crimes are necessary. peace activists in south korea protested the crimes of this regime in gaza by gathering in front of the occupation regime's embassy in seoul. their message was written in korean and english. they also condemned america's complicity in the occupation's genocide and said that eyes are watching rafah. i believe that israel was able to commit such great war crimes because the us provided israel with a lot of money and diplomatic support presented. therefore, not only israel but
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america must be held accountable and punished for its war crimes. the occupation regime's action in bombing the palestinian refugee camp in rafah in southern gaza, which led to the martyrdom of dozens of women and children , has awakened the conscience of the world. as tanks kill palestinian refugees , south korean civil society leaders call for an end to the occupation regime's genocide. the whole world is speaking with one voice to stop this. how long will we have to witness israel's war crimes? how long do we have to witness the sacrifice and suffering of people? let's be palestine. due to the generous support of palestine, the occupying regime is becoming more and more isolated. this support from the people in street and civil society has increased to influence policies . capitals around the world are changing their positions as the occupation's atrocities continue in gaza. 3
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european countries took action to recognize the palestinian state, and south korea, a traditional american ally , broke away from washington in april to support palestine's full membership in the united nations. in violation of international law. on the part of the occupying regime, peace activists in seoul are demanding that benjamin netanyahu be accused first the minister of the senior officials of this regime is committing war crimes. let's go to the second case of the world. today , we are going to discuss both the letter of the revolutionary leader to the american students and the latest developments in gaza. we are communicating via video. with mr. mohammad hazimeh, writer and political researcher from lebanon, mr. hazimeh, hello and welcome. as a first question, i would like to ask that
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the leader of the revolution did not write a letter to the youth of the west a few years ago. now we are witnessing a new letter to american students. in your opinion. what capacity did the leader of the revolution see in western and american youth? addressing them in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, peace be upon you, the people of iran .
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he sent a letter to the western nations. this content indicated the responsibility that he wanted.
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we are witnessing the result of this letter and the result of this effort in western universities.
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young and with the contents of islam and that islam is a religion with special tendencies and a special identity.
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asemani actually has approaches and approaches that are all gathered in islam. islam, which is america's concern today, and since the victory of the islamic revolution in iran and in this the islamic republic of iran is standing by and the west is afraid of the arrogance of the islamic republic. and for this reason, the monkey is standing in front of this blessed revolution, a revolution that actually represents the spirit of islam and the truth and reality of islam that it contains. therefore, young people write this letter according to their nature.


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