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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 12:30am-1:01am IRST

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we will have a boom in production and, god willing, we will not have labor problems in the province. ayatollah raisi , from the head of the judicial branch to the head of the executive branch, in his eight trips to khuzestan during his presidency , followed up on the problems of haft tepe sugarcane cultivation and industry company. today, haft tepe is in there is a circuit of production and cultivation and industry and harvest and the actions that have been taken in this case. it was to fix the issue of haft deba as soon as possible. god blessed us. with your help, this happened. over the past 3 years , the salaries have been updated . we had a 40% increase in salaries as an equalization plan. it has been 3 years today. which is due to the actions of shahid raisi and now the problems of 5800 workers in this company have been solved and the production of raw sugar has doubled in 3 consecutive years to about 700. 500 hectares of new sugarcane cultivation has been done
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this year, we predict that 60 to 62 thousand tons of raw sugar will be produced, which is a 200% jump compared to the previous year in the production of raw sugar. they travel the 700 km route from shush to tehran and arrive at the funeral ceremony of the martyred president. mourning is mourning. today is the day of mourning. today is the hero's turn today, mehran nik andish of khuzestan broadcasting news agency mourns the death of a campaign that has been launched for more than a week in jihadi and public circles . serving the people for the purpose of the martyred president and his companions is the key to participating in this campaign . people in memory of the martyred president and
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the martyrs of service in memory of the martyrs of our martyred president ayatollah raisi, more than 300 meters of isogam was purchased by zadi groups and will be distributed among needy people and needy families in the city of didesh, stanjoi rahmat, god willing. for the joy of the soul of president delsos, i decided to have a few mrs. rayai, free sewing training. ayatollah raeesi's martyr's foundation serves on these martyrs' wednesdays by collecting 50 bags of food for the homeless children's care center on behalf of the martyrs. a people's movement that everyone tries to provide a service to the people as much as possible . it is a very blessed movement to
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invite all the people to serve each other more . after fulfilling the duties, nothing is more valuable than serving the people. anyone can do anything to strengthen this thinking of the servile view of the people, and to keep this flag high , to set up a service table in every street and street, and this service is for the martyrs of the service. alternatively , you can share your pictures in this public campaign by sending the number 8 to the number 10239. ahmad hamidi of the sed and broadcasting agency , with the aim of expanding the radiation industry in the growth of the national economy and the prosperity of the community's health
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. opened. according to the head of the atomic energy organization, the opening of this center is the beginning of a process of implementing the transformative program of the energy organization atomic iran, where the irradiation systems of agricultural products will be expanded throughout the country with the participation of the private sector. nuclear technology to improve security and judicial health. gamma self-protection device designed by iran. in the isfahan radiation center , the process was put into operation with the aim of pest control and increasing the storage of agricultural products. this is the beginning of a process, as the head of the atomic energy organization says , is one of the strategies of the nuclear technology transfer organization in people's lives. irradiation makes it both disinfect and destroy the pest susceptibility of products, both in terms of public health and safety. judiciary. this technology
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brings the load of chemical and microbial products to the lowest level, and this is the reason why 30% of preventive food products were wasted while improving health. and this work will definitely increase the export of our country and increase the export of high-quality products of our country to other parts of the world in the near future . the second phase covers 31 provinces of the country. we must try, god willing , to be one of the leading countries in the region and in the world in this sector to be according to radiation technology experts , it has 100 years of research experience and 70 years of commercial experience, which is a sign of the safety of this field. there are different methods for disinfection and
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there are chemical methods and different methods. this method is one of the best methods that can destroy all the pests and all the microbes of that raw material and that food product. following the visit of the head of the atomic energy organization to isfahan, the isfahan nuclear zone was named after the martyr president ayatollah seyed ebrahim raisi. the most important pole of the country's nuclear industry, which is the nuclear area of ​​isfahan we named it after this great martyr. mohammad ali sohilpour, radio and television news agency, isfahan. the meteorological organization has predicted scattered showers of rain for some areas in the northwest and west coasts of the caspian sea, but for other regions of the country, calm weather with a slight increase in temperature. the rising temperature continues until sunday. hello, it's early summer, with
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the sudden warming of the country, the weather is very hot , the air is so hot that we turn on the car. although it was raining in different parts of the country until a few days ago and the weather was cool and springy, the temperature suddenly increased and in some the country's regions are close to 50 degrees, especially in southeast asia. it was an exceptional year. yesterday, in some parts of india, the temperature reached 53 degrees above zero, and such a temperature at this time of the year was unprecedented in that region, and i believe that this heat wave is moving towards the west. the heat of the air is more noticeable in the southern half of the country and in the last 24 hours the temperature of five cities reached 48 degrees. the highest temperatures
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recorded in the country were in bandar derir in bushe , fanuj province of sistan baluchistan, delgan of sistan baluchistan , kangan and bushe and rask was in sistan baluchistan. at the same time as the air temperature increases, the consumption of carriers energy has also increased. compared to last week, electricity consumption has increased by 6,000 megawatts, equivalent to 11 , and the peak electricity consumption at noon has reached more than 61,000 megawatts this week. in this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the advice of doctors . diabetic people, people with cardiovascular diseases , heart diseases, or people with small children, babies or children under the age of two should not be exposed to the sun and must have cool liquids with them. forecasts of the meteorological organization say that the rise in temperature will be the dominant weather phenomenon in the country in the coming days was. we still expect to
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see an increase in temperature until the beginning of next week, that is, on saturday and sunday, that this increase in temperature will happen in the whole country, and mostly in the southern half of the country. their temperature reached above 48 degrees , don't be surprised at all, but the compatriots in golestan feel the most unconventional heat and in fact tolerate it, the maximum temperature in gorgan, aqla, places like mount merawa tepe and minodesh
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, it is not out of mind these days to be above 40 degrees. unfortunately, the temperature situation prepares the ground for fire in the northern forests . please be careful of other events. the dust penetrates the borders to the provinces such as the southwest, such as ilam and khuzestan, and above saharhai. tehran, alborz, mazandaran, in the hour after azhar , a limited form of rainstorms with lightning and wind. we recommend that you move in such a way that
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you do not pass through mountainous areas in the afternoon , there is a possibility of falling rocks, but in the period from saturday to monday of next week, the waters of the caspian sea and the waters in the persian gulf are at the level of our orange warning level , and the height of the mesh is rough. khazar can reach up to two and a half meters with this. there is a possibility of damage to siadi nets and damage to the fish in the cage until tomorrow night. greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers . the best of the first five positions of the international free wrestling matches of takhti cup were introduced. on
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the first day of this tournament, hosted by zanjan last night , in 57 kilos, milad valizadeh won the championship by defeating their rivals, peyman nemati in 65, mohammad bakshi in 74, mohammad hossein norouzian in 86, and mehdi haji luiyan in 97 kilos. in the 4th and 4th round of the competition, wrestlers from armenia, iraq and afghanistan will compete together with the wrestlers of our country . 150 athletes in this event hosted zanjan are trying to be present and to reach the second division of the national team. m takhti is more for people who are the support of the national team. in addition to those who are from our country in these competitions, the countries
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due to the year leading up to the olympics , olympic athletes are not present in the 4th and 4th takhti cup international freestyle wrestling competitions, but there is an opportunity for the athletes present in the event to get the opinion of the national team's technical staff in non-olympic categories, according to the conditions. the technique that our wrestling has this year and it is an olympic year, our olympic wrestlers are exempted from these competitions, but the rest our wrestling funds
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will be introduced to the national team for the selection of our champions and national team members in non-olympic weights and also for the hopes of the world from these competitions. amir sina jafari, zanjar tv news agency. the two shahada teams of qasr firuzeh nezajai entered the final match of the national polo league of the khoram shahr cup, the honorable shahada khamita. he hits it in front of the goal. the semi-final stage of the national polo league named khorramshahr and in memory of our dear martyrs of our service started on tuesday of this week. it is impossible to say the result of the league, which was accompanied by an increase in the number of participating teams. our very good team participated in these competitions, the team from the ground forces of the islamic republic of iran.
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ghazvin province and shahadai qasr firuzeh club of tehran. in the semi-final stage of this competition, the martyrs of qasr firouze naza jai ​​b became the finalists after passing the archers of ghazvin maratoi of isfahan. the finals of the honorable shohdai polo competitions. the meeting will be held on friday, june 11, from 14:00, hosted by zul-janah army club . with the announcement of the referees' committee, the match between esteghlal and pikan on saturday night in the 3rd and final week of the premier league has been decided amir arab burraghi will benefit akrami and presslis with mes rafsanjan.
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the west asia championship track and field competition was followed yesterday in iraq, where fatemeh ghale nooyi and zainab ahadi won gold and silver respectively in the 5,000 meter walking event. previously, our runners had won 8 gold and silver medals. in the continuation of the paris olympics selection boxing fights in thailand today, meisham qashlaghi and mehdi parvizi went to the next round after defeating their opponents. today, qashlaghi will go to the ring with meshtesen of armenia and parvizi with the representative of sri lanka. after the championship of the men's team of sailors, nedaja team of aram pars women's bahragtar won the aram waters rowing league yesterday, and nadaja's sailor team won the men's dragon boat. in the latest ranking of the top football club leagues in the world
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, our country's premier league was ranked 60th and 3rd. in this league ranking
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, both for the country and especially for the family , i feel that there is no compensation. there is no compensation.
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empty during his lifetime. the media served a great service , even after his death, such a great service to the country, this community of people is that the people, as soon as they heard about the incident in different cities, spoke in their mosques. gathering in the fields means a lot. many people all over the country started praying for the health of ayatollah raisi and his companions. people showed them the loyalty they showed. it means a lot. they were the embodiment of the slogans of the revolution. it means the same main words. the revolution came out of their mouths. he used these slogans as his slogans and people had heard them from him. the slogan that
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was used on people's tongues on 22 bahman 1957 should always be used today. the fire of insults and distortions of the opponent will not become the truth. dear gentlemen and ladies what is in the interest of the people is to carry out this revolution . the people are the foundation. the people have these feelings for this man. what does this mean? it means that the people are attached to this revolution and these slogans . it means that the people are attached to these revolutions. some of the heads of these countries come
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to meet with us, some of them also realize that this funeral that was done by them sends the message of the strength of the islamic republic to the whole world . the country showed for the nation and for the islamic republic that the nation of iran means the real word is alive, it showed that the iranian nation is alive in the true sense of the word, they understand that this thought , this logic of this school is so rooted in these people, dear haj qasim to qasim bin. hassan sogurd , the weapon that you brought will never stay on the ground , it will never be left on the ground, everything is my people, the main strength
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of the system is the interest of the people, the interest of the people of this community, this cry, this general sadness, not only in tehran, in the whole country, not only in tehran, in the whole country , because of this high social capital. who brought this to the eyes of the world ? he blessed this man and in his passing he blessed him like this , blessed him, blessed him , blessed him, blessed him, blessed him this is flying, this is flying, this is rising in the eyes of people, this is becoming sweet, this
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is flying, hot, big, heavy, but that aspect of the case , the other side of the case should also be seen , what kind of blessing god placed in this incident. islamic republic for all the world for all the world.
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the petitions that i just want to raise today, each which one needs a separate meeting in detail. allow us to appeal to all the respected families of the martyrs. lost childhoods, fears left from childhood, unjustly spilled blood , i am sure that, god willing, the souls of these honorable and dear martyrs will be a witness and observer at our meeting, you who have not yet started this trial, we also declare that you have enough patience and patience. in order to listen to the statements of the investigation of the accusations, be very patient and have as many meetings as are necessary for the detailed investigation of these accusations and in the hearing of the complaints . the organization was supposed to be likened to a real person.
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it can have a language of expression. in a way, these books are the language of their own expression, that is , they put you in the category of confession. yes, it is definitely the same when we are faced with this unusual violence. at this point, no action can be taken unless there is an idea behind it , that is, you must have an ontology to perform actions based on it. until we understand this, we will not understand why these violences are unusually isis-like by rajavi and his group. rajavi, in these years, the crimes committed by these men may be unprecedented in the history of mankind . now we
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will open the bodies. and our brothers will see how these martyred brothers of ours have been brought up to date. as you can see, they were tortured in the most severe way, either by boiling water or by burning them with a sigah or other heating devices. mr. president, the second/ third starts from here. it can be the first book of the rules of evolution , from here the second/third book is about historical materialism and the rules of the evolution of materialism. thank god that i knew you, otherwise, according to the prophet, if i had not known the imam of my time , i would have been in ignorance. mujahid magazine. no. 250, on
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page 16 of ziarat, a letter with these words has been printed : salam alik or masoud salam alik or maryam salam alik or the heir of amir al-mu'minin salam alik or the heir of fatima al-zahra we are on this side now it is very good the documents we bring are from mujahid magazine we are not like them from the book of our memoirs, bring it from our side, from their side, mujahid magazine, number 178, page 8, mentions that we killed about 600 people in tehran alone, according to his own interpretation. we have reached out with an apology to the respected families of the martyrs, or for example, it is mentioned in number 134, page 3 says that since the beginning of the second phase of resistance until now, i.e. 16/10/16, more than a thousand members of the regime
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were destroyed in different provinces from tehran, gilan, mazandaran, fars, hamedan the fact that 8 members of the islamic revolutionary guard corps are mujahideen are reacting to this court now , it shows that they are hurt, you see , the organization did not think that one day it would have a court and this would be brought up in this court, and they are sure and warm that their supporters are the french. americans and israelis want their air well, fortunately, a court has now been brought up and that private property will be used against them
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, god willing. well , let me guide you, come directly to mehd farsh, this is an advertisement aimed at informing you so that you can choose the best one. in fact, iran makhd farsh is holding a step-by-step mahd farsh festival all over iran. greetings again to you, dear viewers , we are with you with this news section, the head of the organization. sound and
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sima announced the preparation of the national media for the 14th term of the presidential elections, mr. jabali , referring to the establishment of television debates and talk-oriented programs in this period of the presidential elections, said: use all the capacities of the national media to create a completely fair environment for the candidates. becomes


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