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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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president raisi presided over a very challenging time in the region and the world in iran. at the same time , in the last hour of his life, he tried to spread peace, friendship and security in the region by opening an important joint project with the republic of azerbaijan. hossein amir abdullahian was a full-fledged diplomat who honestly stood by the president. during my presidency of the general assembly, i had a meeting with him in my office and
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expressed my condolences for the intelligence and skills of the government of the iranian nation. we say. president rahal of iran had a long history of service and development of his country. the ambassador and permanent representative of the islamic republic of iran in this official meeting of sympathy and message many condolences from the international community. our late president and minister were insightful officials whose presidency and ministry were dedicated to promoting peace, stability and sustainable security in the region and beyond.
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we continue ando's path with the president who will be elected on june 28. in addition to this official commemoration ceremony at the un general assembly , a minute's silence was observed at the beginning of several un official meetings in honor of the martyrs of raisi and amir abdullahian. the main flag of the united nations in new york was raised to half-mast and representatives of nearly 100 countries were present the permanent representative of the islamic republic of iran attended. and signed the memorial book. ali rajabi, broadcasting agency, united nations, new york. specialists of a technology company managed to design a smart investment management tool by using artificial intelligence. this product provides the possibility of creating personalized folders for people according to the amount of capital and work area . investment funds, financial institutions.
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there are those who can reduce the risks of people's investment in businesses by using infrastructure and analysis. these have complex equations for analysis and valuation in fact the assets that are in the markets and the risk assessment of each of these funds. before this , market and capital analysis in investment funds was done individually, which had a high error rate, and now, intelligent systems and tools have been designed to make this capital deliberate. has been able to change risk taking to risk aversion. his investors, for example, if he makes a fixed income fund with his own bank without risk. we are going to see if we can create this continuously in the long term or not. this is the result. these systems are supposed to give us this result body. tools that have been able to manage risk online for investors. for example, the period of time he wanted to invest.
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has it changed or not, and based on that, if he informs us that it has changed, we will provide him with a new offer completely online, for example, one of the smart tools. the use of psychological science and the questions that are asked to the investor , we are placed in different situations based on that in the choices that the investor makes, we completely personalize, for example, capital we asked them that they got a certain amount , which option they choose, this is a portfolio of offers or investments that have a diverse range of risk and expected return. the next step of this technology company in the field of investment is the use of artificial intelligence. we don't have a gap of one and a half years for all the data to be measured so that new decisions can be made based on these and on the basis of trends or previous performance charts. it also prevents corruption and errors in
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transactions. both in the field of information speed and in all these concepts market efficiency according to experts of using artificial intelligence in the market. on the one hand, financial services provide an easier platform for traders, and on the other hand , investors make better decisions with careful analysis. vahid zakera rad of sed and sima news agency. the increase in crimes committed by the zionist regime in gaza has triggered a new wave of anger and disgust towards the zionist regime and its supporters in the world. justice and freedom seekers and supporters of palestinian rights held a demonstration in london. the increase in protests to the escalation of the massacre of palestinians, especially in the removal of the simultaneous escalation of police violence against supporters of palestine in london demonstrations peaceful palestinian supporters in front of
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the british prime minister's building turned into violence with the intervention of baton policemen. the police arrested at least 40 people who oppose the killing of palestinians and support their rights.
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the demonstration of thousands of people gathered here , representing millions of people not only in the uk but all over the world, who want an end to israeli attacks, they want an end to the sending of weapons to the israeli army, which leads to the continued bombing and killing of palestinians. the message of this demonstration is this. the intensification of the zionist regime's crimes , the rafe disaster and the british government's inaction about it this crime
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mr. dr. moroz, in the meeting that mr. assad had with the supreme leader of the revolution, the supreme leader of the revolution pointed out one thing, and that is the prominent role of the ayatollah raisi in strengthening the cooperation between iran and syria, and since iran and syria are among the important pillars of the axis of resistance. are, as a rule, this strengthening of cooperation. next, help to strengthen the resistance front
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. what is your assessment of ayatollah raisi's role in strengthening this front? to the nation of iran and to the whole nation i would like to announce the resistance and also in advance we commemorate the anniversary of imam's death, which we are approaching this day. in a way, it has an international reflection. in fact
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, we, the imam, know its foundation. what i can briefly say is that maybe the events that are happening in the region today are exactly the continuation of the islamic revolution, that is, without connection. it is interesting to tell you that a few days after 22 bahman 1957, the foreign minister of israel at that time zaman says something that the world is raising today . what did israel's foreign minister say at that time? what happened in iran is an earthquake in the east. it will shake the middle and the world will shake after that
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. of course, this word is also in the archives of the newspapers, which means that people can go and see it, and this was a very wonderful thing, to be fair, for example, at that time, our country did not have a clear situation, the whole system collapsed, all devices are shut down, but a person comes from there. the next point is this. which tells all the governments to come together and face this flood that is coming it will take us, well, this is apparently happening today . of course, the imam himself also has a similar opinion to this matter, of course, from their own point of view, and that this revolution is with the grace of god. i will stay and our enemies will go. we will stay. these words are from the imam in
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a different interpretation. now i have quoted that speech because i have told the political events of today in the region and the world from the words of a politician . i have raised this issue from another point of view, in any case, see a point that is very important. a lot should be said for our people and that position is the importance of this region for the whole world , that is, what we call the middle east or , for example, west asia or even iran, in global terms, not today. it has played a role during the past few thousand years, so every power that has arisen in the world
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, it doesn't matter anywhere in the world, east, west, north, south, dominating this region is one of their basic goals, so this region is always somehow involved in these domination and resistance flows from it has been but when israel was established, some of the heads of the west stopped talking. these 2000 years of going back and forth between the powers of the region are over from now on we are constantly obsessed with this whole region by pointing out that the crusades are over, the rule of islam is over, and finally, but not very interesting, i will tell you
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that the british foreign minister esfaq says a sentence , he says that the day we founded israel and we thought we would have eternal dominion over this region, we didn't think we would come across an inexhaustible source of resistance, so put these things together, so what is happening in this region now is not a moment. it means that it is not for today, this month, and this year. secondly, it does not end with these developments. this is actually a trend it is continuing and the transformations will definitely reach the entire global structures, that is, if we say, for example, that in 5 years, the global transformations
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will be so extensive that we are going through them today. it will be very different, don't be surprised . now, why do you even compare this year with last year, that is , compare one year only with this year and with the previous 5 years ? you see the changes are very fundamental. philosophical, cultural, and intellectual schools of the west are being questioned, they are all losing color today in the world, for example, nationalism, socialism , secularism has a color compared to 10, 20, 50 years ago . now, regarding the role of ayatollah raisi, if
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you want, please tell me what role you think he is playing for this front of your resistance. syria since the islamic revolution until now with the view that mr. hafez assad had and that view was also transferred to bashar assad was that this revolution is for the benefit of islam and even for the benefit of the arabs. this revolution is actually against the rulers who want to rule this region forever. this revolution will finally determine israel's duty. this is the word that
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hafez asad says and is transferred to farnzand. therefore, you can see that from the beginning of the victory of the revolution, hafez assad had good cooperation with iran in various dimensions and he always expressed this view to the arabs. it is for the benefit of all of us , despite this, it is natural for the arrogant world to destroy this base for 10-11 years to start the civil war in syria, and here there is a very important point that bashar al-assad has really played his historical role. kurd means, honestly, the resistance that he did, now this is a bit
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it goes back to their intellectual views, which are actually the following. in any case, this is where you can see that the axis of resistance without israel was almost not very strong , but although it is gradually working in yemen and iraq, it is working in different dimensions. this
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cannot be. at this point, mr. bashar assad can have several messages to tehran. if you can be very brief, i would appreciate it. the first message is that he wants to tell us that we are with. we are iran and share in the sadness of this tragedy and we are still in the axis of resistance, and in fact , to have some sort of announcement of accompanying and coordinating with iran means that you should not think that, for example , the issues that have arisen in gaza or the issues that we will separate from the axis of resistance, this is one point. the second point is this. which is naturally for the future. because it is possible that, for example, israel will now come and enter the political phase, for example, or that, for example
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, there will be some changes in other international currents, but in the course of resistance, there must still be perseverance on that goal, and therefore we see that the supreme leader in his speeches with them, having the basis of speech basically, we have not accepted anything but resistance to the rule from the beginning until now. very well , thank you very much, mr. dr. mansouri, for allowing us to speak with mr. mohammad reza bagheri, the former deputy minister of foreign affairs. hello and good night, mr. bagheri. do you think that ayatollah what a significant role raisi played in strengthening the resistance front, and of course, regarding the role of dr. amir abdullah, if possible , please say hello. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , i greet you, dear viewers and dear guests, mr. dr. mansoori, regarding
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the issue that was mentioned about the late noble martyr. mr. raisi and our beloved martyr, minister of foreign affairs, mr. amir abdullahian, were the reality of the revival of resistance diplomacy. this is an important issue that is being discussed and mentioned and followed these days regarding the defense of the oppression of palestine and the support of the resistance as well as the support of syria . with the victory of the islamic revolution and the promotion of the culture of resistance. in iran, as well as in the region, this spirit has become a component of soft power. when
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we talk about resistance, resistance is for the stability of islam, which if if it is achieved, then the national interests will be secured and the sad history of foreign rule will not be repeated . therefore, what our oppressed and powerful government has done in the past 3 years is to raise the level of this resistance to its highest level and the presence of leaders. resistance in the region with the encouragement of the supreme leadership and the government actually agreed. he was following the resistance, he was able to put the resistance in a situation where we are witnessing the state of the zionist regime today, and
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therefore, i strongly believe that now, on the anniversary of the death of the imam, as you have mentioned, i am also offering you and dear listeners and viewers the reality is that according to the imam, we should always have a jihadi management approach, and sometimes we witnessed non-jihadi managements. in jihadi management, we actually experienced introversion , which was both scholarly and calculated , returning to oneself, self-confidence, and trust. by god's grace, we were extroverted in non-jihadist management. we were waiting for other people's actions , so we were sitting and watching. in the current situation
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, it seems that our future government is taking steps in the same direction, the presence of dr. bashar asad we honor him and welcome him. in my opinion , the arrogant western, hebrew, and arab world decided to knock him down. they made a condition with him that he distance himself from iran and the resistance, otherwise you will humiliate him. he stood up and became dear . i was in damascus and i am closely familiar with the spirit of dr. bashar assad. he has an unbreakable link with the resistance front and is helping the resistance forces in a difficult situation. even when he needed the resistance's help, the resistance came to his aid. bashar assad is really a blessing. the pride of many arabs
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should be an example. for many arabs, his father as mentioned by mr. mansouri, his father, the late hafez asad , was very devoted to the imam and the supreme leader, dr. bashar asad also seems to be his righteous successor, so it is a good opportunity for mr. bashar asad to come to iran and reach the important points. in the views of hazrat agha, in finding for the future work, political work , security cooperation, military economic work , i would like to say one thing, please be brief. may he not give others a chance to live they wanted bashar assad not to be, now they can have
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commercial and economic affairs. be in syria. this is my suggestion as an expert who was present in syria . i know the views of the syrian government and people. it is really time for us to have a more serious work with the syrians in the dimensions i mentioned . thank you very much. mr. baqir , if we have a chance, we can come to your service again in a few minutes . mr. sadr hosseini, another expert who is on our line, i say hello and good night . the most prominent of these points is to point out they say that the more we sit back, the other side will come forward, and then this became very evident in the opinion of the supreme leader of the revolution, and again pointing out and emphasizing that we have experienced this for more than 40 years. another point is that he pointed out that the discourse of resistance now, in syria and in the region ,
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it has been considered as the dominant discourse in the original constructed idea. it has been effective in order for this discourse to be shaped in the axis of resistance. in the name of allah, the most merciful. to mr. khosravi, mr. mujahid master, mr. javad mansouri, and dear telephone guest. hello and good night. i offer my condolences to specially for the anniversary of the passing away of imam, may god have mercy on him , i would like to convey to you, mr. hathavi, that the necessity of coordination of the
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resistance front in various fields is not hidden from anyone. in fact, the diplomatic part of the resistance with the brothers is the policy of the foreign policy apparatus and the issue of defense strengthening and field actions with the brothers who are in the field complex on behalf of the islamic republic as advisers and on behalf of fighters. the resistance army is constantly being carried out, but it is necessary that these meetings are held at the leadership level from time to time so that the views come closer to each other, especially the developments that we are facing and the successes that the resistance has been able to find. a tick during the aftermath of the al-aqsa storm operation requires a rereading.


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