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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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at five o'clock in the morning, the secretary general of lebanon's hezbollah considered the current battle in the region to be a battle over the existence of the palestinian nation of the nations of the region. seyyed hassan nasrallah said that this battle is related to the future of palestine and lebanon , and its victory will have positive consequences for the region at all levels. secretary general of hezbollah referring to the warning of the central bank of the zionist regime about the deterioration of the economic situation.
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he also declared solidarity with the people and army of yemen against the american and british invasion. iran's proposal to hold an extraordinary meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation on the issue of gaza was discussed by the acting foreign minister of our country in a phone call with the algerian foreign minister , he emphasized that urgent and joint action by islamic countries is necessary to stop the crimes of the occupying regime against the palestinian people and to increase aid to the residents of gaza. mr. bagheri also pointed out the crimes committed by the zionist regime in gaza in a conversation with the saudi foreign minister and stressed: "today, supporting the oppressed people in gaza and especially in rafah
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is the religious and islamic duty of all nations. the saudi foreign minister faisal bin farhan also referring to the tragic events in gaza and the region, he said that tel aviv knows no limits for its criminal actions i know mr. benfarhan also in response to the appreciation of the acting foreign minister of our country for riyadh's actions in providing weapons. he emphasized the facilities for our country's pilgrims: we are trying to provide all the necessary facilities for iranian pilgrims. the jebbalia camp in the gaza strip has been completely destroyed. according to al-manar network, the zionists mercilessly destroyed this camp and the palestinian people saw nothing but ruins when they returned to their places of residence. for
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the first time in the past three weeks , we enter the center of the jabalia camp in the north of the gaza strip. thousands of families entered the camp to their homes but they saw nothing but ruins. the mortars caught them by surprise. the gathering place of this family and displaced people was attacked and many were martyred or injured. together with you, we will go further to see the remains of the invaders' attack on the jabalia camp. attack.
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nothing else to live for. burning schools and hospitals. this is the last point in the center of jabalia camp that we were able to enter. the occupying forces have not completely withdrawn from the camp. the eastern and northern areas are still military camps. however, the families to the areas from which the occupying forces retreated have entered they were surprised in the mortar attack and many of them were martyred. the image you see here shows the level of malice of the invaders. the occupying regime has razed hundreds of houses, infrastructure, the camp's old market, the camp's police center, the clinic, and a large number of idp settlements. suppression and arrests could not stop anti-zionist student protests in american universities. students still. they participate in the protests and say
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that they will continue to defend the people of gaza. improvement peaceful students of wayne state university in detroit, michigan faced police repression. the police attacked the students early in the morning while they were resting in their makeshift tents . we were peacefully protesting against israel's genocide and our university's financial ties to israel. instead of harm.
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at the same time, at the university of california, berkeley, in santa cruz, america, despite the police attack on the tents of motheshen and the continued presence of a large number of anti-riot police forces, students continue to gather in support of the people of gaza and oppose their university's financial relationship with the zionist regime. according to the american media, the number of students arrested during anti -zionist protests at universities across the country has exceeded 3,000. the american semaphore news site also announced that many large american companies threatened not to hire students participating in these protests, but despite these pressures and threats, the anti -zionist protests of american students continue. ali rajabi, new york broadcasting news agency. arbaeen hosseini pilgrims this year can
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enter iraq through seven land and water borders. border commander after meeting with his iraqi counterpart, faraja said that this year pilgrims from arvand river border will participate in meras. the sajjadi system that we had, we used to control zaherin and other iraqi brothers were studying in this traffic is developing to all our common borders to all the ends of the border, therefore, god willing, it is facilitating transportation, especially in the processions, when the heavy vehicles were sending equipment and facilities to iraq, in the past years, it might not have been facilitated. the border of our processions is done by the vehicles that move the processions, which can be seen as a facilitator for the movement between the two countries
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. also, the commander of the border guard of iraq also said in this meeting that efforts are being made to delay the entrances of the iraqi border and the number of appearances should be kept to a minimum and that 86 non-iranian processions from different nationalities such as afghanistan, pakistan, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, saudi arabia, palestine, yemen, india, thailand, azerbaijan, nigeria, france and syria will be celebrated in qom. became. the general director of immigrant medical affairs of qom province said in this ceremony: for more than 693. total according to ali akbar zare, the creation and development of cultural processions in
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important provincial national events should be on the agenda of the immigrants. thank you very much for your companion. as you have seen and heard, the letter of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, ayatollah khamenei, addressed to pro-palestinian students in american universities was published. this letter has had various reflections since its publication, and so far more than 14 million
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visitors have read this letter in today's special news talk. we want to talk about the various aspects of the content of this letter, as well as the message of this letter, when it was published, and what is specific to this letter, and of course, the student uprising of american universities . i hope that you will plan and accompany us until the end. america is with us in the studio . i greet you, mrs. doctor. you are very welcome. salam alaikum to you and dear viewers. i would like to say hello to the supreme leader of the islamic revolution's letter to the pro-palestinian students in american universities since it was published. about two or three midnights and of course at the time of american universities in the afternoon and evening of various reflections. first, let's talk about the number of visitors and then review first, an overview of
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the reflections and reactions. parts of the letter were published in the form of a so-called tweet. i think the first sentence that was published was the same sentence that you now you are on the right side of history, and the last time i checked , it was viewed more than 14 million times. hazrat agha's message is perhaps the most important part of the letter to make this connection and emphasize that history is turning its pages a new chapter of human life is emerging, so to speak, and it needs to stand, it needs a coherent movement of the resistance front, the resistance front that is now. it is not only in west asia, but all over
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the world, including in the american universities , we are seeing its fruits. the point that hazrat agha made that you are also part of the resistance front, the paragraph of this letter can be analyzed and we can talk about it for hours , but let's talk about it first. why is the supreme leader of the islamic revolution ayatollah khamenei now the publication of this letter addressed to american students and supporters of palestine may cause problems what we see today in rafah means that there is no room left to deny that this sebak regime is anti-human , there is no room left to doubt that the situation must change, and visiona. bidar is trying to change the situation all over the world.
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this can be one part and the other part is that things happen and then the main western media turn their eyes away from palestine, that is, their perspective away from palestine. now in iran, we had the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi, and i offer my condolences here. all the viewers and their testimonies and their companions are a big shock. in america, we have a situation we have trump, whose trial was concluded today and he was convicted. well, the situation is such that different news about different issues are being published in the world, and of course, the western media institutions are under the control of the zionists, which is also part of the letter. they are trying to turn public opinion in another direction. and the point that we need to
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have a nudge from time to time that maybe this is happening here and maybe the headline of newsweek today addressed this letter is an important point and that is that he said that the supreme leader of iran sent a direct message he sent it to the students, which actually means to bypass the dominant media. and spreading this message directly that if we are going to get close to the goal, it is necessary for the resistance front to happen until it is unified, until it examines its own commonalities , until it considers the common goals. it cannot come to a conclusion and here is an opportunity for this direct connection to the newsley headline that we have mentioned
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. american students actually transfer. if we go back to the background and historiography of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , we can see that once in 2013, another in 2014, and now it has happened. the youth of the western countries, the point is that this is exactly the movement of the western youth against zionism for years. in the course of maybe 20 years, we had this movement and now we are seeing its fruits , we are seeing its results in the scene of american universities, this is why we we didn't see this earlier, the main reason is that the dominant media don't allow the developments
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until they have reached their peak and are fully exposed as a volcano. it needs to be made public that we need to look for alternative ways to communicate with the resistance nuclei that are located all over the world, and writing letters is one of these methods, that is, you , the dominant media, that if you return, the history of these format media if you look at it, you will see that these are mainly the media that were used as open media during the colonial period. the title of the great western empires i don't know the formation of ip, the different media , the existence of reuters, the news reports that exist, these were initially created as arms of the colonial empires, and now they act as arms of the same domination system that has changed but is still pursuing the same goals.
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so you need to find alternative ways, and what better way than to directly use the available tools, directly convey a message, and of course you have to wait for the reaction from the people who this message to him we will have broadcasted. khamse iriya, this letter was published, now that we were talking , it had more than 14 million visitors. how to be sure that it has reached the target audience ? of course, this audience is increasing every day and its number will increase, but until now and even in the advanced stages , when you see that the dominant media are paying attention to this and when you see that it is at the top of the news , it is certainly the letter has reached them, but this requires a new movement, that is, a new chapter in
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the now youth movement. resistance is what you need to get to the point where you can make sure that this message is communicated to the youth, now the students who are active in america, of course, the same format media that i mentioned will try to paint the same news line of the authoritarian regime in front of iran, that is, you are a wave. you will have anti-iranian news or anti-iranian analysis here and they will try to keep the truth of this message hidden, but those people who have been told this message for years have turned their eyes away from western-style media, in fact they have come to the conclusion that what is said from the language of these media
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there is nothing that is true, so the points in your letter are the words of many of these, that is , i told you a movement that has been studying the palestinian situation for 20 years, a movement that today has no doubt that the zionist regime is an apartheid regime and an occupying regime. a regime based on settler colonialism has received part of the message, but will it receive other parts or not? what are the other parts? the other parts are the leadership that is the revolution. islamic in this process . we would like the author of this letter to tell you something about the mind of the audience ghalib pay attention to this letter and cover it. giving news, we are constantly saying that they follow the scenario line and a news denial strategy in these situations
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and of course they touch on other things about these things. i want to talk to you more about these things , but let us see a report about he received the reflections on this letter about 9 years ago. above it was written addressed to european youth and he decided to come to iran. i wanted to see what a society with such leadership is like. i saw that iran is fighting for what purpose and its people are shouting the name of palestine? name. palestine now american students are also shouting and their support for palestine has become the subject of another letter from the leader of the revolution, which mr. mapim says that this
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letter has reached him and he read it to his audience. with hashtags in english such as a letter from the leader or a letter for you, for example, on this page, the part of the letter in which american students are described as being on the right side of history has been viewed more than 14 million and 800 thousand times by the time this report was broadcast. it has been dozens of times the last posts before the letter on this page virtual loaded. the american republican senator published a part of this letter on his page and wrote that many of our students are proud of these words. in the following, he showed his anger about the students being proud of the letter by recommending them to read history. he said that the history of the students answered like this, one of them wrote referring to the coup d'état on august 28, 1953, who
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caused chaos in iran, this is the behavior that has happened to our students. you gain the ayatollah's approval, you lose america who wrote in the comment section of users, i don't think his problem is the problem of the congress, you continue to finance the wars of the end, ayatollah cares more about american students than the speaker of the american house of representatives, senators and politicians. after reading the letter, an american journalist wrote on his page: i am an american patriot and i stand by the axis of resistance. we are proud of the leader of iran because he gifted awakening to the youth with his speeches and letters. a user wrote: a global revolution is being established. and this letter is prefaced by mohammad javad rahmana of sed and sima news agency
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mrs. dr. saqai biri , we were talking about this same tweet and these same messages in the studio, and one of these messages mentioned from the mouth of an american journalist that i am a patriot. this letter is read by different groups. not only american students, we are witnessing changes and transformations in addition to the decline of america in various sectors , in the sector of the media elite society and other sectors. hashon or to any now the political and economic leaders do not even have mercy on concepts. the concepts of china are the same as freedom of human rights . in fact, i don't know that you are independence and terrorist
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. the concepts that exist are human concepts that exist . if you tell this to an american who has had the experience of going to israel, for example , he will understand completely. against gaza, i was reading an article by a black american writer who says that i went to israel for two weeks before the gaza war, at the same time when everything seems to be calm, everything goes crazy and he says that i went to the cities for a few days. israeli i was, then now i wanted to go to the west bank and i had to go through these checkpoints. now , as i am black, i want to go through this checkpoint. first, they ask me where you are. arab muslim or not, and then he says that i felt like i got into a time machine, i went back to the time of my grandfathers, look at this person who says that i
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am an american patriot and i am on the resistance front, on the resistance front, he has seen and understood these things. by the way, when the same black writer returns to america and then the gaza war happens , he feels that he should be with the palestinian people and you should not see those slogans that the government's own claims about israel as the only democracy in the region as a country that is now a symbol of advanced freedom. these are the media fodder that the dominant media have been spreading to the american people and the people of the world for a long time, and really many of these news lies and many of these empty slogans have been completely exposed, and now is the time to publish this letter. now is the time. after you see that the palestinian issue is an issue
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, it means that we have reached a point where a regime allows itself to kill 35 thousand people in gaza. the most brutal way is to massacre and starve more than 2 million people , and in fact, he is punishing a nation for standing up and resisting . what happened when we got here? is it other than that a combined war has been going on against the palestinian nation and against the resistance front for years. this combined war is part of the media. forgiveness is software and forgiveness is hardware. the opposite side means us and the resistance front, which is present today from the east to the west of the world, the cores of that presence. this side too
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it should use a combined war, which means that only you cannot expect that the palestinian issue will be resolved with military resistance. the palestinian issue will be resolved when those global software problems are resolved , those lies that have been transmitted to the nations of the world during these 75 years. it was to be revealed and when the truth is revealed then you can expect it. may the situation in the west asia region not remain like this, another fate awaits the west asia region, mrs. doctor, i will return. to pass this semester and this course, many of them were expelled from the university, even continuing their education for another university is not possible for them, many of them have difficulty finding a job later.
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considering the activities that are taking place regarding them , do you think that you have a history of living in america? considering the atmosphere that prevails there, you mentioned the writer who went to the occupied territories for two weeks. and he had some experience and now he comes and says that i am with the resistance front or this journalist , how ready do you think these students are? and to pay to accept such things. the message of the leadership of the palestinian issue and perhaps beyond these, in america , there is certainly an active tenth who is willing to pay any cost, and this active tenth is studying in the most important university departments in america, which means that he has the best education and the most knowledge of history. which has reached here and if there is no hope for
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change, it is possible to reduce these costs. if he feels that why should i pay a fee, if he feels that there is hope for the situation to change, this move that i am making can be fate. change my country, what does the fate of my country mean? it means that i will not be a person who helps the massacre of another nation with the money i pay for my so-called education. they are not saying that you should go and punish the zionist regime now, for example, they are saying that you should remove your hands from this crime and this massacre. have that this will come to fruition and i feel that now we have reached a place where there is hope because when you look at history
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