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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 10:00am-10:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, news section at 10 o'clock. the largest mother and child treatment center in the southeast of the country was opened in iranshahr. this hospital was completed with 32 dedicated maternity units and 24 special care beds for newborns in the emergency and gynecological surgery department and was put into operation. the hospital
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project started in 1994, and now at the beginning of the government , it was 65%, so with the efforts made by friends in the people's government of hazrat ayatollah raisi with something around 100 billion tomans, this hospital with 114 beds , i can say that it is one of the most advanced hospitals the child is in the region, in the south, south, yes, yes. we have very few hospitals like this in the country, that is , it is really a hospital with all the facilities, and in fact , it has various departments that are needed, even advanced departments that are suitable for sick children and sick mothers. this hospital is changing the working hours of the departments from 15 khordad to 15 shahrivar, the minister of energy said, based on the approval of the board. ministers of departments must
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reduce their expenses by 30% during working hours and 60% after the end of working hours. in the administrative department, our most important program is the working hours of the offices, which, according to the approval of the government board, are from june 15, 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. will be. in this way, in fact, consumption management. of course, they should pay attention to the so-called cooling uses and set the so-called ambient temperature to the comfort temperature of 24 degrees. the head of the economic security police said that there was a 10% increase in the cases filed in the field of money laundering and tax evasion last year compared to the previous year. before
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that, it was reported that according to sardar rahimi, in the field of combating money laundering, 8 suspects were arrested and the financial value of the filed cases increased by 45%. head of faraja economic security police also referring to the growth of 8. filing a land grabbing case in 1402 compared to the previous year, he said, 3069 hectares of borzash land , more than 2600 billion tomans worth of land was discovered , and hormozgan and chaharmahal bakhtiari districts had the most cases. the selection of the field of study for the non-continuous master's exam of 1403 starts today. the national evaluation organization announced that the authorized candidates have until june 16. choose a maximum of 100 field codes. guidebook for choosing a field on the internet. the deadline for choosing the special exam
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for student teacher admission in farhangian university ends today. according to the announcement of the national measurement organization so far more than 110,000 applicants for admission to this university have chosen a major. hotel fire. poria in anzali bandar was contained by the efforts and dispatch of firemen from five stations. anzali, the deputy head of the crisis headquarters of the free zone organization, said that the third floor of this hotel caught fire at around 10:00 p.m. last night, and it was extinguished after two hours with the efforts of firefighters. majid fatehi stated that the cause and extent of the fire damage is being investigated and said that fortunately the fire did not cause any casualties and the passengers staying in this hotel
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were transferred to the nearest hotels. in the air attack of the zionist regime on different areas of gaza city, including camp. a number of palestinians were martyred and wounded in al brij. at the same time, the artillery of the occupation regime heavily shelled several houses in the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. the vicinity of al-maghazi camp in the center of the gaza strip was also targeted by zionist artillery attacks. in the west bank, the zionist forces attacked the town of kafardan in the east of jenin, after which the resistance fighters clashed with the occupiers. well
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, while saying goodbye , i invite you, the viewers, to watch the conference hall program of the broadcasting organization, which is a conference about gaza. it will be held and the speaker will be mr dr. qalaf is the head of the islamic council. today, the popular wave of support for gaza and the resistant rafah has risen to european and american cities. and even some former allies of the zionist regime are determined to recognize the independent state of palestine. today, when the hague international court stops stuttering and clearly condemns the usurper israel , today, the universities of europe and america,
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despite the suppression by those loyal to the illegitimate existence of israel, classrooms. have become liberated and free, the world hears the voice of palestine. but this voice came from the throat of a divine man 60 years ago qom reached our ears. he showed the root of corruption and oppression not only in iran but in the world, alone and even in the midst of the surprise of his close friends who accompanied him to fight against the autocratic and dependent tyrannical system of iran. criminal america and
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the tyrannical regime of israel and of course taught us the solution. eliminate the diet. zionism, while the world and even the islamic world was struggling to deal with this illegitimate existence and the oblivion of palestine, in imam khomeini's attitude against the necessity of solving the palestinian issue, the attention of the global conscience and the unity of the islamic ummah was. from the day that the islamic movement in iran began until the victory of the islamic revolution, the imam never allowed the issue of palestine
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to be removed from the agenda of the iranian people. after the victory of the revolution, he used all the facilities of the system created by the people's revolution to solve the palestinian issue. the most important thing was attention and focus on the issue and that palestine remains the first issue of the islamic world . in this context, the imam did not spare any help . the initiative of world quds day originated from this concern. now we see that every day has become the international day of palestine. israelis lack wisdom as much as they lack human nature
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they are also human beings. they thought that as time passes, palestine will be more forgotten and the body of resistance. will be shaved. but since imam khomeini, instead of arab nationalism, which successively led to defeat in the war. could have made islamic zeal and human conscience the basis of palestinian resistance. israel has become weaker day by day until today when the cold sweat of death sits on its forehead. imam khomeini was the imam of change. his insight day by day only for the people of iran. it will become clear not only for the people of iran but also for the free people of the world.
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imam's transformation roadmap was not only for iran, but also for the world islam was for all mankind. see the developments in the palestinian issue. we all know that one of the dreams of the 30th regime was that with the passing of time and generational changes, the palestinian issue would be forgotten among the youth. they tried their best to move a new generation to the occupied territories and even create joint entertainment between palestinian and israeli youth. the new palestinian generation also disturbed this troubled dream. this
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is the hand of imam khomeini who has led the wave of awakening and resistance since 60 years ago. today, not only the palestinian youth born after cam tweed and oslo is more resistant than any other generation. rather , young people and students all over the world have risen to support them. this transformation is the result of the will and guidance of a human being who thinks and gives guidance in the context of divine traditions. now it is this will, this will of the palestinian nation and the will of the muslim and free people all over the world, that
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breaks the levels of support for the predatory regime one by one and moves forward. israel's brutality is a reaction to an existential fear that it feels well and increasingly. no one understands better than israel itself that this wave of resistance is centered. the palestinians themselves sooner or later this it will eradicate the rotten body. the flamboyant propaganda of the zionist regime has no buyers anymore. as the economy of this regime is collapsing and beyond all the illusion of israel's security for its own citizens . it has become a constant fear. after the passing away
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of khomeini the great, our dear imam khamenei, as our jurist and leader of the islamic revolution, continued the same religious and dignified democratic approach and pays special attention to the root solution of the palestinian issue. today, this divine man, with young people all over the world who are offended by israel's oppression and zeal their religion and humanity has been awakened , he speaks and gives good news to those who have become part of the global resistance front that they are standing on the right side of history and their movement will reach their destination based on the divine tradition. god willing, global solidarity will continue to destroy israel, and our youth
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will greet the world after israel, which is a better place for human life today. iran's operation of sadiq's promise has exposed the spider's web of the infamous israeli regime to the eyes of the world. he demonstrated and upset the wrong calculations of the domination system. we are neither in support of the oppressed people of palestine nor in the protection of privacy we don't compromise our security with the enemy. we are good, but it is good for the youth of the world to know that we are resisting for democracy, so that all the original and real residents of palestine decide the fate of their country by themselves, regardless of their religion and ethnicity. this
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is a permanent plan. and the islamic republic of iran is possible for a definitive solution to the palestinian issue, and from here i send my greetings to the victorious spirit of the martyrs and the imam of the martyrs, the imam who revived islam again in the 20th century. to the imam who gave honor and dignity to all muslims in the 20th century. we send greetings to the martyrs and imams of martyrs who walk in the path of god he didn't take it and didn't say a word except for god, and always
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the mujahidan bravely walked on this path with faith in god, faith in people and faith in himself. we send greetings to the victorious soul of the martyrs and imam shahadai, who taught us all in the 20th century that divine traditions are immutable. if we move in the way of god, god has given us a guarantee of victory , let us not hesitate to continue the path of martyrs, imams, martyrs, the revival of islam in this region, relying on god sincerely and with
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piety, whether individual piety or collective piety. i hope that we will move forward with unity and faith in the effort and struggle with appeal and faith in divine traditions may we all move forward with the power of unity and health, god willing. once again, welcome to all the dear guests and dear participants who made this international meeting possible. peace be upon you, god's mercy and blessings. a lot of words.
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sharaf al-arabiya, the whole poem, all of you are jews, all of you are arabs, my love, my love, there is no god
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but god, and may god have mercy on him. by god, you are sweet. oh, and by god, you are sweet. oh, thank god. we thank god. god will open our bag, no bag except god .
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oh, the meaning of gaza, taala man al lagit al-kais lagit al-kais
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there is an election because our dear people, in addition to the birth certificate that was in the current law , can also
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cast their vote to the fund on the day of voting, god willing , through the national card. identity verification is possible with the birth certificate as well as with the national card. yes, yes, for the upcoming elections , basically, this matter has been approved by us in the parliament. well, as the famous saying goes, five documents were recognized by the parliament election law. in the case of the presidential election, our loved ones in the parliament decided that only the national card should be added to the birth certificate , and each of these can be voted separately. the next item is the second part of the budget bill for the year 1403 of the whole country. well, the first part of the tables, which became a law at the end of last year and was promulgated, and the second part
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was finally followed up in the last few weeks with the changes that were going on. there was only one case left, which was also referred to the expediency council with the insistence of the respected members, and in the last session of the council, last wednesday, this one case was also resolved, so we can the second part of the budget bill for the year 1403 of the whole country, i.e. the tables. the same let us know that it has been finalized and let us know that this resolution is a law , and god willing, this resolution will go through the process of its notification. the next item is the cooperation agreement bill. in the field of information security between the government of the islamic republic of iran and the government of the russian federation
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, in the previous stage, we had objections to this resolution with the amendments made by the parliament regarding this bill, and with the investigations we had , i can say that this resolution is also the comparison with the starting standards and the constitution was not recognized and it can go through the notification process, god willing. the next item is the security and law enforcement cooperation agreement bill there is the government of the islamic republic of iran and the government of the republic of kyrgyzstan. we had only one problem with this resolution, which is the use of persian literature and words, which was resolved with the amendments made by the parliament, and this resolution was also considered to be against the starting standards and the constitution. the next issue is the agreement on the establishment and framework of the activities of cultural centers between the government of the islamic republic of iran and the government of the russian federation
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. guardian council of the case it was investigated and it was not found to be against the standards of sharia and the constitution. the next item is the plan to amend article 14 of the islamic penal code, which calls out dear ones regarding forgivable and unforgivable crimes. was mentioned in the islamic penal code . in the previous stage, we had objections and ambiguities regarding the resolution that with the reforms that were implemented in the parliament, this resolution was not found to be against the standards of sharia and the constitution, and god willing, it will go through the notification process for implementation. the next item is the question of article 32 of the law of the house of assembly.
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it is islamic, there are two questions in this passage there was one about the alidel members of the sharah council and one about the discussion of the board of directors and the resignation. finally, of the two cases that i mentioned that were discussed in the council meeting , the gentlemen in the guardian council had objections only regarding the effective time of this resolution because take time from time. sueib masabah , that is, last year, the first of august was the basis. well, this is why the gentlemen considered this opinion and this point to be contrary to principle 73 and the interpretation theory of the guardian council. the same problem was pointed out by our colleagues in the high board of supervision of the good implementation of the general policy. have a system that the necessary time for the implementation of this resolution it was considered against the policies and it is his right for the parliament to finally interpret it, but when
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the interpretation was finally discussed , we were both in the guardian council and in the supreme board of oversight of the good implementation of the system's general policies. the next item is the tax plan on speculation and gambling, which we had already received one stage of this resolution , many objections to this resolution were raised in the guardian council. recently, the parliament corrected these defects. he had sent his amendment to the guard again. because the volume of approval finally, it is detailed. we have done detailed investigations. many of our problems were resolved, but there are still some problems and uncertainties regarding this resolution, so the cause of the parliament
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will be returned, god willing. the next item is the 7th five-year plan for the development of the islamic republic of iran, which was discussed between the parliament and the guardian council several times. many of our problems and ambiguities were resolved. regarding some cases of the honorable parliament insisted that these cases. there were also cases that the supreme board of supervision over the implementation of the general policies of the system had sent to the parliament through us, so the parliament insisted, and this matter was recently submitted to the expediency of the system assembly. i know that it is on the agenda of the assembly on wednesday. the cases have been investigated, but there
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are still some cases left. they will have what they need. this is also from the seventh program. the next item is the transparency plan of the police forces, executive bodies and other institutions. well, how many times? in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the merciful and the merciful, my dear viewers of the khabar khet network , i am at your service . we are starting the specialized news section of the media with short news . .


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