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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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kenan or some departments and institutions, we are in the north , we are on the coast of the sea. we don't have a coast . the president in gilan, no government agency has the right to occupy a beach that should be available to the public. i am in charge of my government and i am telling the government department. no government agency in the country has the right to occupy a beach that should be available to the public , and they should withdraw as much as the law allows. the tireless man of the government and the people brings himself to mazandaran to follow up. gende belare, mr. interior minister, it was arranged to have a meeting for a design. how to use the beach. piece by piece , meter by meter, fences, fences, and walls were removed so that the sea reaches the shore without any disturbance, so that masin's hand does not hurt. i am happy, like other citizens , it is very beautiful here.
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almost two years have passed since that day, the issues that were released for people to use it in this way, the release made them all feel that our sea is a great service to all, may god have mercy on them. it was a special gift to be a measure that brought investors to work along with the satisfaction of the people the side of the presidency is for investors like us and investors who invest in the future . now, after the liberation of the beaches, sanitization and organization can be the continuation of the path of martyr of service. it can help the tourism industry a lot. the liberation of the coasts was a historical talisman that was broken by the government's strategy. now , only 3% of the 487 km coastal strip is left, which is also at the disposal of the ports. benyamin morshedi of sari broadcasting news agency. well, we have seen the report, which
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was not possible to implement and operationalize for decades, and despite the fact that for nearly two decades the law was also introduced, but it was not implemented. you were the governor at that time. how was the people, especially regarding the liberation of the coasts? yes, well , as was evident in my report, the martyred ayatollah raisi actually created a new model in the governance of the country and created a new direction in the interaction. with the people, one of
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the most important debates that mattered to them was that the people's rights were ignored on the beaches of mazandaran . the relationship, well, they know that it costs money. why were the previous governments not able to do it, because the beaches were actually blocked by government agencies and some institutions for various reasons during these years, sometimes in fact
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, and people's roads were closed. in fact, the exploitation of the coast for some military devices, service devices such as the ports of the ports organization exists . it is normal. well, we gave them a report from the three northern provinces, gilan, mazandaran, and golestan, and mr. president, it is one of their indicators. it was that if they reach a decision on the matter , they would be dismayed for action. i remember that when mr. president raised this issue and before it was announced, he said that if you can implement it, stay, if you can't, the responsibility will be on you. leave it to someone else, very serious and they said. being that i want this
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work to be done for the benefit of the people and for the people to feel calm on the beach. now you have this example from the order of mr. president. it is after their order that this work was done, and i thank all military government agencies right here everyone who is a police officer, helping is really the most important thing in this area, the general staff of the armed forces, mr. sardar bagheri, came to work and helped to get this done, i must say that he died. when these beaches were freed, i myself went to the beaches one day, mr. abedini, so many people referred to me that mr. thank you mr. president, we were really always sad on this beach, we couldn't walk, move, exercise
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, but one of the most important the orders of mr. president after the liberation were to organize the open beaches, that part of the first one that we discussed that now i myself was involved in this story, now i have come to this position and i will definitely follow this issue, god willing, now we are interested in the investors who have many investments in mazandaran coasts, both domestic and foreign investments from many of these arab countries. we have rules and regulations that unfortunately we encountered problems in signing contracts with these investors . we could not implement this definitive policy, mr. president. of course, it was implemented in part. but taking definite measures so that our people
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can leave the coasts in compliance with religious and religious teachings such as we are different from other countries , our questions are different. yes, we can prepare our questions based on the same rules . this year, dear mr. abini, this year, more than 20 million people entered mazandan. from the forest, some of our rules do not allow us investors to express investors. they make people express exploitation and this issue is one of our priorities, god willing and this remains a memory for the honorable ayatollah raisi shahid mehboob, that our dear people
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can enjoy the peace of the beaches during their free time on the beaches of mazandaran . it has been about two or three decades that you had an executive job with the martyred president, directly or indirectly, and you worked with the most important management qualities in him, and you know that it helped to improve the work and speed it up. what was their decision and implementation? yes, hazrat ayatollah raisi, well, in terms of individuals , our dear people are asking for forgiveness, really many people mr. abedini, i say this as someone who
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had the opportunity to do this , we had cooperation in his service for at least two or three decades. mr. abedini , yes, he had a characteristic that he would always go to the place where the client was, for work , he didn't know the time, sometimes until 12:00 a.m. one night. whether at the time of being in the judiciary, at the time of being the national inspection organization, or at the time of being on the threshold of quds, and then at the presidential institution even the presidential clothes could not keep him away from the people. he is very bound to this issue. well
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, his management indicators are one of the important management indicators of hazrat ayatollah raisi. it was their consensus building power. they have a really effective role in building consensus, in fact, the opinions of managers. and i didn't see anyone who could do it as well as them. the reason was that they had a high head. hazrat ayatollah raisi may have seen a lot of discussions with many people who were around him, but because of the interests of the people, they resented him and did not react at all. they don't show themselves, we saw it we have seen this from other personalities, as soon as there is a criticism or a discussion
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, they make a lot of noise, but hazrat ayatollah raisi, for the benefit of the islamic system , they give up their right in many places. mr. abedini's desire for change was his, first of all, mr. abedini. i paid special attention to the young generation. you see, in his government, a lot of cadre building was done from the forces of the revolution, from the educated forces , he paid special attention to the elites of the country , mr. abedini, throughout the years after the revolution. we had 5,000 knowledge-based centers. during the 3 years of his government, 5,000 knowledge-based centers were added. yes, it's a revolution, a big change. they
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are supporters of the youth without a party. it really didn't matter to them . first of all, the murderer of the president had neither a party nor a political movement. he was the connecting point of the people wherever they were. fortunately, with the connection they have with the body of the people and the text of the society. to have. because hazrat ayatollah raisi was recognized as one of the figures of a man in the field after the leader of the hearts, haj qasim soleimani, who was truly a man of the field, and in the islamic world, he was truly hazrat ayatollah raisi in the executive field was the square man, we didn't have anyone who could reach his feet, all the managers who were around him , it
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was really important to them because of this will, this motivation, and this responsibility, if they had the smallest job in a corner of the country, they knew that with his presence will solve this problem . if you know that such presence in the field is not an easy task, finally , i want to tell you that one of the topics that is very strange these days, mr. abedini, and i , unfortunately, have seen some analyzes in some places. i saw that mr. ayatollah raisi himself, for example it is very good, but having a weak team, if this is the case, it is difficult for many of these managers who work day and night in the country with the ayatollah raisi , from mr. dr. mokhbar, the honorable first vice president, who is now the acting president. they are standing by ayatollah raisi's side 24 hours a day, standing and working
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, their deputies, honorable ministers who are working now , governors, governors, why all this, because ayatollah raisi has created a school in the executive sphere, in my opinion, it is actually setting a chain of events. management well, in our country, unfortunately , some governments pay attention to western methods they did not hesitate to announce me, they said, sir , in order to interact with the world, we must have a relationship, we must do this, but hazrat ayatollah raeesi, by turning the country's track from western management to a revolutionary religious jihadist management and management that was adopted from the school of agha amirul mominin this management was created in the country and you saw what happened. the same management in
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the international field, you also saw during the presence of ayatollah raisi that the world was against the authority that ayatollah raisi had from the people and from the position of supreme leader. his highness is everywhere, mr have a hint without mentioning it, without mentioning it, they performed it, yes, he was not the president, to say, now, i will investigate to see, no, he was really devoted to the supreme leader. and he believed that they were doing this because of their belief . forgive me, sir and god, because of the special respect that ayatollah raisi had for the position of supreme leader and the respect that he had for the people who were not syrians, this respect was real respect. it is possible, for example, that at some point, a
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photo may be taken in the place of people, ayatollah raisi does not wear a robe at all. to read follow be it these discussions, i myself saw during my trip to the province where they were in charge of mazandan province that they really love the people, this change of track that they did that the islamic republic of iran , our dear imam, imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him , wanted the supreme authority against this administration. for years, the leadership of the same management listened to the governments, but they implemented it, and well. we saw what happened, and by the way, this jihadist, revolutionary and field management method got the stamp of approval from the people , both during their presence and after their martyrdom , you saw the huge flood of popular gatherings in this the ceremonies, which were truly unique, and not only
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inside the country, but also abroad, these caused that this management style and this management chain that they created will continue without interruption , that is, people will not be able to accept it outside of this. to take different paths, to see different managements, to see hazrat ayatollah raisi , to establish a management system that is based on jihadist management, based on the people and paying attention to the people, with the cooperation of all the statesmen and those who are trying and the support of the dear people, god willing, it will continue. they want mr. hosseinipour in the field field in the provinces well, among other things, i traveled to mazandaran twice and some provinces like khuzestan province
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, i traveled more than seven or eight times to solve the problems that existed in khuzestan, to sistan baluchistan , south khorasan and almost all the cities of the provinces and many cities that before this, none of the senior officials had set foot there, but in your field of work , you have a close relationship with the islamic council and regular meetings with the provincial representatives assembly. how much this meeting and requests with the assembly of provincial representatives has been able to untie the knot of people's work and a field for strengthening provide the relationship between the islamic council and the government . yes, one of the people's institutions that
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is very effective in the provinces and plays a unique role in provincial decision-making is the assembly of provincial representatives. in their constituency, they follow the demands of the people in general. provincial representatives have provincial demands , that is , they examine the needs of their province in this assembly and follow up through the assembly at the national level.
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they had a province only in the presidential institution. it is implied that they had many individual meetings with representatives of those who just had time. it is implied that they had many meetings during provincial trips with respected representatives. well, these 31 meetings were held in the presidential institution, there were approvals and orders issued to them , and most of those orders were implemented. . there is one thing left that we must follow up now . ayatollah raisi's belief in interacting with the majlis . why, because they
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put this popularization policy to solve the country's problems by hazrat ayatollah raisi on their agenda, well, one of the components popularization, in fact, what were the problems that the people had? it was the assembly of representatives who are the people's representatives. yes, that's why they emphasized that we we should use the expert opinions of respected representatives, because the representatives go to the text of the people , in the villages, in the cities, they are always in touch with the people, and the issues that come out of these are real issues from the text of the people, that's why we have a plan , god willing, in the continuation of the movement, we can define a chain of excellence let's see the honorable representatives of the provinces with the parliamentary deputy and also in this way with the different departments of the government that you have an explanation for
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the ministry of home affairs and its subsidiary organizations have very important relationships with the respected representatives in various departments. finally, the honorable representatives have some reminders in the parliament, which will be announced . it is exclusive to the debates in their constituencies. we are bound to follow up on these reminders and follow up and announce the results to the honorable representatives because finally the representatives in their constituencies must be accountable. there are demands that the people have from alhamdulillah, our representatives are very comprehensive in this field in every term of the new parliament we are very privileged. during these few days, i have met with at least 100
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representatives. i have seen that their attitude is to solve the problem and to solve the problem. whether they are new to the parliament or not all the representatives are good. i am sorry for those who have been in the parliament since the past. fortunately, there is this view , there is this interaction between the parliament and the government, and we all know that this is the emphasis of the supreme leader, the supreme leader emphasized that the problem will not be solved by fighting in the country , so all the officials are trying today. that, god willing, professional solutions and solutions. yes, in solving the country's problems , follow the instructions of the honorable martyr hazrat ayatollah raisi, god willing
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, and we are also at the service of our dear people .
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easy purchase of train tickets to sir taser. how long will iran be on the fly? how long will abi cooleri last? didn't i say don't mention his name, your father doesn't like him, won't we be cool if we don't mention his name? then, when it's so easy, what are you talking about with one of these namesakes? we used to say that esmeshniar is a low consumption esmeshniar. they say that i bought it in installments and it is very economical. surfer
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and where to buy? it is known that sohrai irani sells special types of coolers with exceptional conditions in the big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh . there is no end to the amazing excitement. the sports complex of mashhad blue waves opens . the largest wellness and jacuzzi complex in the country with an area of ​​more than square meters on an amazing and magnificent global scale, jacuzzi with different temperatures, two huge halls of dry sauna, two large halls of steam sauna, cold water tunnel public and private massage parlors are scheduled for this week at the mashhad blue waves sports complex, adjacent to the 8th radiant akhtar of the province, looking forward to the visit of all pilgrims. imam
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rauf, ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city of home appliances, put it down, well, well, well, i don't have a check, bye, everyone, bye, no, madam , i don't want a check, will you be my guarantor, i don't want to be a guarantor . does not want a special purchase for retirees.
2:00 pm
another person until noon on the third day of registration of candidates for the presidential nomination, the spokesman of the guardian council, with the amendment of the election law, voting in the upcoming elections were made possible with the national card. the legal time for the guardian council to review qualifications is 5 days, of course, it is possible to extend it


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