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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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we had in the news that the system of contract farming and marketing is coming into operation, the managing director of the central rural development organization said that this system has been in operation for 3 months. it has been used on a trial basis for the corn product, with the removal of iranat this month , it will be implemented officially and including more products. he understood that it is normal for you to start something that you want to do first, but it is normal for there to be some flaws in it. it was in that plan. we fixed your problems, and
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one of the most important problems was actually that the type of product was not chosen correctly, that is, products were chosen that were 80-90% food. strategic and we came here, by the way , we chose a product that is one of the summer products and spring products , which mainly face problems now, the problem of the market now, the most important product that faced problems was onion, the most important a product which had faced problems, for example, it was tomatoes and potatoes that we entered this year, so our type of entry into the product should be products that actually have market problems, we should start with them to reach the next priorities, which is the chain. the value of each product is actually determined first and checked, and in fact this program is prepared in
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the form of this chain. in fact, the stage of preparation of the first market institution , you consider what is the first market in fact it is prepared exactly, the market is actually checked according to the needs of the market. in fact, we start production. this is, of course, the needs of the market and we have two categories, one is the need of the domestic market and the need of the foreign market . they are also issued in the form of a systematic cultivation contract . our farmer does not plant the seeds in the field from the moment he actually has them. who is his customer if he discovers the customer at the beginning and does not know who this customer actually is, not interest. it is actually a scientific product, not even if it is if the product is produced, if there is no market for it, it can actually reach this appropriate profitability. now what should the farmer do and what will happen to him in this contract that we came to
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using this plan, we helped the farmer who , god willing, planted with good quality at the right time. when the cultivation is finally done , we provided the mechanization operation to the farmers , and there were stages in the preparation of the planting bed . finally, those new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the capacity of knowledge-based companies in the field of agriculture they are working and providing services , and finally, for marketing , i am in charge of large livestock farms with a large holdina , which in the end, this feed produced, this corn produced must
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reach the market for the consumption of the animals that are under the management of this livestock farm. we saw the information, that is , if i want to tell you in one sentence, we came under a contract with the farmer. we did market-oriented production and market-based production. one of the problems of the previous times was the credit problem in providing the inputs and seeds, which caused the plan to fail. now, what has been thought about this issue , there is no problem with the credit, we are in this plan that our loved ones are actually making compensation in the field of production. actually , please explain that our network has been prepared and made available to our loved ones. we have good connections with the companies that actually produce inputs at a very reasonable price and actually
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buy these inputs in cash. the right price is available to the farmers more important than the price, it is actually of very good quality. let me tell you, in fact, with the help of the companies that actually produce these inputs , in fact, these three sets that i am serving you do not have any credit problems in purchasing the product , we have the necessary credit, in fact , we provide them with a credit is actually half the effort required to buy their products . ghani will also do the purchasing of the product , and god willing, it will become a basis for our other products. the potato product is probably the next product to
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be launched in this system. god willing, it is actually wheat and barley with the cooperation and coordination that we have with the specialized vice-chairs of our ministry of air conditioning and with the very good support of mr. minister, god willing. we can until the end of the year. as a society, we should actually start with at least four or five crops, god willing. in the 7th plan, we saw almost complete and comprehensive development of both contract farming and the cultivation model. he killed me unfortunately, it was incomplete, now we have put it in the law and obliged the honorable government to meet all the needs in line with the discussion of more production, better production, higher quality production, domestic and some needs, sometimes the issue of export or in the field of conversion industry. due to the climate problems we have, the issue of available water conditions, the issue of maintaining agricultural soil,
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we are going to do this cultivation and, so to speak, the cultivation pattern as well. let's take a look. one of the things that caused confusion in the market was that we didn't have the regulation of production and we couldn't regulate the market because of the lack of statistics. this statistic was partly related to production , and partly related to the market in the field of production. the act of this verification through actually ourselves as a department actually government at the actual level that wanted to take place
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was always faced with a lot of fluctuation. we called it the structure of the system see also the structure of production fees, now the ceo is actually. the production compensation that has come , let's assume that he has proposed a thousand hectares of land to grow this crop, the ceo himself, in fact, this company is the main executor of this plan, and the system is actually verifying this issue , that is, the agriculture that is now going to the land. he is preparing to announce in that system through that user's password that is specific to him, saying now i have done this cache , now actually this part has been received, this code has been received. let me tell you that the first water is at this door in fact, the ground was given, the second water was given to the crop, so that we check whether the amount
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mentioned in this system and in the cache model is actually correct or not. it means that the market can be tested. in fact , we have the real part of the test. we are doing this. we are the system, in fact, the exchanges between our network will be launched in less than three months, god willing. we are currently launching our own network system in the cooperative. we are a village that is connected to these systems and is actually produced all operations. and benefit from the services of this system, of course , i told you that this is the first year of the implementation of the plan
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, and it will be implemented in 8 provinces , appropriate information will be provided through the cities where the model of corn cultivation has been introduced for these cities , appropriate information will be provided through the ministry of home affairs. done, any of the dear farmers who want to participate in this plan can participate, farzadeh. mr. raisi served the people sincerely, mr. raisi came to the elections sincerely and god accepted his sincerity, i have many successes. finding, but without claims, without advertising, without deception
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i served the people and god almighty has said that whoever shows me sincerity, i will introduce him myself. many people may not know the statistics of mr. raisi's services, but their hearts testify that they did the right thing. his political politeness was a model. to division and polarization. he did not pay attention to scheming and populist politics. he was not a first class orator who came to talk therapy with people . the people of the provinces, especially the workers of those factories that opened, understand that he served. by the way, if we were worried before, our worries are gone today. the side because you see that the character and slogans of the first years of the revolution were revived. imam
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juma martyr, we are on the path of mehrab martyrs. we have a martyred president. we have a martyred minister. people whose work files are also beautiful and sincere. a revolution that took place after 40 years by a person with pure revolutionary slogans. a vote is taken, a person at the top of a political position in the country is martyred, and the people who have explained his sincerity to accept this revolution means that there is a permanent concern that we will not have people like this after 40 years, but it seems that the words of the revolution are showing themselves. well this it shows that we are progressing in realizing the revolution and surely the names of these martyrs and their path will serve more than themselves in the future. people
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see this and people do not stop from this path. the members of qaf literary club sang a poem in honor of the martyred president. these guys are actually talented. they are from all over the country, in different formats, each in their own field, in the sections of white poetry, new nimayi poetry, and classical poems , they started to write works and in fact, the writings remained unknown , remained unknown, were in front of every look in the footsteps lost in the dust of a pencil, a heart full of love and affection his people, his heart was broken in those years, but
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it was healed, it blossomed and a flower opened . it was healed, it blossomed and a flower opened. without wings, one can become an angel, friend without wings, one can become an angel, raffi, he is a dreamer from the people who are themselves. you have seen well , he is the servant of pleasure, he became the martyr of his love, he became the martyr of the love of god , he accompanied them, he was the companion of the mercy
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of his master, he knew the way of love , he found them earlier than us. happy connection you have become good, you have been counted, the result is this, by god's vote , you have become a martyr, you are like a fairy in moonlit nights, you are like a butterfly in the death of rain, you are like a butterfly in the sky, you are like a tulip in the desert, you are like a guardian of existence, a loving mother, you smell the fragrance of anemones. the flight of the eternal dove, you
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are like a flower in the desert, i love you like the passion of a song of liberation , you are like a soldier, you are more in love, you are like the hero of stories, the members of the ghaf club, the best literary talents, the center for the intellectual development of children and teenagers all over the country, these children, in fact , we have a group. yes, the group that has their own works there to reflect and we have collected the works of these, and god willing, after the review by the judging team ,
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it will be done in this center. in fact, let us publish the martyrs of service and this recent incident, ahmad. a student reached the final stage with the participation of 64 teams. in the national stage of the 12th student debate competition, 64 groups of four reached the final stage here at the university of science and culture. mr. amir hossein sahraian. at the endpoint of the group.
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we took tehran university to the top. yes, how long did it take? this is the competition period, you can say that we have concentrated our time since the fall and after the preparatory course of the university, we have been training as much as possible every week and every day since february. the point is that our team four people focused on the issues and it was not like we had a separation of roles. fortunately, this cooperation was so focused and strong that it reached this conclusion and we had an exchange of ideas , which made this result good. the topic of the debate was that the
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principled reformist duality has become a moderate duality and radical. freedom of speech in fact , let's show it in the academic atmosphere, despite the side propaganda that is sometimes done later by the media , i would like to tell you this, during the 12 periods of holding the competitions, we had different political, cultural, economic, and social propositions, but alhamdulillah, until this moment, your service we are witnessing a leap in the field of free-thinking chairs with the complete freedom of students to express their own points and positions. in fact, the volume of activities in this area has really increased, but the selected speaker of this course of competitions the speaker of the speech group from tehran university, from the educational institution of yazd province, one very important point is that in addition to my body language, the way i stand, the way people dress, the way they look at the members who
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are present in the meeting, i pay the necessary attention to the discussion and the type of reasoning. their expressions, in fact, the facts they use to defend their views are very important to me, and thank god , in this course, we witnessed that the children of the speech group are excellent. iran students was launched in 2013 to promote and deepen the culture of dialogue and the spirit of demanding and resilience among students. this year, by using the results obtained from all the debates , which are really the opinions of my dear students, it will be reflected to the research institute, and in that research, they will use these opinions, and after these research results are turned into policy packages. inshallah, it will be sent to the government committee of the majlis. on the sidelines of
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the 12th round of the national competition of the student debate with the unveiling of the book of correct reasoning, it was decided to hold the international competition from mehr 1403 at the same time as the start of the 13th round of the university competition . calling for the first round of international competitions god willing, the students' debate will be announced from the first of july and we will hold the first competition in tehran in october 1403. hossein kashanian of radio and television news agency. moghdi mahdi, a palestinian farmer , is checking the condition of his fields. he carefully walks through the ashes left from his farm. last week, the fire engulfed about 17 hectares of his rural land and
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destroyed the crops grown in these lands. these are all wheat. do you see how it happened? they are all burnt. every year we plant and harvest crops and for we use it to make bread and feed our sheep and livestock. this year all our farm. as a result of israeli military maneuvers , it was carried out in an army base in the vicinity of mazara. israeli soldiers
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were training and shooting in this area. the fire immediately spread to the agricultural fields. the fire reached the military camp near this area. and the fire brigades , civil defense forces and israeli planes immediately intervened before the fire reached the military camp and jewish settlements. in those hundreds of ghettos and military bases there is. he believes that these fires are not accidental, but part of israel's long-term strategy. israel used these military areas to control this land and empty it of palestinians. all means of pressure and intimidation are used against us, including
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the military and training areas of the israeli army , especially the army exercises during the crop drying season. agriculture is held. every year they intentionally burn our products. they close their military maneuvers throughout the year and as soon as the crops are dry and available.
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there are many this is where they are for several they lived there for decades. they have no other place to live or escape from here and they have to live next to this uncomfortable neighbor . the head of sabran varugh behid. believers, we are our faith, our prayers, our independence, our freedom, the role of our lives . mai and jabadan
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of the islamic republic of iran.
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rahman al-rahim, hello. after press police won the premier football league, the fans of this team came to the streets in tehran and celebrated the championship of their beloved team. last night, press police won against misr rafsanjan with 68 points and became the champion of the premier football league it became iran. we are always champions. until the 70th minute.


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