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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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ok, in terms of the size and width , there is a possibility of an accident, this cannot be denied, well , there may be temporary outages, for example, but electricity will definitely be provided in the settlements in a stable manner. industrialized in order for them to be able to use the power generation capacity of small-scale power plants, as well as the solar renewable power plant next to the existing settlements, these will also help to have stable electricity in this sector. peak consumption, especially in july and august, when the weather gets hotter, air conditioners are used more can we make a plan? i believe here that with this plan or campaign with the energy that this year with the awarding of awards, people will participate more. even
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if you have the necessary prosperity, by reducing your consumption, help us to use electricity optimally so that we can deliver more electricity to the productive parts of the country, god willing, we can achieve this request. .ir or by dialing the 15 star 21 square number, which is the plan of 15% reduction in consumption in 21 weeks, people should dial because of their honor. link. to install this software on a smartphone or computer after registering. fortunately , the number of registrations these days has increased, which will lead to the possibility of using various methods to reduce consumption. he advises them to use these methods in different regions and climates, and there is also a simulation in this system where you enter electrical appliances and it tells you what your consumption is for these uses. how is it
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, in addition to the things i have presented to you , you can report your own consumption on a weekly basis by taking a picture of the electricity consumption meter , every time this reading is done , they will receive an internet package as a prize, and then they can control their consumption week by week by reducing their own consumption, and receive the prizes that have been predicted on a weekly basis. they can have weekly and monthly and this helps us to have optimal consumption in the home sector. let me tell you this point , this year, the commercial sector can apply for awards in this area, they declare their electricity consumption , they register in this system with energy . let him register in the system, see , you have asked this very good question, mr. bozornasab , if a subscriber reduces his electricity consumption and his bill shows a reduction in consumption compared to the same period last year , this will be done automatically. these raffles
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are contributed to save the prizes , so don't worry about this, we will do our first big raffle within a month in july, but if you register now , you will receive an internet package and over time who participates in this program and by reducing his own consumption of prizes, as i mentioned, such as supplies the household can use digital devices and so on and win. how much do you estimate that you can achieve optimal consumption with this method? regarding renewable power, how much did you count on it this year ? well, a very good rail investment was made in this government for the development of renewable power plants. currently , about 13,000 megawatts of renewable power plants are under construction in my country. i hope that by the end of this year, there will be about 4,500 megawatts. accepted to the power plant.
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to add to the country's current situation, we currently have about 1300 megawatts of renewable power plants in the country. this is a very good and rare record in iran. a remarkable leap will take place in the field of renewables, and let me also say this , the country's agricultural sector is actually welcoming renewable energy development plans to supply electricity to agricultural wells and in the industry, as i said, about a thousand megawatts. we can clearly see the plan for the development of renewable energies in the ministry, and god willing, it will come to fruition and we will increase the share of renewable energy in our production portfolio. their electricity consumption was more than what they should have consumed you were wondering how it was this year, fortunately
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, we were able to attract more than 70% of the country's offices that have sefaz counters to the smart counter . we have two priorities. one is a 30% reduction in consumption during activity compared to the same year, and one is that after the end of the work, we must have a 60% reduction in consumption, which is included in the plans, and if it is not followed, after the warning, the so-called power cut of that office of course , we will have it after the period of providing service to the dear people, and this official of that executive body is responsible for this that he will actually monitor this and take the necessary notices. if it is rayate, yes , this issue will definitely start from june 15th, and we hope that we will have a good cooperation like last year. we were able to reach the record this year , we planned to
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reach 1500 megawatts, actually reducing the consumption in the administrative sector of the country, well, some banks, in fact, we might say that they did not comply more , and with the warnings that were given, fortunately , they actually joined the others. we had offices and a serious reduction in consumption in the administrative department of the airport we used to say that, of course, this is because of the type of their activity, because of the attack lord, or sometimes because of the centralized cooling systems, which do not have the possibility of local adjustment. this means that they have to cool a large volume , which consumes a lot of electricity. well, there is a solution for this, and the so-called necessary planning should be done for it, and that is the temperature of well-being. the temperature is 25 degrees, the temperature is 24 degrees. in some countries, this number is 27 degrees, and they are among the developed and advanced countries, like which countries, like japan, for example, like the advanced countries that i mentioned last time, are often like this. yes, that's why we should not set the temperature to 17 degrees. if those who use air conditioners
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set the temperature to 17 degrees , the electricity consumption of that bag will increase by 20%. how many percent degree? approximately 3% of the so-called increase in consumption is one degree. i am asking you here , you can have prosperity, but there was no excess electricity consumption, and the electricity of various sectors that really need electricity , the hotter regions of the country, the productive sectors of the country , provided them well. please, it is really possible to do this, especially if we take care the peak hours of consumption are the same 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. as we mentioned, or 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., which is a very hot time and we really have an increase in consumption in different sectors . they must comply with this. to have stability and to have optimal consumption, and to have this license, god willing
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, to have a spending bonus. start with the good, for example see which office was the most energy-efficient office. being in different parts, anyway, those who have generators start them up during peak hours and provide electricity to a part of the building . in this way, they are among the low-consumption ones. let's say that most of the executive bodies of the ministry of housing comply with non-governmental public institutions such as banks and municipalities, they actually comply less . our colleagues are monitoring this and helping to reduce its consumption, i hope we hope that this year with the good participation of our dear people, despite the fact that the weather is very hot , the consumption growth is high, we will be able to respond well to the support that our dear people have for the electricity industry
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, god willing, how was your ministry of home affairs? we also have emergency diesel in the ministry of home affairs, which are in operation during peak hours. we completely control the temperature. let us see that this year's energy we want to be able to deliver more to the productive sectors of the country . last year, how much savings bonus did you pay? last year, about 1,300 subscribers were included . we had about 30 million household subscribers that year. this year, there are 32 million household and commercial subscribers. they will be subject to this reward and, god willing, they will be able
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to benefit from my rewards for the industry. you mentioned that , for example, there is a plan with industrial estates that their electricity will be cut off at their own time . more than two and a half or they have more than four times the pattern of electricity consumption , they will be warned and if there is a way. don't be forced to stop after another warning to finally reduce their consumption. how long will this warning take, based on the distance they use, so you can see that based on the smart counters we installed for these parts, the first warning will be sent to them via sms, and i think it will not take long for this opportunity and courses. the reading for those who consume more than four times the pattern is 15 days, and this actually gives them a faster reminder within 15 days. and hopefully this the sector should also cooperate and according to the rest of the people, they can consume, sometimes they may
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have worn-out electrical appliances, sometimes they may not have the so-called necessary facilities, but those who are high consumers and have financial resources can also use high-efficiency electrical appliances by installing a solar generator. in fact, they should help to reduce their consumption and finally bring their electricity consumption to less than the model . we hope that this will happen. how much do you plan to reward this year? see the car and this? yeah. the bonus of savings is that the resources are predicted and for every kilowatt hour, the consumption is reduced by about 2 a thousand tomans for those who are below the model. it starts from 500 tomans per kilowatt hour up to ten tomans. the bonus payment procedure has not changed and every subscriber can reduce consumption compared to the same period. all this is done automatically on their electricity bill. which our dear people have in the past, they can use it , it is stated there, they can see their bills
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, even the previous courses of qobz have been seen, even their previous years, not one year, they can also look at those courses, last summers the used form is as i mentioned, if to if the amount of their reward is more than making the bill free, these will be converted into points and will increase their points to participate in the prize draw. you mentioned that if a subscriber consumes more than the model in the domestic sector, for example, a warning will be issued to him . how can this happen to commercial and industrial subscribers? like the lust sellers or others whose consumption is very high, they will definitely be monitored, if they do not comply, their electricity will be cut off after a warning it was temporary. until they have a correction in reducing consumption and god willing, we will be able to see this summer when the weather is hot with stable electricity
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behind the businesses, how can they find out how they are consuming, how much is in line with the pattern or more than it, see for all subscribers. we will pay the electricity bill through the text message that the payer has registered in my electricity system and pays the electricity bill. these warning messages will be sent and you know that our colleagues will also monitor the parts that need this survey and monitoring. to be done and based on the events that finally , they will receive the necessary notices regarding their electricity consumption, although i know that based on the experience of last year , there is a good cooperation. it has been reduced. we hope that this happens continuously. what is it like for the industry? they have a special pattern. yes, see.
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we take the industry based on their consumption ceiling in the period before the peak consumption and based on that , we plan a consumption reduction for them in the peak consumption period in such a way that the production chain is not disrupted. so-called products according to market needs, which we also plan in cooperation with the colleagues of the so-called ministry, so that we can have this . the work of khonujat produces cement, and despite the fact that energy is provided in sufficient quantity, they reduce their electricity consumption during peak hours. one point to mention is that you controlled the consumption of partners with the planning we did last year . this is a big industry. it also has to do with their production, which means , for example, you have to pay damages or something like this see, this is because based on notifications actually approved by the board of ministers in this regard.
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it was based on the fact that if the reduction in consumption is based on the rates that were set, the participation that this part is provided in this way, they are part of the producers who use the fuel from the power plant side, in fact, they could actually receive subsidies, and sarjam was like this. to support or it was even predicted that you will say my number in sarjem, if anything. a billion tomans is actually a collective bonus that is actually filled in the non-home sectors last year.
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see until the other day that actually our agricultural sector it used electricity completely, but keep this in mind, the amount of electricity supply for agricultural tea is regulated based on their operating license, usually it is about 19 hours on average, or more than 80% of the subscribers of agricultural tea have a license of about 19 they have working hours per day and they are actually limited to 5 hours. if they observe these 5 hours , the remaining 19 hours are free, and during this period , the electricity bill is free. they are exempted from consumption management programs by using solar generators to provide their electricity. if they supply 15% of their own electricity from renewable power plants, they will be exempted from consumption management programs, although they must
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follow the so-called mechanisms set for operating licenses. they say that it is for the protection of the country's water resources that the reservoirs are shared and a large number of them are using this reservoir. everyone should use those water reserves according to the model or exploitation license. let me tell you that the dear farmers who use electricity can provide part of their electricity by using solar generators and consumption management programs in this form of the company. do it and this program was ours last year as well, and we have cooperated well with the electricity industry so that during peak hours we can compensate for the so-called imbalance in the electricity supply of different sectors. how much did your program open last year to reduce their consumption, we can almost say that it is something like 15 to 20%, actually
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participating in electricity consumption is about 16% of the total consumption. those five hours who participate more than five hours according to the program should participate in a staggered manner up to 2,700 tomans is actually calculated to be four times the cost of electricity supply, and we calculated that for agricultural tea, he can
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get about 8 million to 10 million tomans per month. how to receive 10 million tomans bonus, that is, will it be on the bill or not? yes, it will be on the bill. you see, it is left to its own power, about 550 megawatts are planned, of course those who are covered and supported by imam khomeini's relief committee or the welfare organization can use this space, the capacity is about 5 kilowatts. it will be installed for each subscriber through the facilities provided to them, and
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gradually, in addition to earning , they will be able to invest in the sale of electricity to the national grid and pay for the production of their own electricity. you have committed and have a memorandum of understanding with you. you mentioned that 1,000 to 2,000 megawatts have been done. how much more do they have to produce? it's like the point of having the producers who have the electricity is deferred to you. yes, of course, this is your question. maybe it will be divided into two parts. the biggest industry of the country is around 1400 megadads build a power plant. we predict that they will add about 2 thousand megawatts to their production until peak consumption. what the law mandates is 10,000 mw as a minimum, and it is a new industry that needs to be started from the beginning. they should have the planning of the power plant , but for the rate this year, mr. minister , we will increase it annually to about 530 tomans
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. the rate for purchasing electricity from small-scale power plants was allocated, which we announced recently , and it increased by 30% to about 700 tomans per kilowatt-hour purchase of electricity from a small-scale power plant. we hope that this will make the forces have a small scale with maximum power and electricity production capacity and within the last one week, this announcement was issued, this increase of 30% was added to the electricity purchase of this sector from the so-called electricity producers, which we hope will lead to this business becoming more prosperous and producing more this year, and because we have about a minute and a half left, a series of scattered outages, reports, for example. for example , now, for example, maybe we want to tell one of them that they may have seen the incident that happened, for example, in sadad of the ministry of interior. because of the pressure on the electric grid, or not more, but
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anyway, as i said , there is another very wide network of nearly 98,000 kilometers, and any incident may lead to a power cut, the same incident that happened. it was installed that i think immediately, less than a minute, the diesel was turned on , it started, and the electricity was restored to the election headquarters . well, after all , it is inevitable that it happens in all the electricity networks in the world. it cannot be avoided , but i have to say this. if we are in the period of peak consumption, the pressure on the national network is high we need to reduce our electricity consumption, this will make us more stable in the electricity networks , and god willing, we will see this cooperation this year , like in the past years, and it is here from the people. my dear servant, i thank you very much . rajab mashhadhi, managing director of tawani, spokesperson of the country's electrical industry . i thank all the good viewers of this program for accompanying us until this moment
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. don't forget to sort out your electricity consumption,
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mr. raisi. sincerely for the people. mr. raisi's service was basically coming to the election sincerely and god accepted his sincerity and he got many successes but without claims, without advertising, without deceiving the people. i served, and the almighty god has said that whoever is sincere to me, i will introduce him myself. many people may not know the statistics of mr. raisi's services, but their hearts testify that he did the right thing. his political etiquette was an example to divide and divide polarization didn't pay for juggling and populist politics. he was not a first-class orator who came to talk therapy with people. the people of the provinces
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, especially the workers of those houses that opened, understand that he served. by the way, if we were worried before, these worries have been resolved today. because you see that the character and slogans of the first years of the revolution have been revived. we have a martyr friday imam on the path of mehrab martyrs. we have a martyr president . we have a martyr minister. he will be martyred in the country, and the people who came to his explanation will accept his sincerity. this revolution means permanent. the concern is that after 40 years of the likes of us don't have these. but new it seems that the words
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of the revolution are showing themselves, so this shows that we are progressing in the realization of the revolution and surely the name of these martyrs and their way will serve more than themselves in the future . during the sacred defense period, they were among the first forces that rushed to the enemy's battle to defend the homeland . i fought for my country for 2 years in the fronts. the nomads of our country's borders have a lot, well, pashtuns too basij and sepah are both army and law enforcement force, and now we ourselves lived 10 kilometers alongside the people, and
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i am also the son of a martyr, and my father was martyred by the same evildoers, until the moment we have life and blood in our bodies, god willing, we will be the defenders of our country, children. we have a loss behind every window. for this purpose, to preserve the memory of nomadic martyrs , the second congress of 180 martyrs of razavi khorasan was held in chenaran. a part of our nomads are present at the borders
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and defend the border. the depth of the country is the same as our province where there are nomads in 12 cities if they feel the necessity of necessity and the need of the revolution of the system, they will be present and sacrifice their lives in line with the lofty goals they have and become martyrs. more than 800 people in this congress. heads of ilat tribes and tribes of razavi khorasan were present. at the end of this ceremony, a group of families of martyrs of khorasan razavi tribes were also honored , according to kanaran radio and television news agency.
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everyone in whatever position he holds and whatever responsibility he has , the same position and the same responsibility is the test . for example, the honorable president is the same as his presidency. what is his ethics in this field and
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what are his actions. what is it and what are the dangers of the heart? 2:00 p.m.: commemoration of the 35th anniversary of imam khomeini's death. allah against the founder of the islamic republic was held in the holy shrine with the presence of the head of the presidency, a gathering of the families of the martyrs, people and officials. mr. mokhbar, as the speaker of this ceremony, while honoring the memory of the martyred president ayatollah raisi and his companions , called the resistance as the memory of the imam. in this ceremony, the acting president strongly condemned the crimes committed by the
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