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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. truthful prophet like imam and imam of resistance are the keywords that cyberspace users repeated in cyberspace on the day of the death of the founder of the islamic republic . they destroy all the dignity of human humanity with the name that we are supporters of human rights.
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the talks that have been heard for years, years ago, when no one in the world thought about palestine, khomeini, in support of these oppressed people, asked that they be supported. i am very proud to follow his path. formation of the world holy day of all freedom. he united the petitioner against the taghutians. imam khomeini revolutionized and he said the oppression of palestine because he knew that the result of the islamic revolution would lead to the freedom of palestine. imam khomeini's call for social justice for palestine and empowering the oppressed masses of gaza resonates loudly in today's world. let's pay attention to his message. karbari wrote: the revolution started by imam rahel caused that now.
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the world is with palestine. another wrote: behind the iranian revolution there was a divine plan for a divine purpose, which is now being revealed, and this irish user who wrote the iranian revolution showed that if everyone wants to change something, they can. referring to the words of imam rahel, he wrote , "let's change the wrong world order and destroy the tyrant." and the palestinian user said that the reason for imam khomeini's popularity is that he is a supporter of truth and justice. the islamic republic has written about his renewed allegiance, we have come to renew the agreement with the founder of the islamic republic and our beloved leader, they wrote about the path that the imam started and they believe that the responsibility of maintaining and preserving it is now the responsibility of the people. bahar estadi news agency sedah and. sima
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, we reach the horizon of tehran at the royal moments of the morning call to prayer. in the name of god, the light. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god. light upon light.
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praise be to god, who created light from light. praise be
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to god, who created light from light. allah is the witness of the highest hajj allah , may god bless him, may god bless him.
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good work, good work, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. specialists of a knowledge company succeeded in knowledge
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the technique of making a material processing device is found in various industries, including nuclear, aerospace and hospital centers. it works as a processing device for a wide range of materials, or the industrial autoclave. they are used for material processing. the working conditions are such that by applying the conditions of pressure, temperature and displacement on our product, we can in terms of quality. and in terms of strength, in fact, we can increase the enclosed resistance to a significant amount, and it is used in sensitive industries. autoclave machine in major heavy industries of the country in fact, it is effective, including the nuclear industry , the aerospace industry, and the hospital industry. now
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, after 6 years of research, the daneshbanian company in tirana and kron has localized this device as a mercs engineering model from a foreign model. after that , in order to develop and optimize the efficiency of the machine , we entered the field of mastering the knowledge of making the machine and actually localizing the design and technical knowledge of making the machine. cost compared to similar foreign production. it can be localized in the country compared to the foreign product 60% less. before this, the production technology of this device was available to several european countries and america. there are several countries in the world, in fact a handful of european countries such as england, germany,
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france, america, and especially germany is the leader in this field. the technologists of this knowledge-based company say, in their development plan. they aim for high employment. more than 500,600 people can be directly involved in the production process of this device. mohammad ali sohilpour , tv news agency of tirana and kerman. the supreme court of pakistan, imran khan, the former prime minister and foreign minister of his government, accused him of betraying the country he gave secret secrets. this court stated that no strong document has been presented to the court that the two have betrayed each other. based on this, by accepting the defendants' appeal, the court suspends the sentence of 10 years imprisonment for imran khan and shah mahmood qureshi . imran khan has been in prison since last summer.
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due to the cancellation of the prison sentence in the case of misappropriation of government property and the recent verdict, the possibility of the former prime minister of pakistan's release has become stronger. however, there are still cases. like the embezzlement case against imran khan, it is under investigation in the judicial authorities of pakistan. former prime minister of pakistan the nature of all cases political and with the purpose of election. the law on the transparency of foreign influence in georgia was approved and entered into force. the speaker of the georgian parliament considered the purpose of this law to strengthen the stability of the political, economic and social system of georgia. based on this law, non- governmental organizations and media receive more than 20% of their budget from other countries. to announce your received budget. are required the united states, england, and the european union have called this law a russian law and
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said: with this law, the opponents of the kremlin face restrictions. washington and brussels about imposing sanctions and making changes in relations with tbilisi warned however, last week, the parliament of georgia succeeded in canceling the veto of the president of the country on the transparency of foreign influence bill with the majority of votes, and this bill was signed by the speaker of the parliament. georgia became law. the beginning of the final phase of the women's vocal section in the 28th edition of the qur'an and atrat festival of the ministry of health in mashhad. in this part of the competition, 285 participants in 10 disciplines and 3 divisions, professors, staff and students compete with each other. the qur'an and the fragrance of medical sciences universities of the whole country
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is being held in the women's vocal department in mashhad. from march the contestants entered the festival process. virtually the section in the phonetic section. the judges judged the works of the loved ones and today, when we are at your service, we are at the service of the chosen ones of the same department. participants from all over the country participate in these competitions . so far, how do you rate the level of the competition ? the level of the competition is relatively good. i think the judges are too strict in scoring. the level of the competition was really good compared to previous years . alhamdulillah, the participants in 10 disciplines have improved. they competed with each other differently in this festival .
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the friday imam was from tabriz, but according to the tabrizians themselves the whole of iran was devoted to him. he was a great man who was completely at the service of the people, and in my opinion, his place will always be empty. friday imam of tabriz and the representative
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of the legal guardian in east azarbaijan province, who did not differentiate between the people , he removed all the veils and barriers that existed between the officials and the people during the friday imam and established a very close relationship with the people with the people in the people and for the people. he was always persistent. i invited people to go to the cinema to see this. i went to the cinema first of all and sat there. i saw this movie. one of the well-mannered clerics is friendly and a leader in presenting ethics. well, a very existence.
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being cheerful and thinking about people's problems and being with people in all aspects of life and thinking about people. mohammad ali mirzaei, radio and television news agency.
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we follow, we remove ali's rule. sedidar is a jurist, a mystic and the founder of the islamic republic. i appoint the government. i will appoint a government with the support of this nation. i , due to the fact that my nation was before a character whose name is etched in history, and all of these are in the book of three meetings with. the man who came from beyond our belief is called. telling his highness that a mullah has come from qom to represent mr. borujerdi. haj agha rooh allah arum stepped into the king's room calmly and with dignity. a work written by nader ebrahimi, a writer who had special devotion to imam khomeini, may god have mercy on him. he
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had a belief about the leader of the revolution and he translated that belief in the form of this book and put it in the hands of the people. you can see that there are a series of annual and completely detailed plans written on the walls of this library to fulfill his plans, but about writing this book , i first said that i did a bone-crushing job that i had never done before. i don't think i will do sedida's two-volume series again. it was written in the middle of 75-77 and the author talks about political events such as the august 28 coup and also about the imam's personal life and circumstances. the door opened softly. mr. ruhollah very softly and respectfully stepped into the small room of ayatollah abulqasem
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kashani and greeted him. the first volume: return to the roots of the name. there is a book that deals with the imam's childhood, how his character was formed in the family, and the genealogy of his ancestors. the beginning of the book shows a character as if he came out of the sea. it's as if the sea of ​​history has brought itself towards me like a pearl contemporary era and that person is a historical soldier, a historical leader. and the beginning is like this, which means, in fact , we don't go directly to a person or a child named ruhollah, and we go to read his life in a very simple, difficult way. those initial parts are very literary , very artistic, and the second volume is in the middle of the field, which places imam rahel in the middle of the field of politics and the events of that
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time portray nader ebrahimi's political attitude. we can also see in this book three meetings of intimate moments that happened between imam khomeini and qale setam shahi near these confrontations. there is also an audio version in the printed and electronic version . if we had the desire to surrender to the most humble facilities, we would not have thrown ourselves into a storm and like storm chickens , we would not have been thrown in all directions of dangerous life with all these products on our feet. surah mehr website has been released. the book collection of three meetings with a man who came from beyond our belief
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has dealt with various aspects of imam rahel's life in a multifaceted manner. maryam hamedi, radio and television news agency. why did you buy flowers for my father? his father is going to the front. imam told all the people that
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maybe every day or most days young people come here and cry. they want them to go to the fronts for the martyrdom of the warriors who did not mention the name of imam khomeini. there is too much to say , the best thing to say is to obey the imam, and why is it that i am the guardian of the imam ? i miss you we expect the people to listen to the words of the imam , to do what the imam says, and to continue the path of shahla . this can even
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be found in their handwriting, here is the document center of the martyr foundation and 230,000 pages of wills, in which 180,000 pages contain the words in this testament, the word leader, the word imam and the imam of the nation are actually used. the grace of god ibrahimi is to serve the beloved imam and advise people to follow the religious leader wahid abdul rahim. greetings first. serving the imam of the time and his rightful vicegerent, recommending imam khomeini and the ummah of hezbollah to follow their will, writing behind the picture of the imam and saluting the service of imam khomeini, break the time, after
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40 years, we will also find a sign of their imam on their jeeps, the imam who his name and memory have been passed down from generation to generation. as long as the needs of industries advanced, extend your hand to others and spend your life in vain. the power of innovation and progress in inventions will not flourish in you. they used their thoughts and solved many of the needs of the army and factories themselves, and this war and economic embargo and the expulsion of
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foreign experts was a divine gift that we were unaware of. . now, if the government and the army embargo the products of world-eaters and try hard by increasing the initiative, it is hoped that the country will become self-sufficient. in the morning, here is one of the entrances to the shrine of the imam and people who come from far and near to participate in the funeral ceremony of the imam.
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i came from shiraz from bushe province, i came from babol province , i came from toisarkan, mander turkmen province, seloabad province, mal marivani, lamard city, fars province, from south khorasan, kamal city, astan city, khuzestan, lali city, from gilan province , langrod city, from ilam province, sarablah city, i came from kermasha. east azerbaijan province , we came from the southern province of birjan, we came from the city of sauj bala the village of khor khurd from tehran , although many years have passed since the death of their imam, they still follow the covenant they made with their imam. let's say that we
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, the youth, are alive as long as we are the youth , there is no danger for the revolution, let's say that we are with our leader till the end, we will not spare the blood of our martyrs . i came because of imam khomeini, then because of my love for my leader. we pledge allegiance to the ideals of the imam, and god willing, if we are successful , we will follow the path of the imam. it is our national and revolutionary religious duty. both participating in love for imam khomeini , we stood at the foot of the province until the last drop of blood. for the love of the leader and the renewal of the covenant with the ideals of the imam, love for the province, love for the leadership, love for the imam
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, and love for the ummah. this nation has come from far away to love that beloved who considered the measure to be the nation's vote and
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made everyone feel responsible. the imam from whom they learned to be active and conscious in the streets, this is the issue of being present at the polls to appoint the president and voting. to be common people and emphasizing this and asking the people to choose their own president and the future of their country, we must prove with our correct elections that it is still possible to maintain this unity by choosing the right country and building the people , it will lead to the progress and prosperity of the nation. we all have to speak with wisdom because we love our iran, the participation of the people is believed to give
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victory to that nation and that revolution, the participation of the people in our revolution is very effective . company let's have an election. but what do these people expect from an official? be just, be kind to the people, be a people's president to serve the people from the heart and soul, let them take care of the people's problems, especially these young people , have rights, consider the hereafter, must be a revolutionary, must think of serving , god willing, someone who is qualified.


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