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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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industries that people don't want, of course, the government should do the things that the people can't do, the government should do it, don't stop the people, then monitor so that there are no deviations . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most high, level 9 news section, in today's attacks by the zionist regime on the al-brij camp , 3 people were martyred and a number of others were injured. the east of gaza was also targeted by airstrikes, which resulted in the martyrdom of 3 more people. palestine was the target of the zionist army's artillery attacks, aliam announced as a result of the early morning attacks of the zionist regime
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at least 43 people were martyred and dozens of others were injured in the gaza strip, most of them were women and children. the united nations has announced that there is no active hospital in rafah. the gaza information office also announced that more than 3050 children in the gaza strip are at risk of death due to hunger and the prevention of humanitarian aid for the fourth consecutive week. contract . in the resistance front, the qassam battalions targeted the zionist soldiers in the south of gaza city with their missiles. this missile also announced the targeting of zionist soldiers in jabalia by publishing pictures. iron dome missiles, al jalil he set nahariya on fire. according to the report of the zionist kan tv channel, this fire was in 10 war points.
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it covers the northern part of occupied palestine and has led to the closure of several major roads. the fire in kiryat cheshmoune has spread to the houses and this town has been evacuated. so far, 11 people have been injured in this fire. at least nine fire brigades are trying to put out the fire. call tv claimed that this fire was caused by hezbollah's missile and drone attacks , but at the same time, it said that the interception of these missiles and drones led to their falling in forest areas. channel 12 of the zionist regime's tv also stated that the mistaken firing of rockets from the defense systems of this regime and their fall in the forest areas of nahariya led to the fire. iraqi protests forced the closure of the zionist-supporting american restaurant. the american k restaurant
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is the second restaurant in the iraqi capital to be closed following the protests of supporters of palestine. the media had previously reported the closure of the cheli house restaurant in baghdad. the capital of iraq has been the scene of demonstrations in support of the resistance many times in the last 8 months. a number of young iraqis went to three villages last week american restaurants, including kfc, were attacked. k american chain restaurant company. a few months ago, he supported the zionist regime. following this action , he faced people's boycott in many countries, including the islamic countries of caf. in indonesia , last month, a number of people attacked a branch of this restaurant in jakarta, and in malaysia, kfc closed 18 branches due to reduced sales and heavy losses. russia, a number of politicians.
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he banned english journalists and experts. the ministry of foreign affairs of russia announced the names of government figures, journalists and experts english was added to the list of people who are not allowed to enter the territory of russia due to hostile actions against moscow. the ministry of foreign affairs of russia announced in a statement: london's support for ukraine increases civilian casualties in the war. moscow asked london to stop supporting. the people of the holy city of karbala, the heads of the tribes, the officials of the hosseini and abbasi dynasties, and the local and military officials honored the memory of imam khomeini. when iraqis honor the memory of imam khomeini in the holy city of karbala, al-khomeini. imam khomeini
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was not only a religious authority but also a revolutionary man modern history has changed the world and today we held a special ceremony in karbala . in order to keep his memory alive forever , the governor of karbala, the officials of the sacred monuments and the heads of the tribes of this city attended a ceremony organized by the representatives of the islamic republic of iran and described imam khomeini as the connecting link between the two nations of iran and iraq, the turning point of the axis of resistance, the islamic republic of iran during the last four decades, it was able to achieve self-sufficiency, and this self-sufficiency was blessed by the leadership of imam khomeini. and it was the continuous effort of the lovers of the revolution. iran is taking steps in the path of imam hossein and we are following them. to we iranians say that imam khomeini was not only your leader but also our leader and the leader of all freedom seekers
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in the world. 45 years ago, imam khomeini left iraq for france, and with the passing of those years , there are still those in iraq who have unforgettable memories of the imam's presence in their country. imam khomeini usually met people in the ansari mosque in najaf . my father was one of imam's special disciples. he always went to meet the imam with martyr ayatollah seyyed mehdi hakim, who was one of the scholars of najaf at that time, and we have many memories of those meetings. imam khomeini is an eternal truth. with the same slogan. this year, the people of karbala revived the day of the death of the imam from the holy city of karbala , jalal khalidi, according to the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad, last year more than 125
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million tons of agricultural and livestock products were produced, and in some products such as wheat, bread, corn alfalfa and beans have reached self-sufficiency . self-sufficiency and reducing dependence on the import of basic agricultural products is one of the main concerns of imam khomeini, may god bless him and grant him peace , against the lack of agriculture in iran during the pahlavi ii era. the result is unprecedented in the 2500-year history of iran, like the amendment bill of the transversal reforms law, but the result. leaving the villages and abandoning agriculture, at that time wheat was bought from america or other countries such as canada for 5 tomans and brought here and sold for 1 toman. an iranian farmer had to sell his wheat for 1 toman, so there was no point in growing wheat. agricultural
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and livestock products were reduced to a minimum level, so that the country was dependent on foreign sources even for the provision of dairy products needed by the people. all kinds of cheese came from bulgaria after the victory of the islamic revolution, the imam established jihad. he announced construction for the settlement of villages and advised people to help villages and harvest agricultural products to free themselves from dependence. if we are not self-sufficient in terms of agriculture and our hands are extended to other powers and in other words. let's ask them or suppose that we give them money , but we are dependent on them. imam khomeini considered villages to be the engines and drivers of movement and agriculture as one of the most important activities in the country. farmers
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are the main ones in affairs. iran is an agricultural country. dear farmers, iran was dependent on this. we are far from what should be and with one jihadi movement can definitely happen , but in the 7th program, the progress of increasing the production and self-sufficiency of 90% of basic agricultural products and
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focusing on rural affairs have been taken into consideration as the drivers of the country 's movement. last year, on the birthday of the crown prince , he had showered the street with flowers, and muhammad darzai pahlavi, who
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knew him personally, was to be executed by the order of the king. a few days after the events of june 15, 1942, tayeb was arrested and imprisoned. for the serious crime of cold-bloodedness of the 15 khordad uprising in tehran. the court is formed. tayeb with courage and responsibility. installation of imam's image khomeini accepted in front of the delegation in muharram of the same year and the encouragement of the people and the kibbe to rise on khordad 15, but he never surrendered to a good demand. a proposal that would reduce the death penalty for him and could even release him from prison . tayyab hajrezaei's false confession that he was ordered by imam khomeini and in exchange for receiving money played a role in the 15 khordad uprising. tayyab's answer
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to this proposal is absolutely decisive. i am never willing to tarnish the lap of an imitation reference with lies for the sake of a little more life and get involved with hazrat zahra's children. mohammad bagheri is one of them who was arrested at the same time as tayeb and was sentenced to death like him. but on the night of execution of the sentence. probably , with the aim of persuading tayyib to lie to the imam , his execution is waived. he narrates the story of tayyeb's martyrdom like this. tayeb was taken out of the cell to execute the death sentence. when he reached the side of my cell, he called me and said: mohammad agha. if you see khomeini one day, say hello to him, many people will see you and buy you. we have not seen you go. maybe
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17 bullets were not too many for the great work tayeb did. after the victory of the revolution, mohammad bagheri during a meeting of payam tayyeb conveys to the imam. in response, imam says: tayyab ghar was another. imam khomeini died at 22:00 on the 13th of june 1368 due to a heart attack. the news of his death was announced at 7:00 a.m. on the 14th of khordad in the first news section of iran's national radio. in the name of god the compassionate.
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people from all over iran came to tehran to say goodbye to their leader. tehran's chelas poured in. farewell to imam
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was held in the presence of millions of mourners who came from cities and villages. the entire highway and the roads leading to the example were full of black-clad people. member flags are hung on the door and wall of the city the sound of the quran could be heard from all mosques, centers and offices. in the early hours of the morning of june 16, millions of people, led by grand ayatollah golpayegani, with tears in their eyes. he prayed on the body of imam. after the prayer for the funeral , they put the coffin carrying the body on a truck and moved towards behesht zahra. people are also in their bodies. they accompanied the imam's body all along this 20-kilometer route . as time passed, the crowd grew more and more. the situation is out of the ordinary. the whole crowd wanted to say goodbye to the imam. some people wanted a piece of imam's shroud for blessing take away this caused a flood of people to move towards the coffin and the coffin and the shroud fell apart. the helicopter that
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was accompanying the convoy landed with difficulty and took the body for recovery. again transferred to jamaran . the crowd reached behesht zahra. the crowd covered the entire area in black and left no place for the helicopter to sit. the flood of people could not be controlled. the fear was that people's enthusiasm and interest and their rush to the helicopter carrying the imam's body would cause them harm and the ceremony would actually be ruined. this time, in order to carry out the funeral ceremony, four helicopters left at the same time to disperse the people become the rush of people towards the first three helicopters made the helicopter carrying imam's body able to land. the coffin was taken out of the helicopter and the editing ceremony was done. the people, who were restless and still did not believe that the imam was no longer among them, stayed at the imam's grave for hours and mourned.
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the crowd, estimated at over 10 million , marked the largest funeral in history. since that day years pass and every year on the 14th of june, people gather at the imam's grave and mourn. my advice and will to the groups and individuals who work in opposition to the people of the islamic republic and islam, first to the leaders. they are outside and inside that experience. no matter what way you have acted and what conspiracy you have tried and what country and authority you have resorted to, you who consider yourself wise and wise must have learned that the path of a selfless nation cannot be achieved by touching terrorism and bomb explosions and reckless and uncalculated lies
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were diverted and no government can ever be governed by these inhumane and illogical methods. it brought down , especially a nation like iran, which from young children to old women and old men in the path of the goal and the islamic republic and the qur'an is the religion of sacrifice and sacrifice. you know, and if you don't know, you are very naive to think that the nation is not with you and the army is your enemy. he separated from you and you could not do anything other than make enemies.
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108 tehran was shut down when the revolution was going on, these cinemas were closed one after the other , no one buys the bleachers anymore and the seats in the cinema are getting dirty without obligation . not seeing him was better than seeing him, imam. from on the same day he returned to iran, from the same famous platform in the middle of behesht zahra , he found out the position and duty of cinema. our cinema is the center of prostitution. we are not against the cinema. we are against the center of prostitution. we are not against the radio. we are against fahaja. we are not against television. with what is in
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the service of foreigners to keep our youth back and out of hand. giving human power, we are against him, when did we oppose the thing of modernity, with the levels of modernity in the system of imam and the revolution of cinema , it was not just entertainment, it was informative, it was the author, it was a teacher, the cinema should be a teacher for those who are in the cinema. they enter my theater as well, and radio, television and radio are above all. it should be an advertisement of a manufacturer of a device, cinema is caught in the world. there are 2 stereotypes for success, one is violence and the other is nudity in the cinema after the revolution . in general, these two stereotypes were abandoned, in the name of
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allah, rahman, raheem. the result of this look was the re-rotation of cinema cameras. in fact, mr. khomeini said that this issue is actually in religious circles. entering the cinema means that you have to find the definition of islamic cinema, which is actually mr. pied's telefilm. my friends should go to telefilm to study, mr. kalhor gadre bard, the young religious forces came in, who came from different groups to study, to enter the cinema, to start the islamic cinema , of course, the cinema still had its critics, and the imam paternalistically took the cinema's hand again because of the objection to bilal habashi's call to prayer in the film. when the movie was over, the audience asked, sir, did you see any problem with this movie? imam, may god's mercy be upon him, said: no, there is no problem. how about someone said: it is said that in this movie, when bilal in madina and also during the conquest of mecca on the roof of the kaaba, he says about it:
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"i am the witness of ali, the guardian of allah", as the imam said in during the time of the prophet, there was no ashhod an alayin wali allah, and this is part of the mustahab of it, not its obligations, and there is no problem with this film, and they said that this film should be broadcast until the artificial hair of the female actress sarbadaran. during the sarbahadaran series, during the voiceover stage. but there is a problem if the woman of the mughal court is supposed to be a woman like when the imam said to watch the movie, what other women can't be , and this is how the movie was broadcast. he wanted to keep the cinema. what they say is true . in fact, what imam said in bish zahra. there was another movie in the cinema that was produced before the revolution , the story of the cow movie, fatah horizani,
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was also produced on tv, but it was compatible with the cinema of imam's teacher. dariush mehrjooi says about the mood of the cinema in the early days of the victory of the islamic revolution: in this situation, the television accidentally showed the movie cow and imam khomeini saw this movie and on the net. they said that we are not saying that cinema is fundamentally bad. like the movie "cow", it can be a cultural and educational movie and elevate the viewer's mind and spirit. i often think that the films made by iranians are better than is others. for example, the movie "cow" was informative and the light that imam lit in the cinema. going to the doctor? escape. why? because when khomeini picked it up, the radio is still on, i recorded it on the radio, one of them was the art in the school of love, the imam himself, and i saw
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him say, sir, art in the school of love means that it shows the blind spots of political, social, even military isolation. he turned and said he didn't know what to say, and still don't invite us people, then their own explanation is to show that you are defending the morals that you have by showing your behavior. i mean, if there was a cinema at that time, he would probably say to do this with the cinema and this way continues . you can look at the cinema as a coach.
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make this generation a progressive generation, hopeful , enthusiastic, self-believer, believer in your islamic and national values ​​like this. the honor of the revolution , the honor of the holy defense, can you bring down the dignity of cinema like this? i know this, i say that the key to the progress of this country today is largely in your hands, the galileans of sed and cima news agency. examination of the people in the chair. to be the leader in any position, to
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reach any position, this test is more difficult than the test in the defects of the children of the soul, and it is more difficult for a person to be able to be saved from this test and pass the test correctly, in view of the deeds he does and are dignified in the sight of god. be and the leaders wherever they are in any country, the statesmen in whatever country they are and wherever they are, they should know that reaching this position was a divine test and it is not a difficult test.
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you are the main one of this field, if today our words are heard in the region and the world, it is because of your power. to join the campaign, only serve the intention martyrs of service, do something for the people and send the number 8 to 10239.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the family of muhammad hasten their fate. greetings and good morning to you, dear and respected viewers. welcome to the sports news of our country's national volleyball team . today at noon , it will travel to its first opponent in the second week of the league of nations on the first day. from the games of the second week of the national group round


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