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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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he came to a scene that is palestine , he found a friend and a companion, we found a companion, and then i, after school and university, we really saw that this servant of god had already determined the direction of this new government or this new country, the clear identity of this islamic revolution. what was the original title of his identity , the holy place of palestine, that is, this servant of god, who until iran does not exist, can say that i am in the middle of asia, i am behind the caspian, that the country is there, but to determine this direction and the direction of this islamic revolution means a new identity. this means that israel's new ally has become america's enemy instead of its friend and palestinians have become friends, palestinians have come to iran's space, this is very important for us, away from political issues. and i wonder how
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our people are moving towards the intifada and the many activities inside palestine that have been created. our friends in britain and america have received good news for us in palestine because of the presence of the iranian islamic revolution in the region. i mean our friends. palestine. iran's islamic revolution in the history of the battle against the zionist regime, for us palestinians, a very important element has been added to this jihad. it remains to say what you want to say if you allow us to wrap up our story as i want. let's do it now
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, since 67 ad until today, 16,000 women who have been imprisoned by this zionist regime have resisted against some israeli prisoners. right now. the professors of flanet university, the elders , the scholars, the activists of the social and cultural fields , no one knows about this hero of ours, from whom the world has been telling these 9 thousand palestinians who are held hostage in the prisons of the zionist regime during these years. eyes closed and for example, some countries, america and
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western countries, demand about 100 to 200 zionist prisoners. yes, after this double standard that the american method and the western forces and following the israeli issue is the palestinian issue. you see how the resistance really has a good way of dealing with these insistences, but on the contrary , how the israelis deal with our prisoners, how they threaten our women with rape if they do not testify against hamas, this is a strange issue and they do not pay attention to this issue at all. so our story the story of the right of war, today's storm, today's storm is not between the palestinians and the israelis. today, when the people in columbia universities are jews, they are christians. they are religious, but they are with the palestinians
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, because it has become a humanitarian issue, in my opinion , today, we media people, humanist activists , should do a lot of activities against israel , in the street, he should come, he should speak in front of you , your pen is your racket, thank you very much, interesting interpretation. in the end, as always, like our previous conversations , for you fighters. we wish hamas and other resistance groups the best. thank you we participated in this conversation.
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demonstrations in support of palestine continued today in different countries of the world.
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down down with occupation down down with occupation!
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from the river to the sea, from the river to the palestine will be free, palestine will be free, free, free, palestine,
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and now the second case of tonight's program, which is dedicated to the latest war situation in eastern europe. in the week when 13 nato member countries announced that they agree to use the weapons they donated to kiev to attack the interior of russia, what caused whispers of confrontation and war between nato and russia more than ever. sometime from the beginning of this war, we will first see a report that the ukrainian war is going on, and the russian army has the upper hand more than ever. after significant progress
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in recent weeks, the united states and nato announced that ukraine is allowed to attack targets inside russia with their weapons. this action angered moscow's ukrainian allies. putin announced the readiness order of the russian nuclear forces in the ceremony commemorating the 79th anniversary of the victory over germany in world war ii. this threat from the kremlin accentuated the internal divisions of the european union over support for ukraine. witness every day we are preparing a new part of the road to hell . every day there is talk of donating hundreds of billions of euros to ukraine, of deploying nuclear weapons in the heart
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of europe, of the plan to enroll our children in a foreign army, in the nato mission in ukraine, in ukrainian military battalions. it was in the shadow of these criticisms and protests of the war opponents in the european union that the secretary general of nato said that ukraine had already been allowed to attack russian territory because some nato allies had not previously imposed restrictions on the use of their weapons in russian territory. at the same time, the white house announced the weather in switzerland peace of ukraine does not participate. the issue of
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the latest war situation in eastern europe is that we want to go to los angeles, america, to talk with professor oliver budd, author and professor at ohai university, mr. professor britt. in
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recent weeks, many nato members, including the united states , england, france, and germany, have officially and publicly announced that they agree to use the weapons sent by ukraine to attack russian territory . there is a new stage of war in eastern europe. what do you think about this decision? yes , it certainly is. i think this is one of the few escalations we've seen. we last week we saw attacks by ukrainians .
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it is special for russia, considering the words of vladimir putin, we can also understand this , and also what the minister of foreign affairs of russia sergey lavrov said, that they consider this action as an existential threat against russia , we can understand. it is understandable why they are so much. worrying about this talk, russia can actually
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tell the difference between missiles that have nuclear warheads and missiles that have conventional warheads, and i think that the west is aware of the degree of increased tension that have been created and we see that america has said: it has recently announced that the permission given to ukraine will not be extended and in fact it will not include offensive missiles and long-range missiles. this permission was given by president biden a few days ago. the previous day announced that this license was given to ukraine for western weapons only. it should apply to the kharkiv region and
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it should not include other places and in fact beyond the borders and especially the pochansk regions and other places in russia, and they themselves are actually realizing the severity of the danger of these comments and they have some. they are restricting by what they are saying and this permission to ukraine to use the weapons of f-16 aircraft against russia is actually an action to increase the tension . professor, this decision that was made was accompanied by the reaction of the opponents of the war in the west . let me give a few examples. obviously, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, has announced that europe is
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preparing for war and there is no brake to stop the train of war anymore, or, for example, the deputy prime minister of italy. . he mentioned the secretary general of nato as a dangerous person who easily talks about the third world war, or like the left-wing representatives in the german parliament said that chancellor olaf schulz has become a security threat to germany and is finally pushing the war into germany. let me ask you a frank question. do you take these concerns seriously , are the western authorities heading for a big war between nato and... yes, i think it is as you said, it is true that in fact this unrest and this concern is increasing in europe. regarding the movements related to the war, you
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talked about hungary, i say the same for slovakia it happened and they are also worried and so are the germans. well, you said that the declaration of concern. we also saw in italy that the government said that it will definitely not allow ukraine to use western weapons, that is, their own weapons, and they will definitely not allow it. that italian troops enter the territory of ukraine. however, i think that the prevailing opinion in europe is that opposition is actually an enemy. russia still exists and in fact nato is also moving in the same direction. nato should try to talk with the elites of europe so that this actually happened and this dishonor that i i call it to sum up what happened and actually stop this situation, this
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movement that is going to war, because they are actually the european authorities from the side. they should also be supporters , they should have their own public opinion , because the elections will finally be coming and they need the votes of the same people, but on the other hand, the war has caused losses to the economy of countries like italy and germany, and if ok, if this war spreads, well, the economic pressures will definitely increase. go ahead, they are also having problems in terms of receiving gas, so there are still levers that might be able to prevent a war, because if this war happens, then the flow of
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russian oil and gas to europe will be severely disrupted, definitely, and this causing torn. at the cost of energy carriers in europe, this is a very serious concern for europeans, including the german industry, and in fact, we have seen that now the germans are trying to make their industry independent , but they are still there until they get there. they have a long way to go. there is another side to the story the frequent contents of the speeches of western officials and the propaganda of the mainstream media in the west state that russia is planning a massive attack on europe and how many countries it wants to occupy, and because of this, the whole of western europe and nato must take more measures to stop it.
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what do you think about russia? i think, in fact, my opinion is that what they are saying and presenting russia as a threat to europe is really a propaganda act and it is not true. i have no information and i have not heard anything that russia has such a plan. in fact, russia is doing it right now . in fact, the efforts it is making only want to control dumbas again, and the current of the war is not the way we want such a plan for
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nato. it has completely ignored these successive warnings of russia. to expand to the east
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, he said that he would include some of the former soviet republics, and in fact, this expansion is due to the fact that now they are pulling nato towards ukraine and now some of the former soviet nuclear houses it was in ukraine, so it is definitely considered dangerous by the russians now the russians are only looking to maintain their own security and the actions they are taking now nato is doing activities from that side to make nato a member to accept ukraine as a new member and these are all threats. thank you very much for the short news package. narendra modi's party
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won the majority of votes in the parliamentary elections of this country. the national democratic alliance won 276 seats out of 543 seats, and after that, the inclusive coalition for the national development of india led by rahul gandhi won 25 seats. to do. 642 million people participate in indian elections whose participation has been announced as 58. america prevented scott ritter from traveling abroad . ritter was scheduled to speak at the meeting of the international economic forum in st. petersburg, russia. he was a un weapons inspector and now works as an analyst. turkish foreign minister said during his trip to china: we want to become a member of brics. the brics group that you ask. most of it consists of emerging economies. brazil, russia, india, china and south africa are the original glissand members. in 2024, four countries including iran
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joined this organization. the kremlin spokesman also announced that this the issue will be on the agenda of the next meeting of this group. the supreme court of pakistan acquitted former prime minister imran khan of treason and revealing confidential secrets. the court declared that there was no strong evidence against imran khan. with this decision, the sentence of 10 years of imprisonment of the prime minister of pakistan, who has been imprisoned since last summer, will be canceled. venezuela's last glacier has melted. venezuela is the first latin american country to lose all its glaciers. scientists warn about the effects of climate change on natural glaciers. china's space probe after collecting rock samples from the hidden side of the moon began its journey to earth. it started its journey from earth a month ago and landed on the moon two days ago. this is the first time that a spacecraft
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takes off from the dark side of the moon that is not visible from earth. a couple found a chest with $100,000 in it while fishing for magnets in a lake in new york . this type of fishing is done with a hook that has a strong magnet. wwii era grenades, 19th century rifles and a motorcycle. it is complete from the findings of lake new york, so we still haven't established a connection we have another picture package that we always presented at the end of the program, the world can easily see the picture.
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well, i apologize once again that we were not able to communicate with professor britt and we could not give you his answer to the final question. of course, at the end of the program, i would like to thank my fellow translator, mr. mohsen jalili, for translating this communication with california, america. good night, god bless you.
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