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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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he is one of the people who was arrested at the same time as tayyeb and was sentenced to death like him, but on the night of the execution of the sentence, probably with the aim of persuading tayyeb to lie to the imam, his execution was waived. he narrates the story of tayyeb's martyrdom like this. tayeb was taken out of the cell to execute the death sentence. when he got to my cell , he called me and said: mohammad, if you see khomeini one day, send my greetings to him and tell him that many people have not seen you and bought us. tayeb fired 17 shots, too many absence after the victory of the revolution, mohammad bagheri conveys the message of tayyab to the imam during a meeting
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. what was there in the movement of the islamic revolution of iran, which was a reflection of imam ruhollah's line of thought, which caused his message to penetrate the borders of geography and the borders of the hearts of the world. i will appoint a government with the support of this nation. it. the messages issued by imam khomeini with his own revolution dealt with human nature , he addressed human nature , he did not limit his audience to shia, he did not limit it to muslims , the imam entered a new literature. internationalization and that discourse, literature and thought was the discourse of justice in the dimension of science, if
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we look at the dimension of the culture of the baath islamic revolution , the change in the minds of the world's people, along with the true preservation of human dignity, unity was another factor to connect the people of the world with the islamic revolution of iran. the imam himself says that the sunni brothers are our brothers, our attention.
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they also emphasize that the media and virtual space should be taken seriously, that is, sadat hashemi , isfahan radio and television news agency, hajj is a statement of worshiping god and rejecting polytheism and polytheism, and reaching the peak of perfection and happiness , but god has revealed the hidden points of hajj.
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it is that the headline of that great muslim gathering is `` stabik allahum labik labik allah'' when the enemies and hypocrites of the islamic ummah tried to change the true and real meanings of hajj and push religion to the sidelines and keep the scene of social life away , a man called to remind the philosophy of hajj that one one of the great philosophies of hajj is its political dimension, which criminal hands from all around are working to destroy this dimension. hajj in which every act is a secret and
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a philosophy that must be split. walking around god's house is a sign that you don't go around other than god, you make a covenant with your god with a stone say no to all the idols and scream "no" to all the idols and the idols until you drive the demons of superpowers out of the dear islamic countries . pledge allegiance to god with the black stone and be enemies with his enemies, his messengers, the righteous and the free. hajj revivalist ebrahimi noted that the political dimension of hajj is no less than its religious dimension. hajj from
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the day he was born. the importance of its political side is not less than its religious side. in addition to politics, the political dimension is worship itself. imam hajj was introduced by the big community of muslims for cooperation, interaction and helping each other and the oppressed. it has been known for uprising. it was for muslims to understand the problems of muslims and to solve them . they tried to find brotherhood among muslims. the imam revived the acquittal of the polytheists based on islamic verses and rulings and said: hajj without acquittal, hajj without unity, and hajj that
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does not end with disbelief and polytheism, is not hajj. our cry for acquittal is the cry for acquittal of all the people who have lost tolerance of america's treason and its hegemonic presence, and they do not want the voice of their anger and hatred to remain silent and depressed in their throats forever, and they have decided to live free and die free and be the screamer of generations. because the hajj could not revive the spirit of arrogance and hostility in the hearts of muslims, the imam
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will commit those crimes in lebanon and let a billion muslims sit as spectators. roshan hajj shows the glory of muslims. in hajj, muslims around the world move in one direction, gather around one point and obey one deity. this same community and united behavior should be the source of the political unity of muslims. the greatest pain of islamic societies is that they still did not understand the true philosophy of many divine commands.
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and do not pay proper attention to the rules of islam and violate islam's call for unity they should listen to them in such a way that they refuse everything and beg them to accept that hajj is a set of religious, political, social and cultural acts of worship that without any of these issues will lose one of its pillars and the stability of the tent of islam will be damaged. hits.
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here is the story of sadidar. q. meeting with a personality. who is a jurist, a mystic and the founder of the islamic republic. i appoint the government. i will appoint a government with the support of this nation. i because of my nation. a character whose name is etched in history, and all of these are in the book three meetings with a man who came beyond our beliefs is read. telling his highness that a mullah has come from qom to represent mr. borujerdi. haj agha ruhollah entered the king's room calmly and with dignity. a work written by nader ebrahimi, a writer who had special devotion to imam khomeini, may god have mercy on him. a belief of his towards the leader. he had a revolution and translated that belief in the form of this book and delivered it to the people of being a hardworking person
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. now we are here in shunam's bookstore . you can see that a series of annual and completely detailed plans for his self-improvement and to carry out his plans are written on the walls of this book. there is a library, but in about writing this book, i myself said at the beginning that i had a hard time. i did something that i have never done before and i don't think i will do it again . sedidar's two-volume collection was written between 1975 and 1977, and the author talks about political events such as the august 28 coup, as well as the imam's personal life and circumstances. the door opened softly . mr. ruhollah very soft and dignified step into the small room. the first volume is called return to the roots
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, a book that deals with the imam's childhood, how his character was formed in the family, and examining the genealogy of his ancestors. the beginning of the book in this way, it shows a personality as if it came out of the sea, as if the sea of ​​honeymoon history brought itself towards it like a pearl. on the side of the contemporary era, that person is a historical soldier, a historical leader, and the beginning is like this, which means that we don't go directly to a person or a child named ruhollah, and we go to read his life very simply and hard . that initial part is very literary, very artistic, and the second volume in it is the middle of the field that imam rahel is in the middle of the field of politics and events of that time. it depicts nader
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ebrahimi's rare political attitude. we can also see in this book the meeting of intimate moments between imam khomeini and the peak of shahi's oppression has happened near these confrontations, he has drawn these, this collection has an audio version in addition to the printed and electronic version. if we had the desire to surrender to the most humble facilities, we would not have thrown a net into the storm and like storm chickens would not have been thrown in all directions of dangerous life . the book collection of three meetings with a man who came beyond our belief in a multifaceted way to different dimensions of life. maryam hamedi of sed and sima news agency today
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it is the duty of all of us to serve this country let's advance the economy of this country, work is in the hands of the people, supervision is in the hands of the government. a view that was also touched by the bazaaris of that time, ayatollah khomeini , may god's mercy be upon him, when he came and won the revolution, what happened, he said, sir, we are the supervisors of the people of the earth and providing facilities to housing cooperatives, labor departments, they started building housing, they themselves know who is housing. no, in their offices, in their workshops, the main point of every meeting with officials was people's participation in the economy , the government without people's support. if it is done in this way
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, even the funds that may not have been brought would enter the imam's advice market with the passage of time. it has become the decrees that are communicated to the authorities, from the creation of rural and urban cooperatives to the creation of construction and elimination of deprivation by the people themselves. people should accompany and bring all their power to the field for this important matter, but with caution. the constitutional government, which was approved , has become a principle of people's participation in the economy, principle 44 of the constitution, if we succeed in bringing people's efforts, people's capital, people's initiative, the serious presence of people in the economic arena, we
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can produce. a topic that has been repeated so much over the years that it has become the name and slogan of the year 1403 turned into four. this year, i named it the jump in production with the participation of the people. i believe that this jump will not happen without the participation of the people, without the presence of the people. the leader of the revolution, who continues the same view. people from the founder of the islamic revolution have considered people's participation in improving the business environment and they say: improving the business environment, removing unnecessary and annoying regulations, making it easier to obtain licenses, employment permits, creating a single window for special the easement license that led to the increase
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of people's participation in the economy, the world bank also to the growth of employment in three years. recently in iran's economy let them know that it is a growth of 2.6%. the end of our conversation with this old resident of the market stalls ended here. according to the recommendations that mr. makhmelbaf says, it still works. let me read until now. regarding the industry, regarding these, if you do not make people your partners, you will not succeed. industries that people from. of course, the government should do the things that the people can't do, the government should do it, don't stop the people, then do some monitoring so that no deviations are found. narges meghazi of sed and sima news agency. lack of medicine and medical equipment
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is one of the challenges that sometimes affects the country slow a problem that can the health of patients is also at risk. these days, with the support of knowledge-based companies aiming to meet the needs of some equipment , we are witnessing the production of numerous technological products that, while meeting the needs of the country and creating employment, have also reduced dependence on imports. in the year 402 , we had about one and a half billion dollars supply for the items that are desirable, that is, for our imported items, which have 100 widths, and for the domestically produced items that
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were manufactured by abbott america, we made both the machine and the kit domestically, all of them are samples. there are koreans, japanese and germans inside it is imported from iran, the price of this product is more than a quarter of the foreign sample , it is very, very low price compared to the similar foreign products that were previously offered for these kits, it has a very high price. every test'. it costs 1,000 tomans for the patient, while the same test with its foreign counterpart costs nearly 80,000 tomans for the patient. in addition, daneshmian company has succeeded in producing the first internal diagnosis kit for some special diseases with high accuracy and speed. another test we have is the immunofluorescent test for tests including stroke and heart
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tests, tests for embolism, even these tests have the ability to measure existing corona tests, pregnancy tests, all these tests are on another device that we designed and a platform. which we have brought, we can measure at a very, very high speed, the production of the most advanced and most accurate ventilator in the intensive care sector is another product that has recently entered the market. the difference with the previous category is that all the sensors are actually permanent and the hospital is required to use this device. no fees there is no consumption due to the special features of this product , including therapeutic support features and its reasonable price, in addition to meeting domestic needs and exporting to eight countries. now, six countries want to set up iranian ventilator production line in their country. it is the most accurate ventilator in the world in terms of its measurement and accuracy. we are now exporting it at a low
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price to foreign countries in turkey, belarus, russia , iraq, and sweden. the production line is being launched, and we have signed contracts with indonesia for all of these. production of portable medical backpacks from other doctor's equipment. it is to reduce the waist, which was produced for the first time in iran. our product is unique in iran for the first time with 12 liters, which has not been sold and produced in iran until now, because many of the seats that are produced are non-standard. prevention of arze kamel we produced these to be able to help the health society. the production of smart intubation equipment for patients is one of the achievements of other internal specialists. the equipment that was previously available due to the width. it was not economical to import. we do this analog system that comes with a syringe we could have deleted it. we completely digitized the system. this work
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is done intelligently by an electronic device. prevention of infection, gastrointestinal ulcers, pulmonary diseases, rapid recovery, and reduction of patient stay in the hospital are the advantages of smart intubation equipment. when it enters the patient's mouth, the first problem that this pillow causes if it is inflated too much is the creation of ugly tracheal stenosis. it helps patients and if the pressure is low, aspiration and stomach secretions can enter the lungs and cause infections. naturally, by actually controlling this pressure, we can do a lot reduce lung diseases caused by long-term hospitalization. now iran is the third country producing this product with a fifth of the world price. there are two countries that have this product, one european country and one american country that have this device, but its import is practically not close to saffa. from other production achievements. medical equipment made 19 high-use diagnostic kits with new technologies that the country's laboratory network was facing many problems to provide.
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we had a 100% dependence on foreign countries considering that as a project as a national grand plan we were assigned this task by the vice-chancellor of science and technology and the ministry of iran to iranize closed systems or closed systems. now , for the price of this product, we can increase it to at least 15 to 20 percent . save a lot in the laboratory industry . according to the head of the union of medical equipment manufacturers and exporters , currently our export and import amount is 1 billion 20300 million dollars, official export. to be registered in the customs, it is around 20 million dollars , but the actual export of tejjat beheshki is around 100 million according to the head of the food and drug organization ,
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400 of the 200 companies producing medical equipment are knowledge-based. the tendency towards production has increased a lot in recent years and we are following this. one of our duties is to support production. it must definitely be realized under the infrastructure and requirements related to supporting production. in recent years, with the support of the production of health-oriented scientists' products , iran now exports its products to 50 countries in the world , and the production line of some iranian medical equipment has been launched in 8 countries, including european countries. has been maryam bikpour news agency. sedavasima
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salam, salam, at my service, the specialists of danesh foundation company managed to produce a robot based on artificial intelligence , which can be used as a service desk in organizations to provide services to clients. it can be used as an intelligence -based service desk. it can be used artificially in various organizations such as the tax department of the oil company or any other organization and body. assuming that the user of arbab rojo and the personnel can ask him their questions and receive his answer, i can coordinate all appointments and business calls. and this the achievement of daneshbunian, which was produced by the efforts of 36 experts in various fields related to artificial intelligence , can also play a role as an assistant or consultant to managers. this device can make a very good and simple interaction to make your work easier. if you need an assistant manager in doing your work. it
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can be very useful in helping you. we actually put a control plan for this device and inside this control panel you can upload your documents and documents. this system with the technology that we put inside it learns the automatic form of these things and goes to the question you ask , learns and presents it to you . it even has the ability to improve itself day by day through its communication and interaction with people. from zero to 100, the design, programming and production of this robot was done by the young technologists of the country and it has the ability to introduce different departments of the organization to the visitors in the form of a virtual trip . this artificial intelligence core of holorud is a localized and powerful system that can be connected to different modules and different devices and operate.
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do different twenty and the basis of this system has a very professional camera, a shotgun microphone and a speaker that implements a central processor pistachio that almost has a human-like system. this technological product, which can answer people's questions in the shortest possible time, has other uses. family members can control all their home equipment with voice commands in farsi language. in addition to that, the lady of the family can have an assistant to carry out the process better with her, the child of the family can actually be in the younger child is listening to a story in his own room. you can use this artificial intelligence core in our headsets and holographic glasses, and people who are deaf can talk by looking at different people because of this artificial intelligence. those who can understand these conversations are completely written.
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it can be typed and they can see inside their own glasses and by actually following people , we are working on this system that can actually give the user an answer related to that question. as the technologists of daneshbanyan company say this their national achievement has the ability to provide services in 16 languages ​​of the world, including arabic, english and spanish , and they are negotiating to export products to neighboring countries. samia nasser radio news agency.
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sogand shoes, quality in sync with similar foreign products , double-layer textured upper, very resistant and flexible , light and comfortable pu sole, suitable for long walks , sports and daily activities, price with discount , direct purchase from the manufacturer, only 399 thousand tomans to order one 165 70 your message. we are not accepting publications here, we have always tried to serve you with the most up-to-date methods and today is going to be 60 we will give you a percentage of your educational resources completely free of charge by sending the number 5 to the sms system 3008 55. get 60% of your educational resources completely free . get 60% of the resources of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number 5008 55.
4:00 am
dear viewers, we arrived at 4 am. in the bill of the seventh plan, like the previous plan, 8% growth for the economy. it has been targeted that the contribution of the industry sector in achieving this goal is to achieve an average annual growth of 8.5 percent. in the five-year road map of the 7th plan, it is seen that the economic growth should be 8%. production capacity, not production the actual production capacity of 3 million cars per year was determined, which should be realized during the program.


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