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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 6:00am-6:30am IRST

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islamic republic of iran. in the name of god. the 14th term of the presidency started yesterday, tuesday, and will continue for 5 days. the spokesman of the guardian council said that the basis for reviewing the qualifications is article 115 of the constitution. the law provides for the second five days. we plan
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to use part of that second deadline if necessary. all our efforts are to ensure that the work is done accurately and quickly, so that there is an opportunity to advertise for these loved ones. finally, some documents have been delivered by the volunteers themselves. finally, there are some possible queries from the relevant devices be it as you mentioned, our basis is the constitution. it means that the president must be a religious man. politicians who meet the following conditions, mentioned later , must be of iranian origin, subject to iran, be a resourceful manager, have a good record, trustworthiness, piety, a believer, believe in the fundamentals of the country's official religious system, and each 80 people will be brought up one by one in their cases in the meeting. it is said that it finally exists , and finally it will be settled by voting and it will come to a conclusion. the 14th term of the
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presidential election, the qualification of these people in the council the guard has started. the implementation of the new election law in this period caused only about 80 people to register. meanwhile, in the 12th and 13th presidential elections , 1636 and 592 people respectively. they had written a letter , sir, do you know when is the date of the presidential election ? no, yes, no, in a month, unfortunately , it is july 8, july 8, if i am not mistaken, yes, during july 8, i think, yes, from which media do you follow the news the most? i'm watching one, usually now in cyberspace. yes, i was following tv channel 6 from you press, media, television. do you
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know how many people have registered in the past few days? 80 people have registered. this is a large number. certainly, the guardian council may not approve a part of them . now 80 have registered, but i hope that those who are really people will see eye to eye. choose again to lead the path of these martyrs, those dear ones who registered are those who are close to your political taste and your intellectual taste 100.
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make people understand what they are saying, don't just put it into words and say we do this, we do that, we don't do this, each of them should do something. to say that no one has anything to do, i hope that if i get elected, i will not try to cause problems , this is the worst culture that has been established in our society, be philanthropic, help people , especially the middle and lower class of the society and the country . he must follow the rules , of course, the one who should be elected must 100 % continue in the way of our martyred president , be a people person, have pure intentions, and what are the problems of the people, will really be solved according to
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the schedule of the 14th term of the presidential election. about they have two weeks to explain their portfolio and program to the people. advertising that can play an effective role in people's choices. election candidates who want to participate in the elections , there are several important things. one is to announce the plans they have for running the country. we can get to know them more with their talks, with their content, with the goals they express. finally , to be familiar, we must express ourselves and knowledge. let them explain their plans and background, tell them what we want to do, what experiences we have, and they should provide their plans and the work they need. do it, be sure to tell them, for example, what infrastructure they want to rebuild for them, tell them about the plans themselves, tell them the exact plan
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, tell the people about their background, so that we know, for example, what field they want to work in, submit their resume, what plans they have, be program-oriented. from their records , we should look at the past. let's see where you are, what position you are in, how you are acting, whether you are acting well or not, whether you are behind the people or not , and how to carry out your plans , tell them clearly and clearly after my announcement, at least, sir , for example, i have these people for the ministry of housing. i think they should announce their government board, their board of ministers, the team that is supposed to be their advisors, whether tomorrow or tomorrow , we want to choose people for our cabinet . we use ministers who are experts and religious to introduce their cabinets and what they want to do. when introducing their cabinets , they should give examples of their plans. the cabinet is very important because the people who
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should be around them should be among the people who are both healthy and skilled. ok, it has a better effect on people's choice of their cabinet introduce now. so that the people can make their decisions easily and their cabinets are the right people, let them burn their hearts and tell the people everything , let's raise them with research and open our eyes and ears . work, and with the warming of the air and the increase in energy consumption , the electricity consumption management plan by reducing the working hours from today in the government board, the departments must reduce their consumption by 30% during the working hours and 60% after the end of the working hours. from 6:00 to 13:00, the working hours of the country's offices
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from the 15th of khordad to the 15th of shahrivar their work also includes their banking work. the electricity consumption of the country's offices is 8% of our bar is directly connected to office buildings. but the basic question here is how much the country's electricity production is and how much imbalance there is. we expect the total production capacity to reach 65,000 megawatts, and the demand we estimate this year is around 75,000 megawatts. it means about 10,000 megawatts of production mismatch. up to the consumption of the amount of consumption that must be managed in all departments, for example, in the office sector, two priorities are considered to reduce the amount of consumption, reducing consumption in time there is activity compared to the same year, and one thing is that after the end of the work
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, we must have a 60% reduction in consumption. some of them showed last year that it is possible to manage electricity consumption even in the hot season, we use maximum daylight. the setting of the ambient temperature is 24 degrees. when the peak load starts, all the electricity in our company is put on the generator, and some offices have shown that they do not care much about reducing electricity consumption. it is still active, but there is a point, mr. engineer, please tell me what that point is the consumption of this office has started from about 600 kilowatts. that is, equivalent to the consumption of a thousand houses, if we consider an average of 3 people in each house , it is equivalent to the consumption of 3 thousand people, and now the offices that will be cut off if they do not comply with the cancellation of their electricity consumption
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, please kindly cut off their electricity consumption due to non-compliance with the consumption pattern. yes, yes , i will cut it off exactly like this. i am informing you that according to the ceo of tavanir company, with the implementation of the government board's resolution last year, 85 megawatts of electricity consumption was reduced in the office sector, the next amount. which is supposed to reach 1,500 megawatts in the new year thank you for your support, have a nice day . o mr. shah, o mr. shah, i advise you
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, stop doing these things. this speech became a turning point in the history of the islamic revolution of iran. some young people escorted him in a car or on the back of the car that was carrying him to his home . khomeini khomeini this was the name that today. mourners shouted it many times from ghazi glacier street to astana square. the speech that has now become the beginning of a book. the book of the spirit of allah. i had started to research about imam's activities before 2042 and i saw how active imam was in the 1930s and even in the 1920s, reza shah had many political and social activities. a narrative documentary in ten chapters that is not only full of childhood. adolescence and youth of haj agha ruhollah , after 10 months of waiting, the daughter of mirza mohammad thaqfi
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gives a positive answer to her suitor, ruhollah javan. they get married this year. in 1309 , their first child, mustafa, was born. it also deals with his leadership during the war and after. in the last 200 years, no war has ended for iranians unless it has taken a corner of their land. but in this last the battle of sword, shield, spear, cannon and gun is not decisive. it is the nation that stands tall against the enemy. perhaps the most important feature of the book, which can be considered both in terms of form and structure, and in terms of content, is that the author has a top-down view of iran's developments, that is, he has drawn the atmosphere of the court. looking at the space from the community, it has street floors, alley floors, and street floors, and combining these two
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is really not an easy task, but hadi hakimian managed to do it. the hundred lines of this work of letters are memories and writings of imam rahel in such a way that several the letter and the document for the first time in this we are reading a book, a letter written by imam in 1327 in protest against the formation of the state of israel. of course, this letter was published in behbahani, but the text of the letter is written by imam. the author has used the usual autobiographical techniques to explain and make it more attractive. . the scenes discussed in our book are completely dramatic and engaging. you are immersed in the scene and events. in the final paragraph of this book, the author of imam khomeini's legacy is self-confidence.
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it is indicative of the hidden points that the headline of that great muslim community is astabiq allah when the enemies and the hypocrites of the islamic ummah tried. they should change the real and true meanings of hajj and push religion to the sidelines and keep them away from the scene of social life
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. they are working hard to beat this dimension. hajj in which every act is a secret and a philosophy that must be split. going around god's house is a sign that you don't go around other than god. make a promise to your god by stoning to drive the human demons of the superpowers from the dear islamic countries. at
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lipik lipik not for everyone. say idols and shout "la" on all the taquts and taqutchehs. pledge allegiance to god while touching the black stone, and be enemies with his enemies, his messengers, the righteous and the free. hajj revivalist ebrahimi noted that the political dimension of hajj is no less than its religious dimension. hajj from the day he was born. the importance of its political aspect is not less than its religious aspect. the political aspect is worship in addition to its politics. imam hajj was introduced by the large gathering of muslims for cooperation, interaction and helping each other and the oppressed.
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it has been known for uprising. it has been for muslims, problems understand muslims and try to solve it. it was for the sake of establishing brotherhood among muslims . imam revived the acquittal of polytheists on the basis of islamic verses and rulings and said: hajj without acquittal, hajj without hypocrisy, and hajj from which disbelief and polytheism will be removed. it is not hajj. our cry for acquittal is the cry for acquittal of all the people who have lost tolerance of america's treason and its hegemonic presence, and they do not want the voice of their anger and hatred to remain silent and depressed in their throats forever, and they have decided to live free
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and die free and be the screamer of generations. the imam said that the hajj would not be able to overcome the spirit of arrogance in the hearts of the muslims, he had a heart to live. this is not sorry. these are not human beings who are at the top of the affairs that israel is standing in front of, saying that israel's moron will come and do the same to the palestinians. do those crimes in lebanon and let a billion muslims sit and watch? hajj shows the glory of muslims. in hajj , muslims around the world move in one direction, gather around one point and obey one deity . this same community and united behavior should
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be the source of the political unity of muslims. the greatest pain of societies. islamic is still the true philosophy many have not understood the divine commandments, and hajj, with all its mystery and greatness, still remains a dry worship and a fruitless movement. the imam considered the unity of muslims, which is derived from the quran and islamic rules, to be the source of their victory and the way to get rid of the arrogant. called the unity of the word. when it is established that they do not pay attention to those quranic issues and do not pay attention to the rules of islam and violate islam's call to unity , they must be forced to give up everything and beg them to accept
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you. hajj maj. social and cultural without any one of these issues loses one of its pillars and hits the stability of the tent of islam.
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today, due to the busyness of families , they prefer to entertain their children in some way. so that they can get to their daily work. parents know tv as the best tool for this. our idea is that both the child will be entertained and educated, and his understanding will increase.
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virtual space and television are very attractive for children. because there is a multiplicity of stimuli, there are many colors of colors. then the stimuli come and go one after the other. this makes which has a very negative effect on children's attention and concentration. because of this, for example, if we want to compare the children of today with the children of 20 years ago , the children of today have less patience to play concentration games or to paint, for example, or to do intricate and elegant paintings. the reason for the body is that it is able to be in virtual space and television and experience stimuli one after the other . they don't want to communicate with something that takes time and is boring, the research results of the world children's medical institute show that children under the age of ten watch
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television leads to harm such as hyperactivity, lack of attention and concentration. in children under the age of ten , watching tv damages the brain. this age is the golden age of the child's brain development, watching tv during this period. it reduces them to search and discover the surrounding world, as well as the child's interaction with his peers and those around him. children's cognitive development should be done through play. unfortunately , many parents consider television as a babysitter and make the child too accustomed to television. in addition to the fact that watching this tv affects the attention and concentration of children , it makes the valuable time that children spend you can achieve cognitive development through playing . you can see what is really necessary for children to stimulate their cognitive development through games, games that are suitable for them. the time
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spent watching television for children between 2 and 6 years of age should be reduced to one and a half hours per day at most. i am not saying that the information received through television is not bad, but it should be limited . something like, for example, one hour, one and a half hours of television is enough, the rest should be played, one should improve his skills through cognitive games. manipulation of sports games, increase the time spent on television, even if those hours are appropriate for their age , and try to improve the socio-cognitive and emotional skills of children through age- appropriate games. may he have a positive and active role, ahmad aminfard of sed and sima news agency.
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don't go anywhere come here, where are you here, where are you here, just tell me what you want, carpet, yam, doman, or sleep goods, don't worry about the originality and quality of everything , it's guaranteed to be sold in cash and all kinds of deals, so don't go anywhere, come here. here and here, kilometer 19
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of ward vared street, no. 63, retirees, wage earners and pensioners , benefit from the facilities of one hundred million tomans from mahd farsh. it is a carpet. golden , you can have a new idea, a production line , don't worry, if you don't have a specialty in washing machines , starting up to sales, your imagination is easy to pay for the costs, long-term personality, don't be afraid, don't be afraid that he doesn't have customers at first, washing machines will buy your
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dream products. smile, shuya sazan, oh, dad i will go and get it. today, we are the lucky winner of 100 million tomans. our number 123 in the grand city festival will be discounted. take advantage of special discounts on all products . in addition, just by being in the city of household appliances , participate in the daily lottery of 100 million tomans , buy or not. bardi city of household appliances in the name of allah , rahman, raheem.
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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow. hello, look to the future, to the sun on the pilgrimage day of agha imam reza, peace be upon him. this pipeline is the beginning of an endless road to the end of our iraqi independence.


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