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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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and our guest tonight is mr. dr. mohammad hossein sai, a respected university professor and a member of the supreme council of the cultural revolution. if you are interested in watching this conversation, please follow us on the news channel. i would like to inform you that due to the early presidential elections that will be held on july 8th, tonight we will discuss the issue of social capital and its relationship with the elections and the presence of people at the polling booths . these two sides of the story help each other and influence each other, mr. dr. sai, member of the supreme council cultural revolution is our guest tonight. i say hello. you are very welcome. good evening. in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to you , your colleagues, dear viewers of this program, i hope that the discussion we are having will be a blessing for the society and i hope that it will not cause misunderstandings. from now on, don't worry about misunderstandings. yes, unfortunately , there is an atmosphere in our society where there are some people who from normal speech, there is a possibility of misunderstanding and misunderstanding, and i provide these things . see human societies, which are a collection of people and individuals, something more than a collection the ability of each individual has been understood by different thinkers several thousand years ago.
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for example, if we assume that we have 10 people and 20 people in a group, but the type of communication and the network of communication and relationships between these are different, the output that is understood and obtained from this group of 20 people will be different. we have a field called group dynamics in new eras and perhaps the last 100 years, which was based on these even experimental experiments. he said that when the gender of people's relationships with each other is different, the set of outputs of these people with each other it is different, that is, you can put 20 people together in such a way that all their abilities are added together and increase the set of their abilities . to neutralize and by the way reduce the capabilities of these people. let this field, which
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was created under the title of social capital discussion, and of course there may be different literatures in different fields, its goal and intention is to deal with this, how can we, the members of the society, which can have different sizes, to each other let's make a link so that the output and result of this human group reaches its maximum, and of course the opposite is also true, that is , those who look at the story in this way , when they want to face, for example, a society that is their enemy or their rival, suppose even an organization is not an organization. an economy that is competing with each other , one of the things that these two competing organizations can do in the layers of the human network, in short, their competing organization is to change these relationships in such a way that the set of productivity of their competing organization decreases in these areas.
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there have been many studies and numerous evidences and examples if we want to talk about it in the discussion , we can talk about it, so when we are talking about social capital , we are talking about an objective issue. this creates a value for us , they understand that right now our daily life will be affected, social capital of this kind may not be seen, it may be intangible, but if the type of communication that people have in a society is based on some kind of synergy, this will even have economic effects. it will affect the peace of mind of each one people will have an effect on the hope that people will actually have to build, which itself is the first ground for development and progress , it will have a direct and objective effect on them, and what
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is studied in the field of social capital, which is considered an alternative to economic capital, is like this. it means that maybe we have an understanding in economic capital. let's have a more direct and reverse view of the discussion of capital. in the discussion of social capital , it has been a discussion for maybe a hundred years, but it can be measured in the last 50 years. social has its own complexities and sometimes we come across some surprises in some society that i think our society is also in this area maybe from here. societies, sometimes those indicators that are common may have answered in the global field, in the field of human society, iran is facing a bit of a crisis, which we have to talk about, but it is possible to think methodically and have measures for more than this. in general
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, it is presented as an average capital, or you can also have a division , for example, capital in the field of cooling economy in the field political in the cultural field. yes, in the studies that take place in these fields, what happens in the end ? we may be studying the network of relationships that exists between individual people, that is, if in a society, people trust their neighbors very simply. for example, suppose what we call a neighborhood, where is a neighborhood? a neighborhood is a group of people whose houses are next to each other, but they trust everyone. it is a concept that happens to be mentioned in the literature of new sociology it is being done a lot in europe and these things , they say, for example, suppose the security of this space is better
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ensured than a space where there are people who don't know each other, they live next to each other , they are the same people, but they neither trust each other nor each other. you can take it from here to the extent, for example, that politicians, elites, or, i beg your pardon , influential people have a society with each other or with their own society. all of this can be studied and it has been studied in studies. let's move the egg, but let's go to our main topic, which is the election issue the presence of the people, you think that this is the capital of the community. and it is the high social capital that helps to increase your participation and hold an intelligent election, or if the election is intelligent , it shows that
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we are seeing a high social capital in the country. hey darren, this is the question that society makes people, or people make society, or let's assume that they move society forward in the form of a pendulum that, when it goes in either direction, strengthens the reverse side , but anyway, when we talk about social capital we are talking like talking about an environment. look, if you consider someone who is polluting the air of tehran or, for example, suppose that he destroys the forests , then it is very clear for us to understand what kind of crime this is, maybe now we
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have come to this understanding. 20 years ago, i had a very clear understanding of the environment in the way that we have now, we did not have this kind of social capital and the properties of our society . it seems that the effective people of our society should have a special commitment to maintain social capital . look when we live in the environment let's say i have a car that emits smoke . yes, it might take me to my destination faster , but i live in this environment. some of our politicians and activists pay less attention to this point. suppose that i i did something immoral and because of this immorality, the social capital of the society faced a decrease . i may feel at some point that i have achieved something myself, but in the long-term or even medium-term process of 5-6 years, on this
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scale, even trusting i myself will also be reduced because you want to be so effective and capitalistic your opinion is one of the points that, of course, we have several effective poles in the field of social capital, which can be introduced up to 6 or seven effective poles. if there is a chance, we will talk about it, the media , for example, the religious institutions are part of the influential people, art culture is part of the family , they are part of this atmosphere, they can be introduced during the program, but the main thing is that we are facing a situation because we are close to the elections, maybe it is necessary to talk about this issue . they spend their money immorally. once it is spent
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, it will not come back and they think that this small win that they found for example is serious . now, let me give an example. there is a person who comes and says, sir, if i am not qualified, this election is illegal, for example, this election is my participation. i don't or interpretations like this. it can be used to take the same person and see how much trust, acceptance and popularity he had in this society 10 years ago, the same person's popularity has decreased, that is , it is not like that when you live in a structure , there is a group of people, let me tell you. that sir, i will destroy a part of it, and i will not be harmed by destroying myself, that is, even i say, sir , even if you are the opposition of this system, when
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you are facing a destructive way, don't think that you are only harming the political system, you have entered a game, because that's it. this human society is an interconnected network. you have entered a game that will ultimately harm you . do we need unity as a kind of social capital we are talking, unity does not mean that people all think alike, for example, if someone says something like that, he is definitely saying something unrelated, it does not mean that we do not have differences, it does not mean that we do not say contradictory words. it means to learn to interact with each other in such a way that the result is synergy for the whole society.
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for example, suppose that i am a simple manager. suppose that i am a simple employee. i also have an organizational manager. if my relationship with this manager is such that i would flatter him completely. this organization will definitely suffer see if my relationship with this manager is sexual, i should start. i will be faced with the following words, destruction, for example, absenteeism, slandering, this will harm the organization , how can i express my opposition to this manager, if there is my objection, my opposition should be announced, but at the same time , the organization should not be harmed so much that even i to have a crisis within this organization, after a while i don't have a job because this whole organization is in crisis. the task is to say that if i do the destruction that i am doing now, or if this is basically what
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is being said, now we all see that the competition some of the people who are talking about the things that are said may really feel that if i don't know about these personal and private issues with this literature, whatever it is, if i don't raise it, i won't be able to give the real woman to the society that mr. for example, i am better than this, no problem , let me come. then we will fix this, that is , in another opportunity , we will compensate for this with the programs that i will have, and the damage that the society has suffered in our management, this will be solved, god willing , that means, maybe with this thinking, you will see that here it is really possible to talk about each and every one of these things. he spoke, for example the concept of disclosure that exists, well, right now , there is a whole scientific literature about it, or the concept of transparency, if it exists, the whole scientific literature will be formed now. which was discussed case by case, but there is one point that really needs to be taken into consideration from
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the properties of the particular society and the people who will stand out in the field of holding elections in the next few days, i.e. the next three or four weeks, that they should pay attention to the whole of this society. i want this point. let me be honest , the experience of the last 10 years , the last 12 years, our society has seen many ups and downs. this shows that if people care don't let them. now we see a general concept under the title of ethics . it is not a simple matter that is not elaborated, it finds vast details . the same discussion you are having, you say, where should i disclose, where should i hide, where all this can be discussed in ethical topics, and what is ethics at all, ethics? when philosophers talk about ethics, they say ethics. it is the thing that helps the sustainability of the society, that is
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, there should be continuity in the sustainability of the society. also, let's be honest, the sustainability of this society actually happens more easily, why lie because it disrupts the survival of the society due to the reduction of trust , it seems that our properties should be based on this morality as an effective element that social capital and the fever of collective interests. it keeps them paying attention. i say, i hope that this experience , especially in the last 12 years, the last 15 years , can be said to be a tipping point for us to be able to move in this direction from 2088. i am sure that i will commit electoral misconduct
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it will have a result against me. it is not like that if our most effective senses notice this , then in my opinion, the behavior will be different from the earth to the sky. let's assume that i am now the political groups , now we may be in the province to announce the final qualifications of the presidential candidates. we are presidential candidates. let's assume that i, as a political group or a political person, believe that i have been wronged, that i have not been approved, or my criminal candidate has been approved. it should be announced that we have been wronged, sir, but if this path goes to such an extent that it wants to destroy the entire social structure. in the end, the damage will be done to that person. i really have a suggestion for the society
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. even with a serious complaint and even announcing it , they should invite people to participate in the elections, knowing that if people participate in the elections, the result will be disastrous for our society. a part of a diverse society , a part of which may be on the sidelines for the time being , but for that sideline part or a part which may not even have a very accurate representative to enter the presidential election, a passionate election for it.
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let's go back, after all, we still have the problems and problems that , for example, in the 2008 elections in our society he was faced with the same new sanctions and disagreements that happened. well, suppose that the candidate who thought that fraud had taken place, even announced this and said, "sir, in my opinion, fraud has happened, but i accept the governance mechanisms and i want to continue with the same mechanism , what was the situation of that political gang now? i mean, i don't know that political crime itself, their analysis now is that they put everything in the same way in 2088, in fact, they face themselves in that way now , in their internal meetings, their analysis is that we, for example,
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we went in the right direction, i feel that they are rational , their feeling is that we did not go in the right direction, if they had dealt with it in a different way, now they are in a better situation in this society, and this point is for everyone to accept, which means that everyone accepts , after all, there is a mechanism. this mechanism may even have problems, you come and announce your problems to this mechanism, but don't disturb the principle of the mechanism . okay, thank you very much for your comments it is the leader of the revolution who clearly objected to this period of elections . let's see this part of these talks and come back to the final part of this
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conversation. the elections that are in front of us, if god willing, will be held with good and greatness, it will be an achievement. it is great for the iranian nation after this tragic incident that the people gather and elect the next official with high votes. this is a wonderful reflection in the world, so this election is very important. well, we are watching tonight's special conversation. the last minutes of this conversation, mr. doctor, do you think that behind a high social capital that leads to high participation, the person who
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he will be elected by the people and the future president, how much this social capital can help his ability and efficiency, his cabinet and our executive branch in general, to be able to solve problems more easily. look, an understanding that i think is our property they should know that we 5-6-year-old atati , who we are facing, is a very strategic 56-year-old , and in my opinion, the turning points of history, in what sense , it seems that there are serious changes taking place in the world order. for example, for example, some of our officials are attacking almost every elite person inside islam a scientist in the field of politics and international relations
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. how to stop this change of order and prevent them and everyone realizes that this process has already started. in such a process, our society has few opportunities to adapt to this change of order. let me put it this way. your service does not mean that all the opportunities are for us. let's assume that part of this change of order is that the power the united states of america , for example, may reduce its aggression until the year 203, but this does not mean that it will all be an opportunity for us. there will be an opportunity if there is a powerful government inside iran and this powerful government
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will use the space created in the international arena for the benefit of solving the country's problems. i beg you , i beg you, our politicians , to understand the characteristics of this important moment in history. skip the small details of the events that exist. let us leave this sensitive area where everyone knows that we are 56 next year , we are facing an extremely sensitive time in the country and the world. even if they have a complaint, even if they announce their complaint , let a large social capital be formed in the society. through this social capital, we can solve problems as much as possible. let's solve this country if we have a full election. let's have a poem. almost all our politicians know that many of our economic problems will definitely be solved or will be solved and
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a gap can be created in the sanctions situation. if we have a powerful government here, we can create a collection. due to this authority that we have inside , we should create a wide network in our neighborhood , create international corridors, one by one , in fact , reach quasi-strategic relations with some countries in the next few years. and no matter what happens, everyone finally understands that we are now in a situation that maybe 10 years ago we were not in this situation in terms of sensitivity. if i want to follow the situation , there are many opportunities and many threats, which means that hazrat agha tu had this meeting with nabih bari.
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we are in a state of existential threat and existential opportunity, which means that we can reach a situation where significant changes will be made in solving the country's problems. in the next 5-6 years, we can also be in a situation where serious crises for even for example may the land of our country be created, we are really in this duality. here, in my opinion, the senses should understand that finally the talkers who, for example , have become accustomed to it in the last 20 years and 30 years , for example, even define their own identity , put aside their own identity for to consider the progress of this country means to say, sir, i even object to this part, i even disagree with this part, i want to change even this part.
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but due to the understanding that these threats and existential threats exist for the country , i will pass this right, so that the country can pass this stage. now they are complaining , it will definitely be better fulfilled than an atmosphere that we have with the reduction of social capital with this in fact, a type of treatment that is not a critical treatment and a research treatment. and subversive we want to create the atmosphere so that we all lose together. this is the understanding that we are all sitting in the ship . this is something that all our political currents should understand, even the political currents that may not have much faith even in the current constitution, but to a minimum. in fact, the national interests understand the interests of this
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land. in my opinion, they should understand now that we cannot continue with the way we have been for the past 20-30 years and with this kind of relations and the kind of immorality that was sometimes seen in the elections. we can't face the political confrontations we had with this kind of people these four or five years ago let's leave it behind, let's let a unity be formed , thank god, despite that great mourning and in fact, the really deadly pain that we had. it seems that his loss will not be filled that easily, that is, now we really do not have a person as good as him who could create political balance in the country. maybe in the future, god willing, god will help and this person will be created, but he will be removed. which
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was created for the country because of this epic that people should create their own political currents and express themselves for the country with 30 seconds. you have 30 seconds to respond to your following sentences, while i wanted to say that we are finally holding elections at a time when the parliament has just been formed . this is the first year of my seventh program. we have such a very important issue before me. my view is this, really , my personal view is that if they understand our political statements, even if they maintain the unity of the society at this time, even with the complaints and annoyances that they have, the interests of all people , god willing, in line with the solution and progress of the problems and the progress of the country. thank you very much mr. dr your presence in the special news talk and thank you for watching. good night.
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hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world . today, we start the program with a news , another scandal for france in the field of human rights. this is the reaction of the secretary of the human rights headquarters after the arrest of bashir beizar, a media activist, the former director of the music and anthem office of the sedah organization. sima is in france, mr. gharibabadi also condemned


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