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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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don't be afraid, don't say that he doesn't have a customer at first, shiyasazan buys products, smile at your dreams , shiyasazan. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the acting president instructed the minister of mining industry and trade to hold regular meetings of the market regulation headquarters and submit market monitoring reports on a continuous basis. mr. mokhbar emphasized that this government will continue the work with the same jihadi spirit of the martyred president until the last day and hour when the work is handed over to the next government and with any manager or which
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causes delay or disturbance in the work will be dealt with. the head of the presidency said: holding a healthy, safe and cooperative event elections, and the continuation of the government's activities in a jihadist manner and without any interruptions, are the government's priorities these days. the country's first emergency training and research center was opened in a ceremony attended by the minister of health, treatment and medical education. this center will be the place of training for the specialized work of the operative and treatment staff of the emergency department. there are all kinds of simulators and all kinds of simulators and mannequins that can be trained by them. one of the important issues of emergency training is, for example, in relation to patient transfer, you know that many problems in patient transfer occurs. it is very
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important to transport the muslim, how to move it so that the muslim does not have an accident. in this ceremony , 30 motor launch machines were also unveiled with the aim of speeding up assistance to needy patients in big cities. at the beginning of our government , only 150 motor lances were actually active. now, we have increased to 264 devices, and this has made it possible to reach the patient's bed, which took 25 minutes in the ambulance, to reach the motorlance about 17 minutes earlier. alhamdulillah, with the work done recently , the time for the ambulance to reach 15 minutes and the motorlance to 9 minutes. find experts a knowledge-based company of the new generation optical raman spectrometer microscope in the native country. this device
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is used to identify and determine the purity of various materials, especially in the pharmaceutical and gemological industries. just as humans are identified through fingerprints, the molecules of materials and elements also leave a specific fingerprint against the laser light, which is used to identify the structure, determine the authenticity and purity of these materials. this method with a device called sharp microscope. the raman optical meter is performed by the researchers of a knowledge-based company in the new generation of this device country of manufacture. generally, they can use this device to identify the composition of materials quantitatively and qualitatively. it is in this way that the laser light shines on the sample and finally what happens inside the sample is that its electronic and vibrational levels are shifted and it causes changes to be made in that reflected light and we can make changes from it. to identify and to.
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find out the elements in that molecule. a device used in various industries and sciences such as chemistry, geology and mining, disease diagnosis and biology, archeology and so on it is especially used in pharmacy and gemology. it has many uses in various industries, including pharmaceutical and gemological industries. now , for example, i would like to tell you that we are doing quantitative and qualitative analyzes on the medicine to ensure that the medicines are not fake. be informed a device that was supplied from abroad with many problems before has been produced in the country at half the price of similar foreign models. this product used to be imported from countries like america, japan, england and france, and today due to sanctions and increased restrictions, we have more than 3 after years of research and development, we were able to localize this product and bring it to the market. this knowledge-based spectrometer has other features besides the lower price. this machine is with the precision we need
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in different industries, for example, our error should be 5. ok. with the same accuracy, but better, it calculates these errors for us, our sample will not be destroyed, that is, for example, for the gem. it is important that the prototype is not destroyed. this happens and in addition to that, the time is very fast. you can get the full spectrum within a minute and identify whether your substance is fake or not. and how healthy is he? according to the officials of this company , this iranian product has been exported to iraq and south korea. mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. harvesting ruby ​​grapes in the north of sistan baluchistan. ruby grape roche has a high tolerance in harsh environmental conditions and is one of the earliest varieties of grapes in the country. ruby grapes are one of the most popular fruits in the summer season, which
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have been harvested from the orchards of zahak city. we have four hectares of garden here , we harvest one ton a day. ruby grape cultivation more income. he is a farmer and needs little water their products are good, they also generate income, alhamdulillah , there is a good market, then two or three of me are here picking grapes and doing the work of this horticultural garden . they help us. the schools are closed. we come here with my grandfather. we help. the sand and heat of the region are other characteristics of this type of grape. by conducting training courses for farmers, we were able to maintain the quality of the crops and the yield. the favorable weather and drainage conditions have led to the first rank in sistan in the cultivation of this crop with 620 hectares of vineyards.
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biyare, considering that we have the most wells in the level of sistan, in zahk city , we have the highest amount of gardens in the sistan district, so he predicts that, god willing, in the next year and the next year, by digging more wells and the credit allocated to the zahk district, god willing. we will be able to increase the area of ​​zirkash from 620 to 850 hectares by digging a check and paying more pipes, god willing . harvesting of ruby ​​grapes will continue until the beginning of july. it is expected that more than 6500 tons of ruby ​​grapes will be harvested from the gardens of dehak city sada news agency fisherman. sima in the city of zehrg seel in the state of bavaria, germany, at least five people died, including a firefighter, and a 22-year-old rescuer is still missing. in addition to this , a state of emergency has been declared in several other regions of the country due to floods. in northern
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italy, a day after the discovery of two bodies , drones and helicopters are searching for a young man who was swept away by a sudden flood. switzerland is also on alert. it is predicted that the water level, especially in the rhine river , will continue to rise until the middle of the week. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock:
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greetings and respect to all viewers we want to talk for half a day, as i told you, about the process of electrification of the country's transportation. the latest news. today, if we have checked the air pollution in your presence , you will see that the air pollution is very bad today. it was not healthy in the past years, if you remember, we used to take many days off in winter, especially in the season of 100. today was 144. from the beginning of the year until
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now, i think we have had 56 days of clean air . the past has not been good, the next picture together let's see, i told you that nothing more positive has happened in the past years, the statistics show that 64% of the air pollution that exists is due to mobile sources, one of which is our cars . they are trying to electrify the car. this is from the side of emissions . we have another point . let's see the next picture together. in terms of fuel, now most of our cars are gasoline. if you look at the statistics of gasoline production and consumption , you will see that the red line is the amount of consumption, the green is the amount of production. the amount of consumption has exceeded the amount of production, which means we have an imbalance we also talked about various programs here , that in the past years, i think what one of the members of the parliament announced, we had about 4 billion dollars in gasoline imports, that is, in terms of. we also have a problem with gasoline, so pollution is the problem of gasoline
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. let's see the next picture together. the strategy of the 13th government was to put electrification on our agenda . what was it like in the world? we are here from 2018 to 2024. we look at the different colors of the year 2023, i.e. the year 2023, and the year 202, in terms of the calendar, you see that the world is a iqbal has shown a very special interest in electric cars , a challenge that is raised is that we are now comparing. in our country , there are 2 points. just today, all the employees changed their working hours due to the lack of electricity, i.e. instead of 8:00 a.m., they went to work at 6:00 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. this was a problem in terms of hours due to electricity. because we had a lack of electricity , another point is that the infrastructure of electric cars is not ready yet, we want to talk about all the challenges that exist in all the problems that i have presented to you here in our studio, mr. karimi sanjari, the special representative of the minister for the development of automobiles, mr. haddadi
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, an automobile expert, and mr. damaschi, the manager of the bana electric vehicle center, are also present. let's see a report, we'll come back and start our conversation. may 11, 1402, it depends on the battery, but for example, for this car , a half-hour exhibition to enter the field of electrification of the transportation industry. the speed of electrification is slow, but my question is when did this matter start they say 5 years, why is there a delay? i know these delays, in fact, in big works in the country, it is not acceptable in any way. following the order of the president, the ministry of electrification is on the agenda. we are electrification. this project is also planned, god willing, by the spring of this year , the initial models will be tested, the testing and validation process
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will start, in the continuation of the industrialization phase, and finally, by the end of this year, we will be able to bring the riray electric product to the end of the development phase , fuel consumption will be greatly reduced. finds the type of fuel the restrictions will be removed, we can move with renewable energies, i promise you that this year, god willing, iranian products will be electric. we see high quality in the market, by god's grace, of course, with the help of everyone, and according to the law on organizing the automobile industry and the law on clean air, the import of electrical appliances is also followed. there are currently 10,000 electric vehicles, and we are drawing lots among these 140,000 people to hand over these 10,000 electric vehicles this year, god willing, we will see a change in the field. safari, news agency
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radio yes, we saw the report of my colleague mr. safari together. i would like to start with mr. sanjeri and this question, which stage of the electrification of the industry are we now? both in production and import. the last statistic you gave was that 14,000 people registered for 10,000 cars . it means that people's luck has been good until now, that is, from every car. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to your honorable colleagues, the honorable nation of iran, just as you correctly said, something about 1,400,000 applicants apply to buy electric cars , of course, i want something i think this 140,000 could have actually reached higher numbers because we actually had a limit on the number of electric cars, so the
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14,000 registrants of 10,000 electric cars were controlled , god willing. they will be completed by the month . right now, there are about 7,000 of them, and 200 of them, god willing, will arrive by july and can be sold to those 10,000 people, so to speak, from among those 140,000 people. yes, electric cars, as in your report. it started from the past years , maybe 5 years ago. in the industry of this country and it was eaten in the past governments, but it was a very slow process, maybe it was not taken very seriously , maybe they looked at it as a fantasy industry , but in the thirteenth government, especially since mr. aliabadi sat in the chair of the ministry as a so-called minister. the issue became more serious. the reason
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why the discussion of electrification became more serious in this period was, in fact, mastering the position and characteristics that electric cars can create in the so-called country, both in the so-called field of reducing fuel consumption and in the field of reducing emissions and a a very important issue that we should pay attention to is the so-called industry movement our car manufacturing is moving towards electrification , because in the not too distant future, we will face an automobile industry in the world that will no longer produce combustion vehicles, so the countries and companies that insist on producing combustion vehicles in that year and it will be a challenge to supply materials and parts. now , we want to talk about the statistics of the ministry's plan
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for the import of production. and this program is a test of how much we actually succeed in providing the infrastructure of the so-called progress let's make 100,000 taxis, i emphasize, taxis because the issue of public transportation is one of the targeted points of the ministry, this is planned for the year 1403, the time has not been taken into account because we are still facing challenges in the infrastructure field. in fact, if we can solve our challenges in the infrastructure field , naturally, this program can be realized in one year , and if we cannot solve our challenges quickly, in fact, this program may take up to two or three years, even 100 thousand. taxi , yes, 20,000 private cars, 4,000 cars electric buses and 400,000 electric motorcycles
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are the targets of the ministry of education for the first electric phase. we provided a ride that can range from 10,000 to something around 8,000. becoming a taxi means that it has the ability to become a taxi, that is , it has the conditions to become a taxi, but becoming a taxi depends on the fact that iranian taxi organizations and municipalities have the necessary luck to buy and supply these cars. so far
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, we have been able to supply less than 100 electric buses both in the form of production and in the form of supply. let's do it, but we can't can you please tell me how much was the production and supply separately ? each of them means that there were about 60 units produced, and about 40 units. actually, they are imported buses, which are either in the customs or are currently being cleared from the customs. in buses, we have a so-called consignment that the municipality has made, a contract that the municipality has signed, and if this contract is realized according to the so-called planned plan , there were 2000 buses, that's right, 200 of which we hope that this year be offered and together in the continuation of this cycle you car worn-out ram is in your plan, which means that electric cars should be included in the transportation cycle. now, from taxis and rides to
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buses and motorcycles , do you remove the worn-out cars or not? it's just that we have a resolution that was approved by the economic council. every electric taxi device and its replacement with a gasoline taxi gives a so-called subsidy amount to the buyer . in case of necessity, it must be rejected it doesn't exist. it means that if we replace taxis , in order to get subsidies, naturally, a gasoline car must be retired. mr. haddadi, what do you think? what do you think about this rail change that seems to be taking place in the transportation of the country , although according to the statistics that mr. karimi mentioned, it is not a very fast process, but it seems
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that the situation is changing. what do you think about this move ? in your opinion , is it a good move towards the rest of the construction? in the name of god, hello and have a good time . i am at your service, dear guest of the program and all the viewers. before that we were talking at that time , we could say that electric cars are a creative phenomenon, a technological phenomenon, but we are living in a time when electric cars are no longer that special thing. naturally, that event is no longer special, and therefore we are not dealing with a superphenomenon issue. therefore, the opposition to electric cars is not fundamentally logical, but the issue that is raised in the middle and addressed by most experts
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is that the way of implementation and the way of entering the world of electric cars is in the country's market, which at least the past year has been very rushed and always with the expression of opinions, usually contradictory, often controversial. it is being discussed a lot, but usually it is all in the mind of the audience and the future customer of these cars, usually the same charging stations, which in
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my opinion is much more than this, if we are seeing foreign countries where electric cars are sold in their conventional form. they took a path of at least a decade, first going to hybrid cars, then plug-in. later, they will reduce the size of their engines, then incentive schemes related to electric cars, and later, step by step. electric cars are actually finding their place . we still have many challenges for gasoline cars. now let's not deviate from the actual discussion. we still haven't forgotten the challenge of the peugeot parso, a car that actually reached a point by arguing and arguing about its standard. let's go back to that, after all, you have to start from somewhere , this is not the right idea in my opinion
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, why you have to start from here, why in this way, why now there are several very important items in the discussion of electric cars, apart from infrastructure , what about after-sales service? if the electric car has an accident, it will cost what about the repairs? they have a union, they have technical regulations. like gasoline or ice cars, if these are the after-sales service standards , the minister has designed for them the discussion of maintenance costs. he must have delivered 10,000 cars, and none of these questions have been answered yet, so you say that the after-sales service should be seen . cost
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electric car batteries are very heavy to hold now. if it is actually lithium-ion or nickel-cadmium, which is probably lithium-ion , in terms of safety, these cars can actually be challenging, keep in mind that in developed countries, there is now a special section in their fleet and firefighting system for fire extinguishing. electric cars are considered , if we basically didn't enter at all , we didn't even talk about electric cars, we just went in the direction that now we should have an electric car and go towards reducing fuel consumption. the studio next door is also attended by mr. damaschi, the manager of the mapna electric vehicle center. on another occasion, yes , we definitely want your answer. i want to see if the infrastructure of the stations that you mentioned , whatever it is, is honorable. how far has the station been provided in terms of infrastructure, how much preparation is there in the country? well
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, hello, to your viewers, i thank you for the program that has been arranged, one of the requirements for entering the field of electrification, in fact, these are the programs that including in the radio and television it should be arranged for the culture-building discussion that people should know what phenomenon they are facing. if in fact, i would like to say one or two points before the introduction , it is your service to enter into the discussion of the charging infrastructure, or the more correct term, in our opinion, is the charging network. in the same way that we have an electric grid, in order to provide electricity to the people, we must have a charging network, which is connected at the end point in our dispatching , in fact to the electric grid, which we call the charging network, the charging network is a collection of all those requirements and infrastructures. sentence correct location of charging stations discussion of studies about location the charging stations are the set of slow chargers that are installed inside houses, chargers that are installed in the streets, fast chargers and ultra
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-fast chargers that should be used to serve public transportation in the field of electric buses , electric trucks, electric trucks and cars. in fact, private and public taxis should be used , so we call this collection, in fact, the charging network, what people need as a personal electric car, which is part of the registrations that happened recently in this area. we should note that the average charging installed in the world to in terms of power, it is about 2 kw, while most of the fast chargers in the world have a power of more than 60 kw, 100 kw, or 200 kw. this statistic shows that the world's focus for electric chargers, especially in transportation related to personal and private cars , is on slow chargers, which means people are advised to use chargers that they can use from inside their homes. electricity has spread throughout the country and it is also spread throughout the world , so if we want to have a general version , it is for personal cars. it is better that we
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in fact, let's use home chargers , provide charging conditions in people's homes , a charger will be given along with the cars, so that they can charge their cars anywhere with a longer time. and have a lack of charging , they can use a public fast charging station for emergency situations , a fast charging station should be used for taxis , they need to be charged once a day, while private cars may need to be charged twice. to scroll above 300 to 500 km, which the imported cars now have , night charging is defined for electric buses , they charge once a night. there are 40 electric buses operating there , and charging stations for electric buses have been established in iraq. currently, we
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have these two electric bus charging stations , 10 points have been selected for electric bus charging stations in tehran, and the infrastructure processes are being carried out. our contract was recently signed and we are doing studies and soon the implementation process for imported buses and the number of 500 domestic buses that have been provided , the implementation processes for the construction of the charging will be done . regarding taxi cars, we already have 17 charging stations. which can actually provide services to taxis, some of these, most of them, the electricity supply problems that were raised before have been solved, fortunately, a very good understanding has been established with the ministry of energy, we have agreed on a number for this year to supply electricity and that this cover number the provider of the imported cars that is being discussed now and the taxis that the municipality of tehran is importing and the buses that the municipality of tehran is importing is responsible for what is the number for next year, about 80 megawatts for this year in


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