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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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that life of the country is a different work from gilna publications . get 60% of gilna publications resources as a gift by sending the number 5 to 30085 gilna publications. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. in response to the martyrdom of the defender of the holy shrine, saeed abiyar, the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary guards said: the zionist child criminals should wait for the answer , knowing that they will pay for the innocent blood shed in this crime. major general hossein salami emphasized: the efforts of this martyr guard in the field of defense of the revolution. islamic and helping
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the anti-zionist resistance of palestine, a forever lasting hero and an inspiration to the revolutionary youth today and tomorrow will be an islamic country. the defender of the shrine of saeed abiyar was martyred on the 13th of june this year in an attack by the zionist regime's fighters in aleppo, syria. the zionists targeted southern lebanon with air and artillery attacks. the artillery has used white phosphorus in 17 towns and villages in southern lebanon since the beginning of the war against the gaza strip. the countries accused of being a like-minded group, including china and russia , miscalculated the approval of the resolution against iran in the joint statement. this statement follows
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the approval of the anti-iranian resolution of britain, france and germany in the board of governors of the international energy agency atomic has been issued. in this resolution, without referring to iran's cooperation with the agency, tehran is asked to take action to resolve the alleged safeguard issues. also, iran has been asked to give the permission of the inspectors of the agency, which iran has the right to in accordance with article 9 of the community agreement. so far , they have visited iran's nuclear facilities many times and have not found any evidence of deviation in the nuclear energy program. iran , while cooperating with the agency, emphasizes that the remaining issues can be resolved with a professional approach without the agency's bias. china and russia also emphasized that the provisions of the joint action community program are still valid the west should stop its policies against this agreement . acting minister of foreign affairs said that the
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international atomic energy agency is a technical institution and let the agency continue its technical and specialized role. the agency is a technical institution and it is expected that all countries will deal with the technical approach of the agency, and because of the failures and failures they had in the fields outside the agency, the agency has become a place for settling political accounts . we had pt and a safeguard agreement and we have it whenever it is determined according to the interests of the country and the priorities of the atomic energy organization. desired capacities. will be activated. the head
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of the atomic energy organization said that seven radiation centers will soon be put into operation in the country. mr. eslami added in his visit to chahar mahal bakhtiari: the use of nuclear knowledge and radiation will reduce waste by 30% of agricultural products in the country. the vice president and head of the atomic energy organization said in a trip to kurdistan: international agency. atomic energy in iran carries out its inspections according to the regulations. in the safeguard department, we have a normal procedure according to safeguard and npt regulations. the agency conducts its inspections based in iran and according to the same rules of our work are going on and have never stopped. during this trip, mr. eslami visited the gamma radiation center. giving that they can
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pay attention to the fact that, god willing, we will be able to double or triple the system capacity in the near future, god willing. gamma radiation center from the private sector. it was launched in 2009, which has an annual radiation capacity of about 20,000 tons in the field of judicial security and economic productivity. in the meeting of thinking together for the use of nuclear knowledge, public , private and scientific sectors, while announcing the readiness, reviewed the capacities of this province. we are the atomic power plant our 20,000 megawatts are large in scale. we have placed them, it must be by the sea because of the volume of water that needs to be taken and circulated for cooling, but we can consider a small scale for your province
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. by using the nuclear industry while creating added value from waste about 30%. in this visit, the atomic energy organization emphasized the strengthening of private sector nuclear companies. nasser akbarpour, sed and broadcasting news agency, chahar mohal bakhtiari. the glory of ancient iran, in 6 months in china it lasted. in its last meeting, the board of ministers extended the exhibition related to iranian civilization. approved for another 6 months. the exhibition of the splendor of ancient iran was held in the forbidden city museum of pakm last winter. after welcoming the visitors from china, iran asked for the extension of this exhibition, showing other themes.
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this exhibition was very well received. the chinese asked us to extend another 6 months to it was brought up in the government today that this exhibition should be held at the great exhibition in shanghai, which is of great importance, and the voting was extended by 6 months. the exhibition of the splendor of ancient iran includes more than 200 works from iranian civilization in historical periods to the islamic period, achaemenid plaster gold dishes and sasanian silver dishes with parthian reliefs and glass dishes from the safavid period, among these objects. this shows the value of our civilized work. the first two weeks were so popular that the tickets were all sold out. the objects of the exhibition of the glory of ancient iran were collected from the national museum of iran, susa museum, reza abbasi museum and other museums of the country. and according to the approval of
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the cabinet of ministers, it has been sent to china for display . previously, iran in the past years in some from the countries held. this year. it is his turn to hold this exhibition in china, in turn, china will also hold this exhibition in iran. the exhibition of the glory of ancient iran (khordad 23) will be opened in shanghai museum with the presence of the minister of cultural heritage. other museums in china, such as guangzhou, xi'an and ulumchi, also request to set up this exhibition. elham goran, sed and sima news agency. stay with us.
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mr. gennati started to speak in defense of individual leadership and considered the acceptance of leadership as a council only possible if necessary, but as long as it is felt necessary, i don't think the council is right because we if we want to stick to the imam's opinion, it is very clear to me that his opinion is.
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for example, make a decision together with you, and they interpreted that this means that i should not work, and that we should say that if someone had a deficiency in one direction, he would compensate, if he had a deficiency, this would be compensated. no , this is really a false fallacy, because if we can make these into one , we say yes, we want three things, for example , we want three elements, one element of this, one element of that , one element of this, and one element of this. it becomes one, then we have three elements, but if we assume, for example, one he doesn't have decisiveness, he has knowledge, someone has knowledge
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, he doesn't have decisiveness, let's say very well, where he wants decisiveness, this one has decisiveness, he has decisiveness, what does that mean , he makes a decisive decision, this one is also not ready to cooperate, then the lack of decisiveness is compensated, it is due to his or her knowledge. who has no knowledge about the case, for example, gives an opinion, this is not right , it is not right from the point of view of jurisprudence, and it is wrong. what does he want to do against sharia? how does science want to compensate for this determination? mr. taheri khordadi suggested that it is sufficient to negotiate in this discussion between the council and the individual. after the words of mr. gennati in while a number of members had registered to talk about individual or council leadership. mr. taheri khorramabadi, the secretary of the chairman, suggested the adequacy of negotiations in this field. but before the voting is done, mr. amini, who is also present in the constitutional revision council
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, informs the members of the leadership experts about an important point. our commission rejected the council issue. mr. amini says that because the commission will approve it tomorrow, and if it is approved in the council, then of course there will be problems later. this is what we are. gentlemen who agree with the sufficiency of negotiations regarding being a council or being an individual should rise up. a strong majority of the teachers voted. now we are going to vote
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. which one should we vote first to be a council or an individual ? it is already known that this is a council. if you vote, whatever it is, this limit should not be announced until the referendum is held by the constitution. but in any case , gentlemen who are leaders at this stage. at this stage, until the referendum, they agree to rise . 45 individual standing has been approved. now
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we have to vote on the individual. i also thought of the council but when the majority speaks, there is no place to talk. when the vote was taken and the option of leadership of the council was removed, some expert members from the parliament decided to raise the name of ayatollah khamenei . and ask mr. hashemi rafsanjani to share imam's words about ayatollah khamenei's worthiness to lead the system with the nation's experts. let me say this mr. shab.
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they had decided to take full advantage of the decade of ashura and the decade of muharram, which naturally people have a lot of excitement and enthusiasm in the decade of muharram , in order to make it public and inform everyone. the story of fayzieh school was that they sent people to the city and to all the scholars of the cities , especially the big cities like mashhad, tabriz, shiraz and other places , they sent messages to the scholars of those areas and gave the necessary instructions to all these gentlemen. i remember that i went to see them, they sent me to mashhad, and i went and was assigned to see the late ayatollah milani, who was the first person in mashhad at that time, as well as the rest of the scholars of mashhad, and to tell them a few things that
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these things were secret that day. one is the issue of interference. israeli and american policies in iran issues it was necessary for me to explain this to the gentlemen and explain it to them. the second was that from the 7th day of muharram, all prayer gatherings should be devoted to the story of the incident of the fayzia school, and all pulpits should prepare material in this regard and tell the truth to the people. before the victory of the revolution in january 1957, the imam had elected him as a member of the revolutionary council. it was after the revolution that the imam sent ayatollah khamenei to the most deprived region of iran, namely sistan baluchistan, in april 1358. once upon a time.
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there was no one but god. there was a place under the pigeon dome. around the head the way of strange caravans, far away from the salty sea , far away, khan, the selections of those days, after decades of oppression and deprivation , they were newly acquainted with the phenomenon of the islamic revolution. allah was khamenei and allah sent someone to them.
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the title of a person who is described as the former hassan and who is worthy in science and practice was attributed to the juma imamat of tehran . we are not afraid of the economic blockade. the politicians who think that the government of the iranian nation is afraid of the economic blockade are wrong. we are not afraid. this nation will not be hungry. stayed this nation to he will not back down because of food and bread. today, we have entered a field where any withdrawal from that field is the death of iran, the death of islam and the victory of the invading powers. this nation will not satisfy them.
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four months before the start of the war, both his imam and martyr chamran as your representative in the supreme defense council decided to talk to you as much as possible. sit down. nothing has brought you here except the sense of duty. there was nothing for you to come . everything is in other places. the money is in another place. the position is in another place. show your name. there is another here, there is a broken bend here, there is a bullet here the sun is hot here, if you are in the photo trench. in their message, they wrote to him: now the enemies of the revolution have malicious intent on you, who are from the lineage of the holy prophet and the family of hussain bin ali, and who have no crime but to serve islam and the islamic country, and who
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are self-sacrificing soldiers on the front and war teachers and preachers. you are able to record the extent of your political thinking and support for the people and opposition to the oppressors in juma and the congregations and compassionate guides in the scene of the revolution. military uniform and clerical uniform behind the front this oppressed nation has served and i wish you health from god almighty to continue serving islam. whenever i remember that this incident has caused our great imam to say: please show compassion in your message and let our great and heroic nation start praying and pray
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, i feel ashamed in myself , my endless devotion i am submitting to the service of the imam of the ummah and i am telling him that he will break his peace if he is patient with this respectable gentleman who came with difficulty and i was very happy that mr. khamenei came, peace be upon him, and they are not here. he had done, so tell me, what wrongdoing did he do that you wanted to kill him and you didn't succeed, and thank god after the difficult summer of 1360 , imam khomeini, who was president of rouhani before that. he had opposed it, and now he was allowing his old student, ayatollah khamenei, to enter the field. imam
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introduced him as a thinker and scientist in his tanfiz message. in accordance with the great nation and knowing the position and rank of the respected thinker and scientist mr. hojat al-islam, mr. seyed ali , i appointed him to the position of president of the islamic republic of iran. in this honorable meeting, in response to the love and trust of the people, i declare that i will stand to my death for my part in the establishment of the rule of islam, which is the desire of our revolutionary nation, like other companions
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who died on the altar of love for god and mankind, and to the pledge and they fulfilled their promise and in 1364, on the order of the imam, he was a candidate for the presidency for the second time. it became a republic. in 1966, when he shared his views on the principle of velayat al-faqih with the imam , in response to this letter, the imam pointed to his long history of acquaintance with ayatollah khamenei and wrote: i had a close relationship with his excellency, and the same relationship remains until now, thank god, i consider him one of the powerful arms of the islamic republic. and i know you as a brother who is familiar with jurisprudential issues and is committed to them, and who takes a separate side from the jurisprudential principles related to the absolute authority of the jurist. then
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they described imam maqam ayatollah khamenei as such among his other companions. among the friends and those who are committed to islam and islamic principles , you are among the rare people who shine like the sun . ayatollah khamenei in march. 67 to the countries of yugoslavia and romania and in may 68 the countries of china and north korea are traveling, which had wide international repercussions due to the special conditions of iran in the post-ceasefire period. thank you very much mr. chairman, keep going. haj ahmed agha tells about this that in those days he was listening to the alarm so that if the imam
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pressed the alarm in his room, they would immediately go to his room. one day at 7 in the evening, the imam's alarm sounded. ahmad agha first thought that the imam had a stroke. the imam was sitting in the room with both hands in front of his knees and watching tv . the iranian islamic revolution is a huge phenomenon with there are many different dimensions. on the one hand, the iranian nation rose up against one of the most powerful puppet governments of american imperialism in the region and stood empty-handed in front of cannons and thongs, and finally
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destroyed that regime and that regime completely. then the imam said, don't let it get stuck. how many times have i told you and mr. hashemi to bring up mr. khamenei . one sees this greatness and appreciates it. may we have this happiness and success again to use your guidance and guidance.
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it was less than a month after this fact that imam to solve the problems in the compilation and approval of the laws he established the expediency council and appointed ayatollah khamenei as the head of this council. in these times, the imam mentioned ayatollah khamenei well in private meetings with the leaders of the system and considered him worthy of leadership for the future. let's find someone like mr. khamenei. he cannot find the fact that he is committed to islam and his heart is to serve this nation, and after this revolution reached its peak , he was ready to fight everywhere until the end and still is. let mr. shabestri
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read this, gentlemen, mr. shabestri, something from mr. taheri i heard that the imam said a sentence about mr. khamenei, if you guys want, i will quote it, but only with the desire of the experts and the testimony of mr. mousavi ordavi about the authenticity of the words of mr. hashemi rafsanjani , the confirmation of the imam from ayatollah khamenei. it is possible that we also have witnesses. yes, well, we had a meeting with the chiefs of forces, the prime minister, and ahmad agha, at the time when the issue of mr. montazeri was hot, and we had a discussion with the imam. one of our protests with the imam was that if you put mr. montazeri aside, we will have problems in leadership
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i did not have. we said that we don't have a person to present in the society because we were supposed to be an authority and it was with the same issues, but why don't you have mr. khamenei ? you are not enough , of course we decided not to tell anyone about this amount, and we didn't tell anyone. actually, we didn't find out until later. from here, there was not much distance left until the end of the meeting. ayatollah khamenei was not willing to accept this heavy responsibility. at the same time, ayatollah khamenei has the lofty position of imam in the eyes of the people and the elite looked not even 24 hours had passed since imam's death.


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