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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. two-week deadline of the central bank to the banks' board of directors regarding compliance with the interest rate. while warning the board of directors of the banks regarding the observance of the approved interest rates, the deputy supervisor of the central bank emphasized: the offending banks must cancel the unconventional deposit interest rate within the next two weeks and correct the high rate deposits. mr. mohammadpour said that if
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the interest rate is not corrected, the delinquent banks will be dealt with and the authority of their management will be revoked. we will meet we will definitely meet. especially with people who have responsibility in the board of directors we will definitely deal with these issues . really, if we know that these behaviors will continue after these two weeks, in our opinion. those people like us are no longer qualified to sit in that seat. the start of the construction of the 7th industrial town for technology companies. the managing director of the industrial estates company says. it is planned that with the establishment of 300 technology units in this industrial town, about 9 thousand people will be employed. according to mr. moghimi, this industrial town is technological in the field of intelligence. artificial biotechnology industrial
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advanced materials will work. request from colleagues i would like to inform you that the construction of the technology town is the executive operation of the 7th specialized technological industrial town in tehran province with the aim of increasing and strengthening the relationship between the university and knowledge-based companies. this town is trying to strengthen the relationship with universities and strengthen the relationship with our knowledge companies. and provide conditions so that we can use all the intellectual capacities and scientific capitals of the country for the benefit of the mining industry and trade. a space for the growth and development of technology-oriented units and improving the competitiveness of emerging industrial units. one of the inherent tasks of the park is that, in fact, the companies start-up companies that are actually at the beginning of the road should be supported and supported.
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to reach a point where they can actually enter the industry. after i was able to bring the technology to the so-called initial development and call it the so-called laboratory production , we will provide them with the land here. industrial units will be established , god willing. this campus is in the area of ​​the village, in the area of ​​health, in the area of ​​bio-technology, in the area of ​​intelligence artificially, in terms of intelligence and technologies related to it, in general, emerging technologies should be active. the first phase of the implementation of this settlement will be implemented with a capital of about 25 billion tomans, thanks to the efforts of iran's industrial settlements company.
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and 11 people are injured. an incident that showed the emptiness of a relief system. it became a spark for the group that is now called the country's emergency organization. before the revolution, for the population of 30 million people in iran, only 150 personnel were working in the emergency organization. but after the revolution, every day with the efforts of the officials of this number increased. day by day. friends
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, they are being upgraded . there are nearly 26,000 manpower in the country's emergency department. there are nearly 6,000 ambulances . it takes 10 minutes for the ambulance to arrive at the patient's wing. closer he found the arrival time of the ambulance to 15 minutes and the motorlance to 9 minutes. one of the latest solutions to reduce the time of arrival of the emergency department is to use motorlance. today, 264 motorlance devices are operating in tehran province, and our time is noticeably shortened. find and i am proud to say that for the first time in our country , we will appear at the bedside of muslims in 9 minutes in shahrhar. explanation of the services of the martyred president from the words of his wife, khanum khoda, in the first
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speech after the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi at the university of mashhad , he considered the presence of millions of people in the martyrs' legislation to support justice, honesty, sincerity and service. in the name of god. the first official speech of the martyred president's wife. about two weeks after mr. raisi's martyrdom. i went to class from sunday only because, mr. president, i did not accept any kind of holiday. this is an opportunity speech it was so that the wife of the martyred president could tell about the mood these days. the most painful human pain is the pain of emptiness.
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the leader of the revolution also gave advice to the family of martyr raisi. they said that you have the right to cry, and i am not saying that you should not cry, but be thankful for it. be thankful that the system went several steps forward and his martyrdom was no less blessed for the system than his life . unveiled, basically the characteristic of the nation. we produce hamas because of mourning, because of mourning, it is passive you can't create sugas. the wife of the martyred president once again mentioned the fact that the martyr wants to go, not to mourn, and
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he said that there is no place to rest, one should try harder than before, the basis should be more precise. . every once in a while, this revolution is revived with the blood of the martyrs, and it revives and rises again , and we must acknowledge this great honor that has been given to us. peace be upon you, and may god bless you . concrete and cement the use of graphene in construction issues has succeeded in increasing the level the quality of hydraulic concrete. according to the announcement of the nano headquarters, this concrete dries in a shorter period of time in addition to its resistance and strength. using this technological product on a large scale reduces the cost of
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construction projects. another use of this product is in infrastructure projects such as highways. the next part of the news is at 6 o'clock.
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due to the early presidential elections that will be held on july 8th, tonight we will discuss the issue of social capital and its relationship with the elections and the presence of people at the polling booths. on the one hand, these two dimensions help each other and have an effect on each other. mr. dr. saei , a member of the supreme council of the cultural revolution
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, is our guest tonight. dear viewers of this program , i hope the discussion we are having will be a blessing for the society and i hope it will not cause misunderstanding . from now on , do n't worry about misunderstanding. and it is you who provides these things there is a problem with their completely normal perception. probably , mr. doctor, if you give a definition of social capital so that we know what we are talking about, then we can compare it with other issues and see that human societies are a collection of people and individuals. beyond the set of capabilities of each individual
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, different thinkers have realized this discussion since several thousand years ago that if we have, for example, 10 or 20 people in a group, but the type of communication and the network of communication and relationships between these be different from each other, the output of this group of 20 people it can be and it will be different. now we have a field under the title of group dynamics in new eras and maybe the last 100 years, which is based on these experiments, even experimental ones, that when the gender of people's relationships are different, the total outputs of these people are different from each other. it means that you can put 20 people together in such a way that all their capabilities are added together and increase their set of capabilities. you can also put these together in such a way that they
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cancel each other's ability and by the way reduce your ability. the collection of these people should be created. this area, which was created under the title of social capital discussion, and of course , there may be different literatures in different areas, its purpose and intention is to deal with this. ok , let's connect each other so that the output and result of this human group reaches its maximum, and of course, the opposite is all those who look at the story like this, when they want to face, for example, a society that is their enemy or their rival, even an organization. as far as the economic organization they compete with each other one of the things that these two rival organizations can do in the layers of the human network, in short, their rival organization, is
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to change these relationships in such a way that the exploitation set of their rival organization decreases. there are many things that we can talk about if we want to talk about it, so when we talk about social capital , we talk about objective issues. they understand that this creates value for us do they realize that right now our daily life will be effective, social capital of this kind may not be seen, it may be intangible, but if the type of communication that the people of a society have is based on some kind of synergy, even economic effects will have an effect on mental peace. each person will have an effect on it. the hope that people will actually have to build, which itself
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is the first ground for development and progress , will have a completely direct and objective effect on them, and what is studied in the field of social capital, which is considered an alternative to economic capital, is this kind of thing. it means that maybe we in economic capital have a more direct understanding of the discussion of capital, in the discussion of social capital it is a discussion. maybe it has been a hundred years, but in the last 50 years, it can be measured. yes, yes, it means that it has been tried in the fields of social studies, of course, always measuring social indicators. he answered, in the field of society , there are indicators that are common, maybe in the global field , maybe it is of this type of society that sometimes the iranian people are facing a crisis, and we should talk about this, but it is
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possible to think of methods and measures. for transverse in general, this is presented as an average as social capital, or we can also have a division, for example, your capital is in the economic field, your capital is in the political field, in the cultural field, yes, in the studies that take place in these fields , finally, the separation it is possible that what we are studying is the network of relationships that exists between individuals, that is, if in a society people trust their neighbors very simply , and for example, suppose what we call a neighborhood. . where is the neighborhood a neighborhood is a collection of people who live next to each other their houses are also located. but they trust each other. they say that when you reach the place of belonging, you reach the neighborhood, a concept that happens to be used a lot in the literature of new sociology, in europe itself and so on. they say, for example, suppose that
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the security of this space is provided better. up to a space where there are people, they don't know each other , they live next to each other , they are the same people, but they neither trust each other nor know each other. that effective people have a community with each other or with they have their own society, all this can be studied and it has been studied in studies, now we don't want it. let's go ahead with the chicken and egg discussion, but let's go to our main topic, which is the issue of elections and people's participation. do you think that it is social capital and high social capital that helps to increase participation and hold an enthusiastic election or an election if it is intelligent? the reason is that
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we are seeing a high social capital in the country. how do they relate to each other? social issues. they have a two-way relationship, that is, the question that the society of humans the structure or the people make the society, or let's assume that the culture makes the rituals or the rituals make the culture, now i don't want to make it chicken and egg, as you say, but there is really a two-way relationship, and these are actually one a pendulum that when it goes to any side strengthens the return side. they move society forward, but anyway , when we talk about social capital , look at it like talking about an environment , if you consider someone who pollutes tehran in this weather, or suppose it destroys forests, well, this is too much for us it is clear that what crime he is
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committing, maybe we have come to this understanding now , maybe 20 years ago it was very clear. we didn't have a clear view of the environment like we have now. social capital of this kind and the properties of our society, the effective people of our society seem to have a special obligation to maintain social capital. look, when we live in the environment, let 's say i have a car that emits smoke, yes, it might take me to my destination faster, but i'm ultimately inside this. i live in the environment , some of our properties and political activists are less like this it is worth noting that suppose i did something immoral and because of this immorality , the social capital of the society faced a decrease, i may feel at some point
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that i have achieved something myself, but in a more long-term or even medium-term process. 6 years old on this scale. even my self-confidence will decrease, that is, you are the critic whose features are so effective on my cold. yes, it seems to be one of the points that, of course , we have several effective poles in the field of social capital, which can be effective up to 6 or 7 poles. he introduced, if we get a chance, we will talk about it in the media, for example after all, religious institutions are among the effective people. the artistic culture of the family is a part of this atmosphere . we can introduce these things now during the program, but the main thing is that we are facing a situation because we are close to the elections, maybe we need to talk about this issue .
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they use the same social capital with a kind of immorality. once the money is spent, it will not come back and they think that this small win that they find is serious for them. now, let me give an example . he comes and says, sir, if i confirm my qualification i could not participate in this election, for example, it is illegal for me to participate in this election, or expressions like this can be used . you can take this same person and see how much trust and popularity he had in this community 10 years ago . you live in a group of people. i want to say that, sir, i will destroy a part of it and i will not be harmed by destroying myself, that is, even i say , sir, even if you are the opposition of this system, when
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the way you face it is a destructive way, don't think that you are only harming the political system. come in you have become a game because this whole human society is a connected network, you have entered an open. if we have this understanding of how to create a human network and the human society we are in , we will face much more care. we are talking about unity , it does not mean that people all think the same, for example , if someone says something like that, it is definitely irrelevant , it does not mean that we do not have disagreements, it does not mean that they are saying something against each other. unity means to learn
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to interact with each other in such a way that the result is a synergy for the whole society . for example, suppose that i am a simple manager. suppose that i am a simple employee. i also have an organizational manager. if the relationship my relationship with this manager should be that i will tell him everything that belongs to him. this organization will definitely suffer if the nature of my relationship with this manager is sexual. if i start using bad words, destroying , for example, gossiping, slandering, i will face him. this is for the organization. no matter how i express my opposition to this manager, it hurts me to have my objection my opposition should be announced, but at the same time, the whole organization should not be damaged to such an extent that i would have a crisis within this organization, and after a while i would not have a job because this organization is a clan, some of them will say
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that i will do the destruction that i am doing now. or is this basically the words that are said, now we all see the competitions that the words that are said, maybe some people really feel that if i don't know anything about this literature, these confidential secrets, these personal and private issues . if i don't bring it up, i can't give that real woman to the society that, sir, for example, i am better than this is me, there is no problem, let me come, then we will fix this, that is, in another opportunity , we will compensate for this with the programs that i will have, and also the damage that the society has seen in our management , this will be resolved, god willing . you can really talk about each and every one of these, for example, the concept of disclosure that exists. there is scientific literature about it, or the concept of transparency, if it exists, a little scientific literature is being formed around it now , it can be discussed case by case, but one point
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that really needs to be considered now is the properties of a special society and the people who are standing in the field of holding elections in the next few days, i.e. the next three or four weeks, should be aware of the whole society. i want to emphasize this point, really , the experience of the last 10 years, the last 12 years, when our society has seen many high-profile cases , has shown that if people do not take care, now we see a general concept under the title of ethics, you know that ethics is really a science. for itself and it has its own complexities , it is not a simple matter that is not detailed, it finds vast details . where should i disclose? i have to hide, where all this can be discussed in ethical topics and what is ethics at all? when
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philosophers talk about ethics, they say ethics. it is the thing that helps the sustainability of the society , that is, there should be continuity in the sustainability of the society . what is immoral at all? why is honesty moral ? because if all people are honest with each other, the sustainability of this society will actually happen more easily. why lie because of the reduction trust disturbs the survival of the society. it seems that our properties should be based on this ethics as an effective element that preserves social capital and collective interests. it makes them pay attention, i hope that this experience, especially in the last 12 years , the last 15 years, can be called a turning point for us since 2088. the experience we have from this era is that if i commit political immorality,
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i commit electoral immorality. i am sure that there will be a result against me. it is not like this. i will be affected by it. exactly, if our most effective people realize this, then in my opinion, the behavior will be different from the earth to the sky. let's assume that i am now the political groups. hi after all, presidential candidates are presidential candidates. let's assume that i, as a political group or a political person, believe that i have been wronged, that i have not been qualified, or that the candidate of my faction has not been qualified. to say, sir , we have been wronged, but if this path goes to such an extent that it wants to disrupt this entire social structure , then in the end, it will harm that person
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. i really have a suggestion for the properties of the society , even with having a serious complaint and even an announcement to invite people to participate in the elections, let them know if people participate in the elections, which is a result for our society due to the fact that a part of this diverse society may be marginalized for the time being , but for the same marginal part or a part that may now even have a very accurate representative to enter the presidential elections. no, a passionate election will have a better mid-term benefit for them. if our officials can accommodate this well for the people, in our opinion, i think it will be in a correct and accurate process.
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we have complaints, protests and complaints. they don't have it in this period. yes, because there is a pressure now , they can announce it. look, now let's give a historical example and let's go back. after all, we still have the issues and problems that, for example , our society faced in the elections of 2008, these new sanctions and disputes that it happened, so suppose that the candidate who thought there was fraud even came and announced this. and he said, sir, in my opinion, fraud has happened, but i accept the government mechanism and i want to continue in the same mechanism, now the situation of that political crime is now. i mean, i don't know how it was. i don't know, really, that political crime itself. now their analysis is that they put everything in the same way in 2088, and that's the way they are facing themselves now in the meetings.
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their analysis is that we, for example , went in the right direction. i feel that their sense is that we did not go in the right direction. if they had dealt with it in a different way at that time, now they have a better situation in this society, and this is a point that everyone should accept. it means that everyone should finally accept that there is a mechanism, this mechanism may even have problems, you can solve your problems announce to this mechanism, but don't disturb the principle of the mechanism, let this partnership be established , let the problems of this country be solved , be sure of the fact of the participation that happens in the elections, even if you are the opposition of this system, the opposition is a strong system. bashi will actually have a better result for you too. please accept this.


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