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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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we will come back to you, mr. bozurzadeh, let's go back to the water discussion and one of the points that we saw together in the initial report of the program, mrs. khodadadi, is the issue of offshore desalination. from the volume and the work they do, yes, usually the desalination plants are actually working by the coast and they use sea water , but in this emergency plan, in any case, sistan and that zahedan region of sistan baluchistan, sometimes they are not found at all. it is difficult to make water, no matter how good it is, you will finally get a water there in fact, we provided a set of wells , some of which, for example , those in the wells of harmak region, have acceptable salinity, but some of them have high salinity, and now it is a technical parameter . it shows how much salt
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is about 17 thousand 15 thousand, how much should it be that can be salted , it should be below 2000 to 1500 so that we can actually do what, usually it is not too low for tehran now, in fact, after this, we need a supplementary measure on let's do this water, that is, when we found this water, we prepared it and stored it in our tanks, we have to do desalination because on the beach it is not offshore, and it has large dimensions . let's establish our own water supply for this large factory. in less than 8 months, we actually did all this work with an efficiency of over 70%, which is a very high efficiency, and it is now ready for operation, which was done today. in fact, we call it offshore desalination.
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you said this set of plans from 0 to 10 has been completed for 8 months. yes, yes , these measures that we have taken now are supported by our mid-term measures in the emergency plan, which is the transfer of water from the eastern abkhan in another area next to zahedan, where we will supply the water. we bring for the city of zahedan itself and also for the region of sistan in a combination of management and exploitation that is one. in fact, they have a special decree on how to use these different sources. this is our medium-term plan. we also have a long-term plan that is within the framework of the law on water transfer from the sea of ​​oman for sistan baluchistan province, which the legislator has obliged us to do as well. we have on the agenda, these three plans actually support each other and everyone's dream about zero vulnerability. this water supply system in that area
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is convenient for drinking water, industry, health and services what is the time frame of this project that you mentioned, i.e. how long will it take for the mid-term to the end of the year, which of course is a large part of it, right now, we have started everything together, including the sea, which is now more than 20% advanced, and it is also in it is actually on the agenda. how much has this water softener been invested in so far? how much water does it provide now? look at the investment portfolio of the 28 projects of the ministry of energy today, about 20 thousand billion tomans, 10 thousand billion tomans related to the barka sector, 10 thousand billion tomans to the water sector, of which 2800 tomans are from this 10 thousand billion tomans a billion tomans belong to this project to desalinize water, but this package is to desalinize water, but these wells that have been broken are spread over kilometers in hamon, hirmand, shileh , harmak, and their collection systems, electricity
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supply, transfer of reservoir water, and this is about 1200 billion tomans. the cost part means that this package itself is actually about 4 thousand billion tomans, the two-way water transfer system that i mentioned has been re-engineered, that is also a number, and our other projects, which are about 10 thousand billion tomans , have been invested in this time. at. in fact, in this part of this watershed, there is another stage is there another phase or not, there is no head in this section , that is, another sinkhole, i mean that is going to be built , or in this section, not in this section, not where is it going to be if we find other resources, but now in this design, it is not enough in sistallerjan. how much water does it supply? it desalinizes the same water
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, 100,000 cubic meters per day. we are going to increase these amounts to about 2 cubic meters. by our need in zahedaneh, of course how many cities or villages does this desalination water cover, that is, how big is it, because about one million people cover one million people, about 500 thousand people in zahedan region and another 500 thousand people in 5 cities of sistan region and about 95 and 60 villages in it. the region means almost a third of the people who are in the village in the province. yes, a lot. you see, sir, it is possible for us to supply water to a village with the tanker method, for example, we are talking about a large area and several different cities and villages, and with the extensive systems that have been developed in that area, we had no other way at all.
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except this way, so that we can ease our worries about the supply of drinking water and people's health, and that there is a special difference between this desalinated water and desalinated water. another one that is more efficient because we are the source of water supply in the sistan baluchistan region, in general , that region is a region where the reservoirs and aquifers are thin and not many sources of water can be found there , or with poor quality, especially in the north of the province. it was important for us that the waste of water caused by the wastewater that we get from the water softener should be minimal, so in the technical specifications of this water softener, we found the efficiency to be very high compared to approx. 70 in fact, we saw the efficiency and then the speed of execution. two important technical features are the speed of execution and high efficiency, and the important managerial feature is that
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it does not have speed. it takes about 18 months, usually from the time you desalinated water , you would actually order 16 months to 18 months in the world and sometimes more . if there are delays, i don't count them of course, there was no problem in financing the ministry of energy in any way, because it was one of our projects' priority. however, financing is always a difficult task. you are talking about financing. but in any case, the ministry of energy was determined to solve this problem in the province and close this problem once and for all and
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make the region multi-sourced. and you really should provide more services than these . do you have any special points about financing it, because you mentioned the difficulty and in the long term , i present the sea to your service. it targets about one billion cubic meters of water and it is a project of about 100 thousand billion tomans, a large part of which belongs to the sea project, which is
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financed by the government's approval as the night water incentive is predicted in the sea plans , which will actually be from the mines. fortunately, this happened last year, so we don't have five or six more minutes to summarize with you . if you also mention the translation of water supply and give a summary , you can see the set of measures that i am talking about in the field of water. i said that your service is from rural water supply to the completion of hundreds of transmission and image networks. the house and the emergency plans that i mentioned are at your service and the water desalination plant is located in the panawar province of sistan baluchistan and the plans that are coming
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. and health and service and industrial jobs, in fact , to make it easier for us to explain to you, thank you very much, just one question. which i did not forget because mr. noushadi also mentioned it in the water softeners or in general all the plans you did, how much internalization did you have from the capability of the internal forces, about 60 internal in the water. in the rest of our answers in the construction topics that 100 internal work, in general , if we divide the work we do into two parts, equipment and construction, in fact, in construction topics, 100 of our internal forces, both in the design phase and in the implementation phase, actually help. they are doing about 85 in the equipment department. actually, we have internal capacity. this 15% that we don't have is mainly in parts of the turbine and desalination, that is
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, let's assume in the turbine runners and in the membranes and some of the components of the special pumps that exist in this sector, we usually import these , and now in the water itself, this ratio is higher, about more than i think, 45 in this project was actually foreign, the rest is internal, mr. noushadi. if you can tell us a more detailed and detailed description of the internalization, i would be grateful. i think we have about four minutes. please summarize . yes, by the grace of god, if we want to talk about the documentary, the first line of the national gas has photos and documentary images, and it is possible. there is a referral there , except for low-level service workers it is not iranian. even the drivers are not iranian , but today we have 100 pieces of equipment in the pipeline department
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, alhamdulillah, it is domestically made. in the pressure boosting stations, the most complex equipment, what is the system, not the national first line? now we compare with today, today we have 100 lines and nights. 92% of the equipment of our gas pressure boosting stations is iranian, and the part that is not iranian is due to the low number and circulation, which has no economic value . our most iranian refinery is 76. let me tell you a memory from two decades ago. i visited phase one of the ilam gas refinery in the entire refinery around 2008. 3 representatives of foreign companies, turbine
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, expander, compressor, control system, etc., can be seen inside the site. i request you to send your colleagues to visit the ilam phase 2 refinery, which we are currently running , there is not a single foreigner there. this is the depth of internalization that the country's gas industry has done with the support that we have done, for example, the turbine issue that i served. i said that our company has two contracts each the value of one billion dollars has been contracted for the transfer of technology, and we have not forgotten that the europeans did not include the complex parts in the technology transfer contract at all, and the non-complex parts will also leave this country with the start of the sanctions, that is, we now have the complex parts of the turbine, such as the casing. combustion chamber combustion or hot parts of the turbine or hot section, we didn't have a data sheet at all and... engineering all the internals. the proud point is that the compressor we are producing today is not
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from the compressor that we transferred the technology to, but from the compressor which is being built by that company today its efficiency is 4% higher and we have upgraded compressors installed in our system . in fact, the gas industry should spill over the technologies that it has provided in the form of deposition of knowledge and technology inside the country to the other parts. i told you one thing today. consider the chabahar pipeline in iran, where we spent 420 million dollars, from the amount of savings in changing the type of fuel, only the chabahar power plant has a return on investment of less than one year, so the 3-year plans are called golden or golden plans. only one corner of the year is the return on investment i hope that all industrial sectors that use gas energy will think that we should go
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towards the optimization of energy consumption, and this issue of energy consumption optimization is addressed to all of us, that is , first of all, the power plant industry and each one of us in the home part of mr. the minister gave a report last year saying that we export 6% of gas, and the income is 94%. we must use the gas that we consume in an optimal way. the calorific value of the gas that is being produced in our country now is equivalent to five and a half million barrels. it means that our country is now more of a gas country than an oil country and we have this economic disadvantage for progress and for development, we must keep our slogan is the slogan of gas-oriented development, because today we talked about sistan baluchistan, now there are about 98 development permits that they take from us , whether we are in the territory of the gas lines or not, they belong to sistan
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baluchistan and every single one. we trace them back to the gas energy itself. you definitely need us to move towards the improvement, and god willing , the decision-making bodies, including the government assembly, the budget program organization , will understand the importance of this economic situation, and i will definitely consider these issues in the budget discussions. thank you, mr. noushadi. the director of iran gas engineering and expansion company, mr. bozorgzadeh, the spokesperson of the water industry, i should add that mr. esadi was supposed to talk to them, but i didn't get to talk to them . i also thank all the good viewers of nim today's conversation for keeping us together until this moment, may god protect you. .
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i would like to say a few words about the elections. the critical and crucial issue of our country is the elections in all periods, whether it is the parliamentary elections, the parliamentary elections, or especially the presidential elections, which are just a few days away . i would like to say two things about the elections. the first thing is that two or three months before this foreign radios started to slander and distort the face of elections in our country to
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make people pessimistic . sometimes it is said that this is a controlled game within the government. they are playing by themselves. these candidates differ from the different candidates you see. sometimes it is said that there will definitely be fraud in the elections. whenever you say something, the meaning of all these destructions is the same thing. although they want the nation not to have a strong and visible participation in the elections , the high-ranking officials of the system, from the top to the bottom, want this. the election of the leadership by the people is also done by the people, through the election of the experts of the presidency, the islamic council, various councils, this
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is one of the honors of the system. they want to take this from the people. because they know that the system will be strengthened with this. i will tell you. everyone is interested in the strength of this system. anyone who is interested in islam. whoever is interested in the iranian nation , it is logically and legally obligatory for him to participate in this election. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. dear ones different candidates each have fans and enthusiasts. enthusiasts of this candidates can't object to those who are interested in that candidate, why are you interested in him? are you not interested in my favorite candidate? no. this
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is one of the honors of our country. this is among the honors of various people. they face people with different personalities, different tastes, and different ways of working . some people like this, some people like that, some people like that. this is an honor, this is good. each of the respected candidates has fans, some of these fans are fanatics, they are very stubborn fans. with their own fiance. but be careful these interests did not lead to success. you are trying for your own faith for your opinion, don't let the enemy of this faith, the enemy of this
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ideal, take advantage of you. i heard and found out that some young people are going to the streets to support the candidates. now i won't talk about this going to the streets. but i say emphatically that you should be careful that this street of garidis does not lead to confrontation and conflict. if you see someone who insists on conflict, you should know that he is either a traitor or very careless. allahu akbar , allahu akbar, allahu akbar. dear candidates, be careful to be be careful he doesn't like people to see.
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a candidate, whether in advertising speeches, in speeches, on television, or in non-vision, to prove himself, come to the negation of the other. that too with different arguments. i don't think this is true. earlier i also gave a recommendation about this. i will tell you now in these last days. candidates are all working for the same goal . everyone seems to have a sense of responsibility. i have no objection to debate and controversy, discussion and criticism, but try to
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do this within the correct framework of religious sharia. the people are awake people, they understand, they know that the various honorable candidates of these four people are the candidates approved by the guardian council. those honorable candidates themselves will give speeches there, pay attention and take care in these speeches and these statements in such a way that it does not lead to the creation of enmity, creating a quarrel with the brotherhood, and proceed with kindness, of course, differences of opinion, differences of opinion, differences of taste in various issues , in personal issues. in general matters.
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it seems to me that no one sows seeds in a specific way. i will not tell anyone. i did not say and i will not say. whom to vote for what? no one voted. what i want from the people is that everyone should come to the polls and vote with all their strength, with all their strength, with all their energy on june 22.
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after significant progress in recent weeks , the united states and nato announced that ukraine is allowed to attack targets inside russia with their weapons. this action angered moscow's ukrainian allies. putin celebrated the 79th anniversary of victory in the ceremony. in world war ii, he announced the readiness of the russian nuclear forces. this threat to the kremlin
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disputes. in the shadow of these criticisms and protests of the opponents of the war it was in the european union that the secretary general of nato said that ukraine had already
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been allowed to attack russian territory because some nato allies had not previously imposed restrictions on the use of their weapons in russian territory. at the same time, the white house announced that it should not participate in the swiss meeting in favor of the ukraine peace meeting. an issue that zelensky called putin's encouragement. china and saudi arabia also said they would not participate. saudi arabia itself last summer.
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today's lucky winner of 100 million tomans, our number 123 849, will benefit from special discounts on all products in the big celebration of the city. and in addition, just by being in the city of household appliances , you can participate in the daily lottery of 100 million tomans. akhri brady shahr of home appliances in sarai irani opened a well-equipped and specialized digital store in an area of ​​over 5,000 square meters in sarai irani in qom. all kinds of mobile phones, personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories at incredible prices
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and... long-term dances in a digital equipped palace in the iranian grand palace of qom. in the name of allah, the most merciful, peace be upon you. dear viewers, at 16:00. during the visit of the minister of health and medical education to gilan province, some plans health care was put into operation. city angio and angiography of heshmat rushd hospital and several other medical and health projects of gilan province are among the projects that dr. ainullah put into operation.


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