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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 6:00am-6:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate, dear compatriots, greetings to you, good friday morning. the friday march of anger and disgust with the zionist regime will be held today in three provinces, according to the announcement of the islamic propaganda coordination council of the compatriots in the provinces of azerbaijan. eastern golestan and kurdistan after performing friday prayers with a march. condemning the crimes
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of the zionist regime, as well as america's support for this regime , they declare their connection with the oppressed people of palestine. dozens of construction and infrastructure projects were implemented in several provinces. head of department at the opening ceremony of the construction projects of sistan baluchistan, from the gas transmission lines to jihad water supply, the republic said to compare the situation. in the days of the beginning of the government and today, the country shows how much the situation has improved with the efforts of the martyred president, and the martyred president's expectation from us is to follow the affairs of the country without interruption. about 13 thousand billion tomans are provided by the resources of sistan baluchistan province. the service of our martyred president continues, and some of the government ministers from gilan to sistan baluchistan have developed national plans to implement justice and
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they exploited the deprivation and prosperity of the country. a symbol of seeking justice the emergence of this issue in our martyred president should be seen in the direction and travels of mr. president. the acting president also put national projects into operation in sistan baluchistan province. one project in the country with delays . all those projects that they had decided or were in the plan that should have been carried out have not been encountered. in fact, they are being implemented with good order and will. the ministers of energy and petroleum also visited this province. transmission of iranshahr gas from makran chabahar to kanarak and setting up a hospital.
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superspeciality in zahedan was one of these projects. the total credit of these 42 projects was more than 86 thousand billion tomans. one of those very good and important economic projects was the misr and gold mine project, which was opened and operated in nimroz and taftan cities. the discussion of transferring the gas line of the nationwide network, which is 290 km long from iran shahr to chabahar, was a 56-inch line that today the project was put into operation, well , the cost of this project was almost 17 thousand billion tomans, and of course there is good news for the villagers in the field of communication of about 58 villages with more than 0 households in sistan baluchistan province to the national information network and high-speed internet. having access during this period, we have connected 1261 new villages with more than 20 households and about 500 villages with less than 20 households with fiber optics in the cities where we connect buildings, god willing, it
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will also start soon in zahedan city and gradually by the end of the year in all the cities of the province. god willing, they will be covered by fibnori. the minister of health visited gilan, the first city angiography center and 20 health and treatment projects in this province, and visited the 421-bed hospital in rasht. the minister of interior also went to khorasan. he went north and visited the construction projects of this province facilitating the completion of the implementation of economic approvals, such as the plan to transfer wastewater to khorasan petrochemical and imam reza's golanai settlement , peace be upon him
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, i emphasized, jafari of sed and sima news agency, the countdown to the unveiling of the list of presidential candidates has begun. he should also use his second five-day mehrat to check qualifications. the behavior of candidates and their supporters is monitored with complete neutrality and continuously. these statements were made by the minister of information in the meeting of the heads of forces and he also said that people who have a destructive approach will be given the necessary warning and in case the need to report it will be provided to the judicial authorities. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters also said that out of four women and 76 men candidates, 45 have a doctorate degree, 11 have a seminary degree, and 24 have a master's degree. we have seen the release of promotional videos before the start of the election campaign. still
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, day by day, talk about the formation of election headquarters and even the introduction of its leaders in cyber space is getting hotter and hotter. the president of azad university said that all the capacities of shahrbayeh network are at his service. the election is going on, tehranchi said they should support any kind of initiative of student organizations that leads to the increase and selection of weapons . the student movement made a statement and said that instead of destruction , i should criticize the return to the lost decade. the head of the planning and budget organization , who is one of the five candidates for the cabinet of the established government, said that only one candidate remains among these candidates. mohsen hashemi also criticized the reform front that you were not successful in the initial organization of the registration of candidates and the model of the presence of reformists and moderates in this election . there is a difference. the head of the electoral headquarters , mohammad shariat madari, informed about islah's resignation talban has reacted in favor of jahangiri, and shariat modari
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has not withdrawn in favor of any of the candidates. the eighth president will be elected in 22 days, and all eyes are on this person these days, until the validity of his speech after checking his internal qualifications. the presidency will announce the final list of candidates on july 8. yasser beheshti, sed and sima news agency. election headquarters of the national media announced the details of how to advertise the election candidates in the announcement no. based on this , presidential candidates can until the beginning of the legal opportunity. qat, in addition to live programs, two documentaries 30-minute television, two 30 -minute radio documentaries and 31 30-minute on-camera programs to talk to the people of each province of the country . considering
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the limited time available, the election headquarters of the national media has suggested to the candidates to prepare these programs now . how to prepare these programs in the database. the website of the election headquarters of the national media can be seen in the sign of the election (1403). and that the 6th national stock exchange and media festival will be held in shahrivar this year with the focus on realizing the slogan of the year, which is to support production with the participation of the people. according to. to announce interested parties can submit their works in the written and digital media and visual and audio media until the 15th of july to the festival portal under the sign of fest.seo. send r
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the submitted works must be published in newspapers, news agencies, information bases, radio and social networks from august 1 last year to july 15 this year. be a special award of this festival is dedicated to the issue of corporate governance. supporting the rights of investors, promoting transparency and investment knowledge, and developing financing are among the specialized axes of this year's national stock exchange and media festival. is. thank you very much for your cooperation. we wish you good times.
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these kinds of voices in iran reached such a level that the shah had to declare martial law. the imam had said that we do not have martial law. come to the streets . whenever there was talk of military rule, the people completely killed themselves due to the fear they have of these things. . from the beginning, we felt this meaning that we should break this fear. this is a form of intimidation and intimidation that is not true. as much as it is reality, it is a hundred times more propaganda and intimidation. they hit him and scare all the people or all the governments
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to my great powers, this is the case and this was the case, the intimidation was more than the reality. the islamic revolution had been a few months old when the invasion of iraq into iran's territory began. our nation should not think that the government. they went to the golan heights in syria and
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the sinai peninsula in egypt. this is a very long, hot and dusty road that leads from the coast of the mediterranean sea to the suez canal. the hidden mechanization of the imam drew a line against the zionists , based on the occupier is not recognized you know, i have repeatedly warned about israel's greed that israel is not content with the lands it has usurped. now you see the capital itself. he has placed in quds and all
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these things from america, from human rights advocates, and from these circles and assemblies that are abroad, these are all non-contextual poems. quds day must be kept alive by muslims. nations they should rise up about these issues themselves. when the zionists took root in the heart of beirut, the capital of lebanon, the formation of hezbollah became the first line of resistance in the region in palestine 8 years after the victory of the islamic revolution of the first intifada was formed . the sparks of hope in the hearts of the young people to return home were ignited in the same gaza hills when a zionist driver ran over a few palestinian workers with a truck near the ariez crossing. this
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time, the fist of the palestinians was filled with stones. resistance against aggression and occupation was now a method. in lebanon, iraq, syria and yemen, and the extension of the gaza resistance, which has now reached a farsang, farsang, they came to the streets in support of it. this time , a student of the khomeini school, who has followed the same path for succession all these years, addressed the students america writes a letter, dear young students in the united states of america, this is our message of sympathy and connection with you. you have now formed a part of the resistance front, and under the brutal pressure of your government, which is clearly against the oppressive and cruel regime of the
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great resistance front in a distant place , it has been fighting with your current perception and feelings for years. the aim of this struggle is to stop the obvious oppression that a terrorist network called the zionists inflicted on the palestinian nation years ago and oppressed them after occupying their country. in these pressures and tortures, khomein's son put all his hope in resistance for the days after his departure, khomeini, who is spending the last days of his life, all his hope is in you, the brave people of iran. to you people who were not affected by minor and general differences in any way and will not be, god willing. you people who rebel against the west and the east of the world with all your heart. may you, my dear ones , win in the hope of god. you people of reason and knowledge
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are a role model for the nations under domination and you should know that you are faced with the field you have stepped on. you are facing many problems that only your resistance will save you . resistance is now the same model that other nations also like to make. labik or gaza.
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dear young students in the united states of america, this is our message of sympathy and solidarity with you. you are now standing on the right side of the history that is turning its back. you are now part of the resistance front and under the brutal pressure of your government. which openly defends the tyrannical and disorganized zionist regime, we have started an honorable struggle. the great front of resistance in a distant place has been fighting with your current perception and feelings for years. the aim of this struggle is to stop the obvious oppression that a cruel and terrorist network called
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the zionists has inflicted on the palestinian nation for years. built and put them under the most severe pressure and torture after taking over their country. today's genocide by the zionist apartheid regime is a continuation of the extremely cruel behavior of the past decades. palestine is an independent land with a nation consisting of muslims, christians and jews with a long history. the capitalists of the zionist network after the world war with. with the help of the british government, several thousand terrorists were gradually brought into this land. they invaded its cities and villages. tens of thousands of people were killed or driven to neighboring countries. houses, markets, and farms were taken out of their hands, and a government was established in the usurped land of palestine
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they formed the name of israel. the biggest supporter of this dictatorial regime. after the first british aid , it is the united states of america government that has continued to provide political, economic and arms support to that regime and even opened the way for it to produce nuclear weapons with unforgivable carelessness and helped it in this way. has helped. from the first day, the zionist regime has an iron fist policy against the defenseless people. against this state terrorism and continuous oppression , some statements of the united states government
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regarding the terrible crime in gaza are more than the reality. islam in iran expanded and enabled it. the leaders of international zionism, who own most of the media companies in america and europe . or is it under the influence of their money and bribery ? they declared this humane and brave resistance as terrorism . is a nation that
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defends itself in its own land against the crimes of the zionist invaders a terrorist? do human help to this nation and strengthen his arms help? the palestinian resistance, which defends its freedom, security and right to self-determination, is called terrorist. i want to assure you that today the situation is changing. another fate awaits the sensitive region of west asia. a lot of conscience have awakened on a global scale and the truth is being revealed. the resistance front
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will become stronger and stronger. history is also changing. except for you, the students of dozens of universities in the united states, in other countries, the universities and people wanted to stand up. accompanying and supporting the teacher. the university is an important event for you students. this can be somewhat comforting in the face of the intensity of government policing and the pressure they put on you. i also sympathize with you young people and respect your stand. in three qurans to us muslims and to all the people of the world standing in the way of truth. perfection. your life and the lesson of the qur'an about human relations is this : do not oppress and do not go under the burden of oppression. there is no oppression and no
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oppression. the resistance front will advance by learning and following this order and hundreds of similar ones and will achieve victory, god willing. with the quran the election that is ahead of us is a big deal. this election is a successful phenomenon. this
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election, which is in front of us, if god willing , will be good and great. a great achievement for the iranian nation should be held. after this tragic incident , people should gather and vote for the next official let them choose. this is a wonderful reflection in the world. therefore, this election is very important. this epic election is a complement to the saga of martyrs. this
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work is complementary to what you did before in the martyrdom of iran, so that the iranian nation can protect its interests in complex international equations. to preserve and stabilize its strategic depth and bring its natural and human capacities and talents to the emerging stage and sweeten people's palates and also be able to penetrate. it needs an active president to fill economic and cultural issues prolific sometimes he believes in the principles of the revolution.
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thank you very much, thank you very much for this advice, sir. listen also, in this huge movement that is being carried out in the contests before the elections , morality should prevail between the candidates, slandering , slandering, helping to spread mud. it does not pre-register works.
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it also damages the national reputation. the election scene is the scene of honor and epic. the scene is competition for service. it is not a stage to gain power. this side. this is as a duty of the brothers who enter the field of electoral struggle and compete in the election , they should do their duty, god almighty. he will guide people's hearts, god willing.
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by the best option and god willing, a worthy president will be appointed for the nation of iran, peace be upon you, god's mercy and blessings. because a person has self-love, many things that were issued from himself or from those who are from himself, these things seem good to him, and sometimes even if they are issued from one person, they seem to be good. it's bad
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, a person should pay attention to whether i want to choose someone, if this person was someone else better than him, but he had nothing to do with me, but he was upset with me. he was driving, it became clear that he was working for god, not for himself. and if it doesn't happen, he should know that the problem is a satanic problem, not a divine problem.
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