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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farjah . greetings again, dear and respected countrymen. the mri machine of fatemi ardvil hospital has been put into operation in ardabil province, which has entered the service cycle. became. this machine
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is one of the three new mri machines in the province, which minimizes the wait for patients to receive these services. also, this morning, two plans for the student dormitory of martyr ayatollah raisi and the cultural center martyrs of ardabil university of medical sciences training was put into operation with the presence of the minister of health and the officials of this province. supervisor the ministry of foreign affairs assigned the ambassador of our country in paris to specially pursue the release of mr. bashir beizar, who was recently arrested in france. mr. bagheri, in a telephone conversation with mr. aminnejad, after learning about the latest situation of this compatriot , considered it necessary to follow up with the french government and provide consular legal support until the return of mr. bayazar to the family center. french police, mr. be azar. a media activist
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living in this country after publishing some material about the crimes of the zionist regime against the oppressed people of gaza. the center of the gaza strip is still the target of the most intense attacks by the zionist regime. as a result of the bombardment of the municipal building of the nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip, 5 people were killed, including ayad al-maghazi , the mayor of maqari. the mayor of this city and his son were martyred. the number of martyrs of the attack on the school affiliated with anrova in nusirat has reached at least 45 people. the zionist regime's rocket attacks on unrwa schools in gaza, schools that housed palestinian refugees . in the attack of the occupying regime's fighters on al-nusirat al-maghazi camps and mountains that
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idps had taken shelter there, more than a dozen people were martyred. this is a picture of a palestinian mother who is looking for the body of her child among the martyrs, and this is a picture of the five martyred children who were displaced with their families in al-sardi school in al-nusirat camp. a large number of martyrs and wounded left behind from this attack are women and children. references. arabic news reports that the palestinian martyrs and wounded have been transferred to al-aqsa martyrs hospital . this horrific massacre committed by israel is a clear proof of the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing of civilians, including women, children and refugees in the strip. gaza is facing a crisis due to the fuel crisis and power outages, the lack of medicine and medical facilities in medical centers in gaza. medical facilities and equipment and
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medical centers in gaza barahnia. most parts of the gaza strip do not have electricity and many hospitals in the gaza strip are now without electricity. al-aqsa hospital, which is probably the last active hospital in the gaza strip, is faced with a very high number of patients and is not able to respond to all these patients in any way. unicef has announced that 9 out of 10 children in gaza suffer from extreme food poverty. water shortage crisis in northern gaza it has caused the palestinian refugees to struggle with serious problems to get drinking water. it is possible that almost half of the population of gaza is at the level of food insecurity in an emergency situation . it is difficult to reach the affected population, and the entry of substances into the food is not constant due to insecurity. more than 240 days of war. gaza passes.
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genocide, destruction and hunger in food still continues. food and agriculture organization of the united nations fao says: in one or two months, more than one million people in the gaza strip will face famine and death. the united nations condemned the employment of palestinian refugees in the gaza strip, which led to the martyrdom of more than 40 palestinian civilians. the spokesman of the secretary general of the united nations said the secretary general of the organization. the united nations emphasizes the need to be accountable for everything that happens in the gaza strip. the united nations palestinian refugee agency (unarwa) announced that 6,000 people had taken refuge in a school in the center of gaza when israel attacked it. joseph brill
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, the european union's foreign policy official, called for an investigation into the recent attack by the zionist regime on the anorva school. a former official of the us department of defense. the pentagon also disclosed the kurdish zionist regime has used an american bomb named gbu 39 in the deadly air attack on the anruba school in gaza. with the continued barbaric attacks of the zionist regime on gaza, famine and hunger in this region are increasing. according to al-arabi network, due to the blockade and the very limited arrival of humanitarian aid to the gaza strip, the residents of this area are facing a severe lack of food and the risk of death. if the flow of humanitarian aid to gaza continues according to the current routine, more than one million residents of the gaza strip
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will be at risk of death by the middle of june 26. will face this warning agencies affiliated with the united nations. their latest report is about the situation in gaza. in this report, it is emphasized that hunger in the gaza strip is increasing strongly due to the imposition of severe restrictions on the arrival of humanitarian aid and the collapse of the judicial system in the eighth month of israel's war against gaza. the report states that the situation in the north of the gaza strip is still dire. this area has been in the hands of israeli forces for a few months now. so that the israeli army allows only a small number of trucks carrying humanitarian aid every day let them enter this area. according to judicial security assessments, 100% of the residents of the gaza strip, which has a population of more than 2 million people, are at the third level and beyond in terms of poverty and hunger, which
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is considered a critical situation according to the united nations ranking. will be according to the definition of the united nations, drought and hunger begin when 20% of families suffer from shortages. severe food shortages to the point of starvation and when at least 30% of children suffer from acute malnutrition and severe emaciation and also when two adults or four children per day out of every 10,000 cause of hunger and its effects to lose their lives. in the gaza strip, the images of the hunger of the bombers and the massive attacks of the israeli army are mixed together, as well as the situation of the palestinian refugees, and we see images of palestinian children in hospitals who die due to hunger and lack of food. it is very painful and sad. in recent days, the artillery of the zionist regime
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has targeted areas in southern lebanon with prohibited phosphorous bombs. this regime has used this prohibited weapon against lebanon more than 50 times in the last month. these flames caused by a bomb hit the prohibition of the zionist military's phosphorous application to the vegetation and forest cover between the areas of kafarkala, adisa and deir mimas in the south-east of lebanon. in the past 4 days, the artillery of the zionist regime has been to 12 different areas in southern lebanon, including khian kafarkala. attacked with forbidden phosphorus bombs. you can still
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see the flames and the smoke caused by the forbidden phosphorous bombs of the zionist military on the vegetation in the south-eastern region of lebanon. lebanon's hezbollah responded to these attacks by the zionist forces on the headquarters of the zionist forces in the barracks. nit as well as ramsa's base and targeted the spying equipment of the zionist military in the rahab base. more than 50 times in the last one month, the zionist military used the banned phosphorous bombs in attacking the southern regions of lebanon . hasan azimzadeh of the sed and sima news agency in front of the deir mimas region of lebanon, the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. in response to the us president's ceasefire plan, the leader of hamas in the gaza strip said: we will not agree without a permanent cessation of hostilities. this news was reported by the wall street journal, citing sources within the government. america announced that yahya senwar emphasized that hamas fighters will never lay down their weapons
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put last week, the american president proposed a new three-stage plan for a cease-fire and exchange of prisoners in gaza and announced that this plan , developed with the cooperation of washington and tel aviv , is accepted by israel. this plan does not propose any solution to stop the war and even the withdrawal of the military. it does not include the zionists from the gaza strip during the first phase of the ceasefire. the us state department has also announced that biden's plan includes the future administration of gaza , in which hamas will have no role. before this, the palestinian islamic jihad movement had announced that the irrevocable cessation of the war in gaza was a condition for its establishment ceasefire and exchange of prisoners with the zionist regime. a letter to the right side of history, a letter that continues
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to pass from hand to hand. according to the latest statistics, this letter has been seen more than 15 million times, but where is the correct side of history in the supreme leader of the revolution's letter to american students? university of michigan, usa. this voice is heard in the middle of the conflict between the police and the students. in oxford, students are empty-handed. but for palestine, they stand in front of the police and show their knowledge. similar to harvard university, where students with little means but a united front stand for the liberation of palestine. masters university. they are not afraid of anything. they are ready to be here and risk everything for the freedom of palestine
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. this resistance and standing continues at the university of california. students stand until the end. even against force and violence. similar to the youth of the resistance front. the same ones who are engaged with the zionists equipped with the most advanced weapons with the least facilities. they are fighting. for this reason , the leader of the revolution called these students part of the resistance. students who have decided to leave american roland. i said to complete their work. i have always been from the us government i want him to do the right thing and that is to stand by his friends. the same country who
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help the zionist regime with mk bombs, the patriot system and advanced weapons. by approving the 26 billion dollar budget of the us house of representatives, biden will increase arms aid to the zionists. the united states sends a new military package to israel. a team of american advisers lead the zionist war cabinet. at the beginning of this name. but the american students decide to stand on the side of the honorable struggle in terms of leadership. you are now part of the front you have formed the resistance and started an honorable struggle under the cruel pressure of your government, which openly defends the oppressive and ruthless zionist regime. in this front, despite all the ruins, they want to stay in their homes. that is, the side of these people, where more
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than 36,000 innocent civilians have been killed so far, the side where most of the martyrs are women and children. the more they suppress us, the more we resist . the leader of the revolution addressed them , you stand on the right side of history. quran lesson about communication. this is not to oppress and not to be oppressed. the resistance front by learning and following these orders hundreds of its counterparts go forward and win. it will reach a position where, in addition to students , famous artistic figures in the world were added to it. farzaneh azerfam, radio and television news agency. we get the news from the news section at 13:00. most of the pilgrims of the land of revelation these days
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are visiting god's house and performing umrah. tawaf of god's house and tawaf prayer. behind ibrahim's position is one of these actions. you must know the time, the destination, the goal and most importantly the road map and guide. we are here to appreciate and live the divine light. here. land it is a revelation and everywhere there are the steps of prophets around this house. when you walk around this house, you should know that
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you are walking in the footsteps of abraham. know him and follow his example. in tawaf , we go around the kaaba where imam, peace and blessings be upon him, was born. after circumambulation, you should pray behind ibrahim's position to practice the guardianship. one of the philosophies of praying on the authority of abraham, peace be upon him, is to imitate abraham. now a woman you know that like abraham, you have to deal with the inner idol
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fight external idols and do nothing but obey god , people of gaza. haji must understand them in order to know where he came, why he came, where he is going and with whom he is going . at the same time, abdul fattah al-barhan, the commander of the army and the head of the ruling council of sudan, announced that there will be no negotiations with the perpetrators of this massacre. conflicts conflicts
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inside sudan have worsened the situation of this country , the sudanese army and the rapid reaction forces. they clashed with each other since last spring. this war is close to it has made millions of people homeless. also, more than a third of sudan's 48 million people are facing a catastrophic level of hunger. according to the report of the united nations children's fund, unicef, one out of every four children under the age of five in the world lives in extreme judicial poverty. according to this report, about 181 million children under the age of five in the world suffer from severe food poverty . of these, about 64 million children live in south asia and 59 million live in sub-saharan africa. the united nations children's fund (unicef) has also announced that 9 out of 10 palestinian children have died following the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip
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a child from severe judicial poverty. the consequences of the cyber attack on london hospitals continue after 4 days. according to the guardian report, several large hospitals in london still do not have the possibility to use computer systems and manage their collection with paper. also, many hospital departments have closed or reduced their activity. monday's cyber attack on london hospitals in particular. it affected the laboratory and blood transfusion departments . also, the online access of these hospitals to private companies related to medical services was cut off. this is the third attack. sybris, which has been in the nizam since last year it affects the health of some european countries .
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eighty people were killed and 6 were injured following the collapse of a bridge on the rapolo river in the north of boli. this bridge collapsed when a heavy truck was passing. local authorities say that five bodies were removed from the river and efforts to pull out three other bodies were unsuccessful. this work requires equipment. well, we have reached the hour of 13.1 minutes and the end of this news section . adina, god bless you.
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greetings again to my dear compatriots, i have to tell you that this morning. during the early hours of the morning the coolest hour among the centers of the provinces in ardabil and kurd city, the temperature reached 7 degrees above zero and were reported as the coolest centers of the province. in terms of rainfall, we expect to see storms tonight in the central alborz highlands as well as the central slopes of the zagros, parts of hormozgan province, kerman, the southern half of sisistan, baluchistan, and isfahan province. due to the intensity of the rains, there is a possibility of flooding. public roads have seen the rising water level of rivers and canals in the southern half of sistan baluchestan province, the central highlands of kerman, and the western parts of isfahan province.
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are. tomorrow, saturday , we will witness the rains in the northwestern parts of the country, to some extent in the western provinces, as well as in parts of fars, hormozgan, and the southern half of sistan baluchistan province . on sunday, the rains will continue in the northwestern parts of the central slopes of the zagros, as well as in the southern parts of the country, in the southern half of sisistan baluchistan, hormozgan and fars provinces. we expect that on tuesday we will have these rains in the northwestern parts of the western parts of the western shores of the caspian sea for the provinces of gilan and the western parts. mazandaran province as well as fars province, parts of hormozgan province, but another phenomenon that will be seen in the next 5 days is the strong winds blowing in the eastern part of the country
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, especially in the zabul region, in some hours. the wind will increase in these areas , strong winds will cause dust and reduce air quality and reduce visibility . in addition, we expect that in the next 3 days, the wind will continue to blow in the persian gulf and the sea of ​​oman will be rough. thank you for your attention.
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with the war imposed by saddam's regime against iran , the western propaganda media that use every opportunity to fade they are using it to show the ideal of freedom of jerusalem, this time it claims a secret connection between iran and israel. however, the founder of the islamic revolution took a position very early and clearly and clearly defines the approach of the iranian revolution towards the zionists. we do not consider israel to be human. until we have something to do with him. from the first that in these affairs and in this movement. when we entered, one of
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our important issues was that israel must see and they cannot show such a corrupt article to percy. a few months after the western rumors about the connection between iran and the zionist regime and at the peak the confrontation of the iranian people with the bahsi regime, saddam and his regional friends accuse iran of buying weapons from the zionist regime in order to deceive the public opinion. this rumor is repeated many times during the imposed war, and imam rejects these conspiracies every time . if israel puts its finger into the surrounding sea , it becomes impure. because she felt that she wanted even though i helped. defame iran
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because they know that his agreement with iran is to defame iran, he himself has felt this , according to imam khomeini, zionism is considered a movement against muslim islam, and hence his efforts it is to change the palestinian issue in the minds of muslims from an arab category to an islamic category . this thinking causes strategic unity among all muslim nations against the camp of zionism and its supporters. muslims are together. if muslims are together, they form a power that none of these powers is like that power, because one billion believing population is not one. a billion people are unbelievers, not 100 billion people. some
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reactionary governments, which see their nature in danger in the light of imam khomeini's struggle, try to take anti-establishment postures, so to speak, from the rear. do not stay imam's reaction to these hypocritical behaviors is much better. it is important to note that those who have marriage and brotherhood with israel condemn israel. it is a condemnation that is serious and
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in fact a joke. if it works, this heedless person will be lame forever. in the fall of 1360, the situation in occupied palestine became unbearable. the zionist regime is doing everything possible to suppress the oppressed people of palestine and they will not stop any crime in the way of achieving their goals. volume the crimes of this regime are such that some international organizations claiming human rights are forced to protest against the brutal killing of the palestinian people. imam khomeini, who is well acquainted with the true nature of these organizations, found the deep connection of these organizations with the system of domination.


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