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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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if america's puppets work for them, this idiot will be lame forever. in the fall of 1360 , the situation in occupied palestine has become unbearable. the zionist regime has done everything possible to suppress the oppressed people of palestine and has committed no crime in the way of achieving the scale of the crimes of this regime to such an extent that some international organizations claiming human rights are forced to protest against the brutal killing of the palestinian people. imam khomeini, who is well acquainted with the true nature of these organizations , reminds us of the deep connection of these organizations with the domination system. i often refer to
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i punished israel's greed that israel is not content with the lands it has usurped. now you see the capital itself. he has placed in jerusalem and all these things that come from america, from human rights advocates, and from these gatherings abroad, these are all nonsense poems, and you can see that they deny it and israel does not pay any attention. they punish
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them, israel condemns them somehow. this is because the issue is not a serious issue. these are all the maneuvers they give or, for example, the human rights councils, other councils that belong to the same chapter it is there in that country. these are all out of their hands. it is in each other and to print us muslims and those who are here in asia and africa , muslims are not warned. in addition to palestine, lebanon has also been attacked by the zionist army.
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it is covered with blood and fire. the crime committed by the zionists in sabra and shatila once again proves that the leaders of this regime have no sense of humanity. where do we take these pains? when should we plan these calamities? these silences that encourage the oppressors, to whom should we offer and who should we ask to care and these silences break your population is small, your power is small, your oil is small. there are all possibilities, but one thing is missing and
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that is faith. imam khomeini invites the people to ask their governments to react against the crimes of the zionists. imam considers the secret of success of muslims in unity and unity. when a billion people screamed israel can't do it, they are afraid of that scream . if all the muslims in the world are around one billion now, if everyone comes out of their houses and shouts death to america and death to israel on quds day, that is the same promise of death to them. death mayard, with the killing of many lebanese people
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by the zionist regime, the arab governments announce that they will not hold the eid al-fitr ceremony this year in response to this barbaric killing. an action that angered imam khomeini. imam believes that this kind of dealing with zionist crimes will not help the oppressed people of lebanon and palestine . in lebanon, the fire they lit. america sold. inflamed and that campaign from the side. america, france and shadow. it is done for a handful of oppressed shiites and oppressed muslims. other muslims sit and watch
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this is enough for what the governments did this year that they did not celebrate eid al-fitr. in front of cannons and tanks , you don't have the power not to take eid. if you close your oil for 10 days , the world will be subject to you. imams know very well that there is no serious determination in many muslim countries to fight against the zionist regime. therefore, he tries to address muslim nations . because the governments often , if only a little , have their hands with the same superpowers, and that's why you see
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the crimes that are committed by america, muslims. that is,
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it is the confrontation of the nations that were under the pressure of american and non-american oppression against the superpowers . on the initiative of the imam, the world quds day march is held every year more passionately than before, and in the public opinion of the muslims of the world , it has become an indicator to identify the friend of the enemy and a measure of islamic dignity and honor. therefore, at the same time as quds day. it heavily bombards the quds day march in iran. saddam, who claims to be the leader of the arab world
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, is very angry with imam khomeini's initiative in shaping the world quds day and gathering all muslims around this axis. with the existence of controversial threats on quds day slapped all of them in the face and the practical analysis that the iranian nation did made all their analyzes a plan. this is the art of islam on the one hand and the art of the iranian nation on the other hand. the palestinian people have reached this conclusion for many years. a political and diplomatic solution to achieve their rights
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will not be available. tired of nationalist and non- islamic tendencies under the title of intifada to fight against the occupation. the acceleration of the palestinian people's struggle has caused the zionists and their main supporters to panic. they mean the united states and england , the western media has been waging intense psychological warfare against them imam khomeini is launching the media of the world group, everyone should oppose us, if
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i don't do this, we know it's wrong. the guidelines of its founder have been formed. in lebanon, a new organization has been created under the name of hezbollah, which has declared its goal to be a serious and vigilant resistance against the excesses of zionists and americans. in march of the year. a delegation of 66 lebanese hezbollah members come to meet the imam. today, all power and
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the superpowers have joined hands to prevent the muslim palestinians from reaching their goal. the defense of muslim vows, the defense of the muslim country, and the defense of all the rights of muslims is necessary and ours. we must prepare ourselves for the purposes of god and the defense of muslims, especially in this situation where the true children of islamic palestine and islamic lebanon , namely hezbollah, the revolutionary muslims of the usurped land and lebanon , are crying out to the muslims with all their might. spiritually and materially , let's stand against israel and the aggressors, and against all the brutality and brutality of the resistance let's take action and hurry to help them
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to identify the compromisers and introduce them to the people. the founder of the islamic revolution passed away in june 1968 after years of fighting for the cause of islam and emphasizing the preservation of the cause of palestine as the unifying axis of muslims. but in his will , he made a mistake to the people of iran. the muslims of the world are reminded of the eternal enmity of the enemies of islam, especially america and zionism, with muslims, and our nation, but also the islamic nations and the oppressed of the world , are proud that their enemies, who are the enemies of the great god, the holy quran and dear islam, are beasts. there are those who do not stop any crime and treason for their nefarious criminal purposes and
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do not know friend from enemy in order to reach the presidency of their lowly positions, and at the head of them is america, this terrorist is a state that has set the whole world on fire and is an ally. he is a global zionist who commits crimes in order to achieve his goals, which pens can't write and tongues can't say. they are warm, and the foolish imagination of the great israel leads them to any crime. imam khomeini called the destruction of israel through a general uprising , especially the uprising of the palestinian nation, and insisting on the code of martyrdom and seeking help from god and religion as the foundations of this he knew the struggle, and in the years after him , the leadership of the islamic republic has not given up any efforts with all its might to awaken the nations in the palestinian issue and to continue the struggle.
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don't let the issue of palestine and the holy quds sharif and the al-aqsa mosque issue be forgotten. they don't read this. they want the islamic world to ignore the issue of palestine. at. in the neglect of the islamic world, in the neglect of the people of the muslim nations, the zionist regime is seeking to occupy quds. sharif is seeking to seize the al-aqsa mosque, and is seeking to weaken the palestinians as much as possible. this should be noted. all nations they should demand the palestinian issue from their own governments. islamic scholars
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should demand from their own governments. pursuing the palestinian issue is one of the most important tasks. we thank god that in the islamic republic, the government and the nation are on the same page in this regard. the government of the islamic republic of iran has declared the policy of supporting palestine and enmity with the zionist regime since the beginning of our honorable imam. it continues to this day, and for 35 years, we have not deviated from this line, and the nation is willingly following our nation.
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1402, maragh hasht road, bahman road, a few days after a new appointment in the government board. malik rahmati is the youngest the governor of the 13th government to the people. to solve a problem. basic and multi-year. he remains at the scene, even if it is late at night. action is needed here. malik rahmati also knows. someone who
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received a vote of confidence from the government body with this spirit. if an excuse. and there was an argument that this work was for the benefit of the people , it was for the benefit of your city to do that work , trusting a young man from the 60s, similar to the martyr malik rahmatira , was rooted in the attitude of the martyred president, our plan is this, god willing, that in the government and in various managements, the issue of fielding.
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and it was possible to provide better services in a shorter time. many semi-finished designs were also completed. in a short period of time, relying on young people. a major part of these services, as the young government spokesman says, is due to the younger management body in the country. among the ministers , we have four or five members of the head of the ministers, ten or sixty, even at the level of deputy minister or general manager, for example, in the seventies, we sometimes have young people in the context of affairs and attention to the youth force , those who were not the only election slogan for the 13th government, another success of yours. youthfulness in
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kishore's executive group makes the circle win. to managers should be opened and a new breath should be breathed into the country's executive system. youthfulness in practice, not in words, similar to the 13th government, a decisive indicator for choosing the 14th government. the 13th government was able to employ experienced people alongside good young people. bringing young people to work and those with experience. being with these young people can be a good road map. anyone who comes should lead by example, be a person who
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cares about youth. for the next four years, first, the oath of the elected officials, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god, in front of the holy qur'an
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, in front of the holy qur'an. with the approval of credentials, from now on, the elected representatives of the people are officially and legally the representatives of the parliament, and they have the right to deal with legislative affairs and monitoring the laws. it was a big step forward, and the parliament took this action with the same speed . they are no longer elected representatives. the next moment, everyone is the representative of their constituency. but performing the two tasks of legislative supervision without the existence of commissions specializing 13 types of parliament is impossible, why is article 36 of the law of the internal regulations of the parliament, each representative
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receives scoring forms to determine his specialized commission, after completing the form, together with determining the two proposed priorities , he delivers it to the presiding committee of the parliament, but the commissions must let's take a few actions that have started, first, self-declaration , friends, make a self-declaration, there are also a few points included in it, one, their management records , the management positions they previously held, two, the records of their educational qualifications, what educational qualifications they have, the third , their executive records, and the fourth, definitely, the commission record. every the representative must comply with the internal regulations. if the parliament is a member of one of these commissions and the commissions are formed with the participation of the members , specialized commissions can help to untangle
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these issues if the representatives are free from political discussions and in fact the shareholdings that are for the commissions. they should enter the commissions in a specialized way. in the field of commissions, i think that the arrangement of members and the selection of honorable representatives should be based on their capabilities and necessary expertise related to the commission. what the law has determined about the way to form the parliament, including the commissions, is done wisely and according to the coordination of the board of directors , specialized commissions should be formed and their board of directors should be selected in the next two weeks. article 45 of the parliament's internal regulations law regarding some of the duties and powers of the specialized commissions to review drafts and referral bills and report them to the islamic council, examine and approve them. trial drafts and bills as well as permanent approval of statutes , handling requests for research and clarification, handling the questions of representatives from the president and ministers, all
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the registrations done in the field of commissions are with points, the first one of the points is these specialties, one of the the points of being a representative in the course there are previous ones that i think with this good action now in this parliament. it has been done. we will see specialized commissions. it is implied that in my previous term , we had fairly good commissions in the field. the board of directors and specialized commissions are the main pillars of the parliament , and the specialized commissions should start their work as soon as possible. one of the issues that i have witnessed in this period is that the demand for infrastructure commissions has increased a lot. of course, what is characteristic of most representatives' desire. he is applying for membership in infrastructure and economic commissions in this period. such as program and budget, industry and mines, energy, construction, economy and
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agriculture. i put my priority on the budget program commission, and god willing, this matter will be achieved . i have experience in the field of media and culture as well. our main focus should be on monitoring the implementation of laws, and god willing , improving the living conditions of the people and realizing national poetry. and social foreign policy, internal affairs, education, research, and healthcare are other commissions that the representatives request. have joined from what is known, it seems that two specialized judicial and cultural commissions are very demanding for membership do not have the discussion is related to the selection of the commission and the points that are considered there. and the last word is that the formation of strong and dynamic specialized commissions means effective legislation and supervision derived from the main demands and legal demands of the people.
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during the time of the constitution, those who wanted to prevent iran from reaching an agreement created differences between the people of the parties, even those who were there at that time said that in the same house between brothers and
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brothers. father and son had a difference, one was an authoritarian group and the other was a constitutional group. this difference caused that the constitution could not be realized as the islamic scholars wanted. later, these differences caused that a a group of those westerners should come and impose the authorities and tyranny on this nation in the name of constitution.
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service is enough , do something for the people and send the number eight to 1023 39.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to today's news. according to the law, the fourth day of checking the qualifications of presidential candidates in the guardian council is the last day of the initial opportunity for the guardian council to check the qualifications. payment of more than 30 thousand billion tomans, equivalent to half of the demands of wheat farmers. the government so far more than 3 million.


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