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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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a farm, his wife is pregnant and he's planning a garden to grow food for his future child, i we will have baby after three months, i try to have some vegetables, you can, how are you feeling this morning? alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, i asked about
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the case and discussion of our tonight's program . mr. louie, you have been politically active for more than two decades, part of which you were in the belgian parliament, so you are in the inner core. you were present in the political structure and you are fully familiar with the policies of the european governments. from this point of view , tonight we have the opportunity to
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talk about some of the uncertainties and questions that an outside observer has about europe and the west, and you have the conditions to explain these uncertainties to us first. i think it is most important to talk about democracy. after the beginning of the israeli genocide in gaza, we saw a special performance by a number of european governments, which in different ways suppress the critics of israel, while it was thought that people should be able to. free
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everyone can do anything here, in fact, i have to say that these democracies appear to be democracies , they are dictatorships, changing the face of palestine, what we see is actually a long process that has been happening in palestine since years ago when the regime and the zionist regime actually. criticizing israel means criticizing the jews , if that is not the case, banning criticism of israel is an excuse to criticize the jews, and in fact, today we are in a situation where condemning
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israel's crime is considered a crime, and supporting the palestinian resistance is considered a crime. problem one. which is actually seen as supporting the terrorist and even in in the west, people go to court for supporting the palestinian cause and the palestinian resistance, and in fact, in recent years, many anti-zionist activists have been tried, so criticizing israel is prohibited at all . president of venezuela, you see, these things include being condemned and suppressed. mr. ahmadinejad
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was also criticized for his criticism of israel, and i myself could not really prove that the fight against zionism is different from the fight against jews.
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the nation does not listen to the people and the people of the west now hate their rulers because the people are on the sidelines i say that the french president has nothing to do with his own people, mr. macron, this is a joke. people make fun of their leaders in the west , we see every demonstration that is actually violently suppressed . in belgium, it tries to teach others, but we see that the people
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are not allowed to express their opinion, see that they say that westerners are free. it's not like that, they are our main ally, america. what is america itself? the only power in the world that has used nuclear weapons against the civilian population, mr. louie, here may be a question for our viewers. you were a member of parliament in belgium.
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you are also a citizen of belgium in one of the main western countries. you have judgments about western democracy. you state that anyway you had experience in being in this system, what happened that you, who were in this system yourself, made such a generalization. because in fact, i have witnessed that the reality is another thing, the reality is hidden from the people, this must be understood and understood, and when people are kept in ignorance, they do not know where the right side of history is and... the fact is that i decided talk and fight in the direction of a right fight
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to do you see, i am one of the first people who spoke about zionism in belgium in the belgian parliament , and it is difficult to use the word zionism in belgium , and in fact, they think that muslims are dangerous and political parties are concerned with these issues. they rely on and constantly want to make it appear that these islamists are dangerous, and if this is not a reality, and this all encouraged me to express myself , to express my opinion, to believe in the reality that i think is right. and let me explain it to others, you can see that it really exists
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it is not easy to talk about israel's genocide and crimes. it has its roots in the past. of course, i actually paid the price, a very heavy price for criticizing the attack on israel today. criticism of zionism has its roots anyway, they are trying to destroy your political systems, remove them from society. determine government decisions about israel. what ordinary people think and what is the approach of western governments according to the evidence
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did you see the ratio? unfortunately, i have to say that this will surprise you. most westerners support israel. why? because since the end of world war ii. and in a way, in fact, in order to
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fulfill the american and zionist programs, the destruction of family values, for example, the media helps it , and in fact, they try to make people behave and obey the media and politicians , see a propaganda it exists by the zionist media and israel has always tried. if muslims and palestinians try to show that they are different people, they are dangerous
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we see that the media is trying to show that president raisi
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is actually very influential . there are zionist lobbies, how are they controlling parties and policies? see influence through media.
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thank you. there is one aspect of the story that i would like to talk about more. it was related to
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your experience during the agency . that one of the french representatives raised the israeli flag over the palestinian flag, and the speaker of the french parliament banned him from attending meetings for two weeks. i would like you to tell me about your personal observation experiences during the representation period and so on.
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you see, some people even told me that i actually don't have mental balance. look at the amount of pressure that comes to an israel critic . there are problems in the work environment. they try to isolate you from the society. french is thought to be very light now. yes, in the future , we should see more restrictions for them . see, the system will punish them , the french system, but slowly and their actions are admirable. this french representative is very simple. you see , criticism of israel means this is how they say
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criticism of nuclear jews and even laws. here , you have to pay in advance. this policy is one and the same . in fact, support for israel is very good . they also support you for this, but
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there has been support for some positive aspects of the story because of the awareness that has arisen. west decades he claimed to be a supporter of the two-state solution, but when israel openly says that he does not accept this solution in the last two decades, the western governments pressured him. they don't bring it to israel and they won't. in front of some governments like england, france and germany, they don't even want to recognize the palestinian state. and that famous slogan of the freedom of palestine from the river to the face in the same english language as in french mr. did the western governments understand that with extreme support who owning israel are preparing the ground for the world to pass through israel and destroy it?
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look, in fact, what is happening is a natural event, the west will actually try to keep its own nation under control, but this is possible forever. it is not, and in fact , it cannot rid itself of the zionist lobbies as long as these lobbies are active in the west. i do not see any possibility that the western powers will reduce their support for israel. actually. today, palestine is left in ruins, in fact, there are so many orphaned children and the regime zionism has destroyed everything, and the west
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supports it, and in fact, israel wants to destroy the palestinians completely, and the west actually does not care about
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this at all. actually , everyone will see peace and tranquility in the region. in my opinion, a federal palestine. yes, jewish communities can live in palestine. there is no problem . they have their own representatives in the parliament. in my opinion , there cannot be a two-state solution where israel has everything palestine should have nothing, this
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is not acceptable at all, and in fact, the current mechanisms should be destroyed and new mechanisms should be created, and zionism should be destroyed. thank you. the french president said paris will soon begin training ukrainian pilots to control the mirraj 2000 fighter jets . emmanuel macron announced that kiev should have permission from the weapons provided to target military targets on russian soil. use. the president of russia has also warned that if ukraine targets its territory with western weapons , moscow may
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give weapons to parts of the world to use to target the west. the death toll of the rapid reaction group's attack on a village in central sudan has exceeded 180. at the same time, abdul fattah al-barhan , the commander of the army and the head of the sudanese sovereignty council, announced that there will be no negotiations with the rapid response group responsible for this massacre. conflicts in sudan since last spring have worsened the internal situation of this country. this is a war of millions. had and also, more than a third of sudanese people are facing extreme hunger and poverty. the american president announced the us$225 million aid to ukraine and promised to sign this military aid in a meeting with the ukrainian president. biden apologized to zelensky for the delay in signing this package and blamed the republicans for this issue. in a speech at
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the st. petersburg world economic forum, the president of russia said: despite the sanctions, russia is still one of the main elements of world trade, and the development of transportation routes is very important to create new markets. putin he also emphasized that russia's economic relations with many asian and african countries have expanded, and the use of local currencies instead of dollars in trade exchanges with international partners is on the agenda. according to the report of the national children's fund. one out of every four children under the age of 5 in the world lives in extreme judicial poverty. around 181 million children under the age of five are suffering from severe food poverty worldwide. about 64 million children live in south asia and 59 million children live in sub-saharan africa. united nations general assembly, pakistan, somalia, greece, denmark and panama
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he chose to be a two-year non-permanent member of the security council. these five countries will replace switzerland, japan, mozambique, ecuador and malta. the security council has 10 non-permanent members who are elected for two years. i also thank mr. imani, the translator. good night, god bless you.
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dear compatriots, we arrived at 3 o'clock in the morning . the acting minister of foreign affairs, who traveled to turkey , said on his arrival in istanbul that iran is an active diplomat and will effectively participate in the extraordinary meeting of the foreign ministers of the d8 group to support the palestinian resistance and people. slow this meeting is actually dedicated to the issue of gaza and the solutions that 8 developing islamic countries can take in this field.


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