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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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ask the miners to cooperate to the point where they are in front of you and by your side . explain the importance of the environment to the people. you can be sure that the people are very good partners for the environment. out of 2,000 houses in the country, the environment was turned on. shahid raisi considers the popularization of the environment in the group of their participation in the exploitation of resources. this exploitation should be done, this is wealth, if this wealth is used, it will make billions for the people, if not , it will turn into pollutants that actually harm the people. they are harmed by the damages caused by the people . in addition to the use of the available resources, the martyred president
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stressed on protecting their lives against pollution and environmental threats. with the aim of optimal use of resources and easy breathing of the people , the collection of burner gas from refineries was put on the agenda of the 13th government, both its collection, which prevents pollutants, and the injection of this amount of gas , which will become 500 million feet within the next few months. gas cube to the national network for public use and this much. a good, valuable and appreciable move. strengthening environmental diplomacy and efforts to deal with dust storms were among the other actions of the 13th government headed by martyr ayatollah raisi. in recent years, with the aim of curbing foreign dust centers, environmental diplomacy has been prioritized by the environmental protection organization, and in this regard, an international meeting on dealing with windstorms was held in tehran
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. there is a guarantee of environmental protection. in addition to signing cooperation agreements with countries the origin of the dust was decided to establish a regional environmental organization in iran. in order to achieve a sustainable environment, president martyr kalang has banned digging and opening projects without environmental permits. kurd miankale petrochemical case was closed in the 13th government. in addition to banning the construction of construction projects without environmental permits, the construction of a clearing house for industry and mines before the installation of online monitoring systems for the air polluting industry was prioritized by the 13th government. the plan to revive the gorgan bay with the follow-ups of the martyred president last year has been put into operation. ordered during a provincial trip to golestan
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revival of gorgan bay and solving the problems of nature tourism project of ashura island made the problem of dredging seriously, god willing, this meeting will be ordered to be held, discussions will be held, the necessity of this work must be stopped here, it needs a reason , planning and water transfer in december of last year. the caspian sea reached the gulf of gorgan, and after many years, the gulf in the same area was untied after two decades. stopping syed tral, freeing the coasts, adding 750 hectares to the size of the protected areas was another part of shahid raisi's environmental measures in the 13th government. saeed hajizadeh, sed and broadcasting news agency.
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we were sad that what is going to happen to our president, and
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we prayed a lot that they would be healthy, god willing. it is not at all surprising that they are happy when someone is sad, and by the way, when they are insulted. they make fun and make fun of it, it shows us the right way more easily , and in fact, it is very easy to determine the right and the wrong. more openly, in fact, we regretted saying why we lost them. in the front of faith , people with faith are very hard to find, they have to suffer a lot. for them to grow and it is a pity for us that a person with this level of sincerity and piety and in fact the ethics he observed in the world of politics , that we have this again, well , it makes us regret that we
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have lost that person i think that one of the first things that caught my attention was their presence in every region, in fact every province they travel to, in the most remote places, which was not possible. before this, someone had gone there, even later , he was confirmed by the local authorities in egypt , he would be present, like sakhman ayat, nunesha, naateh, khair minha , etc. we bring it, surah baqarah, verse 1. the poetic poems that start from here, the shrine of imam reza (peace be upon him), please them in this kind name
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, they have made the bad world of life kind in a good deed . they have been wandering around the world and have shone before others. a proposal that since shahid raisi's responsibility as tulit astan quds razavi has special activities in the 90s. i am grateful for the favors of hazrat reza, peace and blessings be upon him, and the trust of the supreme leader on the threshold of god. it brings social and cultural aspects together. mr. raisi's definition of culture was a definition that was more consistent with the culture, customs and beliefs of the people, and people
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welcomed it more. the attention that he receives when he is in the guise of the president reaches literary meetings, but the issue of poetry and poets in society should have a centralized place, a mechanism. it is for support, something that has made a mark in my life . years ago, when they were the respected guardians of imam reza's shrine , i had a lion reading in their service. i have that trip to mashhad and that good memory with me, and recently their trip to my country. pakistan visiting the grave of iqbal, the national poet of pakistan, mr. iqbal la. in a conversation with poets, which seeks to emphasize the revolutionary leader's potential of poetry. among its characteristics, persian poetry is the production
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of intellectual and spiritual resources. in other poems , as far as we know now, it's not that it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist to this extent and supports shahid raisi in executive departments. sitting with people of culture and art is very rewarding for me as an official and to get to know their views and opinions, and following this meeting, for the first time , the assistant minister of guidance for poetry affairs will be appointed. the poetry council is formed in the ministry of culture and islamic guidance, and partnerships are made to produce poetry programs on radio and television. during these three years, i witnessed that the popular president of iran had a very constructive and good interaction with artists, especially people of literature, and
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i myself attended several meetings where he invited poets. they actually listen to the poems with patience, and after reading the poems, their friends give their comments. he was serious about the province and looked away from the center, it was a view that except for tehran, except for the capital , they had a more serious look at other provinces, that's why you can see that during this year, in the last three or four years, many poets became known in the field of poetry of the country. until now, perhaps none of their names
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were mentioned and it is with such achievements that after the martyrdom of raeesi, words stand in full stride and appreciate him with the language of poetry. the birthday of ali moser reza jan has been the day of pigeon flight for many years it has been in our calendar among the mountains of the country. bret asoudeh ah ibrahim, various programs have been arranged for people of poetry and literature during this period , the most recent of which is the holding of provincial circles throughout the year. these programs have made both young talents to be identified and poetry to be protected as a national capital. miterra labafi of radio and television news agency. from 6:00 to 13:00 , the working hours of the country's offices from june 15th to
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september 15th, what time is it now? i think it's 10 minutes, 5 minutes left to 6:00 in the morning. i think it's good, this way it can have an effect on energy consumption. of course, according to the conditions that exist in peak times, it will have a significant effect on energy consumption now, for example, at 6 am. it's usually cool until after the swelling, when the heat starts, finally we're at home , considering that the weather will lighten up soon, some of the energy will be spent anyway, people will get to their work and their banking work, many expenses. our electricity, which is in the cooling devices , decreases until what time do we have to be at work until one hour of consumption. but the basic question
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this is how much the country's electricity production is and how much imbalance there is. we expect the total production capacity to reach 65 thousand megawatts, and the amount of demand we estimated this year is about 75 thousand megawatts, that is, about 10. one thousand megawatts of imbalance from production to consumption, the amount of consumption that must be managed in all sectors, for example, in the office sector , two priorities are considered to reduce the amount of consumption , one is to reduce consumption during the activity compared to the same year, and one is to reduce the consumption by 60% after the end of the work. we must reduce consumption. departments, some of which showed last year that in the chapter heat can also be managed by electricity consumption. use the max. we have daylight , the ambient temperature is set to 24 degrees, when the peak load starts
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, all the electricity of our company is put on the generator, and some offices have shown that they do not care much about reducing electricity consumption. it was closed at 13:00 , but it is still active, but there is one point, mr. engineer, please tell me what that point is. the consumption of this office started at about 600 kilowatts and now it has exceeded 1200 kilowatts. 1000 kilowatts means one megawatt , which is equivalent to the consumption of a thousand houses, if each house if we consider an average of 3 people , it is equivalent to the consumption of 3 thousand people . please stop the service of the gentlemen due to non-compliance with the consumption pattern. yes. just like that, i will inform you , according to the managing director of tavanir company, with the implementation of the decision
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of the government board last year, 850 megawatts of electricity consumption was reduced in the office sector, the amount of electricity that is supposed to reach 1500 megawatts in the new year, jassam samari, sda news agency . the sound of the camera has stopped . let me just say that the fares have been calculated today. that 's it. you are going to talk about our election today progressive republic , let's talk to the people about the presidential election . i took a taxi for a few days in
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the 8th, 8th of july elections. now why should i vote for you ? you said that not giving color does not fix the job , that if someone is going to come to work, we will appoint him. let's not let someone come who doesn't care about the people and doesn't care about the people . it doesn't matter who we vote for. yes, for a few terms of my presidency , i felt that we went to another vote. after that , i didn't care about any other results. i don't vote right now. they say don't vote, i don't understand that my vote in these four years will affect our future generation let's see the programs and choose, no , i won't come, we are the future, by the way, i say the limit, you say it's the maximum, you say the maximum , we won't come. it's like this , jovana, i'm not saying that everyone doesn't like to vote, but
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it's like that. no, it is a duty. it is a duty that we must do. for my nation, for iran, for our country, you must vote. nothing will happen. nothing will change. be sure of this. he chants , he promises, there will be no news, i will not come, i will not vote. someone with a range of ideas may come up with a work base.
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whoever comes has value for the people , has real respect for the people, should not be a question of power , should not be a political game, let's vote. finally, let's vote whether we don't see it or not. it's a loss. i think it will work. you will vote if you really know. god willing, god willing, how much can i honor you, my dear? in fact , you are our election, and this is our food. now we have our camera. you said that at first we were careful what he would say . we used to sell 99 kilos of fat to
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the government for 2500 tomans. thank god that now we sell 17.500 kilos. two years ago, i used to harvest 2 tons of wheat from each hectare, but alhamdulillah, now i harvest 6 tons from each hectare. the beginning of the century was registered with the name of president ebrahim raisi, a century in which judicial security is one of the main components of power in the world. the late president knew very well that he insisted on paying their demands. the government's duty to pay. the right of wheat farmers is very necessary . i emphasize the organization of the budget program and those departments related to the central bank, god willing, cooperation with the ministry of jihad. they believe that as soon as the wheat farmers' rights are paid, in 1402 compared to 1401 , it increased by 41% and in 1402 compared to
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1400, the guaranteed purchase of wheat from dear farmers increases by 114%. according to the statistics of the ministry of agricultural jihad , the value of wheat purchased from farmers has increased by more than 22 times from 2013 to 1402, the largest share of which was in the last two years. alireza shakti , radio and television news agency. 1402, maragh hasht road, bahman road, a few days after a new appointment in the government board.
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malik rahmati also knows that within the next 100 days , the project will be approved by the government body he gained trust, if it was an excuse and an argument that this work was for the benefit of the people , it was for the benefit of your city to do it. the program, which in the government and in the management of various affairs , the issue of giving a platform to the youth is a very
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central issue, in the same way, in a period of less than 3 years from mr. raisi in nakne, with his permission , great things were done, which should have been done 13 years ago. it was going to be done, but the law to facilitate business licenses was delayed. a service that ties he opened many of them one by one. another 20-year wait has ended with the rejuvenation of the government. the systems are not connected. when the national window of smart government services is launched. until hazrat ali himself emphasized and followed up and the possibility of providing better services in a shorter time was provided. many semi-finished designs were also completed. in a short time with tek. a major part of these services is due to the youth, as the youth spokesman of the government says, due to the younger management body in the country.
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we have four or five members of the seventies ministers. even at the level of our deputy minister or general manager, for example sometimes we have a week. youth in the context of affairs and attention to the youth force. those who are the only election slogan for the 13th government. the 13th government was able to employ experienced people alongside good young people. bringing young people to work and those with experience
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alongside these young people could be a good road map. whoever comes should follow the same example. he should be a person who cares about youthism , bring fresh forces and really replace the old forces of the government body and the governing body. i really think we can make a change. let's have our country. now we are in the government of mr. raisi god bless them, we saw. but if this percentage is more, it will be much better. farzaneh azarfam, sed and sima news agency. the test of people to become president in every position to
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reach every position is more difficult than the test of lack of children and souls and it is more difficult for a person to be able to overcome this. may the world be saved, and may he pass the test properly, be exposed to his deeds and be dignified in front of god. wherever they are, they are in any country. the statesmen in any country and wherever they are should know that reaching this position is a divine test. it has been a difficult exam. all countries are like family because it seems
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we lost a member of our family. a family that two weeks have passed since the martyrdom of their president was among the people in all the problems and problems of the country . water was brought , electricity was brought, the road was built, the workers worked hard, mr. raisi, now every member of this family, to the best of their ability, remembers the martyred president. they launched a campaign on behalf of martyr raisi in ashtian city at sahib al-zaman base and held a koran memorization class. holding a popular campaign in chele khemet in the city of mehdi shahr, with the intention of seyyed al-shoheda martyr gohor and his companions, a whole day of salvati bread was created in this plan. a campaign
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named after service. to remember the martyr services of his family. cooking and explaining hot food to the needy with the intention of shahid rahizi and martyrs of service. i think that he should organize a number of reinforcement classes for neighborhood students. i rate all the items in the shop by 5%. we invite you to join chele khemat campaign. you can also join chele khemit campaign by sending the number 8 to the number 39 123. ali akbar abbasi, sed and broadcasting news agency. the quality of swear shoes is in line with similar foreign products , the textured upper is very durable and flexible.
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light and comfortable pu sole, suitable for long walks, sports and daily activities. the price is discounted . direct purchase from the manufacturer is only 399 thousand tomans . to order number 1, send sms to 165 70 . tip and test. and the whole technique only and only in the book, you heard it exactly right . nostrazist, a new star in the sky of the country, a different work from gilna publications. get 60% of the resources of gilna publications as a gift by sending number 5 to 30085 of gilna publications.
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at 4 in the morning, several health and treatment plans were put into operation in ardabil, among these plans , which were put into operation during the visit of the minister of health to ardabil province , is the amara device of fatemi hospital in ardabil. served this machine is one of the new mri machines in the province, which minimizes the wait for patients to receive these services. also, the two projects of martyr ayatollah raisi's student dormitory and martyrs' cultural and educational center of ardabil university of medical sciences were put into operation with the presence of the minister of health and the officials of this province.


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