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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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in another report from the representative of the red cross, it has been stated that the bodies were thrown into the ground, a pregnant woman was shot from a close range, and there is no trace of the gunshot on the woman's clothes. a zionist girl shows me a big and well-made chagovi. he is a member of the cleaning team. they kill the wounded. i forced my way into a house. the house was full of blood corpses. i heard a voice. a 10 -year-old girl was among the dead bodies. they had cut the vein in his hand so that he would die. language is unable to describe the rest of the crimes. in continuation of the crimes in yassin, a number of palestinians were taken as captives. behind the trucks
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they take them to the city of beit al-maqdis and turn them around. then they return to deir yassin and massacre them all. and the number of victims is never known. unlike the reporters, who a few days later, after the cleaning. the traces of the crime arrived in deir yassin with a delay, the news of the incident quickly spread throughout palestine. people get scared and run away. this is exactly what the zionists wanted. the british were monitoring the events throughout. they used fingernails on people's remaining belongings, and they cleaned the traces of war. finally
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england announces that it will withdraw its forces from palestine. arabs are surprised. the zionists, who are aware of all the details and events, use the opportunity. in a meeting, they announce to everyone the formation of israel inside the palestinian land. america as the first country, israel. weisman writes that it was the resistance of the palestinians that delayed the implementation of the plans. after the departure of england , the haganah takes over the remaining weapons and a group of them become members of the police to monitor the lives and property of the people. this was moshe dayan's method. he shook hands with the arabs and attacked them at night . as tensions increase, the palestinian villages
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initially succeed in advancing, but the united nations quickly intervenes and declares a ceasefire. the war stops. israel quickly imports weapons and ammunition and the battle scene. it changes. the war is defeated and the liberated lands are occupied again. the arabs are defeated . according to historians and researchers , genocide occurred in 1948. there are no exact statistics. at least 13 thousand people were killed. the victims are buried in mass graves and bodies many people by.
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but they also have to migrate because something terrible has happened. the zionists
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are besieging the village of tantore. men are separated from women. they kidnap a girl from the crowd. the girl's uncle complains. men are also killed in the barbed wire fence of the village, and they kill everyone in groups. this is a genocide. in other areas, the situation is the same. the looting has started. the fate of people is not clear. the remaining people are at the peak of hardship and sadness. forced exodus begins throughout palestine. tear away
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there is room. a civilization is going to destruction and the land is usurped from its owners. for this reason, the fourteenth day of may. the year 1948 is named after the day of nakbat. after the alley of people, those who have nowhere to go in the areas. they remain occupied and experience life under zionist rule. these arabs have 48 names. witness the genocides of 1948. gradually, immigrants arrive.
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they seize the properties of muslims and take whatever is left as their own. they steal and take possession. in the 1950s, the egyptian government decided to contract england to control the canal do not extend suez. this is a prelude to dealing with israel. england does not understand this and attacks the egyptian forces. in 1956, the egyptian government declared the suez canal national. this move is wise and egypt's decision is final. 3 months later england, france and israel. prepares for war . the war begins with israel's attack. with egyptian resistance and international action, the war ends quickly.
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the war of 1956 did not bring anything to israel. the fire under the ashes in 1967 is burning. israel suddenly to egypt. attacks the egyptian army is taken by surprise. what the egyptian forces do, although
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they act with great courage, but they do nothing. egyptian soldiers are surrounded in the sinai desert. israel is the main factor in the failure of arab support for american telecommunications equipment. it was advanced and espionage activities. more important than that was the fate of palestine. after the war, the area of ​​israel triples. many are displaced and the rest of the people are trapped in israel. a lot of sadness has dominated the arabs. in 1967, the united nations
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passed a resolution to israel. leave the occupied territories. but israel's withdrawal from the occupied territories is conditional slow the condition is the recognition of israel. this is vital for them. on the other hand , the arabs emphasize three issues: no peace, no dialogue, and no recognition of israel. after 3 years of the six day war, israel does not return any of the occupied territories. they make excuses. for example, the sinai desert will not be returned to egypt under the pretext of israel's security. for this reason , in 1973, egypt and syria attacked the sinai desert and the golan heights, respectively. they do to take back their lands by force. in the beginning, war
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is accompanied by victories. but with direct intervention america changes the fate of the war. the war ends with the defeat of the arabs. in 1977, anwar sadat, the president of egypt, visited israel at the peak of disbelief. conversations begin. a year later, the negotiations reach a conclusion, egypt surrenders and the camp david agreement is signed. in camp david, it is decided to withdraw israel from gaza and the west bank of the jordan river in exchange for peace, in order to prepare the ground for a self-governing government in these areas. in fact, cam david was a document to recognize israel so that it would not be isolated. egypt is the biggest threat since the beginning.
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the success of the israeli community was not what he saw it could have been the victories of the army, while in the heart of the society, strange events were happening that were in conflict with human concepts. after the war, thousands of people immigrate to the occupied territories, including yemenis . they are accommodated in temporary camps. different people, male and female, old and young , attend the camps. women have come with children and minors. medical examinations
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will begin immediately. doctors take some children with them under the pretext of more detailed examinations. they are said to return the next day. but the next day there is no news about the children. those children never they do not return. families follow the issue . but something strange happens. called. and the cause of death is never announced. yemeni children were in good health before the hospital. but on the way to the hospital , they say goodbye to the world of childhood forever. the number of missing persons peaks in 1953. it is said that
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it is almost certain that what happened to the children is revealed. children were subjected to unknown medical experiments. the place of experiments was haifa city hospital. doctors had tried different methods of treatment on children's bodies. including injections direct dry protein. they were used as laboratory mice. in one case, to four yemeni children. those suffering from malnutrition are injected with dry protein. this causes the death
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of children. dr. george mandel, president of the children's hospital, was aware of the events. in the case of yemeni children, there were the worst cases. anti- moral and anti-human things. organ theft. the body parts of yemeni children were stolen. and a bitter fate . they had set a figure for them. however , it is not known how many children were born in this way. the story of yemeni children it grieves many families. but the crime against children was not only for yemeni immigrants. immigrant families even from the balkan region were involved with this issue. the depth of the disaster was much greater than what was revealed in the media. in fact, in the israeli society, those who
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had a weaker position, more than others .
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harvard university where students with little means but a united front stand for the liberation of palestine . university professors are not afraid of anything. they are ready to be here and do everything for the freedom of palestine. endanger this resistance and standing it continues at the university of california. students stand to the end, even in the face of force and violence. similar to the youth of the resistance front. those who
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fight with the least facilities against the zionists equipped with the most advanced weapons. allahu akbar. for this reason, the leader of the revolution called these students part of the resistance. students who have decided to separate their way from the american authorities . i said make their work one. i always ask the american government to do the right thing and that is to stand by friends. the same country with mk bombs, the system patriot and advanced weapons help the zionist regime. by approving the 26 billion dollar budget of the us house of representatives, biden will increase arms aid to the zionists. the united states sends a new military package to israel. a team of american advisers lead the zionist war cabinet. at the beginning of this
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letter. but american students decide to define leadership. stand by the honorable fight. you have now formed part of the resistance front, and under the cruel pressure of your government, which openly defends the oppressive and ruthless zionist regime, an honorable struggle. have started in this front, despite all the ruins, they want to stay in their homes. that is, the direction of these people. more than 36 thousand innocent civilians have been killed so far. the side where most of the martyrs are women and children. the more they oppress us, the more we resist. for this reason, the leader of the revolution addressed them and said that
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you are standing on the right side of history. the quran's lesson about human relationships is this. do not oppress and do not. go under the burden of oppression. by learning and following these orders and hundreds of similar ones, the resistance front will advance and achieve victory. the side that in addition students of famous artistic figures in the world were also added to it. farzaneh azerfam of sed and cima news agency.
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during the constitutional period, those who wanted to prevent iran from reaching a state of peace created a dispute between the people of the parties, even those who were there at that time said that in the same house there was a dispute between brother and brother, father and son, a despotic group, a constitutional hand of this dispute. it caused that the constitution could not be realized as the islamic scholars wanted . later, these differences caused a group of those arabs to fall and take the authorities and tyranny constitutionally in the name of the constitution.
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impose this nation. we were sad that what is going to happen to our president.
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they are happy about the sadness of a nation and happy about someone's sadness. this is not surprising at all, and by the way, when they insult and insult , it shows us the right way much more easily, and in fact, right and wrong can be determined very easily. i myself had voted for mr. raisi, but after he became a martyr and now we regretted his services more openly, in fact, we regretted saying why we lost him. in the field of faith, people with faith grow very hard. be hard to grow and it is a pity for us that a person with this level of sincerity and piety and in fact the ethics that he observed in the world of politics, that
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we have this again, well , it makes us regret that we have lost that person now. i think that one of the first things that caught my attention was his presence in every region that he traveled to.
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he is supposed to remember the memories of a friend from the first time we met. it was in 1943 that they knew each other 60 years ago. this picture is the same friend who says his name is ali siad shir. aziz, a boy whose line of thought had become only one thing. my thoughts, my mind and my taste was only to become a soldier. agha ali graduated with the rank of second lieutenant, and later, to complete the specialized courses of gunnery, meteorology, and ballistics, he was tested in the united states and won the first rank. during our service, we sometimes contacted each other. let it come until the start of the imposed war. as soon as the war started in kurdistan , he cleared the sanandash cities of diwan dara and saqqez from the anti-revolutionary siege, and with the two degrees of promotion of colonel siad, he was in the true sense of the word aisargar, which means
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he did not know time at all. he did not consider anything for himself and his life. there are officers in this army like me i have prayed behind them with complete courage and boldness. these are the words of then defense minister chamran at a time when public opinion in the parliament was against the army. sayad shirazi, who is currently assigned to the western operations command. in 1960, by the order of imam khomeini, he was assigned to the command of the ground forces of the army. i said that everyone is congratulating us, i said no , god willing, tomorrow morning bokan will be able to say no , it is not a problem with boka. he announced over the radio that you are the commander , the war had not yet started in the kurdistan region. war was in the service of war, he is the same he was the commander who
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cut off the hypocrites from the country in the mersad operation. i explained to the air pilots of the day and said that the situation is very urgent and we have no choice, the cobras must be ready and in april 1978 he was assassinated and martyred by the hypocrites. sarakia of radio and television news agency. this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store, where you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety, then with an incredible price, long-term sales and free shipping. as
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simple as that, the sports equipment store in the big iranian store , the big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and tannah tehran branch in serah afsariyeh. everyone has a style. what is your style something that makes you feel better . something that is made for you, with comfort , in harmony with the energy of the environment, something that is your own style, at any moment, in any place, my name is men's clothing , wherever we are going to buy clothes, it is better to pay attention to these points. i tell you, let's assume that
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the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans . now let's calculate the remaining cash. if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price. let's say 20 minus 4. in this way, our debt will be 16 million tomans, so the installments and fees should be calculated based on this amount. also, keep in mind that the fees for installments should be from zero to 1%. home appliances city.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to half day news. today is the last day of eligibility review. the presidential election at the earliest opportunity of the guardian council, the conversation with the council's spokesperson about the possibility of extension to the next few minutes, in the same news section, the dispute in the zionist war cabinet with the announcement of the resignation of benny ganz, the minister of war , the former minister of war of the zionist regime


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