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tv   [untitled]    June 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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da released but why does imam khomeini consider great works such as khorramshahr's liberation operation to be due to god's grace? we asked this from those who saw and understood imam khomeini. among those who did not see the imam. but
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they tell us that they heard about imam khomeini's spirit from the elders and this is how they understand imam khomeini. what characteristics did the imam have that you understood? how do we know imam? unity, courage, being revolutionary. the name of ruhollah farazande is his. his greatest characteristic was unity among iranian muslims. the umbrella of unity that imam khomeini cast over the iranian nation and the shadow of unity he created a face on the iranian nation. the secret of the victory of the revolution that imam khomeini established was that the imam was a man of god, that is, what we heard from him since childhood and what remained in our minds is what we later read and saw his pictures. the imam thought for god, spoke for god. god was acting in god's sincere service , sincerity, honesty with people
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, he brought it from the cells of the schools of education, he connected it to the stage of the islamic revolution society with the dimension of the human government, it was formed with the dimension of their epistemology, which was the knowledge of god and these things , what characteristics were they voted for? well-known
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to free muslims from the absolute evil of the world and the cancerous tumor that was imam khomeini's interpretation of the zionist regime. it is not a shame for islamic countries, for the governments of islamic countries, that israel comes and treats the palestinians like that. in lebanon, commit those crimes and let one billion muslim population sit and watch . we are for god and we return to him. the high spirit of the leader of muslims and the leader of the world's free people, imam khomeini.
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despite the death of imam khomeini , this strategy for the islamic world is led by ayatollah khamenei since 1368 when he became the leader of the revolution. we have a day in front of our eyes, this is part of ayatollah khamenei's first speech as the leader of the islamic revolution of iran on the anniversary of the death of imam khomeini, may god's mercy
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be upon him, against the evil of cancerous growth of israel from the islamic body and the islamic homeland. islamic take the flag of islam. the same strategy of the imam, the same words , today, after 35 years , is still evident in the statements of hazrat agha. what the honorable imam said about the future of palestine from 50 years ago or more. they had predicted that today it is gradually being realized. the zionist regime is in front of the eyes of the people of the world it gradually melts. it's running out. the people
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of the world are seeing this. al-aqsa storm operation was a decisive blow to the zionist regime. it was an irreparable blow. the zionist regime has placed it on a path, the end of which is mahalal. and destruction is nothing else. i didn't see the imam either, but from the wise words of his forbidding behavior and the actions of ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the
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islamic revolution, imam khomeini was made. what characteristics of the imam did you see in agha? everything. it means to see your masculinity, bravery, wisdom, management, tact , and command this person has no equal in the world. this person is the best person i have seen in my life. how much do you love hazrat agha so much? why so much? because he is very kind. what characteristics of the imam today have you found in hazrat agha tolor? this is another khomeini . he is another khomeini. what we experienced in the 10 years of imam khomeini's leadership after the revolution , the details of it and its expansion, the way the leadership faced very complex crises after the death of the imam, we have in existence with the blessing of the holy prophet, we observe
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the wisdom and measures of the imam. in the face of the supreme leader, we see piety, wisdom, courage, honesty, trust khorramshahrs in the profession of khorramshahrs are ahead, which means that we can see future successes, god willing, and we can have a big fatwa. this is the promise of the koran, the promise of the imam, the promise of the leader, god willing, what will happen in khorramshahr, god willing, it is clear that the
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eternal disappearance of the big and small devil, god willing, maybe in a few years. write in history what you are going to travel, you must know the time, the destination, the goal, and most importantly, the road map and guide. we are here until we reward god's grace , appreciate it, and make it alive. this is the land of revelation, and everywhere is the footsteps of the prophets. here, everyone
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gathers around one house, the same house that abraham and ishmael, peace be upon him, revived it, two commissioned prophets. they are going to rebuild this house , and in all these moments when we do our deeds, we should remember these two imams and make them our role models. when you walk around this house, you should know that you are walking in abraham's footsteps. we circumambulate the kaaba. we know that imam (peace
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and blessings be upon him) was born inside this kaaba, that is, in truth, we know that he was born god's house is surrounded by people, but god is also around , or at least it is a reminder of this. after circumambulation , you should pray behind the position of ibrahim to practice the responsibility of the governorship . he was introduced as imam. for this reason, one of the philosophies of offering prayers on the place of abraham, peace be upon him, is to imitate abraham, that is, to follow imamate, which is to follow abraham, peace be upon him. imamate is one of the pillars of islam without which all actions are incomplete. bani al-islamat, fasting, hajj, and walayah. the hadith was asked which one is more important than hazrat saying wilayat
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everything is more important because the governorship is the key to these and the governor, imam, leader, guide and guide of others compared to the rest of the duties, now is the time to pray, pray that the truth will be accepted. put it in the path of the province, in the path of the ahl al-bayt, and in the path of the faqih. you know that like abraham , you have to fight with the inner idol and the outer idols and do nothing but obey god. god bless the people of gaza and palestine and destroy israel. god willing, the appearance of hazrat. that haji must understand them in order to know
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where did he come, why did he come, where is he going and who is he going with? just as humans are identified through fingerprints, the molecules of materials and elements are also identified. laser light leaves a unique fingerprint that is used to identify the structure, determine the authenticity and purity of these materials. this method is performed with a device called optical raman spectrometer microscope, the new generation of this device was produced by the researchers of a knowledge-based company in the country. it is a raman microscope device that performs spectrometry . this device. it is used in such a way that the light is irradiated to the sample and finally what happens inside the sample is that
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its electronic and vibrational levels are shifted and it causes changes to be made in that reflected light and from that we can determine the changes. to identify the created and find out the elements in that molecule, the device that is used in various industries and sciences such as chemistry, geology, mining, disease diagnosis, biology, archeology and especially pharmaceuticals and gemology has many applications in various industries, including industry. oh you like medicine, gemology industry. now, for example, i would like to tell you that we are doing quantitative and qualitative analyzes on the medicine so that we can know about the health and safety of the medicines and that they are not fake. a device that was previously supplied from abroad with many problems has been produced in the country at less than half the price of similar foreign models. this product is already from countries like america, japan. it is imported from england and france, and today, due to the embargo and increased restrictions, with more than 3
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years of research and development, we were able to produce this product at less than half the price of foreign samples. let's build and enter the market. this knowledge spectrometer of the foundation has other features besides the lower price. this machine with the precision we need in different industries, for example, for medicine, our error should be at least 5%. he is calculating these errors for us with the same precision but better. our sample is not destroyed, which means, for example , it is important for gemology that the original sample is not destroyed , this happens and besides, the time is very fast. you can get the full spectrum within a minute, and maybe. identify if your product is fake or not and how healthy it is foreigners don't have after-sales service, but since this device is domestically produced, we also have after-sales service. according to the officials of this company, this iranian knowledge-based product has recently entered the international markets.
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it has exported to neighboring countries like iraq and east asian countries like south korea. mohammad hossein haji, radio and television news agency. greetings, dear viewer, today in this training program we are going to teach you very important and practical training tips, one of the tricks of cybercriminals in order to hack your mobile phone and access your bank accounts. dear friends, in order to make unauthorized withdrawals from your bank accounts, we send infected links with various titles , such as judicial subpoenas, appropriation of goods, registration of mobile phones, and many other topics . these fake messages contain infected links through text messages on the telephone network. it can be sent to you with or through native and non-native messengers, and the characteristic of all of them is that they are sent to you through personal phone numbers, so we need
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to give you some tips to increase your cyber knowledge and awareness, dear compatriots. first, all government organizations and institutions and others in order to communicate with their contacts, the government generally uses the numbers of covered telephone numbers, as you can see , and they never use the numbers of private telephone numbers. secondly, you, dear user , should always have the two-step verification of your messengers active as you can see in the picture to avoid the possibility of hacking or misuse of your account by cybercriminals. it should not be provided, because if your user account is inactive in native and non-native messengers due to non-activation of two-step verification, in addition to providing theft of personal information and it is possible for you to misuse your name and reputation and send fake text messages to your other friends and acquaintances, so it is necessary
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to be aware of any text messages containing fake links while taking care and increasing cyber knowledge. what i have explained to you, do not pay any attention and if you need any help and cyber services or receive guidance and advice, you can contact our colleagues in fata police through the number 0960 in all parts of the country. we hope for your safety in cyberspace. siraj yasin is a 10-year-old boy who sits on a wheelchair the hospital in gaza is very crowded, the leukemia has put a lot of pressure on him. i used to go to school but everything changed when the war started. i have leukemia. i can't walk anymore. every day my condition is getting worse and
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i am losing something. i was really emotionally drained. my bones hurt. i would like to be able to from... and a bone marrow transplant can help him heal, but siraj in gaza cannot receive these treatments and cannot leave the besieged gaza for treatment. the only way out of gaza for israeli forces is through crossing they are closed from rifa crossing and going to egypt. says maryam, mother of siraj.
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but here he is only given accommodation. al-akhsar martyrs hospital is in deir al-bala. this is the last city that israeli forces have not invaded yet. this is one of the few hospitals still operating in gaza. but israel's attacks in the last eight months have destroyed most of the treatment network in this region. according to medical officials in gaza, israel's attack on gaza has killed more than 36 thousand people. these attacks caused open the fix pass. to facilitate the movement of people like siraj. file siraj is one of hundreds of cases. these
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are suffering from cancer or meningitis and other chronic and acute diseases. there are many children here who need treatment abroad. hello , welcome to the environment magazine. first of all , i congratulate you on the environment week. in this week's magazine , we will examine the environmental approach and actions taken by the 13th government headed by shahid raisi. in recent years, the follow-up for allocating the full title of lake europe and many of the country's lakes has resulted, and a part of the water supply project to lake rumieh has been put into operation. oh god, ali muhammad. republic islamic iran has a general interest in preserving the lake.
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the complete drainage of the satellite dams of lake urmia and the increase of 80 cm in the water level of this lake show that the efforts of the 13th government to revive lake urmia have been successful. president. from the very beginning to the last days of his work in the 13th government , he mentioned the popularization of the environment as one of the most important ways to achieve a sustainable environment. you should ask many of these producers, industrialists, and miners to cooperate, to the point where they are in front of you and are beside you to show the importance of the environment to people. explain, be sure, people are very good partners for the environment. in this regard, with the aim of attracting people's participation in the course.
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if this wealth is used, it will be billions for the people. if not, it will turn into polluters that will actually harm the people. the damage caused to the people is the president. in addition to people's use of available resources, shahid emphasized on protecting their lives against pollution and environmental threats. the issue of people's breathing is air. do not delay this at all. during the presidency of shahid raisi, with the aim of optimal use of resources and comfort the breath of the people, the collection of burner gas from the refineries was put on the agenda of the 13th government, both its collection, which stops the consumers, and the injection of this amount of gas, which will become 500 million cubic feet of gas within the next few months, into the national network
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for public use. and this is a very good and valuable move. strengthening environmental diplomacy and efforts to deal with dust storms are among the other actions of the 13th government headed by martyr ayatollah. in recent years, with the aim of curbing foreign dust centers, environmental diplomacy has been prioritized by the environmental protection organization. in this regard, the international meeting on dealing with sand storms was held in tehran. there should be a guarantee of implementation for un resolutions and for environmental resolutions. in addition to signing cooperation agreements with dust source countries. it was decided to establish a regional environmental organization in iran. in order to achieve a sustainable environment, president shahid
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banned pickpocketing and the opening of projects without environmental permits. the miankale petrochemical case was closed in the 13th government. in addition to banning construction projects without environmental permits, ahadas house leveling for industries and mines before the installation of the system. online monitoring for air polluting industries was prioritized by the 13th government. the gorgan bay revitalization plan was put into operation last year with the efforts of the martyred president. martyr raisi in march 1400, during his provincial trip to golestan , issued an order to restore gorgan bay and solve the problems of the nature tourism project of ashura dro island. inshallah, the case of lai robi should be taken seriously. this meeting should be held and the discussions should be raised. the necessity of this work should be stopped here. there is a reason for the planning and transfer of caspian sea water in december of last year.
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gorgan bay benefited. it arrived and after many years gorgan bay was filled with water. also, the nature tourism plan of ashura ten island in the same area was unraveled after two decades. stopping syed tral, freeing the coasts , adding 750 hectares to the size of the protected areas was another part of shahid raisi's environmental measures in the 13th government. saeed hajizadeh sed and simat news agency. kerman province is a four-season province where there is a cool and pleasant area near every hot area. you only need to travel about 50 km from kerman to reach the pristine and pleasant area.
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this is fusk. a green gem on the outskirts of kerman and its desert. it is a very pristine and good tourist area , it is 13 kilometers away from the base. it really has a beautiful and attractive nature and the only place in kerman city that is thought to have a pristine and untouched village is fos village. this year's good rains have brought plenty of water to this region. stay here for hours and enjoy the atmosphere of this village. apart from the fact that this village has waterfalls, if your friends are mountaineers and see this waterfall up close , you can be sure that they will come again and bring other people with them to visit. the people of this village are engaged in producing agricultural products.
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mehdi dehghan of sada news agency. sima rosette, fosk tourism , here is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store. where you can very easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety , then take it to your home at an unbelievable price with long-term installments and free shipping. it's as simple as that. , isfahan
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and the only tehran branch. it means that the price of none of the carpets has gone up in sarah afsarieh. no, the price has not increased yet in mr. farsh, sorry. the price of the installments has not increased. there has been no change for cash and installment purchases , sorry, mr. farsh, the carpet has been extended to the previous price. the carpet has been renewed at the previous price .
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benefit from all the products and in addition, just by being in the city of home appliances , participate in the daily lottery of 100 million tomans. buy, buy, win, city of home appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, hello dear viewers , we are at your service with the news section at 17:00. the american magazine newsweek quoted zionist experts as saying that israel, if it enters into a large-scale war against hezbollah in lebanon , will probably be 24 hours a day.


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